public PopulateSandboxResult Start(IProgress <string> progress) { _progress = progress; var res = new PopulateSandboxResult(); ProgressUpdate("Logging in to Salesforce API ..."); LoginToBoth(); ProgressUpdate("Fetching metadata..."); var apiNameArray = _instructions.SbbObjects.Select(o => o.ApiName).ToArray(); _sourceTasks.FetchObjectMetadata(apiNameArray); ProgressUpdate("Getting inactive users..."); var inactiveUserIds = _targetTasks.GetInactiveUsers(); string currentUserId = _targetTasks.GetCurrentUserId(); ProgressUpdate("Checking for missing users..."); var sourceUserIds = _sourceTasks.GetAllUsers(); var targetUserIds = _targetTasks.GetAllUsers(); var missingUserIds = sourceUserIds.Except(targetUserIds).ToList(); logger.DebugFormat("Found {0} users in Source that are not in Target", missingUserIds.Count()); foreach (SbbObject objLoop in _instructions.SbbObjects) { ProgressUpdate(string.Format("Starting to process {0}", objLoop.ApiName)); var objres = new PopulateObjectResult(); var transformer = new ObjectTransformer(); transformer.RelationMapper = _relationMapper; transformer.InactiveUserIds = inactiveUserIds; transformer.MissingUserIds = missingUserIds; transformer.CurrentUserId = currentUserId; transformer.SbbObjectInstructions = objLoop; objres.ApiName = objLoop.ApiName; res.ObjectResults.Add(objres); transformer.ObjectRelationships = _sourceTasks.GetObjectRelationships(objLoop.ApiName); transformer.RecursiveRelationshipField = transformer.ObjectRelationships.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Value == objLoop.ApiName).Key; if (transformer.RecursiveRelationshipField != null) { logger.DebugFormat("Object {0} has a recurive relation to iteself in field {1}", objLoop.ApiName, transformer.RecursiveRelationshipField); } List <sObject> sourceData = null; try { sourceData = _sourceTasks.GetDataFromSObject(objLoop.ApiName, objLoop.Filter); } catch (Exception e) { string errMess = string.Format("Error while fetching data for {0}: {1}", objLoop.ApiName, e.Message); throw new ApplicationException(errMess, e); } objres.SourceRows = sourceData.Count(); ProgressUpdate(string.Format("Received {0} {1} records from source", sourceData.Count, objLoop.ApiName)); // get working info and transform objects var workingList = new List <ObjectTransformer.sObjectWrapper>(); foreach (sObject rowLoop in sourceData) { var wrap = new ObjectTransformer.sObjectWrapper(); wrap.OriginalId = rowLoop.Id; wrap.sObj = rowLoop; transformer.ApplyTransformations(wrap); workingList.Add(wrap); } // insert objects in batches int batchSize = 100; int done = 0; bool allDone = false; if (workingList.Count == 0) { allDone = true; } while (!allDone) { var workBatch = workingList.Skip(done).Take(batchSize).ToList(); done += workBatch.Count; if (done >= workingList.Count) { allDone = true; } var insertRes = _targetTasks.InsertSObjects(objLoop.ApiName, workBatch.Select(w => w.sObj).ToArray()); for (int i = 0; i < insertRes.Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertRes[i].NewId)) { workBatch[i].NewId = insertRes[i].NewId; objres.SuccessCount += 1; _relationMapper.Remember(objLoop.ApiName, workBatch[i].OriginalId, workBatch[i].NewId); } else { workBatch[i].ErrorMessage = insertRes[i].ErrorMessage; logger.WarnFormat("Error when inserting {0} {1} into target: {2}", objLoop.ApiName, workBatch[i].OriginalId, workBatch[i].ErrorMessage); objres.FailCount += 1; } } } // inserts done. // if there's a recurive field, do update if (transformer.RecursiveRelationshipField != null) { UpdateRecursiveField(objLoop.ApiName, workingList, transformer.RecursiveRelationshipField); } ProgressUpdate(string.Format("Summary for {0}: Success {1} Fail {2}", objLoop.ApiName, objres.SuccessCount, objres.FailCount)); } // log summary ProgressUpdate("************************************************"); foreach (var resLoop in res.ObjectResults) { ProgressUpdate(string.Format("Summary for {0}: Success {1} Fail {2}", resLoop.ApiName, resLoop.SuccessCount, resLoop.FailCount)); } ProgressUpdate("************************************************"); return(res); }
public PopulateSandboxResult Start(IProgress <string> progress) { _progress = progress; var res = new PopulateSandboxResult(); ProgressUpdate("Logging in to Salesforce API ..."); LoginToBoth(); ProgressUpdate("Fetching metadata..."); var apiNameArray = _instructions.SbbObjects.Select(o => o.ApiName).ToArray(); _sourceTasks.FetchObjectMetadata(apiNameArray); ProgressUpdate("Getting inactive users..."); var inactiveUserIds = _targetTasks.GetInactiveUsers(); string currentUserId = _targetTasks.GetCurrentUserId(); ProgressUpdate("Checking for missing users..."); var sourceUserIds = _sourceTasks.GetAllUsers(); var targetUserIds = _targetTasks.GetAllUsers(); var missingUserIds = sourceUserIds.Except(targetUserIds).ToList(); logger.DebugFormat("Found {0} users in Source that are not in Target", missingUserIds.Count()); var processedObjects = new List <String> { "User" }; // user is copied already var objectsToReprocess = new List <ObjectTransformer>(); foreach (SbbObject objLoop in _instructions.SbbObjects) { ProgressUpdate(string.Format("Starting to process {0}", objLoop.ApiName)); var objres = new PopulateObjectResult(); var transformer = new ObjectTransformer(); transformer.RelationMapper = _relationMapper; transformer.InactiveUserIds = inactiveUserIds; transformer.MissingUserIds = missingUserIds; transformer.CurrentUserId = currentUserId; transformer.SbbObjectInstructions = objLoop; objres.ApiName = objLoop.ApiName; res.ObjectResults.Add(objres); transformer.ObjectRelationships = _sourceTasks.GetObjectRelationships(objLoop.ApiName); transformer.RecursiveRelationshipField = transformer.ObjectRelationships.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Value == objLoop.ApiName).Key; if (transformer.RecursiveRelationshipField != null) { logger.DebugFormat("Object {0} has a recurive relation to iteself in field {1}", objLoop.ApiName, transformer.RecursiveRelationshipField); } // find lookups on this object that can't be populated, to reprocess later transformer.LookupsToReprocess = transformer.ObjectRelationships .Where(d => d.Value != objLoop.ApiName) // where it's not a recursive relationship .Where(d => !processedObjects.Contains(d.Value)) // and the referenced record doesn't exist yet .Where(d => !objLoop.SbbFieldOptions.Any( // and it's not one of the skipped fields e => e.ApiName.Equals(d.Key) && e.Skip)) // TODO: but is still one of the included object types (e.g. not Contact -> "rh2__PS_Describe__c") .Select(d => new LookupInfo { FieldName = d.Key, ObjectName = objLoop.ApiName, RelatedObjectName = d.Value }) .ToList(); if (transformer.LookupsToReprocess.Count > 0) { objectsToReprocess.Add(transformer); var fields = transformer.LookupsToReprocess.Select(lookup => lookup.FieldName); logger.DebugFormat("Object {0} has lookups that will need to be reprocessed: {1}", objLoop.ApiName, String.Join(", ", fields)); } List <sObject> sourceData = null; try { sourceData = _sourceTasks.GetDataFromSObject(objLoop.ApiName, objLoop.Filter); } catch (Exception e) { string errMess = string.Format("Error while fetching data for {0}: {1}", objLoop.ApiName, e.Message); throw new ApplicationException(errMess, e); } objres.SourceRows = sourceData.Count(); ProgressUpdate(string.Format("Received {0} {1} records from source", sourceData.Count, objLoop.ApiName)); // get working info and transform objects var workingList = new List <ObjectTransformer.sObjectWrapper>(); foreach (sObject rowLoop in sourceData) { var wrap = new ObjectTransformer.sObjectWrapper(); wrap.OriginalId = rowLoop.Id; wrap.sObj = rowLoop; transformer.ApplyTransformations(wrap); workingList.Add(wrap); } // insert objects in batches int batchSize = 100; int done = 0; bool allDone = false; if (workingList.Count == 0) { allDone = true; } while (!allDone) { var workBatch = workingList.Skip(done).Take(batchSize).ToList(); done += workBatch.Count; if (done >= workingList.Count) { allDone = true; } var insertRes = _targetTasks.InsertSObjects(objLoop.ApiName, workBatch.Select(w => w.sObj).ToArray()); for (int i = 0; i < insertRes.Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertRes[i].NewId)) { workBatch[i].NewId = insertRes[i].NewId; objres.SuccessCount += 1; _relationMapper.Remember(objLoop.ApiName, workBatch[i].OriginalId, workBatch[i].NewId); } else { workBatch[i].ErrorMessage = insertRes[i].ErrorMessage; logger.WarnFormat("Error when inserting {0} {1} into target: {2}", objLoop.ApiName, workBatch[i].OriginalId, workBatch[i].ErrorMessage); objres.FailCount += 1; } } } // inserts done. // if there's a recurive field, do update if (transformer.RecursiveRelationshipField != null) { UpdateRecursiveField(objLoop.ApiName, workingList, transformer.RecursiveRelationshipField); } ProgressUpdate(string.Format("Summary for {0}: Success {1} Fail {2}", objLoop.ApiName, objres.SuccessCount, objres.FailCount)); processedObjects.Add(objLoop.ApiName); } // reprocess lookup relationships that can be populated now that the inserts are done var reprocessingResults = ReprocessObjects(objectsToReprocess); // log summary ProgressUpdate("************************************************"); foreach (var resLoop in res.ObjectResults) { ProgressUpdate(string.Format("Summary for {0}: Success {1} Fail {2}", resLoop.ApiName, resLoop.SuccessCount, resLoop.FailCount)); } // log reprocssing summary foreach (var resLoop in reprocessingResults.ObjectResults) { ProgressUpdate(string.Format("Reprocessing summary for {0}: Success {1} Fail {2}", resLoop.ApiName, resLoop.SuccessCount, resLoop.FailCount)); } ProgressUpdate("************************************************"); return(res); }