private void simpleButtonExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string dept1, dept2, dept3, table_name, cmonth; table_name = "salary"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); cmonth = dateTimePickerMonth.Text.ToString(); dept1 = comboBoxDept1.SelectedValue.ToString(); dept2 = comboBoxDept2.SelectedValue.ToString(); dept3 = comboBoxDept3.SelectedValue.ToString(); IDataParameter[] parameters = new IDataParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@cmonth", cmonth), new SqlParameter("@dept1", dept1), new SqlParameter("@dept2", dept2), new SqlParameter("@dept3", dept3) }; try { ds = conn.RunProcedure("COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE_SALARY_SUM", parameters, table_name); } catch { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } bool isok = Common.DataSetToExcel(ds, true); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("导出完成!"); } }
private void simpleButtonExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string month, group; string table_name = "status"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); month = dateTimePickerMonth.Text.ToString(); group = comboBoxGroup.Text.ToString(); IDataParameter[] parameters = new IDataParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@month", month), new SqlParameter("@group", group) }; try { ds = conn.RunProcedure("COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE_STATUS", parameters, table_name); } catch { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } bool isok = Common.DataSetToExcel(ds, true); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("导出完成!"); } }
private void simpleButtonExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string cno, dept1, dept2, dept3, dept, status, days, cmonth; days = "days"; //DateTime begin_date, end_date; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); status = comboBoxStatus.SelectedIndex.ToString(); cno = textEditNo.Text.ToString().Trim(); cmonth = dateTimePickerMonth.Text.ToString(); //begin_date = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePickerBegin.Text.ToString()); //end_date = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePickerEnd.Text.ToString()); dept1 = comboBoxDept1.SelectedValue.ToString(); dept2 = comboBoxDept2.SelectedValue.ToString(); dept3 = comboBoxDept3.SelectedValue.ToString(); dept = comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString(); IDataParameter[] parameters = new IDataParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@month", cmonth), new SqlParameter("@cno", cno), new SqlParameter("@dept1", dept1), new SqlParameter("@dept2", dept2), new SqlParameter("@dept3", dept3), new SqlParameter("@dept", dept) }; try { ds = conn.RunProcedure("COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE_DAYS", parameters, days); } catch { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } bool isok = Common.DataSetToExcel(ds, true); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("导出完成!"); } }
private void simpleButtonExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql, yyyymm; yyyymm = dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString(); simpleButtonExport.Enabled = false; if (!isall) { if (textEditNo.Text.ToString().Trim() != "" || textEditName.Text.ToString().Trim() != "") { strsql = "select '''' + cno 临时工号,e.cname 姓名,sex 性别,register_date 报道日期,leave_date 离职日期,cfrom 输送渠道,b.cname 输送类型,dept1 一级部门,dept2 二级部门,dept3 三级部门,dept 部门,'''' + id_number 身份证号,phone_no 手机号码,shift 班次,status 状态 from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE e left join cost_base_data b on e.from_type = b.sub_id and module_id = 1 where cno = '" + textEditNo.Text.ToString().Trim() + "' or e.cname = '" + textEditName.Text.ToString().Trim() + "'"; } else if (comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString() != "0" && comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { strsql = "select '''' + cno 临时工号,e.cname 姓名,sex 性别,register_date 报道日期,leave_date 离职日期,cfrom 输送渠道,b.cname 输送类型,dept1 一级部门,dept2 二级部门,dept3 三级部门,dept 部门,'''' + id_number 身份证号,phone_no 手机号码,shift 班次,status 状态 from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE e left join cost_base_data b on e.from_type = b.sub_id and module_id = 1 where register_date like '" + yyyymm + "%' and dept = '" + comboBoxDept.SelectedValue + "' and isnull(status,'在职')= case when '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' = '全部' then isnull(status,'在职') else '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' end"; } else if (comboBoxDept3.SelectedValue.ToString() != "0" && comboBoxDept3.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { strsql = "select '''' + cno 临时工号,e.cname 姓名,sex 性别,register_date 报道日期,leave_date 离职日期,cfrom 输送渠道,b.cname 输送类型,dept1 一级部门,dept2 二级部门,dept3 三级部门,dept 部门,'''' + id_number 身份证号,phone_no 手机号码,shift 班次,status 状态 from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE e left join cost_base_data b on e.from_type = b.sub_id and module_id = 1 where register_date like '" + yyyymm + "%' and dept3 = '" + comboBoxDept3.SelectedValue + "' and dept2 = '" + comboBoxDept2.SelectedValue + "' and dept1 = '" + comboBoxDept1.SelectedValue + "' and isnull(status,'在职')= case when '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' = '全部' then isnull(status,'在职') else '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' end"; } else if (comboBoxDept2.SelectedValue.ToString() != "0" && comboBoxDept2.