コード例 #1
 private void initialize()
     //MonoBehaviour.print("NodeFairingInit: "+fairingCreated+ " :: " +fairingForceDisabled+ " :: "+fairingJettisoned + " :: " +fairingEnabled);
     if (rendersToRemove != null && rendersToRemove.Length > 0)
         SSTUUtils.removeTransforms(part, SSTUUtils.parseCSV(rendersToRemove));
     if (externalUpdateData != null)
     if (fairingCreated || (fairingEnabled && !fairingJettisoned && !fairingForceDisabled && string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeName)))//previously existed, recreate it, or should exist by default values in the config
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeName))
             AttachNode n = part.FindAttachNode(nodeName);
             if (n != null && n.attachedPart != null)
                 prevAttachedPart = n.attachedPart;
                 //MonoBehaviour.print("Setting initial attached part to: " + prevAttachedPart);
     else if (!fairingJettisoned && !fairingForceDisabled && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeName))//else could potentially be activated by a node...check for activation
         needsStatusUpdate = true;
     needsGuiUpdate = true;
     //MonoBehaviour.print("NodeFairingInit End: " + fairingCreated + " :: " + fairingForceDisabled + " :: " + fairingJettisoned + " :: " + fairingEnabled);
コード例 #2
 private void initialize()
     if (rendersToRemove != null && rendersToRemove.Length > 0)
         SSTUUtils.removeTransforms(part, SSTUUtils.parseCSV(rendersToRemove));
     loadFairingData(SSTUStockInterop.getPartModuleConfig(part, this));
     if (externalUpdateData != null)
     updateEditorFields(false); //update cached editor gui field values for diameter, sections, etc.
     buildFairing();            //construct fairing from cached/persistent/default data
     needsStatusUpdate = true;
     if (textureSets != null)
         if (textureSets.Length <= 1)//only a single, (or no) texture set selected/avaialable
             Events["nextTextureEvent"].active = false;
         if (textureSets.Length > 0 && String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentTextureSet))
             TextureSet s = textureSets[0];
             currentTextureSet = textureSets[0].setName;
コード例 #3
        //creates/recreates FairingData instances from data from config node and any persistent node (if applicable)
        private void loadFairingData(ConfigNode node)
            ConfigNode[] fairingNodes = node.GetNodes("FAIRING");
            fairingParts = new SSTUNodeFairingData[fairingNodes.Length];

            Transform modelBase = part.transform.FindRecursive("model");
            Transform parent;

            SSTUNodeFairing[] cs = part.GetComponents <SSTUNodeFairing>();
            int l           = Array.IndexOf(cs, this);
            int moduleIndex = l;

            for (int i = 0; i < fairingNodes.Length; i++)
                parent          = modelBase.FindOrCreate(fairingName + "-" + moduleIndex + "-" + i);
                fairingParts[i] = new SSTUNodeFairingData();
                fairingParts[i].load(fairingNodes[i], parent.gameObject);
                if (fairingParts[i].canAdjustTop)
                    enableTopDiameterControls = true;
                if (fairingParts[i].canAdjustBottom)
                    enableBottomDiameterControls = true;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(persistentDataString))
                String[] datas  = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(persistentDataString, ":");
                int      length = datas.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

            textureSets = TextureSet.loadTextureSets(node.GetNodes("TEXTURESET"));

            if (fairingMaterial != null)
                fairingMaterial = null;

            if (textureSets != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentTextureSet))
                TextureSet t = Array.Find(textureSets, m => m.setName == currentTextureSet);
                if (t != null)
                    TextureData d = t.textureDatas[0];
                    if (d != null)
                        diffuseTextureName = d.diffuseTextureName;
                        normalTextureName  = d.normalTextureName;
            fairingMaterial = SSTUUtils.loadMaterial(diffuseTextureName, normalTextureName, "KSP/Bumped Specular");
コード例 #4
 public void loadPersistence(String data)
     String[] csv = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(data);
     topY         = SSTUUtils.safeParseFloat(csv[0]);
     bottomY      = SSTUUtils.safeParseFloat(csv[1]);
     topRadius    = SSTUUtils.safeParseFloat(csv[2]);
     bottomRadius = SSTUUtils.safeParseFloat(csv[3]);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Restores ModelData instances from config node data, and populates the 'currentModule' instances with the currently enabled modules.
        /// </summary>
        private void loadConfigData()
            ConfigNode node = SSTUStockInterop.getPartModuleConfig(part, this);

