public static void DisplayTile(Graphics gfx, Tile tile, gameWindow window) { switch (tile.state) { case "empty": fillAllignedRectPoint2Point(gfx, brushWhite, window.area, tile.x * TileSize, tile.y * TileSize, (tile.x * TileSize) + TileSize, (tile.y * TileSize) + TileSize); break; case "enemy": fillAllignedRectPoint2Point(gfx, brushBlack, window.area, tile.x * TileSize, tile.y * TileSize, (tile.x * TileSize) + TileSize, (tile.y * TileSize) + TileSize); break; case "cursor": fillAllignedRectPoint2Point(gfx, brushBlack, window.area, tile.x * TileSize, tile.y * TileSize, (tile.x * TileSize) + TileSize, (tile.y * TileSize) + TileSize); fillAllignedRectPoint2Point(gfx, brushWhite, window.area, (tile.x * TileSize) + 1, (tile.y * TileSize) + 1, ((tile.x * TileSize) + TileSize) - 1, ((tile.y * TileSize) + TileSize) - 1); break; case "click": fillAllignedRectPoint2Point(gfx, brushBlack, window.area, tile.x * TileSize, tile.y * TileSize, (tile.x * TileSize) + TileSize, (tile.y * TileSize) + TileSize); fillAllignedRectPoint2Point(gfx, brushWhite, window.area, (tile.x * TileSize) + 1, (tile.y * TileSize) + 1, ((tile.x * TileSize) + TileSize) - 1, ((tile.y * TileSize) + TileSize) - 1); fillAllignedRectPoint2Point(gfx, brushBlack, window.area, (tile.x * TileSize) + 2, (tile.y * TileSize) + 2, ((tile.x * TileSize) + TileSize) - 2, ((tile.y * TileSize) + TileSize) - 2); break; default: break; } }
public static void DisplayBoard(PictureBox area, TileBoard board, gameWindow window) { Graphics gfx = area.CreateGraphics(); int displayX = 0; int displayY = 0; for (int x = 0; x < board.boardSizeX; x++) { displayY = 0; for (int y = 0; y < board.boardSizeY; y++) { DisplayTile(gfx, board.board[x, y], window); displayY += TileSize; } displayX += TileSize; } }
public MainForm() { // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); // // TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call. // gameBoard = new TileBoard(BoardSize, BoardSize); gameBoard.FloodBoard(new Tile(0, "empty")); mainWindow = new gameWindow(newRectPoint2Point(allignPoint(this.ClientRectangle, borderSize, 0), allignPoint(this.ClientRectangle, 100 - borderSize, 100)), picMain, 100, 100); leftWindow = new gameWindow(newRectPoint2Point(allignPoint(this.ClientRectangle, 0, 0), allignPoint(this.ClientRectangle, borderSize, 100)), picMain, borderSize, borderSize); rightWindow = new gameWindow(newRectPoint2Point(allignPoint(this.ClientRectangle, 100 - borderSize, 0), allignPoint(this.ClientRectangle, 100, 100)), picMain, borderSize, borderSize); mainWindow.setState("Title"); leftWindow.setState("OJ"); rightWindow.setState("Scores"); lostWidth = this.Width - this.ClientRectangle.Width; lostHeight = this.Height - this.ClientRectangle.Height; mouseDown = false; }
public void DisplayMe(Graphics GFX, gameWindow window) { MainForm.DisplayTile(GFX, curTile, window); }
public void ClearMe(Graphics GFX, gameWindow window) { curTile.state = "empty"; MainForm.DisplayTile(GFX, curTile, window); }