コード例 #1
 public BaseApiController()
     uow = new SandlerUnitOfWork(new SandlerRepositoryProvider(new RepositoryFactories()), new SandlerDBContext());
     CurrentUser = new UserModel(RequestContext.Principal.Identity.Name);
     //_contextProvider = new EFContextProvider<SandlerDBEntities>();
コード例 #2
        public new void LoadChart(UserModel currentUser)
                this.DrillChartIds = (this.DrillOverride) ? this.Id.ToString() : this.DrillChartIds;
                int colorIndex = 0;
                //UserEntities userEntities;
                Sandler.Web.Queries.ChartQueries queries = new Sandler.Web.Queries.ChartQueries(uow);
                switch (this.Id)
            //                case ChartID.ReturnOnTrainingInvestment:
            //                    int ROIAdjustmentFactor = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ROIAdjustmentFactor"]);

            //                    GapAnalysisRepository reposiroty = new GapAnalysisRepository();
            //                    GATracker gaTracker = reposiroty.GetGATrackerById(int.Parse(SearchParameter));

            //                    double year1ExpVal, year2ExpVal, year3ExpVal, year1AF, year2AF, year3AF;

            //                    year1ExpVal = Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.Year1.Value);
            //                    year2ExpVal = Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.Year2.Value);
            //                    year3ExpVal = Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.Year3.Value);

            //                    year1AF = GetFactorValue(year1ExpVal);
            //                    year2AF = GetFactorValue(year2ExpVal);
            //                    year3AF = GetFactorValue(year3ExpVal);

            //                    double scVal, seVal, sqVal, tcsVal, qaVal, ebgVal;
            //                    double year1Savings, year1ROIBalance, year2Savings, year2ROIBalance, year3Savings, year3ROIBalance;
            //                    string year1ROIPercent, year2ROIPercent, year3ROIPercent;

            //                    //Year1 Calculations
            //                    scVal = (year1ExpVal * (gaTracker.ToBeSalesCycleTimePercentVal.Value - gaTracker.AsIsSalesCycleTimePercentVal.Value) * ROIAdjustmentFactor * year1AF) / 10000;
            //                    seVal = (year1ExpVal * (gaTracker.ToBeSalesEfficiencyPercentVal.Value - gaTracker.AsIsSalesEfficiencyPercentVal.Value) * ROIAdjustmentFactor * year1AF) / 10000;
            //                    sqVal = (year1ExpVal * (gaTracker.ToBeSalesQualificationPercentVal.Value - gaTracker.AsIsSalesQualificationPercentVal.Value) * ROIAdjustmentFactor * year1AF) / 10000;
            //                    tcsVal = (year1ExpVal * (gaTracker.ToBeSalesRepRetentionPercentVal.Value - gaTracker.AsIsSalesRepRetentionPercentVal.Value) * ROIAdjustmentFactor * year1AF) / 10000;
            //                    qaVal = (year1ExpVal * (gaTracker.ToBeQuotaAchievementPercentVal.Value - gaTracker.AsIsQuotaAchievementPercentVal.Value) * ROIAdjustmentFactor * year1AF) / 10000;
            //                    ebgVal = (year1ExpVal * (gaTracker.ToBeTrngBenefitsPercentVal.Value - gaTracker.AsIsTrngBenefitsPercentVal.Value) * ROIAdjustmentFactor * year1AF) / 10000;
            //                    year1Savings = scVal + seVal + sqVal + tcsVal + qaVal + ebgVal;
            //                    year1ROIBalance = year1Savings - year1ExpVal;
            //                    year1ROIPercent = ((year1Savings / year1ExpVal * 100)).ToString();

            //                    //Year2 Calculations
            //                    scVal = ((year2ExpVal * scVal * (1 + Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.DesiredAnnualImptSalesCycleTime) / 100)) / year1ExpVal) * year2AF;
            //                    seVal = ((year2ExpVal * seVal * (1 + Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.DesiredAnnualImptSalesEfficiency) / 100)) / year1ExpVal) * year2AF;
            //                    sqVal = ((year2ExpVal * sqVal * (1 + Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.DesiredAnnualImptSalesQualfn) / 100)) / year1ExpVal) * year2AF;
            //                    tcsVal = ((year2ExpVal * tcsVal * (1 + Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.DesiredAnnualImptSalesRepRetention) / 100)) / year1ExpVal) * year2AF;
            //                    qaVal = ((year2ExpVal * qaVal * (1 + Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.DesiredAnnualImptQuotaAcht) / 100)) / year1ExpVal) * year2AF;
            //                    ebgVal = ((year2ExpVal * ebgVal * (1 + Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.DesiredAnnualImptTrngBenefits) / 100)) / year1ExpVal) * year2AF;
            //                    year2Savings = scVal + seVal + sqVal + tcsVal + qaVal + ebgVal;
            //                    year2ROIBalance = year2Savings - year2ExpVal;
            //                    year2ROIPercent = ((year2Savings / year2ExpVal * 100)).ToString();

            //                    //Year3 Calculations
            //                    scVal = ((year3ExpVal * scVal * (1 + Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.DesiredAnnualImptSalesCycleTime) / 100)) / year2ExpVal) * year3AF;
            //                    seVal = ((year3ExpVal * seVal * (1 + Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.DesiredAnnualImptSalesEfficiency) / 100)) / year2ExpVal) * year3AF;
            //                    sqVal = ((year3ExpVal * sqVal * (1 + Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.DesiredAnnualImptSalesQualfn) / 100)) / year2ExpVal) * year3AF;
            //                    tcsVal = ((year3ExpVal * tcsVal * (1 + Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.DesiredAnnualImptSalesRepRetention) / 100)) / year2ExpVal) * year3AF;
            //                    qaVal = ((year3ExpVal * qaVal * (1 + Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.DesiredAnnualImptQuotaAcht) / 100)) / year2ExpVal) * year3AF;
            //                    ebgVal = ((year3ExpVal * ebgVal * (1 + Convert.ToDouble(gaTracker.DesiredAnnualImptTrngBenefits) / 100)) / year2ExpVal) * year3AF;
            //                    year3Savings = scVal + seVal + sqVal + tcsVal + qaVal + ebgVal;
            //                    year3ROIBalance = year3Savings - year3ExpVal;
            //                    year3ROIPercent = ((year3Savings / year3ExpVal * 100)).ToString();