            ConfigNode[] tankNodes  = node.GetNodes("TANK");
            ConfigNode[] mountNodes = node.GetNodes("CAP");
            ConfigNode[] fuelNodes  = node.GetNodes("FUELTYPE");
            ConfigNode[] limitNodes = node.GetNodes("TECHLIMIT");

            mainTankModules = SingleModelData.parseModels(tankNodes);

            int                   len = mountNodes.Length;
            ConfigNode            mountNode;
            List <MountModelData> noses  = new List <MountModelData>();
            List <MountModelData> mounts = new List <MountModelData>();

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                mountNode = mountNodes[i];
                if (mountNode.GetBoolValue("useForNose", true))
                    mountNode.SetValue("nose", "true");
                    noses.Add(new MountModelData(mountNode));
                if (mountNode.GetBoolValue("useForMount", true))
                    mountNode.SetValue("nose", "false");
                    mounts.Add(new MountModelData(mountNode));
            mountModules = mounts.ToArray();
            noseModules  = noses.ToArray();

            topNodeNames    = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(topManagedNodeNames);
            bottomNodeNames = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(bottomManagedNodeNames);

            currentMainTankModule = Array.Find(mainTankModules, m => m.name == currentTankType);
            if (currentMainTankModule == null)
                MonoBehaviour.print("ERROR: Could not locate tank type for: " + currentTankType + ". reverting to first available tank type.");
                currentMainTankModule = mainTankModules[0];
                currentTankType       = currentMainTankModule.name;

            currentNoseModule = Array.Find(noseModules, m => m.name == currentNoseType);
            if (currentNoseModule == null)
                MonoBehaviour.print("ERROR: Could not locate nose type for: " + currentNoseType + ". reverting to first available nose type.");
                currentNoseModule = noseModules[0];
                currentNoseType   = currentNoseModule.name;

            currentMountModule = Array.Find(mountModules, m => m.name == currentMountType);
            if (currentMountModule == null)
                MonoBehaviour.print("ERROR: Could not locate mount type for: " + currentMountType + ". reverting to first available mount type.");
                currentMountModule = mountModules[0];
                currentMountType   = currentMountModule.name;
            if (!currentMainTankModule.isValidTextureSet(currentTankTexture))
                currentTankTexture = currentMainTankModule.getDefaultTextureSet();
            if (!currentNoseModule.isValidTextureSet(currentNoseTexture))
                currentNoseTexture = currentNoseModule.getDefaultTextureSet();
            if (!currentMountModule.isValidTextureSet(currentMountTexture))
                currentMountTexture = currentMountModule.getDefaultTextureSet();
            currentNoseModule.updateTextureUIControl(this, "currentNoseTexture", currentNoseTexture);
            currentMainTankModule.updateTextureUIControl(this, "currentTankTexture", currentTankTexture);
            currentMountModule.updateTextureUIControl(this, "currentMountTexture", currentMountTexture);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Restores ModelData instances from config node data, and populates the 'currentModule' instances with the currently enabled modules.
        /// </summary>
        private void loadConfigData()
            ConfigNode node = SSTUConfigNodeUtils.parseConfigNode(configNodeData);

            ConfigNode[] tankSetsNodes = node.GetNodes("TANKSET");
            ConfigNode[] tankNodes     = node.GetNodes("TANK");
            ConfigNode[] mountNodes    = node.GetNodes("CAP");
            ConfigNode[] limitNodes    = node.GetNodes("TECHLIMIT");

            tankSets = TankSet.parseSets(tankSetsNodes);
            //if no sets exist, initialize a default set to add all models to
            if (tankSets.Length == 0)
                tankSets = new TankSet[1];
                ConfigNode defaultSetNode = new ConfigNode("TANKSET");
                defaultSetNode.AddValue("name", "default");
                tankSets[0] = new TankSet(defaultSetNode);
            mainTankModules = ModelData.parseModels <TankModelData>(tankNodes, m => new TankModelData(m));

            int     len = mainTankModules.Length;
            TankSet set;

