public async Task SearchColor(params string[] args) { Base.Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Code); await Program.p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Code); var result = await Features.Tools.Code.SearchColor(args, Program.p.rand); switch (result.error) { case Features.Tools.Error.Image.InvalidArg: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.HelpColor(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Image.InvalidColor: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.InvalidColor(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Image.None: await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Title =, Color = result.answer.discordColor, ImageUrl = result.answer.colorUrl, Description = Sentences.Rgb(Context.Guild) + ": " + result.answer.discordColor.R + ", " + result.answer.discordColor.G + ", " + result.answer.discordColor.B + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.Hex(Context.Guild) + ": #" + result.answer.colorHex }.Build()); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public async Task SetPrefix(params string[] command) { if (Context.Guild == null) { await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.CommandDontPm(Context.Guild)); return; } await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Settings); if (!CanModify(Context.User, Context.Guild)) { await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.OnlyOwnerStr(Context.Guild, Context.Guild.OwnerId)); } else { if (command.Length == 0) { await p.db.SetPrefix(Context.Guild.Id, ""); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.PrefixRemoved(Context.Guild)); } else { await p.db.SetPrefix(Context.Guild.Id, Utilities.AddArgs(command)); await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.DoneStr(Context.Guild)); } } }
public async Task Poll(params string[] args) { Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Communication); await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Communication); if (args.Length < 2) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.PollHelp(Context.Guild)); return; } if (args.Length > 10) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.PollTooManyChoices(Context.Guild)); return; } var emotes = new[] { new Emoji("1️⃣"), new Emoji("2️⃣"), new Emoji("3️⃣"), new Emoji("4️⃣"), new Emoji("5️⃣"), new Emoji("6️⃣"), new Emoji("7️⃣"), new Emoji("8️⃣"), new Emoji("9️⃣") }; string str = ""; int i = 0; foreach (string s in args.Skip(1)) { str += emotes[i] + ": " + s + Environment.NewLine; i++; } var msg = await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Title = args[0], Description = str, Color = Color.Blue }.Build()); await msg.AddReactionsAsync(emotes.Take(i).ToArray()); }
public async Task Logs(params string[] args) { await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Information); if (p.GitHubKey == null) { await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.NoApiKey(Context.Guild)); return; } dynamic json; EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = Sentences.LatestChanges(Context.Guild), Color = Color.Green }; using (HttpClient hc = new HttpClient()) { hc.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 Sanara"); json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(await hc.GetStringAsync("" + p.GitHubKey)); } foreach (var j in json) { eb.AddField(DateTime.ParseExact((string), "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(Base.Sentences.DateHourFormat(Context.Guild)) + " " + Sentences.ByStr(Context.Guild) + " " +, j.commit.message); } await ReplyAsync("", false, eb.Build()); }
public async Task EvalFct(params string[] args) { await p.DoAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Settings); if (Context.User.Id != Base.Sentences.ownerId) { await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.OnlyMasterStr(Context.Guild.Id)); } else if (args.Length == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.EvalHelp(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter() .SetVariable("Context", Context) .SetVariable("p", Program.p) .EnableReflection(); try { await ReplyAsync(interpreter.Eval(string.Join(" ", args)).ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.EvalError(Context.Guild.Id, e.Message)); } } }
public async Task Infos(params string[] command) { if (Context.Guild == null) { await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.CommandDontPm(Context.Guild)); return; } Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Communication); await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Communication); IGuildUser user; if (command.Length == 0) { user = Context.User as IGuildUser; } else { user = await Utilities.GetUser(Utilities.AddArgs(command), Context.Guild); if (user == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.UserNotExist(Context.Guild)); return; } } await InfosUser(user); }
