public void TestEqualsWithEqualNumbersDifferentNames() { Student studentFirst = new Student("Elena Hristova", 123); Student studentSecond = new Student("Jeni Dacheva", 123); Assert.IsTrue(studentFirst.Equals(studentSecond)); }
public void TestEqualsWithDifferentNumbers() { Student studentFirst = new Student("Elena Hristova", 123); Student studentSecond = new Student("Iva Ivanova", 1233); Assert.IsFalse(studentFirst.Equals(studentSecond)); }
public void TestConstructorNameNormalValue() { Student student = new Student("Elena Hristova", 123); Assert.AreEqual("Elena Hristova", student.Name); Assert.AreEqual(123, (int)student.Number); }
public void Equals_CompareNotEqualStudents() { Student student = new Student(1000, "Pesho"); Student otherStudent = new Student(1020, "Mike"); Assert.IsFalse(student.Equals(otherStudent)); }
public void StudentToStringTest() { Student student = new Student("Pesho Peshov", 11011); string expected = "11011: Pesho Peshov"; string resilt = student.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, resilt, "Student.ToString() works incorrectly."); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { //Student pesho = new Student("Pesho"); //Console.WriteLine(pesho.Number); //Student gosho = new Student("Gosho"); //Console.WriteLine(gosho.Number); //Student vlado = new Student("Vlado"); //Console.WriteLine(vlado.Number); //Student kiro = new Student("Kiro"); //Console.WriteLine(kiro.Number); //Student simo = new Student("Simo"); //Console.WriteLine(simo.Number); //List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); //students.Add(pesho); //students.Add(gosho); //students.Add(vlado); List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); var student = new Student("Pesho"); students.Add(student); Course course = new Course(students); course.Leave(student); Console.WriteLine(); }
public void StudentConstructorNumberTest() { string name = "Kalin Iliev"; int uniqueNumber = 11223; Student student = new Student(name, uniqueNumber); Assert.AreEqual(uniqueNumber, student.UniqueNumber); }
public void StudentToStringTest() { string name = "Kalin Iliev"; int uniqueNumber = 12456; Student student = new Student(name, uniqueNumber); Assert.AreEqual("Student Kalin Iliev - Unique Number: 12456", student.ToString()); }
public void CrateStudent_CrateStudentAndGetItsId() { uint id = 1000; Student student = new Student(1000, "Pesho"); Assert.AreEqual(id, student.Id); }
public void StudentName_GetterAndSetter() { string name = "Antoan2"; Student testStudent = new Student(name); Assert.AreEqual(name, testStudent.Name); }
public void AddStudent_ExpectToBeAdded() { Student student = new Student("Mitko"); this.course.AddStudent(student); Assert.AreEqual(1, this.course.Students.Count, "The course should have one student added"); Assert.AreSame(student, this.course.Students[0], "The student must be added"); }
public void CourseAddStudentExistingStudentTest() { Course course = new Course("HQPC"); Student student = new Student("Pesho Peshov", 11011); course.AddStudent(student); course.AddStudent(student); }
public void CourseTestAdd() { var student = new Student("Gosho Goshov", 12300); var course = new Course("Csharp"); course.AddStudent(student); course.AddStudent(student); }
public void Course_Minus5IsOutOfRangeIndex() { Course<Student> mathCourse = new Course<Student>(); Student student = new Student("Anonymous", 10009); mathCourse[-5] = student; }
public void CrateStudent_CrateStudentAndGetItsName() { string name = "Pesho"; Student student = new Student(1000, "Pesho"); Assert.AreEqual(name, student.Name); }
public void Course_30IsOutOfRangeIndex() { Course<Student> mathCourse = new Course<Student>(); Student student = new Student("Anonymous", 10008); mathCourse[30] = student; }
public void Course_StudentIsExcluded() { Course<Student> mathCourse = new Course<Student>(); Student bratPit = new Student("Brat Pit", 10002); Student fracescoTotti = new Student("Francesco Totti", 10003); Student jessicaAlba = new Student("Jessica Alba", 10004); mathCourse[0] = bratPit; mathCourse[1] = fracescoTotti; mathCourse[2] = jessicaAlba; mathCourse.ExcludeParticipant(fracescoTotti); bool actual = true; for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++) { if (mathCourse[index] == fracescoTotti) { actual = false; break; } } Assert.IsTrue(actual,"Student is not removed from the course."); }