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                set = Array.Find(tankSets, m => m.name == mainTankModules[i].setName);
                //if set is not found by name, add it to the first set which is guaranteed to exist due to the default-set-adding code above.
                if (set == null)
                    set = tankSets[0];

            len = mountNodes.Length;
            ConfigNode             mountNode;
            List <SingleModelData> noses  = new List <SingleModelData>();
            List <SingleModelData> mounts = new List <SingleModelData>();

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                mountNode = mountNodes[i];
                if (mountNode.GetBoolValue("useForNose", true))
                    mountNode.SetValue("nose", "true");
                    noses.Add(new SingleModelData(mountNode));
                if (mountNode.GetBoolValue("useForMount", true))
                    mountNode.SetValue("nose", "false");
                    mounts.Add(new SingleModelData(mountNode));
            mountModules = mounts.ToArray();
            noseModules  = noses.ToArray();

            topNodeNames    = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(topManagedNodeNames);
            bottomNodeNames = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(bottomManagedNodeNames);

            currentMainTankModule = Array.Find(mainTankModules, m => m.name == currentTankType);
            if (currentMainTankModule == null)
                MonoBehaviour.print("ERROR: Could not locate tank type for: " + currentTankType + ". reverting to first available tank type.");
                currentMainTankModule = mainTankModules[0];
                currentTankType       = currentMainTankModule.name;

            currentTankSetModule = Array.Find(tankSets, m => m.name == currentMainTankModule.setName);
            currentTankSet       = currentTankSetModule.name;
            lastSelectedVariant  = currentMainTankModule.variantName;

            currentNoseModule = Array.Find(noseModules, m => m.name == currentNoseType);
            if (currentNoseModule == null)
                MonoBehaviour.print("ERROR: Could not locate nose type for: " + currentNoseType + ". reverting to first available nose type.");
                currentNoseModule = noseModules[0];
                currentNoseType   = currentNoseModule.name;

            currentMountModule = Array.Find(mountModules, m => m.name == currentMountType);
            if (currentMountModule == null)
                MonoBehaviour.print("ERROR: Could not locate mount type for: " + currentMountType + ". reverting to first available mount type.");
                currentMountModule = mountModules[0];
                currentMountType   = currentMountModule.name;
            if (!currentMainTankModule.isValidTextureSet(currentTankTexture))
                currentTankTexture = currentMainTankModule.getDefaultTextureSet();
            if (!currentNoseModule.isValidTextureSet(currentNoseTexture))
                currentNoseTexture = currentNoseModule.getDefaultTextureSet();
            if (!currentMountModule.isValidTextureSet(currentMountTexture))
                currentMountTexture = currentMountModule.getDefaultTextureSet();
コード例 #7
        private void findTransforms()
            String[] suncatcherNames = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(rayTransforms);
            String[] pivotNames      = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(pivotTransforms);

            PivotData      pd;
            SuncatcherData sd;
            int            len2;

            Transform[] trs;
            String      name;

            List <PivotData> tempPivotData = new List <PivotData>();
            int len = pivotNames.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                name = pivotNames[i];
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    MonoBehaviour.print("ERROR: Empty name for solar pivot for part: " + part);
                trs  = part.transform.FindChildren(name);
                len2 = trs.Length;
                if (len2 == 0)
                    MonoBehaviour.print("ERROR: Could not locate solar pivot transforms for name: " + name + " for part: " + part);
                for (int k = 0; k < len2; k++)
                    pd = new PivotData();
                    pd.pivotTransform     = trs[k];
                    pd.defaultOrientation = pd.pivotTransform.localRotation;
            pivotData = tempPivotData.ToArray();

