コード例 #1
        protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Inspection is technically already created.  The only data that needs to be added
            //iS the finish date and the hazard items

            string           messageBoxText = "Are you sure you want to insert this corrective action?";
            string           caption        = "Corrective Action Warning";
            MessageBoxButton button         = MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel;
            MessageBoxImage  icon           = MessageBoxImage.Warning;
            MessageBoxResult result         = MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button, icon);

            if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                //Get the inspectionID
                int inspectionID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]);

                //Create a new SQL connection
                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

                //Create a new SQL command
                SqlCommand comm = conn.CreateCommand();

                //Assign the query to the command
                comm.CommandText = "UPDATE Inspection SET StartDate=@startDate, isStarted=1 WHERE ID = " + inspectionID;

                //Assign the current date time to the query
                comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@startDate", DateTime.Now);

                //Open the connection

                //Execute the command

                //Close the connection

                //Gather data to create insert query for hazard item
                int labID        = Convert.ToInt32(lblRoomID.Text);
                int technicianID = Convert.ToInt32(lblTechnicianID.Text);

                string hazard           = ddlHazard.SelectedItem.Text;
                var    splitValueHazard = hazard.Split('-');
                int    hazardID         = Convert.ToInt16(splitValueHazard[0]);

                string area           = ddlArea.SelectedItem.Text;
                var    splitValueArea = area.Split('-');
                int    areaID         = Convert.ToInt16(splitValueArea[0]);

                string   hazardOther = txtHazardOther.Text;
                string   areaOther   = txtArea.Text;
                string   hazardDesc  = txtHazardDesc.Text;
                string   actionDesc  = txtActionDesc.Text;
                DateTime dueDate     = calDueDate.SelectedDate;

                //Execute the public method for inserting a hazard to an inspection
                int rows = DataLookup.InsertAction(inspectionID, labID, technicianID, hazardID, areaID, hazardDesc, actionDesc, dueDate, hazardOther, areaOther);

                //Shows feedback based on the success of the transaction
                if (rows > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Hazard has been added to Inspection #" + inspectionID);
                    MessageBox.Show("Error. No changes have been made.");

                //Reload the page so another corrective action can be added
                Response.Redirect("InspectionCreateStatic.aspx?ID=" + inspectionID);
            if (result == MessageBoxResult.No | result == MessageBoxResult.Cancel)
                MessageBox.Show("No Action Taken");