public SavegameInfo(Game game, string savegamelocation, string pc, String specialPath, Boolean manuallyadded = false) { _game = game; _savegamelocation = savegamelocation; _pc = pc; _specialPath = specialPath; }
public static List<SavegameInfo> GetDatabaseData() { var savegameInfos = new List<SavegameInfo>(); var client = new WebClient(); var response = ""; try { response = client.DownloadString(new Uri("")); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not connect to the database.\nMake sure you are connected to the internet", "Could not connect", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK); throw; } var reader = new JsonReader(); //var writer = new JsonWriter(); var savegames = response.Trim().Split(';'); Console.WriteLine(savegames); foreach(var gameJSON in savegames) { var game = new Game(); var sgi = new SavegameInfo(); var output = reader.Read<Dictionary<string, Object>>(gameJSON); if (output != null) { game.Id = int.Parse(output["id"].ToString()); game.Name = output["GameName"].ToString(); sgi.Game = game; sgi.SpecialPath = output["SpecialPath"].ToString().Replace("%","").Trim(); if (output["SpecialPath"].ToString().Equals("%REGISTRY%")) { //Console.WriteLine(output["GameName"].ToString() + @" - " + output["RegPath"].ToString()); sgi.Savegamelocation = output["RegPath"].ToString(); } else if (output["SpecialPath"].ToString().Equals("%STEAM%")) { //Console.WriteLine(output["GameName"].ToString() + @" - STEAM Game"); var rk = Registry.CurrentUser; var sl = rk.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Valve\Steam"); sgi.Savegamelocation = sl.GetValue("SteamPath") + "\\" + output["Path"].ToString(); if(Directory.Exists(sgi.Savegamelocation)) { Console.WriteLine(@"GamesController>>> Steam path: " + sgi.Savegamelocation); } } else if (output["SpecialPath"].ToString().Equals("%STEAM_CLOUD%")) { //Console.WriteLine(output["GameName"].ToString() + @" - STEAM Game"); var rk = Registry.CurrentUser; var sl = rk.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Valve\Steam"); sgi.Savegamelocation = sl.GetValue("SteamPath") + "\\userdata"; var userdataDir = new DirectoryInfo(sgi.Savegamelocation); foreach (DirectoryInfo d in userdataDir.GetDirectories()) { if (Directory.Exists(d.FullName)) { sgi.Savegamelocation = d.FullName + "\\" + output["Path"]; if (Directory.Exists(sgi.Savegamelocation)) { Console.WriteLine(@"GamesController>>> Steam cloud path: " + sgi.Savegamelocation); } } } } else { sgi.Savegamelocation = getSpecialPath(output["SpecialPath"].ToString()); if (output["Path"] != null) { sgi.Savegamelocation += "\\" + output["Path"].ToString(); } else { sgi.Savegamelocation = ""; } //Console.WriteLine(output["GameName"].ToString()); } //json = writer.Write(output["GameName"]); //MainController.Savegames.Add(sgi); savegameInfos.Add(sgi); } } return savegameInfos; }