            List <SuncatcherData> tempSunData = new List <SuncatcherData>();

            len = suncatcherNames.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                name = suncatcherNames[i];
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    MonoBehaviour.print("ERROR: Empty name for suncatcher for part: " + part);
                trs  = part.transform.FindChildren(name);
                len2 = trs.Length;
                if (len2 == 0)
                    MonoBehaviour.print("ERROR: Could not locate suncatcher transforms for name: " + name + " for part: " + part);
                for (int k = 0; k < len2; k++)
                    sd = new SuncatcherData();
                    sd.suncatcherTransform = trs[k];
            suncatcherData = tempSunData.ToArray();

            Transform t1;

            if (windBreakTransformName != null && windBreakTransformName.Length > 0)
                t1 = part.FindModelTransform(windBreakTransformName);
                if (t1 != null)
                    windBreakTransform = t1;
            if (windBreakTransform == null && pivotData.Length > 0)
                windBreakTransform = pivotData[0].pivotTransform;
            }//else it will use default vessel transform
コード例 #8
        private void initialize()
            if (heatCurve == null)
                heatCurve = new FloatCurve();
                heatCurve.Add(0, 0.00002f);  //very minimal initial ablation factor
                heatCurve.Add(50, 0.00005f); //ramp it up fairly quickly though
                heatCurve.Add(150, 0.00015f);
                heatCurve.Add(500, 0.00050f);
                heatCurve.Add(750, 0.00075f);
                heatCurve.Add(1000, 0.00100f);
                heatCurve.Add(2000, 0.00400f);
                heatCurve.Add(3000, 0.00800f);  //generally, things will explode before this point
                heatCurve.Add(10000, 0.05000f); //but just in case, continue the curve up to insane levels
            double hsp  = 1;
            double dens = 1;

            if (heatSoak)
                PartResourceDefinition resource = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(resourceName);
                hsp  = resource.specificHeatCapacity;
                dens = resource.density;
                resource = part.Resources[resourceName];
                if (resource != null)
                    hsp  = resource.info.specificHeatCapacity;
                    dens = resource.info.density;
                    hsp  = PhysicsGlobals.StandardSpecificHeatCapacity;
                    dens = 0.005f;
            useToFluxMultiplier = hsp * ablationEfficiency * dens * ablationMult;
            baseSkinIntMult     = part.skinInternalConductionMult;

            //stand-alone modular heat-shield setup
            if (standAlonePart)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelName))
                    MonoBehaviour.print("SEVERE ERROR: SSTUModularHeatShield could has no model specified for part: " + part.name);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(transformsToRemove))
                    SSTUUtils.removeTransforms(part, SSTUUtils.parseCSV(transformsToRemove));

                shieldTypeNames = SSTUDatabase.getHeatShieldNames();

                ConfigNode modelNode = new ConfigNode("MODEL");
                modelNode.AddValue("name", modelName);
                mainModelData = new SingleModelData(modelNode);
                mainModelData.setupModel(part.transform.FindRecursive("model"), ModelOrientation.CENTRAL, true);

            ConfigNode node = SSTUConfigNodeUtils.parseConfigNode(configNodeData);

            ConfigNode[] typeNodes = node.GetNodes("SHIELDTYPE");
            int          len       = typeNodes.Length;

            shieldTypeNames = new string[len];
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                shieldTypeNames[i] = typeNodes[i].GetStringValue("name");
            if (shieldTypeNames.Length == 0)
                shieldTypeNames = new string[] { "Medium" };
            currentShieldTypeData = SSTUDatabase.getHeatShieldType(currentShieldType);
            heatCurve             = currentShieldTypeData.heatCurve;

            if (!initializedResources && (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor || HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight))
                initializedResources = true;
コード例 #9
        private void init(bool start)
            if (initialized)
            initialized = true;

            topNodeNames    = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(topManagedNodes);
            bottomNodeNames = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(bottomManagedNodes);
            ConfigNode node = SSTUConfigNodeUtils.parseConfigNode(configNodeData);

            coreModules = SingleModelData.parseModels(node.GetNodes("CORE"));

