public static void Send_ResetWave() { // If in a reset wave already, return. if (RoutingGlobal._color == Color.Red) { return; } // Refresh children table _children.CleanseChildrenTable(); if (!_children.IsEmpty()) { RoutingGlobal._color = Color.Red; var msgBytes = new byte[3]; var size = ComposeMessages.CreateResetMessage(msgBytes, (ushort)_resetMsgNum); MulticastToChildren(msgBytes, size); _distResetTimer.Change(120000, Timeout.Infinite); // 2 min timer. TODO: Make timeout interval contingent on distance from the reset wave origin } else { // Create status query to existing candidates var msgBytes = new byte[3]; var size = ComposeMessages.CreateStatusQueryMessage(msgBytes, (ushort)_statusMsgNum); // Multicast query to candidates if (MulticastToCandidates(msgBytes, size)) // If there are candidates { // Wait for response _statusResponseTimer.Change(10000, Timeout.Infinite); // 10 second timer // Reset candidate table ushort[] neighbors = MACBase.NeighborListArray(); CandidateTable.Initialize((byte)neighbors.Length); } else //Empty candidate table; set parent immediately { // Set best node in candidate table as parent RoutingGlobal.SetParent(false); // Reset params RoutingGlobal._color = Color.Green; // Send "Add Parent" message to new parent DistributedReset.Send_AddParent(); _statusMsgNum++; _resetMsgNum++; } } }
private static void Status_Response(object state) { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("*** STATUS TIMEOUT FIRED: query# " + _statusMsgNum + "; setting new parent ***"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("Setting new parent after status query#" + _statusMsgNum); #endif // Try to switch to a new parent // Check if candidate table has valid entries RoutingGlobal.CleanseCandidateTable(_distResetPipe); // Set best node in candidate table as parent RoutingGlobal.SetParent(false); // Reset params RoutingGlobal._color = Color.Green; // Send "Add Parent" message to new parent DistributedReset.Send_AddParent(); _statusMsgNum++; }
private static void Reset_State(object state) { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("*** RESET WAVE TIMEOUT FIRED: Initiating completion wave# " + _resetMsgNum + " ***"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("Initiating completion wave " + _resetMsgNum + ""); #endif Send_CompletionWave(_resetMsgNum); // Purge children table _children = new ChildrenList(); _completionMsgs = null; // Create status query to existing candidates var msgBytes = new byte[3]; var size = ComposeMessages.CreateStatusQueryMessage(msgBytes, (ushort)_statusMsgNum); // Multicast query to candidates if (MulticastToCandidates(msgBytes, size)) // If there are candidates { // Wait for response _statusResponseTimer.Change(10000, Timeout.Infinite); // 10 second timer // Reset candidate table ushort[] neighbors = MACBase.NeighborListArray(); CandidateTable.Initialize((byte)neighbors.Length); } else //Empty candidate table; set parent immediately { // Set best node in candidate table as parent RoutingGlobal.SetParent(false); // Reset params RoutingGlobal._color = Color.Green; // Send "Add Parent" message to new parent DistributedReset.Send_AddParent(); _statusMsgNum++; } _resetMsgNum++; // No more completion messages to be accepted beyond this point }
private static void DistResetStreamReceive(IMAC macBase, DateTime time, Packet packet) { #if DBG_VERBOSE DebuggingSupport.PrintMessageReceived(macBase, "Distributed Reset"); #endif if (packet == null) { return; } #if !DBG_LOGIC Debug.Print("\tRSSI: " + packet.RSSI + ", from " + packet.Src); #endif var rcvPayloadBytes = packet.Payload; //var payload = new string(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(rcvPayloadBytes)); #if DBG_VERBOSE SystemGlobal.PrintNumericVals("\tDistributed reset Rcv: ", rcvPayloadBytes); #endif try { ushort[] neighbors = MACBase.NeighborListArray(); var neighborStatus = _distResetPipe.NeighborStatus(packet.Src); if (neighborStatus == null) { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("\t\t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Node " + packet.Src + " is not a Neighbor (MACBase.NeighborStatus returned null)"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("Sender not a neighbor."); #endif // If node in children table, drop it if (Array.IndexOf(_children._childrenList, packet.Src) < -1) { _children.DropChild(packet.Src); } return; } //Debug.Print("\t\tFwd avg RSSI: " + neighborStatus.ReceiveLink.AverageRSSI + ", Rev avg RSSI: " + neighborStatus.SendLink.AverageRSSI); switch ((MessageIds)rcvPayloadBytes[0]) { case MessageIds.AddParent: #if !DBG_LOGIC Debug.Print("\t>>> AddParent"); #endif if (_children.AddChild(packet.Src)) { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("+++ Added new child: " + packet.Src + " +++"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("Added new child: " + packet.Src); #endif } else { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("@@@ Child already exists: " + packet.Src + " @@@"); #endif } return; case MessageIds.DropParent: #if !DBG_LOGIC Debug.Print("\t>>> DropParent"); #endif if (_children.DropChild(packet.Src)) { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("--- Dropped child: " + packet.Src + " ---"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("Dropped child: " + packet.Src); #endif } else { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("@@@ Child does not exist: " + packet.Src + " @@@"); #endif } return; case MessageIds.Reset: #if !DBG_LOGIC Debug.Print("\t>>> ResetWave"); #endif // Decode round number ushort round_num; ParseMessages.ParseResetMessage(rcvPayloadBytes, out round_num); // Is this a legit reset wave? if (RoutingGlobal._color == Color.Red || packet.Src != RoutingGlobal.Parent || round_num != _resetMsgNum) { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("!!! ILLEGAL RESET WAVE# " + round_num + ": Received from: " + packet.Src + " !!!"