public ContentGrid GetGrid(Vector2 pos) { ContentGrid zero =; if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)this.m_RectTransform, (Object)null)) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Vector2& local1 = @pos; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local1).x = (__Null)((^ local1).x + ((double)this.m_PaddingLeft - this.m_Spacing.x)); zero.fx = (float)(-pos.x / (this.m_CellSize.x + this.m_Spacing.x)); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: variable of a reference type Vector2& local2 = @pos; // ISSUE: explicit reference operation // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ local2).y = (__Null)((^ local2).y - ((double)this.m_PaddingTop - this.m_Spacing.y)); zero.fy = (float)(pos.y / (this.m_CellSize.y + this.m_Spacing.y)); if (!this.m_WidthLoop && zero.x < 0) { zero.x = 0; } if (!this.m_HeightLoop && zero.y < 0) { zero.y = 0; } } return(zero); }
public virtual void Copy(ContentNode src) { this.m_ContentController = src.m_ContentController; this.m_Index = src.m_Index; this.m_Param = src.m_Param; this.m_Grid = src.m_Grid; this.m_Pos = src.m_Pos; }
public int GetParamIndex(int x, int y) { ContentGrid normalizeGrid = this.GetNormalizeGrid(x, y); if (this.m_Constraint == ContentController.Constraint.FixedRowCount) { return(normalizeGrid.x * this.m_ViewHeightNum + normalizeGrid.y); } return(normalizeGrid.y * this.m_ViewWidthNum + normalizeGrid.x); }
public ContentGrid GetGrid(int index) { ContentGrid zero =; if (this.m_Constraint == ContentController.Constraint.Flexible || this.m_Constraint == ContentController.Constraint.FixedRowCount) { zero.x = index / this.m_ViewHeightNum; zero.y = index % this.m_ViewHeightNum; } else if (this.m_Constraint == ContentController.Constraint.FixedColumnCount) { zero.x = index % this.m_ViewWidthNum; zero.y = index / this.m_ViewWidthNum; } return(zero); }
public void SetGrid(ContentGrid grid) { this.m_Grid = grid; }
public virtual void Setup(int index, int x, int y, ContentSource.Param param) { this.m_Grid = new ContentGrid(x, y); this.Setup(index, this.m_ContentController.GetNodePos(x, y), param); }
private void CheckActiveNode() { ContentGrid grid = this.GetGrid(); List <ContentNode> contentNodeList = new List <ContentNode>(); IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = (IDictionaryEnumerator)this.m_NodeUsed.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ContentNode contentNode = (ContentNode)enumerator.Value; if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)contentNode, (Object)null) && (contentNode.IsReMake() || !contentNode.IsValid() || (contentNode.gridX < grid.x - 1 || contentNode.gridX > grid.x + this.m_NodeWidthNum) || (contentNode.gridY < grid.y - 1 || contentNode.gridY > grid.y + this.m_NodeHeightNum))) { contentNodeList.Add(contentNode); } } for (int index = 0; index < contentNodeList.Count; ++index) { ContentNode contentNode = contentNodeList[index]; if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)contentNode, (Object)null)) { contentNode.OnSelectOff(); contentNode.SetActive(false); this.m_NodeUsed.Remove(this.GetNodeKey(contentNode.gridX, contentNode.gridY)); this.m_NodeEmpty.Add(contentNode); } } int x1 = grid.x; int y1 = grid.y; int num1 = grid.x + this.m_NodeWidthNum; int num2 = grid.y + this.m_NodeHeightNum; if (this.isScrollHorizontal) { --x1; ++num1; } if (this.isScrollVertical) { --y1; ++num2; } for (int y2 = y1; y2 < num2; ++y2) { for (int x2 = x1; x2 < num1; ++x2) { if ((this.m_WidthLoop || x2 >= 0 && x2 < this.m_ViewWidthNum) && (this.m_HeightLoop || y2 >= 0 && y2 < this.m_ViewHeightNum) && Object.op_Equality((Object)this.GetNodeUsed(x2, y2), (Object)null)) { int paramIndex = this.GetParamIndex(x2, y2); ContentSource.Param obj = this.GetParam(paramIndex); if (obj != null) { ContentNode nodeEmpty = this.GetNodeEmpty(); if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)nodeEmpty, (Object)null)) { nodeEmpty.Setup(paramIndex, x2, y2, obj); nodeEmpty.SetActive(true); this.m_NodeUsed.Add(this.GetNodeKey(x2, y2), nodeEmpty); } else { Debug.LogError((object)"ノードが不足しています"); } } } } } }
public ContentGrid(float _fx, float _fy) { this.x = ContentGrid.FloatToInt(_fx); this.y = ContentGrid.FloatToInt(_fy); }