            //                    this.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Color = "#008000", Label = "Year1", Value = year1ROIPercent });
            //                    this.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Color = "#008000", Label = "Year2", Value = year2ROIPercent });
            //                    this.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Color = "#008000", Label = "Year3", Value = year3ROIPercent });

            //                    break;

            //                #region FranchiseeReports Logic
                    case ChartID.AverageLengthTimeActiveClientsByIndustry:

                            var AverageLengthTimeActiveClientsByIndustry = queries.AverageLengthTimeActiveClientsByIndustry(currentUser).ToList();

                            //IndustryTypeRepository industrySource = new IndustryTypeRepository();

                            foreach (var record in uow.Repository<Tbl_IndustryType>().GetAll().Where(r => r.IsActive == true).AsEnumerable())
                                    foreach (var d in AverageLengthTimeActiveClientsByIndustry)
                                        if (record.IndustryTypeName == d.IndustryTypeName)
                                            this.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Color = record.ColorCode, Label = record.IndustryTypeName, Value = d.Count.ToString("#"), Link = (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.Client) ? "" : ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink("", this.DrillChartIds) });
                                catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex)


                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new Exception("Error in ChartID.AverageLengthTimeActiveClientsByIndustry:" + ex.Message);
            //                #endregion

            //                default:
            //                    break;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
コード例 #3
 //protected readonly EFContextProvider<SandlerDBEntities> _contextProvider;
 public BaseApiController(IUnitOfWork _uow)
     uow = _uow;
     CurrentUser = new UserModel(RequestContext.Principal.Identity.Name);
コード例 #4
        public void LoadChart(UserModel currentUser)
                this.DrillChartIds = (this.DrillOverride) ? this.Id.ToString() : this.DrillChartIds;
                List<ChartParameter> chartParams = null;
                ChartDataSet lastDs = null;
                ChartQueries queries = new ChartQueries(uow);

                //AppointmentSourceRepository appointmentSource;
                //ProductTypesRepository productTypesSource;
                IEnumerable<Tbl_ProductType> products;
                string searchForNewCompany, searchCompanies, franchiseeName, regionName, countryName;
                int yearToProcess, monthToProcess;
                switch ((ChartID)Enum.Parse(typeof(ChartID), this.Id.ToString(), true))
            //                #region ProductsReports Logic
            //                case ChartID.ProductMarginContributionByProductByMonth:
            //                    productTypesSource = new ProductTypesRepository();

            //                    if (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeOwner || currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeUser)
            //                        products = productTypesSource.GetWithFranchiseeId(currentUser.FranchiseeID);
            //                    else
            //                        products = productTypesSource.GetAll();

            //                    foreach (var record in products.Where(r => r.IsActive == true).AsEnumerable())
            //                    {
            //                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = record.ProductTypeName });
            //                    }
            //                    chartParams = new List<ChartParameter>();
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-2", Color = "3300ff" });
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-1", Color = "ff6600" });
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "0", Color = "32df00" });

            //                    foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
            //                    {
            //                        try
            //                        {
            //                            IEnumerable<SandlerModels.DataIntegration.ProductTypeVM> productSalesCollection = queries.GetProductSalesByMonth(currentUser, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month);
            //                            if (productSalesCollection != null)
            //                            {
            //                                var productSales = from record in productSalesCollection
            //                                                   select new { Category = record.ProductTypeName, Value = record.AvgPrice };

            //                                this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = parameter.Color, SeriesName = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM") });

            //                                foreach (Category category in this.Categories)
            //                                {
            //                                    lastDs = this.DataSetCollection.Last();
            //                                    lastDs.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Label = category.Label, Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(lastDs.SeriesName, this.DrillChartIds) });
            //                                }

            //                                foreach (var record in productSales)
            //                                {
            //                                    foreach (SetValue set in lastDs.SetsCollection)
            //                                    {
            //                                        if (set.Label == record.Category)
            //                                            set.Value = record.Value.ToString();
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                        catch (Exception ex)
            //                        {
            //                            throw new Exception("Error in ChartID.ProductMarginContributionByProductByMonth:" + ex.Message);
            //                        }
            //                        //}
            //                    }
            //                    break;
            //                case ChartID.FirstSaleProductValueByProductByMonth:
            //                    productTypesSource = new ProductTypesRepository();

            //                    if (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeOwner || currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeUser)
            //                        products = productTypesSource.GetWithFranchiseeId(currentUser.FranchiseeID);
            //                    else
            //                        products = productTypesSource.GetAll();

            //                    foreach (var record in products.Where(r => r.IsActive == true).AsEnumerable())
            //                    {
            //                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = record.ProductTypeName });
            //                    }
            //                    chartParams = new List<ChartParameter>();
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-2", Color = "3300ff" });
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-1", Color = "ff6600" });
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "0", Color = "32df00" });

            //                    foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
            //                    {
            //                        try
            //                        {
            //                            IEnumerable<SandlerModels.DataIntegration.ProductTypeVM> productSalesCollection = queries.GetProductFirstSalesByMonth(currentUser, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month);
            //                            if (productSalesCollection != null)
            //                            {
            //                                var productSales = from record in productSalesCollection
            //                                                   select new { Category = record.ProductTypeName, Value = record.AvgPrice };

            //                                this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = parameter.Color, SeriesName = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM") });

            //                                foreach (Category category in this.Categories)
            //                                {
            //                                    lastDs = this.DataSetCollection.Last();
            //                                    lastDs.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Label = category.Label, Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(lastDs.SeriesName, this.DrillChartIds) });
            //                                }

