コード例 #1
        // Project a 3D coordinate onto this view's image plane. The returned point is in the
        // coordinate system of the image plane, with the origin at the top-left. The result will
        // be fractional if the world coordinate doesn't project precisely onto the center of a
        // pixel. If the z-coordinate of the passed point is zero, the returned point will have +/-
        // infinity coordinate values.
        public Point2Df ProjectFromWorld(Point3Df ptToProject)
            Point2Df projectedPt =
                ((Point2Df)ptToProject * (DistanceToImagePlane / ptToProject.Z));

コード例 #2
        // Get a depth map from 1080p post-processed images
        public static double[][] GetDepthMap_1080()
            int      imgSize     = 1080;
            Point3Df orientation = new Point3Df(0, 0, 1);
            double   fov         = 60.0 / 180.0 * Math.PI;

            List <SceneView> views = new List <SceneView>();

            foreach (string filename in Directory.GetFiles("Images/Rect/"))
                if (!filename.EndsWith(".bmp"))

                Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(filename);
                Image  img = new Image(bmp);

                Debug.Assert(img.Width == imgSize && img.Height == imgSize);

                string   xy  = String.Concat(filename.SkipWhile(ch => ch != 'X'));
                string[] x_y = String.Concat(xy.Take(xy.Length - ".bmp".Length)).
                               Split(new string[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                double x = double.Parse(String.Concat(x_y[0].Skip(4)));
                double y = double.Parse(String.Concat(x_y[1].Skip(4)));

                Point3Df focalPt = new Point3Df(x * 10, y * 10, 0);

                views.Add(new SceneView(img, focalPt, orientation, fov, fov));

            return(DepthEstimator.CalculateDepthMap(views.First(), views.Skip(1).ToArray()));
コード例 #3
        public double Dot(Point3Df other)
            double t1 = this.X * other.X;
            double t2 = this.Y * other.Y;
            double t3 = this.Z * other.Z;

            return(t1 + t2 + t3);
コード例 #4
        public Point3Df Cross(Point3Df other)
            double rx = this.Y * other.Z - this.Z * other.Y;
            double ry = this.Z * other.X - this.X * other.Z;
            double rz = this.X * other.Y - this.Y * other.X;

            return(new Point3Df(rx, ry, rz));
コード例 #5
        // Returns the absolute difference between the passed images at the passed sub-pixel
        // locations
        public static double Compare(Image img1, Point2Df pt1, Image img2, Point2Df pt2)
            Point3Df img1PixVal = img1.GetSubPixelValue(pt1);
            Point3Df img2PixVal = img2.GetSubPixelValue(pt2);

            return(Math.Abs(img1PixVal.X - img2PixVal.X) +
                   Math.Abs(img1PixVal.Y - img2PixVal.Y) +
                   Math.Abs(img1PixVal.Z - img2PixVal.Z));
コード例 #6
        public Point3Df Rotate(Point3Df axis, double angle)
            Point3Df axisUnit = axis.Normalize();

            Point3Df t1 = this * Math.Cos(angle);
            Point3Df t2 = axisUnit.Cross(this) * Math.Sin(angle);
            Point3Df t3 = axisUnit * (axisUnit.Dot(this)) * (1 - Math.Cos(angle));

            return(t1 + t2 + t3);
コード例 #7
        // Given a pixel in this view and an assumed depth of the 3D point represented by that
        // pixel, returns the point in the given view where the same 3D point will be represented
        public Point2Df FindInOtherView(Point2Df pixel, SceneView target, double depth)
            // Project pixel into 3D space
            Point3Df worldPt = this.ProjectToWorld(pixel, depth);

            // Transform the point into the target view's coordinate system
            Point3Df targetPt = this.TransformToView(worldPt, target);

            // Project the transformed point into the target view and return the result
コード例 #8
        // Projects a pixel in this view to world coordinates at the passed depth. Depth is
        // measured by z-coordinate. The passed pixel may be fractional, and it does not have to be
        // within the FOV of this view.
        public Point3Df ProjectToWorld(Point2Df ptToProject, double depth)
            // The 3D position of the pixel in question, in the coordinate system of the camera
            Point3Df projectedPt = ConvertToWorld3D(ptToProject);

            // Projection scale factor (for projecting out into the 3D space along a line of
            // possible depths).
            double projFactor = depth / projectedPt.Z;

            // The 3D position of a point far along the line projected through the pixel being
            // considered. It is at a maximum depth of maxDepth.
            return(projectedPt * projFactor);
コード例 #9
        public static SceneView[][] CreateViewArrayFromBitmap(Bitmap lytroBmp)
            Debug.Assert(lytroBmp == null ||
                         (lytroBmp.Height == Constants.ImgHeight && lytroBmp.Width == Constants.ImgWidth),
                         "Image dimensions don't match Lytro constants");