public async Task Ping(params string[] _) { int latency = (int)new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow).Subtract(Context.Message.CreatedAt).TotalMilliseconds; await p.DoAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Information); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.Latency(Context.Guild.Id) + " " + latency + Sentences.MsStr(Context.Guild.Id)); }
public async Task SetLanguage(params string[] language) { await p.DoAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Settings); if (!CanModify(Context.User, Context.Guild.OwnerId)) { await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.OnlyOwnerStr(Context.Guild.Id, Context.Guild.OwnerId)); } else if (language.Length == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.NeedLanguage(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { string nextLanguage = Utilities.AddArgs(language); string lang = Utilities.GetLanguage(nextLanguage); if (lang == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.InvalidLanguage(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await p.db.SetLanguage(Context.Guild.Id, lang); await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.DoneStr(Context.Guild.Id)); } } }
public async Task IncreaseSize(params string[] args) { Base.Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Code); await Program.p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Code); if (Context.Message.Attachments.Count > 0) { args = new[] { Context.Message.Attachments.ToArray()[0].Url } } ; var result = await Features.Tools.Code.IncreaseSize(args, Program.p.rand); switch (result.error) { case Features.Tools.Error.IncreaseSize.Help: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.IncreaseHelp(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.IncreaseSize.InvalidLink: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.NotAnImage(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.IncreaseSize.None: await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(result.answer.path); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }
public async Task Kanji(params string[] words) { Base.Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Linguistic); await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Linguistic); var result = await Features.Tools.Linguist.Kanji(words); switch (result.error) { case Features.Tools.Error.Kanji.Help: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.KanjiHelp(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Kanji.NotFound: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.UrbanNotFound(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Kanji.None: await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Title = result.answer.kanji.ToString(), Description = result.answer.meaning, ImageUrl = result.answer.strokeOrder, Color = Color.Blue, Fields = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder> { new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = Sentences.Radical(Context.Guild), Value = result.answer.radicalKanji + ": " + result.answer.radicalMeaning }, new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = Sentences.Parts(Context.Guild), Value = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, => x.Value == "" ? x.Key : x.Key + ": " + x.Value)) }, new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Onyomi", Value = result.answer.onyomi.Count == 0 ? Base.Sentences.None(Context.Guild) : string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result.answer.onyomi.Select(x => x.Key + " (" + x.Value + ")")) }, new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Kunyomi", Value = result.answer.kunyomi.Count == 0 ? Base.Sentences.None(Context.Guild) : string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result.answer.kunyomi.Select(x => x.Key + " (" + x.Value + ")")) } } }.Build()); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public async Task Urban(params string[] words) { Base.Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Linguistic); await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Linguistic); var result = await Features.Tools.Linguist.UrbanSearch(!((ITextChannel)Context.Channel).IsNsfw, words); switch (result.error) { case Features.Tools.Error.Urban.Help: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.UrbanHelp(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Urban.ChanNotNSFW: await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.ChanIsNotNsfw(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Urban.NotFound: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.UrbanNotFound(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Urban.None: EmbedBuilder em = new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Blue, Title = char.ToUpper(result.answer.word[0]) + string.Concat(result.answer.word.Skip(1)), Fields = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>() { new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = Sentences.Definition(Context.Guild), Value = result.answer.definition } }, Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = Base.Sentences.FromStr(Context.Guild, } }; if (result.answer.example != "") { em.AddField(Sentences.Example(Context.Guild), result.answer.example); } await ReplyAsync("", false, em.Build()); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public async Task GDPR(params string[] command) { await p.DoAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Information); await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Blue, Title = Sentences.DataSaved(Context.Guild.Id, Context.Guild.Name), Description = await Program.p.db.GetGuild(Context.Guild.Id) }.Build()); }