            //                                foreach (var record in productSales)
            //                                {
            //                                    foreach (SetValue set in lastDs.SetsCollection)
            //                                    {
            //                                        if (set.Label == record.Category)
            //                                            set.Value = record.Value.ToString();
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                        catch (Exception ex)
            //                        {
            //                            throw new Exception("Error in ChartID.FirstSaleProductValueByProductByMonth:" + ex.Message);
            //                        }
            //                        //}
            //                    }
            //                    break;
            //                case ChartID.ProductSoldToCompanyByProductByMonth:
            //                    string companyName;
            //                    try
            //                    {
            //                        companyName = new CompaniesRepository().GetById(long.Parse(SearchParameter)).COMPANYNAME;
            //                        this.Caption = this.Caption.Replace("Company Name", companyName);
            //                        productTypesSource = new ProductTypesRepository();

            //                        if (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeOwner || currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeUser)
            //                            products = productTypesSource.GetWithFranchiseeId(currentUser.FranchiseeID);
            //                        else
            //                            products = productTypesSource.GetAll();

            //                        foreach (var record in products.Where(r => r.IsActive == true).AsEnumerable())
            //                        {
            //                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = record.ProductTypeName });
            //                        }
            //                        chartParams = new List<ChartParameter>();
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-2", Color = "3300ff" });
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-1", Color = "ff6600" });
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "0", Color = "32df00" });

            //                        foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
            //                        {
            //                            IEnumerable<SandlerModels.DataIntegration.ProductTypeVM> productSalesCollection = queries.GetProductSoldByCompanyByMonth(currentUser, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month, int.Parse(this.SearchParameter));
            //                            if (productSalesCollection != null)
            //                            {
            //                                var productSales = from record in productSalesCollection
            //                                                   select new { Category = record.ProductTypeName, Qty = record.Count };

            //                                this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = parameter.Color, SeriesName = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM") });

            //                                foreach (Category category in this.Categories)
            //                                {
            //                                    lastDs = this.DataSetCollection.Last();
            //                                    lastDs.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Label = category.Label, Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(lastDs.SeriesName, this.DrillChartIds, "SoldByCompany.aspx?searchParameter=" + this.SearchParameter + "&") });
            //                                }

            //                                foreach (var record in productSales)
            //                                {
            //                                    foreach (SetValue set in lastDs.SetsCollection)
            //                                    {
            //                                        if (set.Label == record.Category)
            //                                            set.Value = record.Qty.ToString();
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                            }

            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    catch (Exception ex)
            //                    {
            //                        throw new Exception("Error in ChartID.ProductSoldToCompanyByProductByMonth:" + ex.Message);
            //                    }
            //                    break;
            //                case ChartID.ProductSoldBySalesRepByProductByMonth:
            //                    this.Caption = this.Caption.Replace("Sales Rep", this.SearchParameter);
            //                    productTypesSource = new ProductTypesRepository();

            //                    if (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeOwner || currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeUser)
            //                        products = productTypesSource.GetWithFranchiseeId(currentUser.FranchiseeID);
            //                    else
            //                        products = productTypesSource.GetAll();

            //                    foreach (var record in products.Where(r => r.IsActive == true).AsEnumerable())
            //                    {
            //                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = record.ProductTypeName });
            //                    }
            //                    chartParams = new List<ChartParameter>();
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-2", Color = "3300ff" });
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-1", Color = "ff6600" });
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "0", Color = "32df00" });

            //                    foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
            //                    {
            //                        try
            //                        {
            //                            IEnumerable<SandlerModels.DataIntegration.ProductTypeVM> productSalesCollection = queries.GetProductSoldBySalesRepByMonth(currentUser, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month, this.SearchParameter);
            //                            if (productSalesCollection != null)
            //                            {
            //                                var productSales = from record in productSalesCollection
            //                                                   select new { Category = record.ProductTypeName, Qty = record.Count };

            //                                this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = parameter.Color, SeriesName = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM") });

            //                                foreach (Category category in this.Categories)
            //                                {
            //                                    lastDs = this.DataSetCollection.Last();
            //                                    lastDs.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Label = category.Label, Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(lastDs.SeriesName, this.DrillChartIds, "SoldByCompanySalesRep.aspx?searchParameter=" + this.SearchParameter + "&") });
            //                                }

            //                                foreach (var record in productSales)
            //                                {
            //                                    foreach (SetValue set in lastDs.SetsCollection)
            //                                    {
            //                                        if (set.Label == record.Category)
            //                                            set.Value = record.Qty.ToString();
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                        catch (Exception ex)
            //                        {
            //                            throw new Exception("Error in ChartID.ProductSoldToCompanyByProductByMonth:" + ex.Message);
            //                        }
            //                        //}
            //                    }
            //                    break;
            //                #endregion

            //                #region ClientReports Logic
            //                case ChartID.SalesTotalsByMonthQty:
            //                    string[] monthNames = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.MonthNames;

            //                    foreach (string monthName in monthNames) // writing out
            //                    {
            //                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(monthName))
            //                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = monthName.Substring(0, 3) });
            //                    }

            //                    chartParams = new List<ChartParameter>();
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = (DateTime.Now.Year - 2).ToString(), Color = "3300ff" });
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString(), Color = "ff6600" });
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(), Color = "32df00" });
            //                    IEnumerable<SandlerModels.DataIntegration.SalesTotalByMonthVM> salesTotalData;
            //                    foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
            //                    {
            //                        try
            //                        {
            //                            salesTotalData = queries.GetSalesTotalByYear(currentUser, int.Parse(parameter.Value));
            //                            if (salesTotalData != null)
            //                            {
            //                                var salesDataForAYear = from opportunity in salesTotalData
            //                                                        group opportunity by new { opportunity.CloseDate.Month }
            //                                                            into grp
            //                                                            select new { Count = grp.Count(), MonthName = ChartHelper.GetMonthName(grp.Key.Month) };

            //                                this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = parameter.Color, SeriesName = parameter.Value });