            List <ConfigNode> tops    = new List <ConfigNode>();
            List <ConfigNode> bottoms = new List <ConfigNode>();

            ConfigNode[] mNodes = node.GetNodes("CAP");
            ConfigNode   mNode;
            int          len = mNodes.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                mNode = mNodes[i];
                if (mNode.GetBoolValue("useForTop", true))
                if (mNode.GetBoolValue("useForBottom", true))
            topModules    = SingleModelData.parseModels(tops.ToArray());
            bottomModules = SingleModelData.parseModels(bottoms.ToArray());

            mNodes = node.GetNodes("DOCK");
            len    = mNodes.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                mNode = mNodes[i];
                if (mNode.GetBoolValue("useForTop", true))
                if (mNode.GetBoolValue("useForBottom", true))
            topDockModules    = SingleModelData.parseModels(tops.ToArray());
            bottomDockModules = SingleModelData.parseModels(bottoms.ToArray());

            mNodes       = node.GetNodes("SOLAR");
            len          = mNodes.Length;
            solarModules = new SolarData[len];
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                mNode           = mNodes[i];
                solarModules[i] = new SolarData(mNode);

            topDockModule    = SingleModelData.findModel(topDockModules, currentTopDock);
            topModule        = SingleModelData.findModel(topModules, currentTop);
            coreModule       = SingleModelData.findModel(coreModules, currentCore);
            bottomModule     = SingleModelData.findModel(bottomModules, currentBottom);
            bottomDockModule = SingleModelData.findModel(bottomDockModules, currentBottomDock);
            solarModule      = Array.Find(solarModules, m => m.name == currentSolar);//TODO cleanup

            //validate selections for sub-modules that may require unlocks
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor || HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
                if (!topDockModule.isAvailable(upgradesApplied))
                    topDockModule = Array.Find(topDockModules, m => m.isAvailable(upgradesApplied));
                if (!bottomDockModule.isAvailable(upgradesApplied))
                    bottomDockModule = Array.Find(bottomDockModules, m => m.isAvailable(upgradesApplied));
                if (!solarModule.isAvailable(this))
                    solarModule = Array.Find(solarModules, m => m.isAvailable(this));
                currentTopDock    = topDockModule.name;
                currentBottomDock = bottomDockModule.name;
                currentSolar      = solarModule.name;

            if (!topModule.isValidTextureSet(currentTopTexture))
                currentTopTexture = topModule.getDefaultTextureSet();
            if (!coreModule.isValidTextureSet(currentCoreTexture))
                currentCoreTexture = coreModule.getDefaultTextureSet();
            if (!bottomModule.isValidTextureSet(currentBottomTexture))
                currentBottomTexture = bottomModule.getDefaultTextureSet();

            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor || HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
                ModuleDockingNode[] mdns = part.GetComponents <ModuleDockingNode>();
                if (mdns.Length > 0)
                    if (topDockModule.model != null)
                        topDockPartModule = mdns[0];
                    if (bottomDockModule.model != null)
                        bottomDockPartModule = mdns.Length > 1 ? mdns[1] : mdns[0];
            //resources are updated in Start(), to ensure that the dependent modules have loaded
コード例 #10
        //creates/recreates FairingData instances from data from config node and any persistent node (if applicable)
        private void loadFairingData(ConfigNode node)
            recolorHandler = new RecoloringHandler(Fields[nameof(customColorData)]);

            ConfigNode[] fairingNodes = node.GetNodes("FAIRING");
            fairingParts = new SSTUNodeFairingData[fairingNodes.Length];

            Transform modelBase = part.transform.FindRecursive("model");
            Transform parent;

