コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <remarks>TODO Move this to the helpers</remarks>
        private void SendConfirmationEmail(User user)
            ReturnableUser retUser = new ReturnableUser(user, _keyAndIV); // decrypt user data

            // generate token
            string token = HelperMethods.GenerateJWTEmailConfirmationToken(retUser.ID, _configuration.GetValue <string>("EmailConfirmationTokenKey"));

            // handle to our smtp client
            var smtpClient = new SmtpClient(_configuration.GetValue <string>("Smtp:Host"))
                Port        = int.Parse(_configuration.GetValue <string>("Smtp:Port")),
                Credentials = new NetworkCredential(_configuration.GetValue <string>("Smtp:Username"), _configuration.GetValue <string>("Smtp:Password")),
                EnableSsl   = true,

            // format the body of the message
            string body = "Hello " + retUser.First_Name + ",\n\n";

            body += "A new account has been registered with SafeAccounts using your email address.\n\n";
            body += "To confirm your new account, please go to this web address:\n\n";
            body += _configuration.GetValue <string>("WebsiteUrl") + "emailconfirmation/?token=" + token + "&email=" + retUser.Email;
            body += "\n\nThis should appear as a blue link which you can just click on. If that doesn't work,";
            body += "then cut and paste the address into the address line at the top of your web browser window.\n\n";
            body += "If you need help, please contact the site administrator.\n\n";
            body += "SafeAccounts Administrator,\n";
            body += _configuration.GetValue <string>("Smtp:Username");

            // handle to our message settings
            var mailMessage = new MailMessage
                From       = new MailAddress(_configuration.GetValue <string>("Smtp:Username")),
                Subject    = "Confirm Your SafeAccounts Registration",
                Body       = body,
                IsBodyHtml = false,


            // send message