            //                                foreach (Category category in this.Categories)
            //                                {
            //                                    lastDs = this.DataSetCollection.Last();
            //                                    lastDs.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Label = category.Label });
            //                                }

            //                                foreach (var record in salesDataForAYear)
            //                                {
            //                                    foreach (SetValue set in lastDs.SetsCollection)
            //                                    {
            //                                        if (set.Label == record.MonthName)
            //                                            set.Value = record.Count.ToString();
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                            }
            //                            salesTotalData = null;
            //                        }
            //                        catch (Exception ex)
            //                        {
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    break;
            //                case ChartID.CostOfSale:
            //                    IEnumerable<SandlerModels.DataIntegration.CostOfSaleVM> costofsaleData = queries.GetCostOfSale(currentUser);

            //                    this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "0000FF", SeriesName = "Profit" });//0000FF blue
            //                    this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "FF8C00", SeriesName = "Cost" });//FF8C00 darkorange
            //                    this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "32CD32", SeriesName = "Revenue" });//32CD32 Lime green

            //                    foreach (SandlerModels.DataIntegration.CostOfSaleVM cosRecord in costofsaleData)
            //                    {
            //                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = cosRecord.ProductName });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = cosRecord.Profit.ToString() });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = cosRecord.Cost.ToString() });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[2].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = cosRecord.Revenue.ToString() });

            //                    }

            //                    break;

            //                #endregion

            //                #region BenchmarkReports Logic
            //                case ChartID.BenchmarkSalesRepFranchisee:
            //                    try
            //                    {
            //                        chartParams = new List<ChartParameter>();
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-2" });
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-1" });
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "0" });

            //                        franchiseeName = new FranchiseeRepository().GetById(currentUser.FranchiseeID).Name;
            //                        Caption = Caption.Replace("Sales Rep", SearchParameter).Replace("Name", franchiseeName);
            //                        IEnumerable<SandlerModels.DataIntegration.BenchMarkVM> salesRepToFranchiseeData;

            //                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "4F94CD", SeriesName = "Franchisee" });//4F94CD steelblue3
            //                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "FF8C00", SeriesName = "Rep" });//FF8C00 darkorange
            //                        Double totalValue = 0.0;
            //                        Double otherSalesRepsTotals = 0.0;
            //                        Double salesRepValue = 0.0;
            //                        foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
            //                        {
            //                            salesRepToFranchiseeData = queries.GetBenchMarkSalesRepToFranchiseeByMonth(currentUser, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month);
            //                            totalValue = salesRepToFranchiseeData.Sum(r => r.Value);

            //                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM") });
            //                            otherSalesRepsTotals = (from record in salesRepToFranchiseeData.Where(r => r.KeyGroupId != SearchParameter)
            //                                                    select record).Sum(r => r.Value);
            //                            this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = ((otherSalesRepsTotals / totalValue) * 100).ToString("f2"), Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM"), this.DrillChartIds, "SalesRepToFranchisee.aspx?searchParameter=" + this.SearchParameter + "&") });

            //                            SandlerModels.DataIntegration.BenchMarkVM repRecord = salesRepToFranchiseeData.Where(r => r.KeyGroupId == SearchParameter).SingleOrDefault();
            //                            salesRepValue = (repRecord == null) ? 0.0 : repRecord.Value;
            //                            this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = ((salesRepValue / totalValue) * 100).ToString("f2"), Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM"), this.DrillChartIds, "SalesRepToFranchisee.aspx?searchParameter=" + this.SearchParameter + "&") });
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    catch (Exception ex)
            //                    {
            //                        throw new Exception("Exception in ChartID.BenchmarkSalesRepFranchisee:" + ex.Message);
            //                    }
            //                    break;
            //                case ChartID.BenchmarkFranchiseeRegion:
            //                    try
            //                    {
            //                        chartParams = new List<ChartParameter>();
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-2" });
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-1" });
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "0" });

            //                        franchiseeName = new FranchiseeRepository().GetById(int.Parse(SearchParameter)).Name;
            //                        regionName = new RegionRepository().GetById(currentUser.RegionID).Name;
            //                        Caption = Caption.Replace("Region Name", regionName).Replace("Franchisee Name", franchiseeName);
            //                        IEnumerable<SandlerModels.DataIntegration.BenchMarkVM> salesFranchiseeToRegionsData;

            //                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "32df00", SeriesName = "Region" });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "4F94CD", SeriesName = "Franchisee" });

            //                        Double totalValue = 0.0;
            //                        Double otherFranchiseesTotals = 0.0;
            //                        Double franchiseeValue = 0.0;
            //                        foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
            //                        {
            //                            salesFranchiseeToRegionsData = queries.GetBenchMarkFranchiseeToRegionsByMonth(currentUser, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month);
            //                            totalValue = salesFranchiseeToRegionsData.Sum(r => r.Value);

            //                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM") });
            //                            otherFranchiseesTotals = (from record in salesFranchiseeToRegionsData.Where(r => r.KeyGroupId != SearchParameter)
            //                                                      select record).Sum(r => r.Value);
            //                            this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = ((otherFranchiseesTotals / totalValue) * 100).ToString("f2"), Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM"), this.DrillChartIds, "FranchiseeToRegion.aspx?searchParameter=" + this.SearchParameter + "&") });

            //                            SandlerModels.DataIntegration.BenchMarkVM franchiseeRecord = salesFranchiseeToRegionsData.Where(r => r.KeyGroupId == SearchParameter).SingleOrDefault();
            //                            franchiseeValue = (franchiseeRecord == null) ? 0.0 : franchiseeRecord.Value;
            //                            this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = ((franchiseeValue / totalValue) * 100).ToString("f2"), Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM"), this.DrillChartIds, "FranchiseeToRegion.aspx?searchParameter=" + this.SearchParameter + "&") });
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    catch (Exception ex)
            //                    {
            //                        throw new Exception("Exception in ChartID.BenchmarkFranchiseeRegion:" + ex.Message);
            //                    }
            //                    break;
            //                case ChartID.BenchmarkRegionCountry:
            //                    try
            //                    {
            //                        chartParams = new List<ChartParameter>();
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-2" });
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-1" });
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "0" });

