コード例 #1
ファイル: Estimated.cs プロジェクト: kbochenina/Kraken
 public ActiveEstimatedTask(ActiveEstimatedTask task)
     : base(task)
     var t = task.Clone() as ActiveEstimatedTask;
     State = t.State;
     IsUrgent = t.IsUrgent;
     MonopolizeResource = t.MonopolizeResource;
     Estimation = t.Estimation;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Estimated.cs プロジェクト: kbochenina/Kraken
 public object Clone()
     var result = new ActiveEstimatedTask(this as TaskScheduler.BaseTask);
     result.State = State;
     result.IsUrgent = IsUrgent;
     result.MonopolizeResource = MonopolizeResource;
     result.Estimation = Estimation == null ? null : Estimation.Clone() as ActiveEstimation;
     return result;
コード例 #3
        private static double GetTime(EstimatedWorkflow workflow, ActiveEstimatedTask t)
            var parent           = workflow.Tasks.Single(wt => wt.Id == t.Id);
            var depsWaitingTime  = parent.RequiresDependencies.Count == 0 ? 0 : parent.RequiresDependencies.Max(d => d.ScheduledInstance.Estimation.LaunchTime + d.ScheduledInstance.Estimation.Result.Time);
            var nodesWaitingTime = t.Estimation.NodesTimings.Max(n => n.GetAvailabilityTime());
            var waitingTime      = Math.Max(depsWaitingTime, nodesWaitingTime);

            return(waitingTime + t.Estimation.Result.Time);
コード例 #4
        public object Clone()
            var result = new ActiveEstimatedTask(this as TaskScheduler.BaseTask);

            result.State              = State;
            result.IsUrgent           = IsUrgent;
            result.MonopolizeResource = MonopolizeResource;
            result.Estimation         = Estimation == null ? null : Estimation.Clone() as ActiveEstimation;
コード例 #5
        public ActiveEstimatedTask(ActiveEstimatedTask task)
            : base(task)
            var t = task.Clone() as ActiveEstimatedTask;

            State              = t.State;
            IsUrgent           = t.IsUrgent;
            MonopolizeResource = t.MonopolizeResource;
            Estimation         = t.Estimation;
コード例 #6
        protected double FullTaskTime(ActiveEstimatedTask task, EstimatedUrgentWorkflow workflow)
            var parent          = workflow.Tasks.Single(wt => wt.Id == task.Id);
            var depsWaitingTime = parent.RequiresDependencies.Count == 0
                                      ? 0
                                      : parent.RequiresDependencies.Max(
                d =>
                d.ScheduledInstance.Estimation.LaunchTime +
            var nodesWaitingTime = GetNodesAvailabilityTimeForUrgentTask(task, workflow); //t.First().Estimation.NodesTimings.Max(n => n.AvailabilityTime);
            var waitingTime      = Math.Max(depsWaitingTime, nodesWaitingTime);

            return(waitingTime + task.Estimation.Result.Time);
コード例 #7
 protected virtual double GetNodesAvailabilityTimeForUrgentTask(ActiveEstimatedTask task, EstimatedUrgentWorkflow workflow)
     return(task.Estimation.NodesTimings.Max(n =>
         var lTask = n.LaunchedTask;
         var result = lTask != null && (lTask.IsUrgent || !task.IgnoreNonUrgent) ? lTask.Estimation.Result.Time : 0;
         var td = new LaunchDestination()
             ResourceName = n.ResourceName,
             NodeNames = new[] { n.NodeName }
         result += workflow.ActiveTasks.Where(t => t.IsUrgent && t.State == TaskScheduler.TaskState.SCHEDULED && t.IsOlderThan(task) && t.Estimation.Destination.IsLike(td)).Sum(t => t.Estimation.Result.Time);
         return result;
コード例 #8
        internal virtual ActiveEstimatedTask ChooseTask(EstimatedUrgentWorkflow workflow, UrgentPlan plan)
            var seq             = ChooseSequence(workflow, plan);
            var prevInstance    = ExtractTask(seq, plan);
            var parent          = workflow.Tasks.Single(t => t.Id == prevInstance.Id);
            var depsWaitingTime = parent.RequiresDependencies.Count == 0 ? 0 : parent.RequiresDependencies.Max(d => d.ScheduledInstance.Estimation.LaunchTime + d.ScheduledInstance.Estimation.Result.Time);

            prevInstance.Estimation.LaunchTime = Math.Max(depsWaitingTime, GetNodesAvailabilityTimeForUrgentTask(prevInstance, workflow));
            prevInstance.State = prevInstance.Estimation.LaunchTime > TaskScheduler.E || prevInstance.Estimation.NodesTimings.Any(w => w.GetAvailabilityTime(plan.IgnoreNonUrgentTasks) > TaskScheduler.E) ? TaskScheduler.TaskState.SCHEDULED : TaskScheduler.TaskState.LAUNCHED;
            var clonedInstance = new ActiveEstimatedTask(prevInstance)
                IsUrgent = true

            foreach (var node in prevInstance.Estimation.NodesTimings)

            parent.ScheduledInstance = clonedInstance;
コード例 #9
        private List<ActiveEstimatedTask> processUnscheduledWfsSeq(Tuple<string, IEnumerable<ActiveEstimatedTask>, IEnumerable<EstimatedTask>, IEnumerable<TasksDepenendency>> wf, ResourceEstimation[] est)
            var result = new List<ActiveEstimatedTask>();

               // foreach (var wf in wfs)
                // Should be empty, i.e. we mustn't get here if we have a wf with active tasks
                var runningOrScheduledTasks = wf.Item2;
                var notScheduledTasks = wf.Item3;
                var dependencies = wf.Item4;

                List<ActiveEstimatedTask> schedTasks = null;
                schedTasks = new List<ActiveEstimatedTask>();

                int localTaskID = 0;


                    foreach (var task in notScheduledTasks)
                        localTaskID = Convert.ToInt32(task.Parameters["id"]) - 1;
                        //logger.Info("Local task id: " + localTaskID);
                        //logger.Info(" NodeName: " + est[localTaskID].Resource.Nodes[0].DNSName);
                        ActiveEstimatedTask taskToAdd = new ActiveEstimatedTask();
                        taskToAdd.ApplicationName = task.ApplicationName;
                        taskToAdd.WFid = task.WFid;
                        taskToAdd.Id = task.Id;
                        taskToAdd.IsUrgent = false;
                        taskToAdd.Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(task.Parameters);
                        //This state must be the same for all tasks. Correct conversion will be done in ExecutionBroker
                        //taskToAdd.State = TaskScheduler.TaskState.LAUNCHED;
                        taskToAdd.State = TaskScheduler.TaskState.SCHEDULED;
                        taskToAdd.Estimation = new ActiveEstimation()
                            Destination = new LaunchDestination()
                                ResourceName = est[localTaskID].Resource.Name,
                                NodeNames = new string[] { est[localTaskID].Resource.Nodes[0].DNSName }
                            Resource = new Resource()
                                Name = est[localTaskID].Resource.Name,

                                Nodes = new Node[] { est[localTaskID].Resource.Nodes[0] },

                                Parameters = task.Parameters,

                            LaunchTime = est[localTaskID].Result.CalculationTime,

                            Result = est[localTaskID].Result
                    //logger.Info("Scheduled tasks count: " + schedTasks.Count);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.ErrorException("Exception in processUnscheduledWfsSeq", ex);
                return result;
                //var schedTasks = notScheduledTasks.Select(task => new ActiveEstimatedTask()

                //    ApplicationName = task.ApplicationName,

                //    WFid = task.WFid,

                //    Id = task.Id,
                //    IsUrgent = false,
                //    Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(task.Parameters),
                //    //This state must be the same for all tasks. Correct conversion will be done in ExecutionBroker
                //    State = TaskScheduler.TaskState.LAUNCHED,

                //    Estimation = new ActiveEstimation()
                //    {

                //        Destination = new LaunchDestination()
                //        {
                //            ResourceName = est[localTaskID].Resource.Name,
                //            NodeNames = new string[] { est[localTaskID].Resource.Nodes[0].DNSName },
                //        },

                //        Resource = new Resource()
                //        {
                //            Name = est[localTaskID].Resource.Name,

