public List <AV_Test> GetAllTest(string siteId, string networModeId, string BandId, string CarrierId) { AV_SitesBL siteBL = new AV_SitesBL(); List <AV_Test> listTest = new List <AV_Test>(); var data = siteBL.ToDataTable("GET_TEST_BY_LAYER", null, networModeId, BandId, CarrierId, null, null, null); foreach (DataRow item in data.Rows) { AV_Test test = new AV_Test(); //test.Id = Convert.ToInt64(item["DefinationId"].ToString()); test.Name = item["DefinationName"].ToString(); test.UEId = item["UEId"].ToString(); listTest.Add(test); } return(listTest); }
//public List<AV_Site> ListIsActive(string value1 = null, string value2 = null, string value3 = null) //{ // DataTable dtbl = new DataTable(); // dtbl = wod.Get("Search", value1, value2, value3); // List<AV_Site> WorkOrders = dtbl.ToList<AV_Site>(); // return WorkOrders; //} public bool ChangeFolderName(Workorder wo, List <Workorder> wolst) { try { List <string> Newpath = new List <string>(); List <string> OldPath = new List <string>(); AD_DefinationBL db = new AD_DefinationBL(); int x = 0; string ClientPrefix = ""; string networkmode = ""; string carriors = ""; string bands = ""; var Newtworkmode = db.SelectedList("NetworkModes", null, "-NetworkMode-"); var Bands = db.ToList("Bands"); var Carriers = db.ToList("Carriers"); List <AV_Sector> Sectors = new List <AV_Sector>(); List <Changefoldername> t = new List <Changefoldername>(); List <Changefoldername> oldt = new List <Changefoldername>(); AV_SitesBL sb = new AV_SitesBL(); AV_Site Site = new AV_Site(); sb.SiteWithSectors(Convert.ToInt32(wo.SiteId), ref Site, ref Sectors); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { ClientPrefix = wolst[0].ClientPrefix; } var dt = wod.GetSiteBands("Get_All", wo.SiteId); if (wolst != null) { if (wo.siteCode.ToString() == Site.SiteCode) { foreach (var row in Sectors) { foreach (var netmod in Newtworkmode) { if (netmod.Value == row.NetworkModeId.ToString()) { networkmode = netmod.Text; } } foreach (var b in Bands) { if (b.DefinationId == row.BandId) { bands = b.DefinationName; } } foreach (var c in Carriers) { if (c.DefinationId == row.CarrierId) { carriors = c.DefinationName; } } var oldp = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + ClientPrefix + "/" + Site.SiteCode + '/' + networkmode + "_" + bands + "_" + carriors + ""; Changefoldername cf = new Changefoldername(); cf.Id = Convert.ToInt64(row.SectorId); cf.Path = oldp; oldt.Add(cf); } foreach (var item in wolst) { foreach (var netmod in Newtworkmode) { if (netmod.Value == item.networkMode) { networkmode = netmod.Text; } } foreach (var b in Bands) { if (b.DefinationId.ToString() == item.Band) { bands = b.DefinationName; } } foreach (var c in Carriers) { if (c.DefinationId.ToString() == item.Carrier) { carriors = c.DefinationName; } } var p = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + ClientPrefix + "/" + wo.siteCode.ToString() + '/' + networkmode + "_" + bands + "_" + carriors + ""; foreach (var itm in Sectors) { if (itm.SectorId == item.SectorId) { Changefoldername cfn = new Changefoldername(); cfn.Id = Convert.ToInt64(item.SectorId); cfn.Path = p; t.Add(cfn); break; } } } List <long> RemoveLayesId = new List <long>(); foreach (var itme in t) { foreach (var tm in oldt) { if (itme.Id == tm.Id && itme.Path == tm.Path) { RemoveLayesId.Add(itme.Id); } } } foreach (var r in RemoveLayesId) { var obj = t.Where(xx => xx.Id == r).FirstOrDefault(); var obj1 = oldt.Where(xx => xx.Id == r).FirstOrDefault(); t.Remove(obj); oldt.Remove(obj1); } for (int i = 0; i < t.Count; i++) { bool exists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldt[i].Path)); if (exists) { bool exists1 = System.IO.Directory.