private void InitializeView( ) { // Centers this window to parent Center(); Title = "Snake"; Board = new SnakeBoard(boardWidth, boardHeight); Board.Position = new Point(Width / 2 - boardWidth / 2, 5); Board.DeathHandler += OnSnakeDeath; Board.EatHandler += OnSnakeEat; Print(Board.Position.X, 3, "SCORE:"); // Add Border around the board var border = new SadConsole.Surfaces.Basic(boardWidth + 2, boardHeight + 2); border.DrawBox(new Rectangle(0, 0, border.Width, border.Height), new Cell(DefaultForeground, DefaultBackground), connectedLineStyle: SurfaceBase.ConnectedLineThin); border.Position = new Point(-1, -1); // Add border to Board children so it draws later Board.Children.Add(border); Children.Add(Board); Score = 0; }
private void InitializeView( ) { // Centers this window to parent Center(); Title = "Tetris"; // Calculate PlayArea position so its centered on X int playAreaX = Width / 2 - playWidth / 2; int playAreaY = 2; // Create the board Board = new TetrisBoard(playWidth, playHeight); Board.Position = new Point(playAreaX, playAreaY); // Add Border around the board var border = new SadConsole.Surfaces.Basic(playWidth + 2, playHeight + 2); border.DrawBox(new Rectangle(0, 0, border.Width, border.Height), new Cell(DefaultForeground, DefaultBackground), connectedLineStyle: SurfaceBase.ConnectedLineThin); border.Draw(TimeSpan.Zero); border.Position = new Point(-1, -1); // Add border to Board children so it draws later Board.Children.Add(border); Children.Add(Board); }