                //            Nodes = new Node[] { est[localTaskID].Resource.Nodes[0] },

                //            Parameters = task.Parameters,
                //        },

                //        LaunchTime = est[localTaskID].Result.CalculationTime,

                //        Result = est[localTaskID].Result,
                //    },
コード例 #10
ファイル: Estimated.cs プロジェクト: kbochenina/Kraken
 public bool IsOlderThan(ActiveEstimatedTask other)
     return other == null || Id < other.Id;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Estimated.cs プロジェクト: kbochenina/Kraken
 protected virtual double GetNodesAvailabilityTimeForUrgentTask(ActiveEstimatedTask task, EstimatedUrgentWorkflow workflow)
     return task.Estimation.NodesTimings.Max(n =>
             var lTask = n.LaunchedTask;
             var result = lTask != null && (lTask.IsUrgent || !task.IgnoreNonUrgent) ? lTask.Estimation.Result.Time : 0;
             var td = new LaunchDestination()
                 ResourceName = n.ResourceName,
                 NodeNames = new[] { n.NodeName }
             result += workflow.ActiveTasks.Where(t => t.IsUrgent && t.State == TaskScheduler.TaskState.SCHEDULED && t.IsOlderThan(task) && t.Estimation.Destination.IsLike(td)).Sum(t => t.Estimation.Result.Time);
             return result;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Estimated.cs プロジェクト: kbochenina/Kraken
 protected double FullTaskTime(ActiveEstimatedTask task, EstimatedUrgentWorkflow workflow)
     var parent = workflow.Tasks.Single(wt => wt.Id == task.Id);
     var depsWaitingTime = parent.RequiresDependencies.Count == 0
                               ? 0
                               : parent.RequiresDependencies.Max(
                                   d =>
                                   d.ScheduledInstance.Estimation.LaunchTime +
     var nodesWaitingTime = GetNodesAvailabilityTimeForUrgentTask(task, workflow); //t.First().Estimation.NodesTimings.Max(n => n.AvailabilityTime);
     var waitingTime = Math.Max(depsWaitingTime, nodesWaitingTime);
     return waitingTime + task.Estimation.Result.Time;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Estimated.cs プロジェクト: kbochenina/Kraken
        internal virtual ActiveEstimatedTask ChooseTask(EstimatedUrgentWorkflow workflow, UrgentPlan plan)
            var seq = ChooseSequence(workflow, plan);
            var prevInstance = ExtractTask(seq, plan);
            var parent = workflow.Tasks.Single(t => t.Id == prevInstance.Id);
            var depsWaitingTime = parent.RequiresDependencies.Count == 0 ? 0 : parent.RequiresDependencies.Max(d => d.ScheduledInstance.Estimation.LaunchTime + d.ScheduledInstance.Estimation.Result.Time);
            prevInstance.Estimation.LaunchTime = Math.Max(depsWaitingTime, GetNodesAvailabilityTimeForUrgentTask(prevInstance, workflow));
            prevInstance.State = prevInstance.Estimation.LaunchTime > TaskScheduler.E || prevInstance.Estimation.NodesTimings.Any(w => w.GetAvailabilityTime(plan.IgnoreNonUrgentTasks) > TaskScheduler.E) ? TaskScheduler.TaskState.SCHEDULED : TaskScheduler.TaskState.LAUNCHED;
            var clonedInstance = new ActiveEstimatedTask(prevInstance) { IsUrgent = true };
            foreach (var node in prevInstance.Estimation.NodesTimings)

            parent.ScheduledInstance = clonedInstance;
            return clonedInstance;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Estimated.cs プロジェクト: kbochenina/Kraken
 private static double GetTime(EstimatedWorkflow workflow, ActiveEstimatedTask t)
     var parent = workflow.Tasks.Single(wt => wt.Id == t.Id);
     var depsWaitingTime = parent.RequiresDependencies.Count == 0 ? 0 : parent.RequiresDependencies.Max(d => d.ScheduledInstance.Estimation.LaunchTime + d.ScheduledInstance.Estimation.Result.Time);
     var nodesWaitingTime = t.Estimation.NodesTimings.Max(n => n.GetAvailabilityTime());
     var waitingTime = Math.Max(depsWaitingTime, nodesWaitingTime);
     return waitingTime + t.Estimation.Result.Time;
コード例 #15
 public bool IsOlderThan(ActiveEstimatedTask other)
     return(other == null || Id < other.Id);