            //                        regionName = new RegionRepository().GetById(int.Parse(SearchParameter)).Name;
            //                        countryName = new CountryRepository().GetById(currentUser.CountryID).Name;
            //                        Caption = Caption.Replace("Region Name", regionName).Replace("Country Name", countryName);
            //                        IEnumerable<SandlerModels.DataIntegration.BenchMarkVM> salesRegionToCountryData;

            //                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "800080", SeriesName = "Country" });//800080 -- Purple
            //                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "32df00", SeriesName = "Region" });

            //                        Double totalValue = 0.0;
            //                        Double otherRegionsTotal = 0.0;
            //                        Double regionValue = 0.0;
            //                        foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
            //                        {
            //                            salesRegionToCountryData = queries.GetBenchMarkRegionToCountryByMonth(currentUser, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month);
            //                            totalValue = salesRegionToCountryData.Sum(r => r.Value);

            //                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM") });
            //                            otherRegionsTotal = (from record in salesRegionToCountryData.Where(r => r.KeyGroupId != SearchParameter)
            //                                                 select record).Sum(r => r.Value);
            //                            this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = ((otherRegionsTotal / totalValue) * 100).ToString("f2"), Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM"), this.DrillChartIds, "RegionToCountry.aspx?searchParameter=" + this.SearchParameter + "&") });

            //                            SandlerModels.DataIntegration.BenchMarkVM regionRecord = salesRegionToCountryData.Where(r => r.KeyGroupId == SearchParameter).SingleOrDefault();
            //                            regionValue = (regionRecord == null) ? 0.0 : regionRecord.Value;
            //                            this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = ((regionValue / totalValue) * 100).ToString("f2"), Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM"), this.DrillChartIds, "RegionToCountry.aspx?searchParameter=" + this.SearchParameter + "&") });
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    catch (Exception ex)
            //                    {
            //                        throw new Exception("Exception in ChartID.BenchmarkRegionCountry:" + ex.Message);
            //                    }
            //                    break;
            //                case ChartID.BenchmarkCountryAll:
            //                    try
            //                    {
            //                        chartParams = new List<ChartParameter>();
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-2" });
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-1" });
            //                        chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "0" });

            //                        countryName = new CountryRepository().GetById(int.Parse(SearchParameter)).Name;
            //                        Caption = Caption.Replace("Country Name", countryName);
            //                        IEnumerable<SandlerModels.DataIntegration.BenchMarkVM> salesCountryAllData;

            //                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "800080", SeriesName = "All" });//800080 -- Purple
            //                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "00CED1", SeriesName = "Country" });//00CED1 -- darkturquoise

            //                        Double totalValue = 0.0;
            //                        Double otherCountriesTotal = 0.0;
            //                        Double countryValue = 0.0;
            //                        foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
            //                        {
            //                            salesCountryAllData = queries.GetBenchMarkCountryAllByMonth(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month);
            //                            totalValue = salesCountryAllData.Sum(r => r.Value);

            //                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM") });
            //                            otherCountriesTotal = (from record in salesCountryAllData.Where(r => r.KeyGroupId != SearchParameter)
            //                                                   select record).Sum(r => r.Value);
            //                            this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = ((otherCountriesTotal / totalValue) * 100).ToString("f2"), Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM"), this.DrillChartIds, "CountryToAll.aspx?searchParameter=" + this.SearchParameter + "&") });

            //                            SandlerModels.DataIntegration.BenchMarkVM franchiseeRecord = salesCountryAllData.Where(r => r.KeyGroupId == SearchParameter).SingleOrDefault();
            //                            countryValue = (franchiseeRecord == null) ? 0.0 : franchiseeRecord.Value;
            //                            this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = ((countryValue / totalValue) * 100).ToString("f2"), Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM"), this.DrillChartIds, "CountryToAll.aspx?searchParameter=" + this.SearchParameter + "&") });
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    catch (Exception ex)
            //                    {
            //                        throw new Exception("Exception in ChartID.BenchmarkCountryAll:" + ex.Message);
            //                    }
            //                    break;
            //                #endregion

            //                #region AdHocReports logic
            //                case ChartID.ClosedSalesAnalysis:
            //                    productTypesSource = new ProductTypesRepository();
            //                    if (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeOwner || currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeUser)
            //                        products = productTypesSource.GetWithFranchiseeId(currentUser.FranchiseeID);
            //                    else
            //                        products = productTypesSource.GetAll();

            //                    if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesValueOppSource || this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesQuantityOppSource)
            //                    {
            //                        foreach (var record in new OppSourceeRepository().GetAll())
            //                        {
            //                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = record.Name });
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    else if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesValueOpportunityType || this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesQuantityOpportunityType)
            //                    {
            //                        foreach (var record in new OpprtunityTypesRepository().GetAll())
            //                        {
            //                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = record.Name });
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    else
            //                    {
            //                        foreach (var record in products.Where(r => r.IsActive == true).AsEnumerable())
            //                        {
            //                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = record.ProductTypeName });
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    chartParams = new List<ChartParameter>();
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-2", Color = "8A4B08" });
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-1", Color = "0000FF" });
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "0", Color = "ff9966" });
            //                    searchForNewCompany = (HttpContext.Current.Session["searchForNewCompany"] == null) ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Session["searchForNewCompany"].ToString();
            //                    searchCompanies = (HttpContext.Current.Session["searchCompanies"] == null) ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Session["searchCompanies"].ToString();

            //                    foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
            //                    {
            //                        try
            //                        {
            //                            if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.ProductsSoldBySalesValue)
            //                                this.Caption = "Sales Value By Product (By Month)";
            //                            if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.ProductsSoldBySalesQuantity)
            //                                this.Caption = "Sales Quantity By Product (By Month)";