            SSTUNodeFairing[] cs = part.GetComponents <SSTUNodeFairing>();
            int l           = Array.IndexOf(cs, this);
            int moduleIndex = l;

            for (int i = 0; i < fairingNodes.Length; i++)
                parent          = modelBase.FindOrCreate(fairingName + "-" + moduleIndex + "-" + i);
                fairingParts[i] = new SSTUNodeFairingData();
                fairingParts[i].load(fairingNodes[i], parent.gameObject);
                if (fairingParts[i].canAdjustTop)
                    enableTopDiameterControls = true;
                    if (guiTopDiameter < 0)
                        guiTopDiameter = fairingParts[i].topRadius * 2f;
                        fairingParts[i].topRadius = guiTopDiameter * 0.5f;
                if (fairingParts[i].canAdjustBottom)
                    enableBottomDiameterControls = true;
                    if (guiBottomDiameter < 0)
                        guiBottomDiameter = fairingParts[i].bottomRadius * 2f;
                        fairingParts[i].bottomRadius = guiBottomDiameter * 0.5f;
            //reload fairing data from persistence;
            //it -should- already match the guiTopDiameter/guiBottomDiameter (or else was already corrupted/invalid when saved out).
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(persistentDataString))
                String[] datas  = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(persistentDataString, ":");
                int      length = datas.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            ConfigNode[] textureNodes = node.GetNodes("TEXTURESET");
            string[]     names        = TextureSet.getTextureSetNames(textureNodes);
            string[]     titles       = TextureSet.getTextureSetTitles(textureNodes);
            TextureSet   t            = KSPShaderLoader.getTextureSet(currentTextureSet);

            if (t == null)
                currentTextureSet = names[0];
                t = KSPShaderLoader.getTextureSet(currentTextureSet);
                initializedColors = false;
            if (!initializedColors)
                initializedColors = true;
            this.updateUIChooseOptionControl(nameof(currentTextureSet), names, titles, true, currentTextureSet);
            fairingMaterial = t.textureData[0].createMaterial("SSTUFairingMaterial");
コード例 #11
        private void initialize(bool start)
            if (initialized)
            initialized = true;

            topNodeNames    = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(topManagedNodes);
            bottomNodeNames = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(bottomManagedNodes);

            ConfigNode node = SSTUConfigNodeUtils.parseConfigNode(configNodeData);

            coreModule = new ModelModule <ServiceModuleCoreModel, SSTUModularServiceModule>(part, this, getRootTransform("MSC-CORE", true), ModelOrientation.TOP, nameof(coreModulePersistentData), nameof(currentCore), nameof(currentCoreTexture));
            coreModule.getSymmetryModule = m => m.coreModule;
            coreModule.setupModelList(ModelData.parseModels(node.GetNodes("CORE"), m => new ServiceModuleCoreModel(m)));

            topModule = new ModelModule <SingleModelData, SSTUModularServiceModule>(part, this, getRootTransform("MSC-TOP", true), ModelOrientation.TOP, nameof(topModulePersistentData), nameof(currentTop), nameof(currentTopTexture));
            topModule.getSymmetryModule  = m => m.topModule;
            topModule.getValidSelections = m => topModule.models.FindAll(s => s.canSwitchTo(part, topNodeNames));

            bottomModule = new ModelModule <SingleModelData, SSTUModularServiceModule>(part, this, getRootTransform("MSC-BOTTOM", true), ModelOrientation.BOTTOM, nameof(bottomModulePersistentData), nameof(currentBottom), nameof(currentBottomTexture));
            bottomModule.getSymmetryModule  = m => m.bottomModule;
            bottomModule.getValidSelections = m => bottomModule.models.FindAll(s => s.canSwitchTo(part, bottomNodeNames));

            solarModule = new ModelModule <SolarData, SSTUModularServiceModule>(part, this, getRootTransform("MSC-Solar", true), ModelOrientation.CENTRAL, null, nameof(currentSolar), null);
            solarModule.getSymmetryModule = m => m.solarModule;
            solarModule.setupModelList(ModelData.parseModels(node.GetNodes("SOLAR"), m => new SolarData(m)));
            solarModule.getValidSelections = delegate(IEnumerable <SolarData> all)
                //System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(all, s => s.isAvailable(upgradesApplied));
                float scale = coreModule.model.currentDiameterScale;
                //find all solar panels that are unlocked via upgrades/tech-tree
                List <SolarData> unlocked = solarModule.models.FindAll(s => s.isAvailable(upgradesApplied));
                //filter those to find only the ones available for the current
                List <SolarData> availableByScale = unlocked.FindAll(s => coreModule.model.isValidSolarOption(s.name, scale));
            solarModule.preModelSetup = delegate(SolarData d)
                d.positions = coreModule.model.getPanelConfiguration(d.name).getScaledPositions(coreModule.model.currentDiameterScale);

