/// <summary> /// Appends the points of the single trend to the string builder. /// </summary> private void AppendTrendPoints(StringBuilder stringBuilder, Trend trend, Cnl cnl) { stringBuilder.Append('['); if (trend != null) { int counter = 0; foreach (Data.Models.TrendPoint point in trend.Points) { CnlData cnlData = new(point.Val, point.Stat); CnlDataFormatted cnlDataFormatted = formatter.FormatCnlData(cnlData, cnl, false); TrendPoint.Append(stringBuilder, cnlData, cnlDataFormatted.DispVal); if (++counter == ItemsPerLine) { counter = 0; stringBuilder.AppendLine(); } } } stringBuilder.Append(']'); }
/// <summary> /// Appends the points of the trend bundle to the string builder. /// </summary> private void AppendTrendPoints(StringBuilder stringBuilder, TrendBundle trendBundle, int trendIndex) { stringBuilder.Append('['); if (trendBundle != null) { Cnl cnl = cnls[trendIndex]; int counter = 0; foreach (CnlData cnlData in trendBundle.Trends[trendIndex]) { CnlDataFormatted cnlDataFormatted = formatter.FormatCnlData(cnlData, cnl, false); TrendPoint.Append(stringBuilder, cnlData, cnlDataFormatted.DispVal); if (++counter == ItemsPerLine) { counter = 0; stringBuilder.AppendLine(); } } } stringBuilder.Append(']'); }