コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// GetCourseSections - Gets the sections offered for a specific course from the search results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="courseId">A string representing a course ID such as "ENGL&101"</param>
        /// <param name="classes">The vw_CLASS_D list search results.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of SectionModel objects.</returns>
        public List<SectionModel> GetCourseSections(string courseId, List<vw_CLASS_D> classes)
            List<SectionModel> sections = new List<SectionModel>();

            string[] courseIds = new string[] { courseId.TrimEnd(), courseId.TrimEnd() + HP_JERRYRIGGED_CANCELLED_INDICATOR };

            double credits = 0;

            var courseSections = classes.Where(c => courseIds.Contains(c.COURSE_ID.TrimEnd())).ToList<vw_CLASS_D>();

            foreach (var item in courseSections)
                SectionModel sect = new SectionModel();

                //if the course if marked as cancelled...
                if (item.SECT_STAT.Contains(SCHEDULE_CHANGE_CANCELLED))
                    //we're not going to process anything...
                    sect.Section = item.SECT.TrimEnd();
                    sect.ContinuousSequence = false;
                    sect.CourseDates = "";
                    sect.CourseDatesDifferentThanQuarter = false;

                    sect.CulturalDiversity = false;
                    sect.Days = "";
                    sect.Early = false;
                    sect.FeeInformation = "";
                    sect.Footnote = "";
                    sect.Hybrid = false;
                    sect.Instructor = SCHEDULE_CHANGE_CANCELLED_TEXT;
                    sect.ItemNumber = sect.ItemNumber = item.CLASS_ID.Substring(0, 4);
                    sect.Late = false;
                    sect.Location = "";
                    sect.NoOnlineRegistration = false;
                    sect.Online = false;
                    sect.Times = "";

                    sect.VariableCredit = (item.VAR_CR.TrimEnd() == HP_YES_VALUE);
                    //if the credit field has a value...
                    if (item.CR.HasValue)
                        if (Int32.Parse(item.CR.Value.ToString()) > 0)
                            credits = (Int32.Parse(item.CR.Value.ToString()) * 0.1);

                            //if the course if a variable credit course...
                            if (sect.VariableCredit)
                                //modify the display to be "MAX " + the number of credits.
                                sect.Credits = MAX_CREDITS_TEXT + credits.ToString();
                                //if not, we just return the credits as a string.
                                sect.Credits = credits.ToString();
                            sect.Credits = HP_NO_CREDITS_VALUE;

                        sect.Credits = sect.Credits + CREDITS_DISPLAY_TEXT;
                    //process section changed...
                    sect.ScheduleChanged = (item.SCHD_CHNG_DATE != null && item.SCHD_CHNG_DATE != 0);

                    if (sect.ScheduleChanged && item.SCHD_CHNG_DATE.HasValue)
                        sect.ScheduleChangeDate = GetSectionDateText(item.SCHD_CHNG_DATE.ToString());
                        sect.ScheduleChangeText = SECTION_CHANGE_DISPLAY_TEXT + sect.ScheduleChangeDate + ": " + GetScheduleChangeText(item.SCHD_CHNG);


                    //Continuing/Sequential Classes
                    //C	A open-entry/open-exit course section in which a student can enroll, begin, and end instruction at any time.
                    //S	Any course not classified as continuous.
                    sect.ContinuousSequence = (item.CONT_SEQ.TrimEnd() == HP_CONTINUOUS_SEQUENCE);

                    //variable credit course...
                    sect.VariableCredit = (item.VAR_CR.TrimEnd() == HP_YES_VALUE);

                    //if the credit field has a value...
                    if (item.CR.HasValue)
                        if (Int32.Parse(item.CR.Value.ToString()) > 0)
                            credits = (Int32.Parse(item.CR.Value.ToString()) * 0.1);

                            //if the course if a variable credit course...
                            if (sect.VariableCredit)
                                //modify the display to be "MAX " + the number of credits.
                                sect.Credits = MAX_CREDITS_TEXT + credits.ToString();
                                //if not, we just return the credits as a string.
                                sect.Credits = credits.ToString();
                            sect.Credits = HP_NO_CREDITS_VALUE;

                        sect.Credits = sect.Credits + CREDITS_DISPLAY_TEXT;

                    //if the course title includes ":CD", it is a cultural diversity course.
                    sect.CulturalDiversity = (item.COURSE_TITLE.Contains(CULTURAL_DIVERSITY_INDICATOR));

                    //Set the Course Days display text
                    sect.Days = GetCourseDays(item.DAY_CD);

                    //if the course offering has an associated fee, we need to
                    //get the approriate fee information.
                    if (item.CLASS_FEE.HasValue)
                        sect.FeeInformation = GetSectionFeeAmount(item.CLASS_FEE1.Value, item.CLASS_FEE2.Value, item.FND_SRC, item.CLASS_FEE_CD1, item.CLASS_FEE_CD2, credits, item.YRQ);
                        sect.FeeInformation = string.Empty;

                    //Load the display text for any course footnotes.
                    sect.Footnote = GetCourseFootnote(item.FOOTNOTE_1) + " " + GetCourseFootnote(item.FOOTNOTE_2);