            SceneView[][] sceneArr =
                new SceneView[Constants.usedArrayHeight][];

            for (int y = Constants.usedArrayStartY; y < Constants.usedArrayHeight + 1; y++)
                SceneView[] sceneArrRow = new SceneView[Constants.usedArrayWidth];

                double yOffset = Constants.SubImgSpacing *
                                 ((double)(Constants.usedArrayHeight - 1) / 2 - (y - Constants.usedArrayStartY));

                for (int x = Constants.usedArrayStartX; x < Constants.usedArrayWidth + 1; x++)
                    Rectangle subImgROI =
                        new Rectangle(x * Constants.SubImgWidth, y * Constants.SubImgHeight,
                                      Constants.SubImgWidth, Constants.SubImgHeight);

                    Image subImage;
                    if (lytroBmp == null)
                        subImage = new Image(Constants.SubImgWidth, Constants.SubImgHeight,
                        byte[] subImageData = Image.BitmapToBytes(lytroBmp, subImgROI);
                        subImage = new Image(subImageData, Constants.SubImgWidth,
                                             Constants.SubImgHeight, Constants.ImgChannels);

                    double xOffset = Constants.SubImgSpacing *
                                     ((x - Constants.usedArrayStartX) - (double)(Constants.usedArrayWidth - 1) / 2);

                    Point3Df cop = new Point3Df(xOffset, yOffset, 0);

                    SceneView scene = new SceneView(subImage, cop, Constants.Orientation,
                                                    Constants.FieldOfView, Constants.FieldOfView);

                    sceneArrRow[x - Constants.usedArrayStartX] = scene;

                sceneArr[y - Constants.usedArrayStartY] = sceneArrRow;

コード例 #10
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null)

            Point3Df other = obj as Point3Df;

            if ((object)other == null)

            return((this.X == other.X) && (this.Y == other.Y) && (this.Z == other.Z));
コード例 #11
        public SceneView(Image img, Point3Df centerOfProjection,
                         Point3Df orientation, double verticalFOV, double horizontalFOV)
            this.img = img;

            this.centerOfProjection = centerOfProjection;
            this.orientation        = orientation;

            this.fieldOfView = new Point2Df(horizontalFOV, verticalFOV);

            // CHECKME check vertical FOV vs horizontal FOV. Horizontal pixels are often a different
            // CHECKME height - 1?
            // size than vertical pixels, but we're trying to use them as our unit in 3D space as
            // well so we have to make sure we're consistent.
            // Precompute this distance based on the image size and FOV
            this.distanceToImagePlane = ((double)img.Height / 2) / Math.Tan(verticalFOV / 2);
コード例 #12
        public Point3Df TransformToView(Point3Df ptToTransform, SceneView target)
            // Translate
            Point3Df transformed =
                ptToTransform + this.CenterOfProjection - target.CenterOfProjection;

            // Rotate
            if (this.Orientation != target.Orientation)
                Point3Df axis  = target.Orientation.Cross(this.Orientation);
                double   angle = Math.Acos(this.Orientation.Dot(target.Orientation) /
                                           (this.Orientation.Length() * target.Orientation.Length()));

                transformed = transformed.Rotate(axis, angle);

コード例 #13
        // Get a depth map from a pair of binocular test images
        public static double[][] GetDepthMap_Binocular()
            Bitmap leftBmp  = new Bitmap("Images/im2.bmp");
            Bitmap rightBmp = new Bitmap("Images/im6.bmp");

            Image leftImg  = new Image(leftBmp);
            Image rightImg = new Image(rightBmp);

            Debug.Assert(leftImg.Width == rightImg.Width && leftImg.Height == rightImg.Height);

            Point3Df leftFocalPt  = new Point3Df(-100, 0, 0);
            Point3Df rightFocalPt = -leftFocalPt;
            Point3Df orientation  = new Point3Df(0, 0, 1);
            double   fov          = 70.0 / 180.0 * Math.PI;

            SceneView leftView  = new SceneView(leftImg, leftFocalPt, orientation, fov, fov);
            SceneView rightView = new SceneView(rightImg, rightFocalPt, orientation, fov, fov);

            double[][] depthBuffer = DepthEstimator.CalculateDepthMap(leftView, rightView);

            // Take the log of every depth. This helps smooth out noise
            for (int y = 0; y < depthBuffer.Length; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < depthBuffer[0].Length; x++)
                    double depth = depthBuffer[y][x];

                    if (depth != DepthEstimator.Constants.InvalidDepth &&
                        depthBuffer[y][x] = Math.Log(depth);

コード例 #14
 public double Distance(Point3Df other)
     return(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(this.X - other.X, 2) + Math.Pow(this.Y - other.Y, 2)
                      + Math.Pow(this.Z - other.Z, 2)));