            //                            if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesValueOppSource)
            //                                this.Caption = "Sales Value By Opportunity Source (By Month)";
            //                            if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesQuantityOppSource)
            //                                this.Caption = "Sales Quantity By Opportunity Source (By Month)";

            //                            if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesValueOpportunityType)
            //                                this.Caption = "Sales Value By Opportunity Type (By Month)";
            //                            if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesQuantityOpportunityType)
            //                                this.Caption = "Sales Quantity By Opportunity Type (By Month)";

            //                            IEnumerable<SandlerModels.DataIntegration.ClosedSalesVM> productTypeVMCollection = queries.GetClosedSalesAnalysis(currentUser, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month, this.SubType.ToString(), searchForNewCompany, searchCompanies);
            //                            if (productTypeVMCollection != null)
            //                            {
            //                                var clientsWithProducts = from record in productTypeVMCollection
            //                                                          select new { Category = record.Name, SalesValue = record.AvgPrice, SalesQuantity = record.Count };

            //                                this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = parameter.Color, SeriesName = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM") });

            //                                string link = "";
            //                                foreach (Category category in this.Categories)
            //                                {
            //                                    lastDs = this.DataSetCollection.Last();
            //                                    link = string.Format("{0}?{1}={2}&{3}={4}&SubType={5}", "ClosedSalesAnalysis.aspx", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QueryStringParamDrillChartIDs"], this.DrillChartIds, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QueryStringParamDrillBy"], lastDs.SeriesName, this.SubType.ToString());
            //                                    //lastDs.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Label = category.Label, Link = ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(lastDs.SeriesName, this.DrillChartIds, this.SubType.ToString()) });
            //                                    lastDs.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Label = category.Label, Link = link });
            //                                }

            //                                foreach (var record in clientsWithProducts)
            //                                {
            //                                    foreach (SetValue set in lastDs.SetsCollection)
            //                                    {
            //                                        if (set.Label == record.Category)
            //                                        {
            //                                            if (this.SubType.ToString().Contains("Value"))
            //                                            {
            //                                                set.Value = record.SalesValue.ToString();
            //                                            }
            //                                            if (this.SubType.ToString().Contains("Quantity"))
            //                                            {
            //                                                set.Value = record.SalesQuantity.ToString();
            //                                            }

            //                                        }
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                        catch (Exception ex)
            //                        {
            //                            throw new Exception("Error in ChartID.NewClientsByProductTypeMonth:" + ex.Message);
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    //}

            //                    break;
            //                case ChartID.PipelineOpportunityAnalysis:
            //                    productTypesSource = new ProductTypesRepository();
            //                    if (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeOwner || currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeUser)
            //                        products = productTypesSource.GetWithFranchiseeId(currentUser.FranchiseeID);
            //                    else
            //                        products = productTypesSource.GetAll();

            //                    if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesValueOppSource || this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesQuantityOppSource)
            //                    {
            //                        foreach (var record in new OppSourceeRepository().GetAll())
            //                        {
            //                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = record.Name });
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    else if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesValueOpportunityType || this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesQuantityOpportunityType)
            //                    {
            //                        foreach (var record in new OpprtunityTypesRepository().GetAll())
            //                        {
            //                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = record.Name });
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    else
            //                    {
            //                        foreach (var record in products.Where(r => r.IsActive == true).AsEnumerable())
            //                        {
            //                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = record.ProductTypeName });
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    chartParams = new List<ChartParameter>();
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "0", Color = "8A4B08" });
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "1", Color = "0000FF" });
            //                    chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "2", Color = "ff9966" });
            //                    searchForNewCompany = (HttpContext.Current.Session["searchForNewCompany"] == null) ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Session["searchForNewCompany"].ToString();
            //                    searchCompanies = (HttpContext.Current.Session["searchCompanies"] == null) ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Session["searchCompanies"].ToString();

            //                    foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
            //                    {
            //                        try
            //                        {
            //                            if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.ProductsSoldBySalesValue)
            //                                this.Caption = "Sales Value By Product (By Month)";
            //                            if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.ProductsSoldBySalesQuantity)
            //                                this.Caption = "Sales Quantity By Product (By Month)";

            //                            if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesValueOppSource)
            //                                this.Caption = "Sales Value By Opportunity Source (By Month)";
            //                            if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesQuantityOppSource)
            //                                this.Caption = "Sales Quantity By Opportunity Source (By Month)";

            //                            if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesValueOpportunityType)
            //                                this.Caption = "Sales Value By Opportunity Type (By Month)";
            //                            if (this.SubType == ChartSubType.SalesQuantityOpportunityType)
            //                                this.Caption = "Sales Quantity By Opportunity Type (By Month)";

            //                            IEnumerable<SandlerModels.DataIntegration.PipelineOppAnalysisVM> productTypeVMCollection = queries.GetPipelineOpportunityAnalysis(currentUser, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month, this.SubType.ToString(), searchForNewCompany, searchCompanies);
            //                            if (productTypeVMCollection != null)
            //                            {
            //                                var clientsWithProducts = from record in productTypeVMCollection
            //                                                          select new { Category = record.Name, SalesValue = record.AvgPrice, SalesQuantity = record.Count };

            //                                this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = parameter.Color, SeriesName = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).ToString("MMM") });

            //                                string link = "";
            //                                foreach (Category category in this.Categories)
            //                                {
            //                                    lastDs = this.DataSetCollection.Last();
            //                                    link = string.Format("{0}?{1}={2}&{3}={4}&SubType={5}", "PipelineOppAnalysis.aspx", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QueryStringParamDrillChartIDs"], this.DrillChartIds, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QueryStringParamDrillBy"], lastDs.SeriesName, this.SubType.ToString());
            //                                    lastDs.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Label = category.Label, Link = link });
            //                                }

