public void DeteleLinkPad(PadItem Pad) { if (Pad.CadItemIndex < 0) { return; } int idPad = this.Gerber.PadItems.IndexOf(Pad); for (int i = 0; i < this.Cad.Count; i++) { if (this.Cad[i].CadFileID == Pad.CadFileID) { CadFile cad = this.Cad[i]; cad.CadItems[Pad.CadItemIndex].PadsIndex.Remove(idPad); break; } } Pad.CadItemIndex = -1; Pad.CadFileID = string.Empty; }
public int GetNewCad(string Path) { int gerberW = 0; int gerberH = 0; if (this.Gerber is GerberFile) { gerberW = this.Gerber.OrgGerberImage.Width; gerberH = this.Gerber.OrgGerberImage.Height; } CadFile cad = CadFile.GetNewCadFile(this.ID, Path, this.DPI, gerberW, gerberH); if (cad == null) { return(-1); } else { this.Cad.Add(cad); return(0); } }
public CadFile Copy() { CadFile cad = new CadFile(); cad.ModelID = this.ModelID; cad.CadFileID = Utils.GetNewID(); cad.FileName = this.FileName; cad.FilePath = this.FilePath; cad.Angle = this.Angle; cad.Color = this.Color; cad.CenterRotation = new Point(this.CenterRotation.X, CenterRotation.Y); cad.SelectCenter = Rectangle.Empty; cad.Visible = true; cad.X = this.X; cad.Y = this.Y; CadFileData = this.CadFileData; cad.CadItems = new List <CadItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.CadItems.Count; i++) { cad.CadItems.Add(this.CadItems[i].Copy(cad.CadFileID)); } return(cad); }
} // public static CadFile GetNewCadFile(string ID, string Path, double DPI, int GerberWidth = 0, int GerberHeight = 0) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Path); CadFile cad = new CadFile(); cad.ModelID = ID; cad.CadFileID = Utils.GetNewID(); cad.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0); cad.FileName = fi.Name; cad.FilePath = fi.FullName; cad.Visible = true; cad.Angle = 0; cad.CadItems = new List <CadItem>(); string[] content = File.ReadAllLines(fi.FullName); double _XMin = 999999; double _YMin = 999999; double _XMax = -999999; double _YMax = -999999; foreach (string item in content) { string line = item.Replace('\t', ' '); string[] arrall = line.Split(' '); List <string> arr = new List <string>(); foreach (var str in arrall) { if (str != "") { arr.Add(str); } } CadItem cadItem = new CadItem(); try { cadItem.CadFileID = cad.CadFileID; cadItem.Name = arr[0]; cadItem.Center = new PointF((float)(-Convert.ToDouble(arr[1]) * DPI / 25.4), (float)(Convert.ToDouble(arr[2]) * DPI / 25.4)); cadItem.Angle = Convert.ToDouble(arr[3]); cadItem.Code = arr[4]; cadItem.PadsIndex = new List <int>(); cad.CadItems.Add(cadItem); if (cadItem.Center.X < _XMin) { _XMin = cadItem.Center.X; } if (cadItem.Center.Y < _YMin) { _YMin = cadItem.Center.Y; } if (cadItem.Center.X > _XMax) { _XMax = cadItem.Center.X; } if (cadItem.Center.Y > _YMax) { _YMax = cadItem.Center.Y; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(item); mLog.Error(ex.Message); return(null); } } // add undefine caditem CadItem cadItemUndefine = new CadItem(); cadItemUndefine.CadFileID = cad.CadFileID; cadItemUndefine.Name = "UNDEFINE"; cadItemUndefine.Center = new PointF(-9999, -9999); cadItemUndefine.Angle = 0; cadItemUndefine.Code = "UNDEFINE"; cadItemUndefine.PadsIndex = new List <int>(); cad.CadItems.Add(cadItemUndefine); // calculate rotate point for (int i = 0; i < cad.CadItems.Count; i++) { PointF ct = cad.CadItems[i].Center; cad.CadItems[i].Center = new PointF((float)(ct.X - _XMin), ct.Y); } _YMax -= _XMin; _XMax -= _XMin; _YMin -= _XMin; _XMin = 0; cad.CenterRotation = new Point((int)(_XMax - _XMin) / 2, (int)(_YMax - _YMin) / 2); cad.X = GerberWidth / 2 - cad.CenterRotation.X; cad.Y = GerberHeight / 2 - cad.CenterRotation.Y; cad.CadFileData = content; return(cad); }
public void AutoLinkPad(CadFile Cad, int Mode, int Width = 800, int Height = 800) { List <Tuple <Point, int> > padsList = new List <Tuple <Point, int> >(); for (int i = 0; i < this.Gerber.PadItems.Count; i++) { padsList.Add(new Tuple <Point, int>(this.Gerber.PadItems[i].Center, i)); } Point cadCenterRotate = Cad.CenterRotation; List <Tuple <CadItem, int> > cadItemNotLink = new List <Tuple <CadItem, int> >(); int cadX = Cad.X; int cadY = Cad.Y; double cadAngle = Cad.Angle; // filter Resistor and Capacitor component for (int t = 0; t < Cad.CadItems.Count; t++) { var item = Cad.CadItems[t]; string name = Convert.ToString(item.Name[0]); string nextName = Convert.ToString(item.Name[1]); Point cadCenter = Point.Round(item.Center); Point cadCenterRotated = CadItem.GetCenterRotated(cadCenter, cadCenterRotate, cadX, cadY, cadAngle); var sorted = padsList.OrderBy(i => ImageProcessingUtils.DistanceTwoPoint(i.Item1, cadCenterRotated)); if ((name.ToUpper() == "R" || name.ToUpper() == "C") && "0123456789".Contains(nextName)) { item.PadsIndex.Add(sorted.ElementAt(0).Item2); item.PadsIndex.Add(sorted.ElementAt(1).Item2); this.Gerber.PadItems[sorted.ElementAt(0).Item2].CadFileID = Cad.CadFileID; this.Gerber.PadItems[sorted.ElementAt(0).Item2].CadItemIndex = t; this.Gerber.PadItems[sorted.ElementAt(1).Item2].CadFileID = Cad.CadFileID; this.Gerber.PadItems[sorted.ElementAt(1).Item2].CadItemIndex = t; } else { if (name.ToUpper() != "S") { cadItemNotLink.Add(new Tuple <CadItem, int>(item, t)); } } } // reset pad list padsList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < this.Gerber.PadItems.Count; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Gerber.PadItems[i].CadFileID)) { padsList.Add(new Tuple <Point, int>(this.Gerber.PadItems[i].Center, i)); } } if (Mode < 1) { return; } // filter only has two pad foreach (var itemtl in cadItemNotLink) { var item = itemtl.Item1; string name = Convert.ToString(item.Name[0]); string nextName = Convert.ToString(item.Name[1]); Point cadCenter = Point.Round(item.Center); Point cadCenterRotated = CadItem.GetCenterRotated(cadCenter, cadCenterRotate, cadX, cadY, cadAngle); var sorted = padsList.OrderBy(i => ImageProcessingUtils.DistanceTwoPoint(i.Item1, cadCenterRotated)); Tuple <Point, int>[] arSorted = sorted.ToArray(); List <int> idGot = new List <int>(); int limit = arSorted.Length > 10 ? 10 : arSorted.Length; double crDist = -1; for (int i = 0; i < limit - 1; i++) { if (idGot.Contains(arSorted[i].Item2)) { continue; } if (i == 1 && idGot.Count == 0) { break; } Point p1 = arSorted[i].Item1; double d1 = ImageProcessingUtils.DistanceTwoPoint(p1, cadCenterRotated); if (idGot.Count > 0 && 2 * crDist < d1) { break; } if (d1 > this.DPI / 2) { break; } for (int j = i + 1; j < limit; j++) { Point p2 = arSorted[j].Item1; double d2 = ImageProcessingUtils.DistanceTwoPoint(p2, cadCenterRotated); double deviationDist = Math.Max(d1, d2) > 0.05 * this.DPI ? 0.1 * Math.Min(d1, d2) : 0.03 * this.DPI; if (Math.Abs(d1 - d2) > deviationDist || d2 > this.DPI / 2) { break; } Point ctP12 = new Point((p1.X + p2.X) / 2, (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2); if (Math.Abs(ctP12.X - cadCenterRotated.X) < 0.01 * this.DPI || Math.Abs(ctP12.Y - cadCenterRotated.Y) < 0.01 * this.DPI) { if (crDist != -1 && (Math.Abs(crDist - d1) > 0.5 * crDist || Math.Abs(crDist - d2) > 0.5 * crDist)) { break; } crDist = (d1 + d2) / 2; crDist = Math.Min(d1, d2); idGot.Add(arSorted[i].Item2); idGot.Add(arSorted[j].Item2); } } } if (idGot.Count == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < idGot.Count; i++) { this.Gerber.PadItems[idGot[i]].CadFileID = Cad.CadFileID; this.Gerber.PadItems[idGot[i]].CadItemIndex = itemtl.Item2; item.PadsIndex.Add(idGot[i]); } } } // reset pads and cad list padsList.Clear(); cadItemNotLink.Clear(); if (Mode < 2) { return; } //get all pad for (int i = 0; i < this.Gerber.PadItems.Count; i++) { padsList.Add(new Tuple <Point, int>(this.Gerber.PadItems[i].Center, i)); } for (int i = 0; i < Cad.CadItems.Count; i++) { if (Cad.CadItems[i].PadsIndex.Count == 0 && Cad.CadItems[i].Name[0].ToString().ToUpper() != "S") { cadItemNotLink.Add(new Tuple <CadItem, int>(Cad.CadItems[i], i)); } } foreach (var itemtl in cadItemNotLink) { var item = itemtl.Item1; string name = Convert.ToString(item.Name[0]); string nextName = Convert.ToString(item.Name[1]); Point cadCenter = Point.Round(item.Center); Point cadCenterRotated = CadItem.GetCenterRotated(cadCenter, cadCenterRotate, cadX, cadY, cadAngle); double angle = Math.Abs(item.Angle % 90); angle = angle > 45 ? 90 - angle : angle; var sorted = padsList.OrderBy(i => ImageProcessingUtils.DistanceTwoPoint(i.Item1, cadCenterRotated) * Math.Cos(angle * Math.PI / 180.0)); Tuple <Point, int>[] arSorted = sorted.ToArray(); int limit = arSorted.Length > 1000 ? 1000 : arSorted.Length; List <int> idGot = new List <int>(); //double deviationDist = Math.Max(d1, d2) > 0.05 * this.DPI ? 0.1 * Math.Min(d1, d2) : 0.03 * this.DPI; for (int i = 0; i < limit - 1; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Gerber.PadItems[arSorted[i].Item2].CadFileID)) { break; } double d1 = ImageProcessingUtils.DistanceTwoPoint(arSorted[i].Item1, cadCenterRotated); if (d1 > this.DPI) { break; } idGot.Add(arSorted[i].Item2); } for (int i = 0; i < idGot.Count; i++) { this.Gerber.PadItems[idGot[i]].CadFileID = Cad.CadFileID; this.Gerber.PadItems[idGot[i]].CadItemIndex = itemtl.Item2; item.PadsIndex.Add(idGot[i]); } } }