public async Task Translation(params string[] words) { Base.Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Linguistic); await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Linguistic); if (Context.Message.Attachments.Count > 0) { var list = words.ToList(); list.Add(Context.Message.Attachments.ToArray()[0].Url); words = list.ToArray(); } var result = await Features.Tools.Linguist.Translate(words, Program.p.translationClient, Program.p.visionClient, Program.p.allLanguages); switch (result.error) { case Features.Tools.Error.Translation.Help: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.TranslateHelp(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Translation.InvalidApiKey: await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.NoApiKey(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Translation.InvalidLanguage: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.InvalidLanguage(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Translation.NotAnImage: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.NotAnImage(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Translation.NoTextOnImage: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.NoTextOnImage(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Translation.None: await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Blue, Title = Base.Sentences.FromStr(Context.Guild, result.answer.sourceLanguage), Description = result.answer.sentence }.Build()); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public async Task InfosUser(IGuildUser user) { string roles = ""; foreach (ulong roleId in user.RoleIds) { IRole role = Context.Guild.GetRole(roleId); if (role.Name == "@everyone") { continue; } roles += role.Name + ", "; } if (roles != "") { roles = roles.Substring(0, roles.Length - 2); } EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder { ImageUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl(), Color = Color.Purple }; embed.AddField(Sentences.Username(Context.Guild.Id), user.ToString(), true); if (user.Nickname != null) { embed.AddField(Sentences.Nickname(Context.Guild.Id), user.Nickname, true); } embed.AddField(Sentences.AccountCreation(Context.Guild.Id), user.CreatedAt.ToString(Base.Sentences.DateHourFormat(Context.Guild.Id)), true); embed.AddField(Sentences.GuildJoined(Context.Guild.Id), user.JoinedAt.Value.ToString(Base.Sentences.DateHourFormat(Context.Guild.Id)), true); if (user == (await Context.Channel.GetUserAsync(Program.p.client.CurrentUser.Id))) { embed.AddField(Sentences.Creator(Context.Guild.Id), "Zirk#0001", true); embed.AddField(Sentences.LatestVersion(Context.Guild.Id), new FileInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).LastWriteTimeUtc.ToString(Base.Sentences.DateHourFormat(Context.Guild.Id)), true); embed.AddField(Sentences.NumberGuilds(Context.Guild.Id), p.client.Guilds.Count, true); embed.AddField(Sentences.Uptime(Context.Guild.Id), Utilities.TimeSpanToString(DateTime.Now.Subtract(p.startTime), Context.Guild.Id)); embed.AddField("GitHub", ""); embed.AddField(Sentences.Website(Context.Guild.Id), ""); embed.AddField(Sentences.InvitationLink(Context.Guild.Id), ""); embed.AddField(Sentences.OfficialGuild(Context.Guild.Id), ""); embed.AddField("Discord Bot List", ""); embed.AddField(Sentences.ProfilePicture(Context.Guild.Id), "BlankSensei"); } embed.AddField(Sentences.Roles(Context.Guild.Id), ((roles == "") ? (Sentences.NoRole(Context.Guild.Id)) : (roles))); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }
public async Task Error(params string[] args) { await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Information); if (args.Length == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.ErrorHelp(Context.Guild)); return; } string id = string.Join("", args); if (!Program.p.exceptions.ContainsKey(id)) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.ErrorNotFound(Context.Guild)); return; } var elem = Program.p.exceptions[id]; await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Purple, Title = elem.exception.InnerException.GetType().ToString(), Description = "```" + Environment.NewLine + elem.exception.InnerException.Message + Environment.NewLine + "```", Fields = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder> { new EmbedFieldBuilder { Name = Sentences.Command(Context.Guild), Value = elem.exception.Context.Message.ToString().Replace("@", "@\u200b") }, new EmbedFieldBuilder { Name = Sentences.Date(Context.Guild), Value = } }, Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder { Text = Sentences.ErrorGdpr(Context.Guild, "") } }.Build()); }
