private static void CreateFields(ClientContext context) { Deploy deploy = new Deploy(); string XMLFile = GetFolderRoot() + @"\Fields\FieldDefinition.xml"; XElement doc = XElement.Load(XMLFile); IEnumerable<XElement> fields = from e1 in doc.Elements() select e1; foreach (XElement e in fields) { string result = deploy.CreateFields(context, e.ToString()); if (result != "Success") Log(result); } }
private static void CreateSiteStructure(ClientContext context) { //Iterate through an XML file of the site structure and create as follows... Deploy deploy = new Deploy(); deploy.CreateSite(context, "MytestSite", "MyNamedTestSite", "Some random description"); }
private static void UploadMasterPage(ClientContext context) { string root = GetDIFolderRoot() + @"\MasterPage"; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(root); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(files[0]); string destFolder = GetConfigSetting("RootCustomMasterPageFolderUrl") + @"/MasterPage"; //shd only be one file Deploy deploy = new Deploy(); deploy.UploadMasterPage(context, destFolder, fi.Name, files[0]); }