            //                                foreach (var record in clientsWithProducts)
            //                                {
            //                                    foreach (SetValue set in lastDs.SetsCollection)
            //                                    {
            //                                        if (set.Label == record.Category)
            //                                        {
            //                                            if (this.SubType.ToString().Contains("Value"))
            //                                            {
            //                                                set.Value = record.SalesValue.ToString();
            //                                            }
            //                                            if (this.SubType.ToString().Contains("Quantity"))
            //                                            {
            //                                                set.Value = record.SalesQuantity.ToString();
            //                                            }

            //                                        }
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                        catch (Exception ex)
            //                        {
            //                            throw new Exception("Error in ChartID.PipelineOpportunityAnalysis:" + ex.Message);
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    //}

            //                    break;
            //                #endregion

            //                #region FranchiseeReports Logic

                    case ChartID.NewAppointmentsBySourceMonth:
                        this.Categories = (from record in uow.Repository<Tbl_AppointmentsSource>().GetAll().Where(r => r.IsActive == true)
                                   select new Category { Label = record.ApptSourceName }).ToList<Category>();

                        chartParams = MonthYearCombinations;
                        if (chartParams != null)
                            if (chartParams.Count == 0)
                                MonthYearCombinations = null;
                                chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-2", Color = "3300ff" });
                                chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-1", Color = "ff6600" });
                                chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "0", Color = "32df00" });

                        foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
                                yearToProcess = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.YearVal)) ? ((DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month > DateTime.Now.Month) ? DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).Year : DateTime.Now.Year) : int.Parse(parameter.YearVal);
                                monthToProcess = (MonthYearCombinations == null) ? DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month : int.Parse(parameter.Value);
                                IEnumerable<AppointmentSourceVM> appointmentSourceVMcollection = queries.GetNewAppointmentSource(currentUser, monthToProcess, yearToProcess);
                                if (appointmentSourceVMcollection != null)
                                    var newAppointments = from record in appointmentSourceVMcollection
                                                          select new { Category = record.SourceName, Count = record.Count };

                                    this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = parameter.Color, SeriesName = ChartHelper.GetMonthName(monthToProcess) + " (" + yearToProcess.ToString() + ")" });

                                    foreach (Category category in this.Categories)
                                        lastDs = this.DataSetCollection.Last();
                                        lastDs.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Label = category.Label, Link = (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.Client) ? "" : ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(ChartHelper.GetMonthName(monthToProcess), this.DrillChartIds) });

                                    foreach (var record in newAppointments)
                                        foreach (SetValue set in lastDs.SetsCollection)
                                            if (set.Label == record.Category)
                                                set.Value = record.Count.ToString();
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("Error in ChartID.NewAppointmentsBySourceMonth:" + ex.Message);

                    case ChartID.NewClientsByProductTypeMonth:

                        //productTypesSource = new ProductTypesRepository();

                        if (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeOwner || currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.FranchiseeUser)
                            products = uow.Repository<Tbl_ProductType>().GetAll().Where(r=>(r.FranchiseeId == 0 || r.FranchiseeId == currentUser.FranchiseeID) && r.IsActive == true);//productTypesSource.GetWithFranchiseeId(currentUser.FranchiseeID);
                            products = uow.Repository<Tbl_ProductType>().GetAll();//productTypesSource.GetAll();
                        foreach (var record in products.Where(r => r.IsActive == true).AsEnumerable())
                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = record.ProductTypeName });

                        chartParams = MonthYearCombinations;
                        if (chartParams != null)
                            if (chartParams.Count == 0)
                                MonthYearCombinations = null;
                                chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-2", Color = "8A4B08" });
                                chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "-1", Color = "0000FF" });
                                chartParams.Add(new ChartParameter { Value = "0", Color = "ff9966" });

                        foreach (ChartParameter parameter in chartParams)
                                yearToProcess = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.YearVal)) ? ((DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month > DateTime.Now.Month) ? DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).Year : DateTime.Now.Year) : int.Parse(parameter.YearVal);
                                monthToProcess = (MonthYearCombinations == null) ? DateTime.Now.AddMonths(int.Parse(parameter.Value)).Month : int.Parse(parameter.Value);

                                IEnumerable<ProductTypeVM> productTypeVMCollection = queries.GetNewClientsByProductType(currentUser, monthToProcess, yearToProcess);
                                if (productTypeVMCollection != null)
                                    var newClientsByProducts = from record in productTypeVMCollection
                                                               select new { Category = record.ProductTypeName, Count = record.Count };

                                    this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = parameter.Color, SeriesName = ChartHelper.GetMonthName(monthToProcess) + " (" + yearToProcess.ToString() + ")" });

                                    foreach (Category category in this.Categories)
                                        lastDs = this.DataSetCollection.Last();
                                        lastDs.SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Label = category.Label, Link = (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.Client) ? "" : ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(ChartHelper.GetMonthName(monthToProcess), this.DrillChartIds) });

                                    foreach (var record in newClientsByProducts)
                                        foreach (SetValue set in lastDs.SetsCollection)
                                            if (set.Label == record.Category)
                                                set.Value = record.Count.ToString();
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("Error in ChartID.NewClientsByProductTypeMonth:" + ex.Message);

                    case ChartID.NewClientQuantityAverageContractPriceByMonth:
                        foreach (ChartParameter param in MonthYearCombinations)
                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = ChartHelper.GetMonthName(int.Parse(param.Value)) });
                        if (this.Categories.Count  == 0)
                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2).ToString("MMM") });
                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).ToString("MMM") });
                            this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(0).ToString("MMM") });

                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "0000FF", SeriesName = "New Clients" });
                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "ff6600", SeriesName = "Ave Contract Price" });

                        foreach (Category catagory in this.Categories)
                                yearToProcess = (DateTime.ParseExact(catagory.Label, "MMM", null).Month > DateTime.Now.Month) ? DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).Year : DateTime.Now.Year;
                                monthToProcess = DateTime.ParseExact(catagory.Label, "MMM", null).Month;

