public void AddRoomProperties(KeyValuePair <object, object> roomProperties, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } if (RoomProperties.ContainsKey(roomProperties.Key) == true) { Debug.Log("The key is already contains RoomProperties. Update the value"); RoomProperties[roomProperties.Key] = roomProperties.Value; } else { RoomProperties.Add(roomProperties.Key, roomProperties.Value); } #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.SetCustomProperties(new Hashtable() { { roomProperties.Key, roomProperties.Value } }); } #endif }
public void RemoveBlockedPlayer(string playerId, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } if (BlockedPlayerIdList.ContainsKey(playerId) == false) { Debug.Log("Target player is not in the BlockedPlayerList"); return; } BlockedPlayerIdList.Remove(playerId); #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.SetCustomProperties(new Hashtable() { { RoomOptionKey.BlockedPlayerIdList, BlockedPlayerIdList } }); } #endif }
public void RemoveRoomProperties(string roomPropertiesKey, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } if (RoomProperties.ContainsKey(roomPropertiesKey) == false) { Debug.Log("The key is not in the RoomProperties."); return; } RoomProperties.Remove(roomPropertiesKey); #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.SetCustomProperties(new Hashtable() { { roomPropertiesKey, null } }); } #endif }
// Don't use this method public void SendMessageToPlayer(string userID, string message) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } relayServer?.SendMessageToTarget(userID, message); }
public void RespondInviteRoom(string userID, string roomName, bool acceptInvite) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } relayServer?.RespondInviteRoom(userID, roomName, acceptInvite); }
public void InvitePlayerToRoom(string userID, string roomName, string hostName = "") { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } relayServer?.InvitePlayerToRoom(userID, roomName, hostName); }
public void SetExpectPlayerList(HashSet <string> expectPlayerIdList, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } ExpectPlayerIdList = expectPlayerIdList; }
public bool AddExpectPlayer(Player player, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return(false); } if (ExpectPlayerIdList.Contains(player.userId) == true) { Debug.Log("Target player is already contains ExpectPlayerList"); return(false); } return(ExpectPlayerIdList.Add(player.userId)); }
public bool RemoveExpectPlayer(Player player, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return(false); } if (ExpectPlayerIdList.Contains(player.userId) == false) { Debug.Log("Target player is not in the ExpectPlayerList"); return(false); } return(ExpectPlayerIdList.Remove(player.userId)); }
public void SetMaxPlayerCount(int maxPlayerCount, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } MaxPlayerCount = maxPlayerCount; #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.MaxPlayers = (byte)MaxPlayerCount; } #endif }
public void SetIsOpen(bool isOpen, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } IsOpen = isOpen; #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.IsOpen = IsOpen; } #endif }
public void SetRoomProperties(Dictionary <object, object> roomProperties, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } RoomProperties = roomProperties; #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.SetCustomProperties((Hashtable)RoomProperties); } #endif }
public void SetBlockedPlayerList(Dictionary <string, string> blockedPlayerIdList, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } BlockedPlayerIdList = blockedPlayerIdList; #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.SetCustomProperties(new Hashtable() { { RoomOptionKey.BlockedPlayerIdList, BlockedPlayerIdList } }); } #endif }
public void SetIsVisible(bool isVisible, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } IsVisible = isVisible; #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.SetCustomProperties(new Hashtable() { { RoomOptionKey.IsVisible, isVisible } }); } #endif }
public void SetPassword(string password, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } Password = password; #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add(RoomOptionKey.Password, Password); PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.SetCustomProperties(ht); } #endif }
public void AddUserProperties(KeyValuePair <object, object> userProperty, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } if (this.userProperties.ContainsKey(userProperty.Key) == true) { Debug.Log("The key is already contains UserProperties. Update the value"); this.userProperties[userProperty.Key] = userProperty.Value; } else { this.userProperties.Add(userProperty.Key, userProperty.Value); } #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { if (userId == UserManager.Instance.userID) { PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.SetCustomProperties(new Hashtable() { { userProperty.Key, userProperty.Value } }); } else { Photon.Realtime.Player photonPlayer = Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.GetPlayer(dynamicCodeInRoom); photonPlayer.SetCustomProperties(new Hashtable() { { userProperty.Key, userProperty.Value } }); } } #endif }
public void SetUserProperties(Dictionary <object, object> userProperties, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } this.userProperties = userProperties; #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); var eProp = userProperties.GetEnumerator(); while (eProp.MoveNext() == true) { ht.Add(eProp.Current.Key, eProp.Current.Value); } if (ht.Count == 0) { return; } if (userId == UserManager.Instance.userID) { PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.SetCustomProperties((Hashtable)userProperties); } else { Photon.Realtime.Player photonPlayer = Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.GetPlayer(dynamicCodeInRoom); photonPlayer.SetCustomProperties((Hashtable)userProperties); } } #endif }
public void RemoveUserProperties(string userPropertyKey, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } if (userProperties.ContainsKey(userPropertyKey) == false) { Debug.Log("The key is not in the UserProperties."); return; } userProperties.Remove(userPropertyKey); #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { if (userId == UserManager.Instance.userID) { PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.SetCustomProperties(new Hashtable() { { userPropertyKey, null } }); } else { Photon.Realtime.Player photonPlayer = Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.GetPlayer(dynamicCodeInRoom); photonPlayer.SetCustomProperties(new Hashtable() { { userPropertyKey, null } }); } } #endif }
public void SetRoomPropertiesForLobby(List <string> roomPropertiesForLobby = null, bool reqSyncData = true) { if (SalinTokens.ValidateTokenUserToken() == false) { return; } RoomPropertiesForLobby = roomPropertiesForLobby; if (RoomPropertiesForLobby == null) { RoomPropertiesForLobby = new List <string>(); } if (RoomPropertiesForLobby.Contains(RoomOptionKey.Password) == false) { RoomPropertiesForLobby.Add(RoomOptionKey.Password); } if (RoomPropertiesForLobby.Contains(RoomOptionKey.IsVisible) == false) { RoomPropertiesForLobby.Add(RoomOptionKey.IsVisible); } if (RoomPropertiesForLobby.Contains(RoomOptionKey.RoomName) == false) { RoomPropertiesForLobby.Add(RoomOptionKey.RoomName); } if (RoomPropertiesForLobby.Contains(RoomOptionKey.BlockedPlayerIdList) == false) { RoomPropertiesForLobby.Add(RoomOptionKey.BlockedPlayerIdList); } if (RoomPropertiesForLobby.Contains(RoomOptionKey.HostPlayerId) == false) { RoomPropertiesForLobby.Add(RoomOptionKey.HostPlayerId); } if (RoomPropertiesForLobby.Contains(RoomOptionKey.HostPlayerName) == false) { RoomPropertiesForLobby.Add(RoomOptionKey.HostPlayerName); } if (RoomPropertiesForLobby.Contains(RoomOptionKey.KeyPlayerId) == false) { RoomPropertiesForLobby.Add(RoomOptionKey.KeyPlayerId); } if (RoomPropertiesForLobby.Contains(RoomOptionKey.KeyPlayerName) == false) { RoomPropertiesForLobby.Add(RoomOptionKey.KeyPlayerName); } #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING if (reqSyncData == true) { PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.SetPropertiesListedInLobby(RoomPropertiesForLobby.ToArray()); } #endif }