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(t[i].Path)); if (!exists1) { t[i].Path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(t[i].Path); oldt[i].Path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldt[i].Path); Directory.CreateDirectory(t[i].Path); DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(t[i].Path); int xx = 0; int y = 0; List <String> MyFiles = Directory .GetFiles(oldt[i].Path, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList(); foreach (string file in MyFiles) { FileInfo mFile = new FileInfo(file); // to remove name collisions if (new FileInfo(dirInfo + "\\" + mFile.Name).Exists == false) { mFile.MoveTo(dirInfo + "\\" + mFile.Name); xx++; } } //Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(t[i].Path)); // } // System.IO.Directory.Move(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldt[i].Path), HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(t[i].Path)); } else { t[i].Path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(t[i].Path); oldt[i].Path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldt[i].Path); List <String> Files = Directory .GetFiles(oldt[i].Path, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList(); if (Files.Count > 0) { var MyFiles = Directory .GetFiles(oldt[i].Path, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList(); foreach (string file in MyFiles) { FileInfo mFile = new FileInfo(file); // to remove name collisions if (new FileInfo(t[i].Path + "\\" + mFile.Name).Exists == false) { mFile.MoveTo(t[i].Path + "\\" + mFile.Name); } } } } } } } else { var oldp = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + ClientPrefix + "/" + Site.SiteCode + '/'; var p = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + ClientPrefix + "/" + wo.siteCode.ToString() + '/'; var newPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(p); var oldPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldp); DirectoryCopy(oldPath, newPath, true); clearFolder(oldPath); DeleteFolder(oldPath); } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool ChangeFolderName(long networklayerid, string SiteCode) { try { AD_DefinationBL db = new AD_DefinationBL(); int x = 0; string ClientPrefix = ""; string networkmode = ""; string carriors = ""; string bands = ""; var Newtworkmode = db.SelectedList("NetworkModes", null, "-NetworkMode-"); var Bands = db.ToList("Bands"); var Carriers = db.ToList("Carriers"); string oldpath = ""; string newpath = ""; AV_NetLayerStatusBL nlsb = new AV_NetLayerStatusBL(); var rec = nlsb.ToSingle("Get_byLayerStatusId", 0, 0, 0, 0, networklayerid.ToString()); AV_SitesBL sb = new AV_SitesBL(); AV_Site oldSite = new AV_Site(); oldSite = sb.Single("SingleSitebyId", rec.SiteId.ToString(), null, null, null, null); AV_Site newSite = new AV_Site(); newSite = sb.Single("SingleSitebySiteCode", SiteCode.ToString(), null, null, null, null); var Newrec = nlsb.ToSingle("Get_byLayerStatusId", 0, 0, 0, 0, networklayerid.ToString()); var oldSiteRecord = sb.ToList("BySiteCodeWithLayer", oldSite.SiteCode, null, null, null, null, null); var newSiteRecord = sb.ToList("BySiteCodeWithLayer", newSite.SiteCode, null, null, null, null, null); foreach (var netmod in Newtworkmode) { if (netmod.Value == rec.NetworkModeId.ToString()) { networkmode = netmod.Text; } } foreach (var b in Bands) { if (b.DefinationId == rec.BandId) { bands = b.DefinationName; } } foreach (var c in Carriers) { if (c.DefinationId == rec.CarrierId) { carriors = c.DefinationName; } } oldpath = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + oldSiteRecord[0].ClientPrefix + "/" + oldSite.SiteCode + "/" + networkmode + "_" + bands + "_" + carriors + ""; foreach (var netmod in Newtworkmode) { if (netmod.Value == Newrec.NetworkModeId.ToString()) { networkmode = netmod.Text; } } foreach (var b in Bands) { if (b.DefinationId == Newrec.BandId) { bands = b.DefinationName; } } foreach (var c in Carriers) { if (c.DefinationId == Newrec.CarrierId) { carriors = c.DefinationName; } } newpath = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + newSiteRecord[0].ClientPrefix + "/" + newSite.SiteCode + '/' + networkmode + "_" + bands + "_" + carriors + ""; var newPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(newpath); var oldPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldpath); WorkOrderBL wo = new WorkOrderBL(); wo.DirectoryCopy(oldPath, newPath, true); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }