コード例 #1
        private static void CoerceMatchesToDates(List<ExtractedDate> datesResult, double matchResultFactor, ScanTextElem textElem, MatchCollection matches, ExtractedDate.DateMatchType matchType, int yearGroupIdx, int monthGroupIdx, int dayGroupIdx)
            foreach (Match match in matches)
                ExtractedDate fd = new ExtractedDate();
                    string yrStr = match.Groups[yearGroupIdx].Value.Replace(" ", "");
                    yrStr = yrStr.ToLower().Replace("l", "1");
                    yrStr = yrStr.ToLower().Replace("o", "0");
                    int year = Convert.ToInt32(yrStr);
                    if (year < 80)
                        year += 2000;
                        fd.yearWas2Digit = true;
                    else if (year < 100)
                        year += 1900;
                        fd.yearWas2Digit = true;
                    int month = 1;
                    if (Char.IsDigit(match.Groups[monthGroupIdx].Value, 0))
                        month = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].Value);
                        month = monthDict[match.Groups[monthGroupIdx].Value.ToLower().Substring(0, 3)];
                    int day = 1;
                    fd.dayWasMissing = true;
                    if (match.Groups[dayGroupIdx].Value.Trim() != "")
                        day = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[dayGroupIdx].Value);
                        fd.dayWasMissing = false;
                    if (year > DateTime.MaxValue.Year)
                        year = DateTime.MaxValue.Year;
                    if (year < DateTime.MinValue.Year)
                        year = DateTime.MinValue.Year;
                    if (day > DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month))
                        day = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);
                    if (day < 1)
                        day = 1;
                    DateTime dt = new DateTime(year, month, day);

                    // Add date to list
                    fd.foundInText = textElem.text;
                    fd.posnInText = match.Index;
                    fd.matchLength = match.Length;
                    fd.dateTime = dt;
                    fd.dateMatchType = matchType;
                    fd.locationOfDateOnPagePercent = textElem.bounds;
                    fd.matchFactor = matchResultFactor;

コード例 #2
        private static void AddCompletedDateToList(string srcStr, DocRectangle textBounds, double matchFactor, int year, int month, int day, bool bMonthFromChars, 
                                bool bRangeIndicatorFound, int firstMatchPos, int lastMatchPos, DateSrchInfo dateSrchInfo, int pageNum, List<ExtractedDate> datesResult)
            double finalMatchFactor = matchFactor;
            ExtractedDate fd = new ExtractedDate();
            if (bRangeIndicatorFound)
                finalMatchFactor += 10;

            // Bump the match factor for dates in the top 40% of page - letterhead dates
            if (textBounds.Y < 40)
                finalMatchFactor += MATCH_FACTOR_BUMP_FOR_TOP_40_PC_OF_PAGE;

            // Year
            if (year < 80)
                year += 2000;
                fd.yearWas2Digit = true;
            else if (year < 100)
                year += 1900;
                fd.yearWas2Digit = true;
                finalMatchFactor += MATCH_FACTOR_BUMP_FOR_4_DIGIT_YEAR;

            // Month
            if (bMonthFromChars)
                finalMatchFactor += MATCH_FACTOR_BUMP_FOR_TEXT_MONTH;

            // Check for bump
            if (dateSrchInfo.bPlusOneMonth)
                month += 1;
                if (month > 12)
                    month = 1;

            // Day
            if (day == -1)
                day = 1;
                fd.dayWasMissing = true;
                finalMatchFactor += MATCH_FACTOR_BUMP_FOR_DAY_MISSING;
            if (day > DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month))
                day = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);
            if (day < 1)
                day = 1;

            // Create datetime
            DateTime dt = DateTime.MinValue;
                dt = new DateTime(year, month, day);


            // Add date to list
            fd.foundInText = srcStr;
            fd.pageNum = pageNum;
            fd.posnInText = firstMatchPos;
            fd.matchLength = lastMatchPos-firstMatchPos+1;
            fd.dateTime = dt;
            fd.dateMatchType = ExtractedDate.DateMatchType.LongDate;
            fd.locationOfDateOnPagePercent = textBounds;
            fd.matchFactor = finalMatchFactor;