public async Task Meaning(params string[] words) { Base.Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Linguistic); await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Linguistic); var result = await Features.Tools.Linguist.JapaneseTranslate(words); switch (result.error) { case Features.Tools.Error.JapaneseTranslation.Help: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.JapaneseHelp(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.JapaneseTranslation.NotFound: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.NoJapaneseTranslation(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.JapaneseTranslation.None: EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Blue, Title = string.Join(" ", words) }; int i = 0; foreach (var answer in result.answer) { embed.AddField(string.Join(", ", answer.definition), string.Join(Environment.NewLine, answer.words.Select((Features.Tools.Response.JapaneseWord word) => ((word.word != null) ? (word.word + " - ") : ("")) + ((word.reading != null) ? (word.reading + " (" + word.romaji + ")") : (""))))); if (++i == 5) { break; } } await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public async Task Calc(params string[] args) { Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Communication); await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Communication); DataTable table = new DataTable(); try { await ReplyAsync(table.Compute(string.Join("", args), "").ToString()); } catch (EvaluateException) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.InvalidCalc(Context.Guild)); } catch (SyntaxErrorException) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.InvalidCalc(Context.Guild)); } }
public async Task Shell(params string[] args) { Base.Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Code); await Program.p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Code); var result = await Features.Tools.Code.Shell(args); switch (result.error) { case Features.Tools.Error.Shell.Help: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.ShellHelp(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Shell.NotFound: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.ShellNotFound(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Shell.None: EmbedBuilder em = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Green, Title = result.answer.title, Url = result.answer.url }; foreach (var ex in result.answer.explanations) { em.AddField(ex.Item1, ex.Item2); } await ReplyAsync("", false, em.Build()); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public async Task Anonymize(params string[] args) { if (Context.Guild == null) { await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.CommandDontPm(Context.Guild)); return; } await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Settings); if (!CanModify(Context.User, Context.Guild)) { await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.OnlyOwnerStr(Context.Guild, Context.Guild.OwnerId)); } if (args.Length == 0) { if (Program.p.db.IsAnonymized(Context.Guild.Id)) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.AnonymizeCurrentTrue(Context.Guild)); } else { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.AnonymizeCurrentFalse(Context.Guild)); } } else { if (bool.TryParse(string.Join(" ", args), out bool value)) { await Games.GameModule.Anonymize(Context.Guild.Id, value); await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.DoneStr(Context.Guild)); } else { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.AnonymizeHelp(Context.Guild)); } } }
public async Task GDPR(params string[] command) { await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Information); var guildId = Context.Guild == null ? Context.User.Id : Context.Guild.Id; var guild = await Program.p.db.GetGuild(guildId); if (guild != null) { await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Blue, Title = Sentences.DataSaved(Context.Guild, Context.Guild?.Name ?? Context.User.ToString()), Description = guild }.Build()); } var me =; if (me != null) { await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Blue, Title = "Data saved about you", Description = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, me.GetProfileToDb(Program.p.db.GetR(), true).Select(x => x.Key + ": " + x.Value)), Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder { Text = "Achievements progression is kept hidden" } }.Build()); } else if (guild == null) { await ReplyAsync("I don't have any information stored about you."); } }