            rcsModule = new ModelModule <ServiceModuleRCSModelData, SSTUModularServiceModule>(part, this, getRootTransform("MSC-Rcs", true), ModelOrientation.CENTRAL, null, nameof(currentRCS), null);
            rcsModule.getSymmetryModule = m => m.rcsModule;
            rcsModule.setupModelList(ModelData.parseModels(node.GetNodes("RCS"), m => new ServiceModuleRCSModelData(m)));
            rcsModule.getValidSelections = m => rcsModule.models.FindAll(s => s.isAvailable(upgradesApplied));

            List <ConfigNode> tops    = new List <ConfigNode>();
            List <ConfigNode> bottoms = new List <ConfigNode>();

            ConfigNode[] mNodes = node.GetNodes("CAP");
            ConfigNode   mNode;
            int          len = mNodes.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                mNode = mNodes[i];
                if (mNode.GetBoolValue("useForTop", true))
                if (mNode.GetBoolValue("useForBottom", true))


コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Restores ModelData instances from config node data, and populates the 'currentModule' instances with the currently enabled modules.
        /// </summary>
        private void loadConfigData()
            ConfigNode node = SSTUConfigNodeUtils.parseConfigNode(configNodeData);

            ConfigNode[] tankSetsNodes = node.GetNodes("TANKSET");
            ConfigNode[] tankNodes     = node.GetNodes("TANK");
            ConfigNode[] mountNodes    = node.GetNodes("CAP");

            variantData = TankVariant.parseVariants(node.GetNodes("VARIANT"));

            tankSets = TankSet.parseSets(tankSetsNodes);
            //if no sets exist, initialize a default set to add all models to
            if (tankSets.Length == 0)
                tankSets = new TankSet[1];
                ConfigNode defaultSetNode = new ConfigNode("TANKSET");
                defaultSetNode.AddValue("name", "default");
                tankSets[0] = new TankSet(defaultSetNode);
            TankModelData[] mainTankModules = ModelData.parseModels <TankModelData>(tankNodes, m => new TankModelData(m));

            int     len = mainTankModules.Length;
            TankSet set;

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                set = Array.Find(tankSets, m => m.name == mainTankModules[i].setName);
                //if set is not found by name, add it to the first set which is guaranteed to exist due to the default-set-adding code above.
                if (set == null)
                    set = tankSets[0];

            topNodeNames    = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(topManagedNodeNames);
            bottomNodeNames = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(bottomManagedNodeNames);

            tankModule = new ModelModule <TankModelData, SSTUModularFuelTank>(part, this, getRootTransform(rootTransformName, true), ModelOrientation.CENTRAL, nameof(bodyModuleData), nameof(currentTankType), nameof(currentTankTexture));
            tankModule.getSymmetryModule = m => m.tankModule;
            tankModule.getDisplayNames   = m => SSTUUtils.getNames(m, s => s.variantName);

            currentTankSetModule = Array.Find(tankSets, m => m.name == tankModule.model.setName);
            currentTankSet       = currentTankSetModule.name;
            lastSelectedVariant  = tankModule.model.variantName;

            tankModule.getValidSelections = delegate(IEnumerable <TankModelData> data) { return(System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(data, s => s.setName == currentTankSet)); };

            len = mountNodes.Length;
            ConfigNode             mountNode;
            List <SingleModelData> noses  = new List <SingleModelData>();
            List <SingleModelData> mounts = new List <SingleModelData>();

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                mountNode = mountNodes[i];
                if (mountNode.GetBoolValue("useForNose", true))
                    mountNode.SetValue("nose", "true");
                    noses.Add(new SingleModelData(mountNode));
                if (mountNode.GetBoolValue("useForMount", true))
                    mountNode.SetValue("nose", "false");
                    mounts.Add(new SingleModelData(mountNode));

            noseModule = new ModelModule <SingleModelData, SSTUModularFuelTank>(part, this, getRootTransform(rootNoseTransformName, true), ModelOrientation.TOP, nameof(noseModuleData), nameof(currentNoseType), nameof(currentNoseTexture));
            noseModule.getSymmetryModule  = m => m.noseModule;
            noseModule.getValidSelections = delegate(IEnumerable <SingleModelData> data)
                return(System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(data, m => m.canSwitchTo(part, topNodeNames) && TankVariant.isValidNose(m.name, tankModule.model.variantName, variantData)));

            mountModule = new ModelModule <SingleModelData, SSTUModularFuelTank>(part, this, getRootTransform(rootMountTransformName, true), ModelOrientation.BOTTOM, nameof(mountModuleData), nameof(currentMountType), nameof(currentMountTexture));
            mountModule.getSymmetryModule  = m => m.mountModule;
            mountModule.getValidSelections = delegate(IEnumerable <SingleModelData> data)
                return(System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(data, m => m.canSwitchTo(part, bottomNodeNames) && TankVariant.isValidMount(m.name, tankModule.model.variantName, variantData)));
コード例 #13
        private void initialize(bool start)
            if (initialized)
            initialized = true;

            topNodeNames    = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(topManagedNodes);
            bottomNodeNames = SSTUUtils.parseCSV(bottomManagedNodes);

            ConfigNode node = SSTUConfigNodeUtils.parseConfigNode(configNodeData);

            coreModule = new ModelModule <SingleModelData, SSTUModularStationCore>(part, this, getRootTransform("MSC-CORE", true), ModelOrientation.TOP, nameof(coreModulePersistentData), nameof(currentCore), nameof(currentCoreTexture));
            coreModule.getSymmetryModule = m => m.coreModule;

            topModule = new ModelModule <SingleModelData, SSTUModularStationCore>(part, this, getRootTransform("MSC-TOP", true), ModelOrientation.TOP, nameof(topModulePersistentData), nameof(currentTop), nameof(currentTopTexture));
            topModule.getSymmetryModule  = m => m.topModule;
            topModule.getValidSelections = m => topModule.models.FindAll(s => s.canSwitchTo(part, topNodeNames));

            bottomModule = new ModelModule <SingleModelData, SSTUModularStationCore>(part, this, getRootTransform("MSC-BOTTOM", true), ModelOrientation.BOTTOM, nameof(bottomModulePersistentData), nameof(currentBottom), nameof(currentBottomTexture));
            bottomModule.getSymmetryModule  = m => m.bottomModule;
            bottomModule.getValidSelections = m => bottomModule.models.FindAll(s => s.canSwitchTo(part, bottomNodeNames));

            solarModule = new ModelModule <SolarData, SSTUModularStationCore>(part, this, getRootTransform("MSC-Solar", true), ModelOrientation.CENTRAL, null, nameof(currentSolar), null);
            solarModule.getSymmetryModule = m => m.solarModule;
            solarModule.setupModelList(SingleModelData.parseModels(node.GetNodes("SOLAR"), m => new SolarData(m)));
            solarModule.getValidSelections = m => solarModule.models.FindAll(s => s.isAvailable(upgradesApplied));

            List <ConfigNode> tops    = new List <ConfigNode>();
            List <ConfigNode> bottoms = new List <ConfigNode>();

            ConfigNode[] mNodes = node.GetNodes("CAP");
            ConfigNode   mNode;
            int          len = mNodes.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                mNode = mNodes[i];
                if (mNode.GetBoolValue("useForTop", true))
                if (mNode.GetBoolValue("useForBottom", true))

            coreModule.setupModel();//TODO -- only setup core module if not the prefab part -- else need to add transform updating/fx-updating for RCS and engine modules, as they lack proper handling for transform swapping at runtime