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("Illegal reset wave " + round_num + " from " + packet.Src); #endif return; } // Refresh children table _children.CleanseChildrenTable(); if (_children.IsEmpty()) // Start completion wave if leaf node { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("*** LEAF NODE REACHED: Initiating completion wave# " + round_num + " ***"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("At leaf; initiating completion wave " + round_num); #endif Send_CompletionWave(round_num); // Create status query to existing candidates var msgBytes = new byte[3]; var size = ComposeMessages.CreateStatusQueryMessage(msgBytes, (ushort)_statusMsgNum); // Multicast query to candidates if (MulticastToCandidates(msgBytes, size)) // If there are candidates { // Wait for response _statusResponseTimer.Change(10000, Timeout.Infinite); // 10 second timer // Reset candidate table CandidateTable.Initialize((byte)neighbors.Length); } else //Empty candidate table; set parent immediately { // Set best node in candidate table as parent RoutingGlobal.SetParent(false); // Reset params RoutingGlobal._color = Color.Green; // Send "Add Parent" message to new parent DistributedReset.Send_AddParent(); _statusMsgNum++; } _resetMsgNum++; } else { // Forward reset wave to own children Send_ResetWave(rcvPayloadBytes); } return; case MessageIds.Completion: #if !DBG_LOGIC Debug.Print("\t>>> CompletionWave"); #endif // Decode round number ushort round; ParseMessages.ParseCompletionMessage(rcvPayloadBytes, out round); // Is this a legit completion wave? int pos = Array.IndexOf(_children._childrenList, packet.Src); if (RoutingGlobal._color != Color.Red || pos == -1 || round != _resetMsgNum) { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("!!! ILLEGAL COMPLETION WAVE# " + round + ": Received from: " + packet.Src + " !!!"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("Illegal completion wave " + round + " from " + packet.Src); #endif return; } _completionMsgs[pos] = true; // Forward completion wave if received from all children for (int i = 0; i < _completionMsgs.Length; i++) { if (!_completionMsgs[i]) // If not received from any child, return { return; } } // Else, forward completion wave to parent #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("*** RECEIVED COMPLETION MESSAGES FROM ALL CHILDREN: initiating completion wave# " + round + " ***"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("All children responded; initiating completion wave " + round); #endif Send_CompletionWave(round); // Purge children table _children = new ChildrenList(); _completionMsgs = null; _distResetTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); // Create status query to existing candidates var msgBytes1 = new byte[3]; var size1 = ComposeMessages.CreateStatusQueryMessage(msgBytes1, (ushort)_statusMsgNum); // Multicast query to candidates if (MulticastToCandidates(msgBytes1, size1)) // If there are candidates { // Wait for response _statusResponseTimer.Change(10000, Timeout.Infinite); // 10 second timer // Reset candidate table CandidateTable.Initialize((byte)neighbors.Length); } else //Empty candidate table; set parent immediately { // Set best node in candidate table as parent RoutingGlobal.SetParent(false); // Reset params RoutingGlobal._color = Color.Green; // Send "Add Parent" message to new parent DistributedReset.Send_AddParent(); _statusMsgNum++; } _resetMsgNum++; return; case MessageIds.StatusQuery: #if !DBG_LOGIC Debug.Print("\t>>> StatusQuery"); #endif //If in a reset wave or no valid path, don't bother responding if (RoutingGlobal._color == Color.Red || RoutingGlobal.BestEtx >= RoutingGlobal.Infinity) { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("!!! Not responding. Color: " + RoutingGlobal._color + ", BestEtx: " + RoutingGlobal.BestEtx + " !!!"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("Not responding. Color: " + RoutingGlobal._color + ", BestEtx: " + RoutingGlobal.BestEtx); #endif return; } // Decode round number ushort status_msgnum; ParseMessages.ParseStatusQueryMessage(rcvPayloadBytes, out status_msgnum); // Send status response var msgBytes2 = new byte[5]; var size2 = ComposeMessages.CreateStatusResponseMessage(msgBytes2, status_msgnum); NetOpStatus status = _distResetPipe.Send(RoutingGlobal.Parent, msgBytes2, 0, (ushort)size2); return; case MessageIds.StatusResponse: #if !DBG_LOGIC Debug.Print("\t>>> StatusResponse"); #endif ushort status_respnum; Color col; byte etx; byte pathEWRNP_B2N; // Decode message ParseMessages.ParseStatusResponseMessage(rcvPayloadBytes, out col, out etx, out status_respnum, out pathEWRNP_B2N); // Is this a valid response? if (status_respnum != _statusMsgNum) { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("!!! ILLEGAL STATUS RESPONSE# " + status_respnum + ": Received from: " + packet.Src + " !!!"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("Illegal status response " + status_respnum + " from " + packet.Src); #endif return; } byte tempEtx = (byte)(etx + 1); // Add candidate if its offered etx exceeds _minEtx if (tempEtx >= RoutingGlobal._minEtx) { CandidateTable.AddCandidate(packet.Src, 0, tempEtx, pathEWRNP_B2N, RoutingGlobal.MaxEtx); // TODO: Add RSSI later #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("+++ Added new candidate: " + packet.Src + "; path length: " + tempEtx + " +++"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("New candidate " + packet.Src + ":[" + tempEtx + "]"); #endif } else { #if DBG_VERBOSE Debug.Print("--- Not a candidate: " + packet.Src + "; path length: " + tempEtx + " ---"); #elif DBG_SIMPLE Debug.Print("Not a candidate " + packet.Src + ":[" + tempEtx + "]"); #endif } return; default: #if !DBG_LOGIC Debug.Print("\tUnknown message received <" + rcvPayloadBytes[0] + ">"); #endif break; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Print(e.StackTrace); } }