public async Task Status() { await p.DoAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Information); int yes = 0; int no = 0; EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = Sentences.ServicesAvailability(Context.Guild.Id) }; string description = ""; for (Program.Module i = 0; i < Program.Module.Youtube; i++) { description += "**" + i.ToString() + "**: " + ((Program.p.db.IsAvailable(Context.Guild.Id, i)) ? (Sentences.Enabled(Context.Guild.Id)) : (Sentences.Disabled(Context.Guild.Id))) + Environment.NewLine; } embed.Description = description; if (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Radio)) { embed.AddField("Radio Module", "**Opus dll:** " + ((File.Exists("opus.dll") ? ("Yes") : ("No"))) + Environment.NewLine + "**Lib Sodium dll:** " + ((File.Exists("libsodium.dll") ? ("Yes") : ("No"))) + Environment.NewLine + "**Ffmpeg:** " + ((File.Exists("ffmpeg.exe") ? ("Yes") : ("No"))) + Environment.NewLine + "**youtube-dl:** " + ((File.Exists("youtube-dl.exe") ? ("Yes") : ("No"))) + Environment.NewLine + "**YouTube API key:** " + ((p.youtubeService != null ? ("Yes") : ("No")))); if (File.Exists("opus.dll") && File.Exists("libsodium.dll") && File.Exists("ffmpeg.exe") && p.youtubeService != null) { yes++; } else { no++; } } if (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Game)) { embed.AddField("Game Module", ScoreManager.GetInformation(Context.Guild.Id, ref yes, ref no)); } if (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Linguistic)) { embed.AddField("Linguistic Module - Translations", "**Google Translate API key:** " + ((p.translationClient != null ? ("Yes") : ("No"))) + Environment.NewLine + "**Google Vision API key:** " + ((p.visionClient != null ? ("Yes") : ("No")))); if (p.translationClient != null) { yes++; if (p.visionClient != null) { yes++; } else { no++; } } else { no += 2; } } embed.AddField("Information Module - Logs", "**GitHub API key:** " + (p.GitHubKey != null ? "Yes" : "No")); if (p.GitHubKey != null) { yes++; } else { no++; } embed.AddField("Anime/Manga Module - NSFW", "**Kitsu logins:** " + (p.kitsuAuth != null ? "Yes" : "No")); embed.AddField("Anime/Manga Module - Subscription", "**Subscription channel:** " + await p.db.GetMyChannelNameAsync(Context.Guild)); if (p.kitsuAuth != null) { yes++; } else { no++; } if (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Youtube)) { embed.AddField("YouTube Module", "**YouTube API key:** " + ((p.youtubeService != null) ? ("Yes") : ("No"))); if (p.youtubeService != null) { yes++; } else { no++; } } if (yes + no == 0) { yes++; } int max = yes + no; embed.Color = new Color(no * 255 / max, yes * 255 / max, 0); Dictionary <string, int> allTrads = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (var elem in Program.p.allLanguages) { allTrads.Add(elem.Key, 0); } foreach (var s in Program.p.translations) { if (s.Value.Any(x => x.language == "en")) { foreach (var trad in s.Value) { allTrads[trad.language]++; } } } string finalLanguage = ""; int enRef = allTrads["en"]; foreach (var s in allTrads) { finalLanguage += CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(Program.p.allLanguages[s.Key][0]) + ": " + (s.Value * 100 / enRef) + "%" + Environment.NewLine; } embed.AddField(Sentences.TranslationsAvailability(Context.Guild.Id), finalLanguage); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }
public async Task Help(params string[] args) { await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Information); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = Sentences.Help(Context.Guild), Color = Color.Purple }; string animeMangaModule = Sentences.AnimeMangaModuleName(Context.Guild); string arknightsModule = Sentences.ArknightsModuleName(Context.Guild); string booruModule = Sentences.BooruModuleName(Context.Guild); string codeModule = Sentences.CodeModuleName(Context.Guild); string communicationModule = Sentences.CommunicationModuleName(Context.Guild); string communityModule = Sentences.CommunityModuleName(Context.Guild); string doujinshiModule = Sentences.DoujinshiModuleName(Context.Guild); string gameModule = Sentences.GameModuleName(Context.Guild); string informationModule = Sentences.InformationModuleName(Context.Guild); string kantaiCollectionModule = Sentences.KantaiCollectionModuleName(Context.Guild); string linguisticModule = Sentences.LinguisticModuleName(Context.Guild); string radioModule = Sentences.RadioModuleName(Context.Guild); string settingsModule = Sentences.SettingsModuleName(Context.Guild); string visualNovelModule = Sentences.VisualNovelModuleName(Context.Guild); string xkcdModule = Sentences.XkcdModuleName(Context.Guild); string youtubeModule = Sentences.YoutubeModuleName(Context.Guild); string page = string.Join(" ", args).ToLower(); var textChan = Context.Channel as ITextChannel; var isNsfw = textChan == null ? false : textChan.IsNsfw; if (page != "" && (page == "1" || animeMangaModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + animeMangaModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.AnimeMangaHelp(Context.Guild, Settings.CanModify(Context.User, Context.Guild)); } else