                                int newClients = queries.GetNewClientCount(currentUser, monthToProcess, yearToProcess);
                                decimal aveContractPrice = queries.GetAveContractPrice(currentUser, monthToProcess, yearToProcess);

                                if (newClients > 0 && aveContractPrice > 0)
                                    this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = newClients.ToString(), Link = (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.Client) ? "" : ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(catagory.Label, this.DrillChartIds) });
                                    this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = (aveContractPrice / 5).ToString(), Link = (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.Client) ? "" : ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(catagory.Label, this.DrillChartIds) });
                                    this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue());
                                    this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue());

                                if (MonthYearCombinations != null) //Check CustomChart reports request
                                    //After done process category change its label with month and year combination
                                    catagory.Label = catagory.Label + "(" + yearToProcess.ToString() + ")";
                            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)


                    case ChartID.ClassHeadcountByCourseIndustryMonth:
                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2).ToString("MMM") });
                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).ToString("MMM") });
                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(0).ToString("MMM") });

                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "ff6600", SeriesName = "Course" });
                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "32df00", SeriesName = "Industry" });

                        foreach (Category catagory in this.Categories)
                                int classHeadCountsCourse = queries.GetClassHeadCountsCourse(currentUser, DateTime.ParseExact(catagory.Label, "MMM", null).Month);

                                int classHeadCountsIndustry =queries.GetClassHeadCountsIndustry(currentUser, DateTime.ParseExact(catagory.Label, "MMM", null).Month);

                                //if (classHeadCountsCourse > 0 && classHeadCountsIndustry > 0)
                                this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = (classHeadCountsCourse > 0) ? classHeadCountsCourse.ToString() : "", Link = (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.Client) ? "" : (classHeadCountsCourse > 0) ? ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(catagory.Label, this.DrillChartIds) : "" });
                                this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = (classHeadCountsIndustry > 0) ? classHeadCountsIndustry.ToString() : "", Link = (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.Client) ? "" : (classHeadCountsIndustry > 0) ? ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink(catagory.Label, this.DrillChartIds) : "" });
                            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)



                    case ChartID.ActualDollarsBookedComparisonGoal:
                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-4).ToString("MMM") });
                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3).ToString("MMM") });
                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2).ToString("MMM") });
                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).ToString("MMM") });
                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(0).ToString("MMM") });
                        this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).ToString("MMM") });

                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "0066ff", SeriesName = "$$Booked" });
                        this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "ffff99", SeriesName = "% of Goal" });

                        foreach (Category catagory in this.Categories)
                                decimal actualDollarsBooked = queries.GetActualDollarsBooked(currentUser, DateTime.ParseExact(catagory.Label, "MMM", null).Month);

                                decimal goalOfDollarsBooked = queries.GetGoalOfDollarsBooked(currentUser, DateTime.ParseExact(catagory.Label, "MMM", null).Month);

                                //if (actualDollarsBooked > 0 && goalOfDollarsBooked > 0)
                                this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Label = catagory.Label, Value = actualDollarsBooked.ToString(), Link = (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.Client) ? "" : ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink("", this.DrillChartIds) });
                                this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Label = catagory.Label, Value = ((Convert.ToDouble(actualDollarsBooked) / Convert.ToDouble(goalOfDollarsBooked)) * 100).ToString("#.##"), Link = (currentUser.Role == SandlerRoles.Client) ? "" : ChartHelper.GeneratePageLink("", this.DrillChartIds) });
                            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)


            //                #endregion

            //                case ChartID.GapAnalysis:
            //                    this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = "Sales Cycle Time" });
            //                    this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = "Sales Efficiency" });
            //                    this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = "Sales Qualification" });
            //                    this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = "Sales Rep Retention" });
            //                    this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = "Quota Achievement" });
            //                    this.Categories.Add(new Category { Label = "Sandler Trng Benefits" });

            //                    GATracker gaRecord = null;
            //                    GapAnalysisRepository gaData = new GapAnalysisRepository();

            //                    this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "0000FF", SeriesName = "As-Is" });
            //                    this.DataSetCollection.Add(new ChartDataSet { Color = "8A4B08", SeriesName = "To-Be" });

            //                    gaRecord = gaData.GetGATrackerById(int.Parse(SearchParameter));
            //                    if (gaRecord != null)
            //                    {
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = gaRecord.AsIsSalesCycleTimePercentVal.Value.ToString(), Link = "GapAnalysisCreate.aspx" });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = gaRecord.AsIsSalesEfficiencyPercentVal.Value.ToString(), Link = "GapAnalysisCreate.aspx" });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = gaRecord.AsIsSalesQualificationPercentVal.ToString(), Link = "GapAnalysisCreate.aspx" });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = gaRecord.AsIsSalesRepRetentionPercentVal.ToString(), Link = "GapAnalysisCreate.aspx" });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = gaRecord.AsIsQuotaAchievementPercentVal.ToString(), Link = "GapAnalysisCreate.aspx" });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[0].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = gaRecord.AsIsTrngBenefitsPercentVal.ToString(), Link = "GapAnalysisCreate.aspx" });

            //                        this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = gaRecord.ToBeSalesCycleTimePercentVal.ToString(), Link = "GapAnalysisCreate.aspx" });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = gaRecord.ToBeSalesEfficiencyPercentVal.ToString(), Link = "GapAnalysisCreate.aspx" });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = gaRecord.ToBeSalesQualificationPercentVal.ToString(), Link = "GapAnalysisCreate.aspx" });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = gaRecord.ToBeSalesRepRetentionPercentVal.ToString(), Link = "GapAnalysisCreate.aspx" });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = gaRecord.ToBeQuotaAchievementPercentVal.ToString(), Link = "GapAnalysisCreate.aspx" });
            //                        this.DataSetCollection[1].SetsCollection.Add(new SetValue { Value = gaRecord.ToBeTrngBenefitsPercentVal.ToString(), Link = "GapAnalysisCreate.aspx" });
            //                    }
            //                    break;
            //                default:
            //                    break;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;