// You can override methods here to change the plug-in behavior on // loading and shut down, add options pages to the Rhino _Option command // and maintain plug-in wide options in a document. protected override LoadReturnCode OnLoad(ref string errorMessage) { CheckCefDependencies(); Panels.RegisterPanel(this, typeof(SampleCsCefSharpVuePanel), "SampleCsCefSharpVue", SampleCsCefSharpVue.Properties.Resources.icon); if (!Cef.IsInitialized) { InitializeCef(); } // initialise one browser instance InitializeCefSharp(); Interop = new SampleCsCefSharpInterop(Browser); // make them talk together Browser.RegisterAsyncJsObject("Interop", Interop); Browser.IsBrowserInitializedChanged += Browser_IsBrowserInitializedChanged; Rhino.RhinoDoc.AddRhinoObject += RhinoDoc_AddRhinoObject; return(base.OnLoad(ref errorMessage)); }