if (page != "" && (page == "2" || arknightsModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + arknightsModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.ArknightsHelp(Context.Guild); } else if (page != "" && (page == "3" || booruModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + booruModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.BooruHelp(Context.Guild, isNsfw); } else if (page != "" && (page == "4" || codeModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + codeModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.CodeHelp(Context.Guild); } else if (page != "" && (page == "5" || communicationModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + communicationModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.CommunicationHelp(Context.Guild); } else if (page != "" && (page == "6" || communityModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + communityModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.CommunityHelp(Context.Guild, Context.User.Id == Base.Sentences.ownerId); } else if (page != "" && (page == "7" || doujinshiModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + doujinshiModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.DoujinshiHelp(Context.Guild, isNsfw); } else if (page != "" && (page == "8" || gameModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + gameModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.GameHelp(Context.Guild, isNsfw); } else if (page != "" && (page == "9" || informationModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + informationModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.InformationHelp(Context.Guild); } else if (page != "" && (page == "10" || kantaiCollectionModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + kantaiCollectionModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.KantaiCollectionHelp(Context.Guild); } else if (page != "" && (page == "11" || linguisticModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + linguisticModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.LinguisticHelp(Context.Guild, isNsfw); } else if (page != "" && (page == "12" || radioModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + radioModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.RadioHelp(Context.Guild); } else if (page != "" && (page == "13" || settingsModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + settingsModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.SettingsHelp(Context.Guild, Settings.CanModify(Context.User, Context.Guild), Context.User.Id == Base.Sentences.ownerId); } else if (page != "" && (page == "14" || visualNovelModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + visualNovelModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.VisualNovelHelp(Context.Guild); } else if (page != "" && (page == "15" || xkcdModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + xkcdModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.XkcdHelp(Context.Guild); } else if (page != "" && (page == "16" || youtubeModule.ToLower().Contains(page))) { embed.Title += " (" + youtubeModule + ")"; embed.Description = Sentences.YouTubeHelp(Context.Guild); } else { var guildId = Context.Guild?.Id ?? 0; embed.Description = Sentences.HelpHelp(Context.Guild) + Environment.NewLine + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.AnimeManga) ? "**1**: " + animeMangaModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Arknights) ? "**2**: " + arknightsModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Booru) ? "**3**: " + booruModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Code) ? "**4**: " + codeModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Communication) ? "**5**: " + communicationModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Community) ? "**6**: " + communityModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Doujinshi) ? "**7**: " + doujinshiModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Game) ? "**8**: " + gameModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Information) ? "**9**: " + informationModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Kancolle) ? "**10**: " + kantaiCollectionModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Linguistic) ? "**11**: " + linguisticModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Radio) ? "**12**: " + radioModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Settings) ? "**13**: " + settingsModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Vn) ? "**14**: " + visualNovelModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Xkcd) ? "**15**: " + xkcdModule + Environment.NewLine : "") + (Program.p.db.IsAvailable(guildId, Program.Module.Youtube) ? "**16**: " + youtubeModule + Environment.NewLine: ""); } await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }
public async Task Complete(params string[] args) { Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild, Program.Module.Communication); await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Communication); IUserMessage message = null; string content = string.Join(" ", args); string oldContent = content; var result = await Features.Tools.Communication.Complete(args, (e) => { content += " " + e; }, (e) => { var embed = new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Red, Description = e }.Build(); if (message != null) { message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = embed).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } else { ReplyAsync("", false, embed).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } }, () => { if (message != null) { message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Blue, Description = content }.Build()).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } content = null; }); switch (result.error) { case Features.Tools.Error.Complete.Help: await ReplyAsync(Sentences.CompleteHelp(Context.Guild)); break; case Features.Tools.Error.Complete.None: message = await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Blue, Description = content, Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder { Text = Sentences.CompleteWait(Context.Guild) } }.Build()); await Task.Run(async() => { while (content != null) { await Task.Delay(2000); if (content != null && oldContent != content) { await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Blue, Description = content, Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder { Text = Sentences.CompleteWait(Context.Guild) } }.Build()); } oldContent = content; } }); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public async Task Quote(params string[] id) { Utilities.CheckAvailability(Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Communication); await p.DoAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Communication); IUser author = (id.Length == 0) ? (null) : (await Utilities.GetUser(string.Join("", id), Context.Guild)); if (id.Length == 0 || author != null) { if (author == null) { author = Context.User; } IMessage msg = (await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync().FlattenAsync()).Skip(1).ToList().Find(x => x.Author.Id == author.Id); if (msg == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.QuoteNoMessage(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Description = msg.Content }.WithAuthor(msg.Author.ToString(), msg.Author.GetAvatarUrl()).WithFooter("The " + msg.CreatedAt.ToString(Base.Sentences.DateHourFormat(Context.Guild.Id)) + " in " + msg.Channel.Name).Build()); } } else { IMessage msg = null; Match url = Regex.Match(id[0], "https:\\/\\/\\/channels\\/" + Context.Guild.Id + "\\/([0-9]{18})\\/([0-9]{18})"); if (url.Success) { ulong idChan, idMsg; if (ulong.TryParse(url.Groups[1].Value, out idChan) && ulong.TryParse(url.Groups[2].Value, out idMsg)) { msg = await(await Context.Guild.GetTextChannelAsync(idChan))?.GetMessageAsync(idMsg); } } else { ulong uId; try { uId = Convert.ToUInt64(id[0]); } catch (FormatException) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.QuoteInvalidId(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } catch (OverflowException) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.QuoteInvalidId(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } msg = await Context.Channel.GetMessageAsync(uId); if (msg == null) { foreach (IGuildChannel chan in await Context.Guild.GetChannelsAsync()) { try { ITextChannel textChan = chan as ITextChannel; if (textChan == null) { continue; } msg = await textChan.GetMessageAsync(uId); if (msg != null) { break; } } catch (HttpException) { } } } } if (msg == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.QuoteInvalidId(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Description = msg.Content }.WithAuthor(msg.Author.ToString(), msg.Author.GetAvatarUrl()).WithFooter("The " + msg.CreatedAt.ToString(Base.Sentences.DateHourFormat(Context.Guild.Id)) + " in " + msg.Channel.Name).Build()); } } }
public async Task Status() { await p.DoAction(Context.User, Program.Module.Information); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = Sentences.ServicesAvailability(Context.Guild) }; var textChan = Context.Channel as ITextChannel; if (textChan != null && !textChan.IsNsfw) { embed.WithFooter("Ask again in a NSFW channel for a more complete status."); } List <string> disabledModules = new List <string>(); for (Program.Module i = 0; i <= Enum.GetValues(typeof(Program.Module)).Cast <Program.Module>().Max(); i++) { if (!Program.p.db.IsAvailable(Context.Guild?.Id ?? 