// combine public Parents Combine(Parents parents) { // Crossover Random random = new Random(); /* if(random.NextDouble() < .5 ) // 50% chance { int crossoverlocation = random.Next(0, 3); // Exclusive upper bound double temp = 0; switch(crossoverlocation) { case 2: // Switch at 3rd val temp = parents.father.c; parents.father.c = parents.mother.c; parents.mother.c = temp; break; case 1: // Switch at 2nd val temp = parents.father.b; parents.father.b = parents.mother.b; parents.mother.b = temp; temp = parents.father.c; parents.father.c = parents.mother.c; parents.mother.c = temp; break; case 0: // Switch at 1st val temp = parents.father.a; parents.father.a = parents.mother.a; parents.mother.a = temp; temp = parents.father.b; parents.father.b = parents.mother.b; parents.mother.b = temp; temp = parents.father.c; parents.father.c = parents.mother.c; parents.mother.c = temp; break; default: throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("The number provided must correlate with one of three fields of the line"); } } */ // For the first switch... double temp = 0; if (randGen.NextDouble() > 0.5) { temp = parents.father.a; parents.father.a = parents.mother.a; parents.mother.a = temp; } if (randGen.NextDouble() > 0.5) { temp = parents.father.b; parents.father.b = parents.mother.b; parents.mother.b = temp; } if (randGen.NextDouble() > 0.5) { temp = parents.father.c; parents.father.c = parents.mother.c; parents.mother.c = temp; } Mutate(ref parents.father.a); Mutate(ref parents.father.b); Mutate(ref parents.father.c); Mutate(ref parents.mother.a); Mutate(ref parents.mother.b); Mutate(ref parents.mother.c); return parents; }
public Line Run(Point[] _points, string id = "") { const int maxiterations = 1001; Point[] points = _points; Utilities utilities = new Utilities(points); Line[] newpopulation = new Line[utilities.lines.Length]; Directory.CreateDirectory("Output/" + name + " Verbose Output/"); using (TextWriter output = File.AppendText("Output/" + name + " Verbose Output/" + name + "-Verbose" + id + ".csv")) using (TextWriter meta = File.AppendText("Output/" + name + " Verbose Output/" + name + "-Meta" + id + ".csv")) // after every run, find the metadata file and add to it. { output.WriteLine("Seeds:"); foreach (Line line in utilities.lines) { Console.WriteLine("Seed: {0}x + {1}y = {2}", line.a, line.b, line.c); output.WriteLine("{0}x + {1}y = {2}", line.a, line.b, line.c); } output.WriteLine(""); //newline Line bestLine = new Line(0, 0, 0); meta.WriteLine("Set,Best Average Distance,Average Average Distance"); for (int enforcingmax = 0; enforcingmax < maxiterations; enforcingmax++) { Console.WriteLine("Population {0} - Members:", enforcingmax); output.WriteLine(); output.WriteLine("Population {0} - Members:", enforcingmax); output.WriteLine("Line,Average Variance,Fitness"); if (utilities.lines.Length % 2 == 0) // An array with elements n has the length n-1 starting from 0 { for (int i = 0; i < utilities.lines.Length; i += 2) { Line first = utilities.FairRandom(); Parents nextTwo = new Parents(first, utilities.FairRandom(utilities.lines.Where(x => x != first).ToArray())); // no need to worry about identification issues because this is reference object, and only bounced around in Select method - not copied // combine and rise again? Something like that. Parents pheonix = utilities.Combine(nextTwo); newpopulation[i] = pheonix.father; newpopulation[i + 1] = pheonix.mother; } utilities.lines = newpopulation.Clone() as Line[]; Array.Clear(newpopulation, 0, newpopulation.Length); // Reset for next gen utilities.GiveChances(); foreach (Line line in utilities.lines) { // spit out put Console.WriteLine("{0}x + {1}y = {2}", line.a, line.b, line.c); output.WriteLine("{0}x + {1}y = {2},{3},{4}", line.a, line.b, line.c, line.averageDistance, line.selectionChance); } meta.WriteLine("Generation {0},{1},{2}", enforcingmax, utilities.lines.OrderBy(x => x.averageDistance).First().averageDistance, (utilities.lines.Sum(x => x.averageDistance) / utilities.lines.Length)); } else if (utilities.lines.Length % 2 == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < utilities.lines.Length - 1; i += 2) { Line first = utilities.FairRandom(); Parents nextTwo = new Parents(first, utilities.FairRandom(utilities.lines.Where(x => x != first).ToArray())); Parents pheonix = utilities.Combine(nextTwo); newpopulation[i] = pheonix.father; newpopulation[i + 1] = pheonix.mother; } Line second = utilities.FairRandom(); // There is room only for one Parents nextOne = new Parents(second, utilities.FairRandom(utilities.lines.Where(x => x.selectionChance != second.selectionChance).ToArray())); Line mysognist = utilities.Combine(nextOne).father; newpopulation[newpopulation.Length - 1] = mysognist; utilities.lines = newpopulation.Clone() as Line[]; Array.Clear(newpopulation, 0, newpopulation.Length); utilities.GiveChances(); foreach(Line line in utilities.lines) { // spit out more put Console.WriteLine("{0}x + {1}y = {2}", line.a, line.b, line.c); output.WriteLine("{0}x + {1}y = {2},{3},{4}", line.a, line.b, line.c, line.averageDistance, line.selectionChance); } meta.WriteLine("Trial {1},{2},{3}", enforcingmax, utilities.lines.OrderBy(x => x.averageDistance).First().averageDistance, (utilities.lines.Sum(x => x.averageDistance) / utilities.lines.Length)); } } output.WriteLine(); meta.WriteLine(); bestLine = utilities.lines.OrderBy(x => x.averageDistance).First(); Console.WriteLine("Final Best Line: {0}x + {1}y = {2}", bestLine.a, bestLine.b, bestLine.c); return bestLine; } }