public static void Main() { var stoyanov = new Student("Stoyanov", "54443AZ"); var petrov = new Student("Petrov", "54444AZ", "no like"); var mimi = new Student("Mimi", "55221RX", "very cute"); var students = new List<Student> { stoyanov, petrov, mimi }; var teachers = new List<Teacher> { new Teacher("Gadiov"), new Teacher("Ivanov"), new Teacher("Georgiev") }; teachers[1].Detail = "The best teacher ever"; foreach (var teacher in teachers) { Console.WriteLine("Teacher: " + teacher.Name); } foreach (var student in students) { Console.WriteLine("Student: " + student.Name + " - " + student.UniqueClassNum + " - " + student.Detail); } var history = new Discipline("History", new List<Student>() { stoyanov, petrov, mimi}, 25); var mechanics = new Discipline("Mechanics", new List<Student>() { mimi, petrov }, 53, "important discipline"); var class19A = new SchoolClass("19A", students, teachers); var mySchool = new School(new List<SchoolClass>() { class19A }); }
static void Main() { var someSchool = new School(); var eveningClass = new Class("Level#2"); var trainer = new Teacher("Mr. NakMan"); var disciplineClassA = new Discipline("OOP", 2, 2); var firstStudent = new Student("Anamalech", 1); var thirdStudent = new Student("Corson", 3); var secondStudent = new Student("Boruta", 2); var forthStudent = new Student("Lucifer", 4); //Okay. Let's summon the demons... pardon, Demos! someSchool.AddClass(eveningClass); eveningClass.AddTeacher(trainer); trainer.AddDiscipline(disciplineClassA); eveningClass.AddStudent(firstStudent); eveningClass.AddStudent(secondStudent); eveningClass.AddStudent(thirdStudent); eveningClass.AddStudent(forthStudent); Console.WriteLine(eveningClass.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); }
public void CreateStudent_StudentNumberIsInRange10000To99999() { Student student = new Student("Student"); int studentNumber = student.Number; var isNumberValid = 10000 <= studentNumber && studentNumber <= 99999; Assert.IsTrue(isNumberValid); }
public void CourseTestRemove() { var student = new Student("Ivan Ivanov", 12300); var student1 = new Student("Petkan Ivanov", 12100); var course = new Course("Csharp"); course.AddStudent(student); course.RemoveStudent(student1); }
public void Student_StudentIsCreated() { Student student = new Student("Anonymous", 10013); Assert.IsNotNull(student, "Studnet not created properly."); Assert.AreEqual(student.Name, "Anonymous", "Student name is not what is expected. Expected 'Anonymous.'"); Assert.AreEqual(student.UniqeNumber, 10013, "Student school number is not wat expected. Expected 10013."); }
public void CourseTestRemoveExistentStudent() { var student = new Student("Ivan Ivanov", 12300); var course = new Course("CMS"); course.AddStudent(student); course.RemoveStudent(student); }
public void ExcludeStudent_ExpectToBeRemoved() { Student someStudent = new Student("Student"); this.course.AddStudent(someStudent); Assert.IsTrue(this.course.Students.IndexOf(someStudent) >= 0, "The test student should be added to the course"); this.course.ExcludeStudent(someStudent); Assert.IsTrue(this.course.Students.IndexOf(someStudent) < 0, "The test student must be removed from the course"); }
public void AddNewStudent_AddTooMuchStudents() { Course course = new Course("OS", 123); Student student = new Student(10000, "Pesho"); Student studentWithSameID = new Student(10000, "Gosho"); course.AddNewStudent(student); course.AddNewStudent(studentWithSameID); }
public void LongStudentName() { Student student = new Student("Thisstudenthaveuberduberlongname", 12000); string result = student.Name; Assert.AreEqual("Thisstudenthaveuberduberlongname", result); }
public void StudentIdJustInLowerRange() { Student student = new Student("Marko", 10000); int result = student.IdNum; Assert.AreEqual(10000, result); }
public void OneLetterStudentName() { Student student = new Student("U", 12000); string result = student.Name; Assert.AreEqual("U", result); }
public void Join(Student student) { this.students.Add(student); if (this.students.Count > MAX_STUDENTS) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Course is already full."); } }
public void Course_StudentIsAdded() { Course<Student> mathCourse = new Course<Student>(); Student student = new Student("Anonymous", 10001); mathCourse[0] = student; bool actual = (mathCourse[0] == (student)); Assert.AreEqual(true, actual,"student is not added to the course."); }