0, i)) { disabledModules.Add(i.ToString()); } } embed.Description = disabledModules.Count == 0 ? "All modules are enabled" : "Disabled modules:" + string.Join(", ", disabledModules); string[] toCheck = new[] { "opus.dll", "libsodium.dll", "ffmpeg.exe", "youtube-dl.exe", }; List <string> missingFiles = new List <string>(); foreach (string file in toCheck) { if (!File.Exists(file)) { missingFiles.Add(file); } } if (p.translationClient == null) { missingFiles.Add("Google Translate API Key"); } if (p.visionClient == null) { missingFiles.Add("Google Vision API Key"); } if (p.GitHubKey == null) { missingFiles.Add("GitHub API Key"); } if (p.kitsuAuth == null) { missingFiles.Add("Kitsu Logins"); } if (p.youtubeService == null) { missingFiles.Add("YouTube API Key"); } embed.AddField("Missing Files", missingFiles.Count == 0 ? "None" : string.Join(", ", missingFiles)); embed.AddField("Game Dictionnaries", ScoreManager.GetInformation(Context.Guild)); if (Context.Guild != null) { embed.AddField("Anime/Manga Subscription Channel", await p.db.GetMyChannelNameAnimeAsync(Context.Guild)); if (textChan.IsNsfw) { var doujinChan = await p.db.GetMyChannelNameDoujinshiAsync(Context.Guild); embed.AddField("Doujinshi Subscription Channel", doujinChan?.Mention ?? "None"); if (doujinChan != null) { var tags = Program.p.db.NHentaiSubscription.Where(x => x.Item1.Id == doujinChan.Id).ElementAt(0); embed.AddField("Doujinshi Subscription Tags", "Whitelist: " + tags.Item2.GetWhitelistTags() + Environment.NewLine + "Blacklist: " + tags.Item2.GetBlacklistTags()); } } } embed.AddField("Profile Count",, true); embed.AddField("Anime Subscription Count", Program.p.db.AnimeSubscription.Count(), true); if (textChan == null || textChan.IsNsfw) { embed.AddField("Doujinshi Subscription Count", Program.p.db.NHentaiSubscription.Count(), true); } embed.Color = Color.Blue; Dictionary <string, int> allTrads = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (var elem in Program.p.allLanguages) { allTrads.Add(elem.Key, 0); } foreach (var s in Program.p.translations) { if (s.Value.Any(x => x.language == "en")) { foreach (var trad in s.Value) { allTrads[trad.language]++; } } } string finalLanguage = ""; int enRef = allTrads["en"]; foreach (var s in allTrads) { finalLanguage += CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(Program.p.allLanguages[s.Key][0]) + ": " + (s.Value * 100 / enRef) + "%" + Environment.NewLine; } embed.AddField(Sentences.TranslationsAvailability(Context.Guild), finalLanguage); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }
private async Task ManageModule(IMessageChannel chan, string[] args, int enable) { await p.DoAction(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id, Program.Module.Settings); if (!CanModify(Context.User, Context.Guild.OwnerId)) { await ReplyAsync(Base.Sentences.OnlyOwnerStr(Context.Guild.Id, Context.Guild.OwnerId)); return; } if (args.Length == 0) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.ModuleManagementHelp(Context.Guild.Id) + " " + GetModuleList(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } Program.Module?module = null; string name = Utilities.AddArgs(args).Replace(" ", ""); if (name == "all") // Enable/Disable all modules at once { if (enable == 1 && Program.p.db.AreAllAvailable(Context.Guild.Id)) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.AllModulesAlreadyEnabled(Context.Guild.Id)); } else if (enable == 0 && Program.p.db.AreNoneAvailable(Context.Guild.Id)) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.AllModulesAlreadyDisabled(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { for (Program.Module i = 0; i <= Program.Module.Youtube; i++) { // We can't disable Settings and Information module // We however can enable them, just in case if (enable == 0 && (i == Program.Module.Settings || i == Program.Module.Information)) { continue; } await Program.p.db.SetAvailability(Context.Guild.Id, i, enable); } if (enable == 1) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.AllModulesEnabled(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.AllModulesDisabled(Context.Guild.Id)); } } return; } for (Program.Module i = 0; i <= Program.Module.Youtube; i++) { if (i == Program.Module.Settings || i == Program.Module.Information) { continue; } if (i.ToString().ToLower() == name.ToLower()) { module = i; break; } } if (module == null) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.ModuleManagementInvalid(Context.Guild.Id) + " " + GetModuleList(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } bool availability = Program.p.db.IsAvailable(Context.Guild.Id, module.Value); if (availability && enable == 1) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.ModuleAlreadyEnabled(Context.Guild.Id, module.ToString())); } else if (!availability && enable == 0) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.ModuleAlreadyDisabled(Context.Guild.Id, module.ToString())); } else { await Program.p.db.SetAvailability(Context.Guild.Id, module.Value, enable); if (enable == 1) { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.ModuleEnabled(Context.Guild.Id, module.ToString())); } else { await chan.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.ModuleDisabled(Context.Guild.Id, module.ToString())); } } }