                    //If the BRANCH field contains "HY", the course if a hybrid course.
                    sect.Hybrid = (item.BRANCH.TrimEnd() == HP_HYBRID);

                    //get the instructor name information as appropriate.
                    if (item.INSTR_NAME.TrimEnd() == "" || item.INSTR_NAME == null)
                        sect.Instructor = "";
                        sect.Instructor = item.INSTR_NAME.TrimEnd(); //GetInstructorName(item.INSTR_ID);// (item.INSTR_NAME.TrimEnd());

                    //Get the Item Number
                    sect.ItemNumber = item.CLASS_ID.Substring(0, 4);

                    //Get the location display

                    //e.g. MLT0103
                    sect.Location = GetSectionLocationDisplay(item.ROOM_LOC);

                    string locPrint = item.ROOM_LOC.Trim();

                    if (locPrint != null && locPrint != "")
                        string bldgVal = locPrint.Substring(0, 3);
                        string roomVal = locPrint.Substring(3, locPrint.Length - 3);

                        sect.LocationPrint = bldgVal + " " + roomVal.TrimStart(HP_LOCATION_LEADING_ZERO);
                        sect.LocationPrint = "";

                    //Check if the course allows online registration.
                    sect.NoOnlineRegistration = (item.ALLOW_TTONE_REG.TrimEnd() == HP_NO_VALUE);

                    //if the BRANCH field equals "OL", it is an online course.
                    sect.Online = (item.BRANCH.TrimEnd() == HP_ONLINE); ;

                    //handle schedule change...
                    sect.ScheduleChanged = (item.SCHD_CHNG_DATE != null && item.SCHD_CHNG_DATE != 0);

                    if (sect.ScheduleChanged && item.SCHD_CHNG_DATE.HasValue)
                        sect.ScheduleChangeDate = GetSectionDateText(item.SCHD_CHNG_DATE.ToString());
                        sect.ScheduleChangeText = SECTION_CHANGE_DISPLAY_TEXT + sect.ScheduleChangeDate + ": " + GetScheduleChangeText(item.SCHD_CHNG);

                    //get the course section.
                    sect.Section = item.SECT;

                    //if the start and end dates have values...
                    if (item.STRT_DATE.HasValue && item.STRT_DATE.HasValue)
                        //the start date is different than the quarter dates...
                        sect.CourseDatesDifferentThanQuarter = true;

                        int sDate = 0;
                        int eDate = 0;

                        if (item.STRT_DATE.HasValue && item.STRT_DATE.Value > 0)
                            sDate = item.STRT_DATE.Value;

                        if (item.END_DATE.HasValue && item.END_DATE.Value > 0)
                            eDate = item.END_DATE.Value;

                        sect.CourseDates = GetCourseDateInformation(sDate.ToString(), eDate.ToString());

                    //if there are values for start and end times...
                    if (item.STRT_TIME != null && item.END_TIME != null)
                        //get the start and end time display.
                        sect.Times = GetSectionTimeDisplay(item.STRT_TIME, item.END_TIME);
                        sect.Times = "";

                    //Determine if the course is a late course or an early course.
                    sect.Late = (item.StartTime > DateTime.Parse(START_TIME_LATE));
                    sect.Early = (item.StartTime < DateTime.Parse(START_TIME_EARLY));

                    //check for any "Also Meets" team taugh courses.
                    sect.AlsoMeets = GetSectionAlsoMeets(item.CLASS_ID.TrimEnd());

                    sect.HasAlsoMeets = (sect.AlsoMeets.Count() > 0);


            return sections.OrderBy(s=>s.ItemNumber).ToList<SectionModel>();
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// GetSectionAlsoMeets - returns a section model for a course offering, to provide any "Also Meets"
        /// value for a course found in the INSTR_ROOM_D of the ClassSchedule database. This is common for
        /// courses that are team taught and/or have alternate meeting information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classID">A string value representing a Class ID (item number + Year Quarter).</param>
        /// <returns>A SectionModel object list.</returns>
        public List<SectionModel> GetSectionAlsoMeets(string classID)
            List<SectionModel> models = new List<SectionModel>();

            using (HPSADataContext ctx = new HPSADataContext())

                var items = ctx.INSTR_ROOM_Ds.Where(s => s.CLASS_ID == classID).ToList<INSTR_ROOM_D>();

                foreach (var item in items)
                    SectionModel sect = new SectionModel();
                    sect.Days = GetCourseDays(item.DAY_CD);

                    if (item.INSTR_NAME.TrimEnd() == "" || item.INSTR_NAME == null)
                        sect.Instructor = "";
                        sect.Instructor = item.INSTR_NAME.TrimEnd(); //GetInstructorName(item.INSTR_ID);// (item.INSTR_NAME.TrimEnd());

                    sect.Location = GetSectionLocationDisplay(item.ROOM_LOC);

                    if (item.STRT_TIME != null && item.END_TIME != null)
                        sect.Times = GetSectionTimeDisplay(item.STRT_TIME, item.END_TIME);
                        sect.Times = "";



            return models;