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { strsql = "select '''' + cno 临时工号,e.cname 姓名,sex 性别,register_date 报道日期,leave_date 离职日期,cfrom 输送渠道,b.cname 输送类型,dept1 一级部门,dept2 二级部门,dept3 三级部门,dept 部门,'''' + id_number 身份证号,phone_no 手机号码,shift 班次,status 状态 from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE e left join cost_base_data b on e.from_type = b.sub_id and module_id = 1 where register_date like '" + yyyymm + "%' and dept2 = '" + comboBoxDept2.SelectedValue + "' and dept1 = '" + comboBoxDept1.SelectedValue + "' and isnull(status,'在职')= case when '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' = '全部' then isnull(status,'在职') else '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' end"; } else if (comboBoxDept1.SelectedValue.ToString() != "0" && comboBoxDept1.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { strsql = "select '''' + cno 临时工号,e.cname 姓名,sex 性别,register_date 报道日期,leave_date 离职日期,cfrom 输送渠道,b.cname 输送类型,dept1 一级部门,dept2 二级部门,dept3 三级部门,dept 部门,'''' + id_number 身份证号,phone_no 手机号码,shift 班次,status 状态 from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE e left join cost_base_data b on e.from_type = b.sub_id and module_id = 1 where register_date like '" + yyyymm + "%' and dept1 = '" + comboBoxDept1.SelectedValue + "' and isnull(status,'在职')= case when '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' = '全部' then isnull(status,'在职') else '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' end"; } else { strsql = "select '''' + cno 临时工号,e.cname 姓名,sex 性别,register_date 报道日期,leave_date 离职日期,cfrom 输送渠道,b.cname 输送类型,dept1 一级部门,dept2 二级部门,dept3 三级部门,dept 部门,'''' + id_number 身份证号,phone_no 手机号码,shift 班次,status 状态 from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE e left join cost_base_data b on e.from_type = b.sub_id and module_id = 1 where register_date like '" + yyyymm + "%' and isnull(status,'在职')= case when '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' = '全部' then isnull(status,'在职') else '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' end"; } } else { if (comboBoxDept.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { strsql = "select '''' + cno 临时工号,e.cname 姓名,sex 性别,register_date 报道日期,leave_date 离职日期,cfrom 输送渠道,b.cname 输送类型,dept1 一级部门,dept2 二级部门,dept3 三级部门,dept 部门,'''' + id_number 身份证号,phone_no 手机号码,shift 班次,status 状态 from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE e left join cost_base_data b on e.from_type = b.sub_id and module_id = 1 where dept = '" + comboBoxDept.SelectedValue + "' and isnull(status,'在职')= case when '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' = '全部' then isnull(status,'在职') else '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' end"; } else if (comboBoxDept3.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { strsql = "select '''' + cno 临时工号,e.cname 姓名,sex 性别,register_date 报道日期,leave_date 离职日期,cfrom 输送渠道,b.cname 输送类型,dept1 一级部门,dept2 二级部门,dept3 三级部门,dept 部门,'''' + id_number 身份证号,phone_no 手机号码,shift 班次,status 状态 from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE e left join cost_base_data b on e.from_type = b.sub_id and module_id = 1 where dept3 = '" + comboBoxDept3.SelectedValue + "' and dept2 = '" + comboBoxDept2.SelectedValue + "' and dept1 = '" + comboBoxDept1.SelectedValue + "' and isnull(status,'在职')= case when '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' = '全部' then isnull(status,'在职') else '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' end"; } else if (comboBoxDept2.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { strsql = "select '''' + cno 临时工号,e.cname 姓名,sex 性别,register_date 报道日期,leave_date 离职日期,cfrom 输送渠道,b.cname 输送类型,dept1 一级部门,dept2 二级部门,dept3 三级部门,dept 部门,'''' + id_number 身份证号,phone_no 手机号码,shift 班次,status 状态 from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE e left join cost_base_data b on e.from_type = b.sub_id and module_id = 1 where dept2 = '" + comboBoxDept2.SelectedValue + "' and dept1 = '" + comboBoxDept1.SelectedValue + "' and isnull(status,'在职')= case when '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' = '全部' then isnull(status,'在职') else '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' end"; } else if (comboBoxDept1.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { strsql = "select '''' + cno 临时工号,e.cname 姓名,sex 性别,register_date 报道日期,leave_date 离职日期,cfrom 输送渠道,b.cname 输送类型,dept1 一级部门,dept2 二级部门,dept3 三级部门,dept 部门,'''' + id_number 身份证号,phone_no 手机号码,shift 班次,status 状态 from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE e left join cost_base_data b on e.from_type = b.sub_id and module_id = 1 where dept1 = '" + comboBoxDept1.SelectedValue + "' and isnull(status,'在职')= case when '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' = '全部' then isnull(status,'在职') else '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' end"; } else { strsql = "select '''' + cno 临时工号,e.cname 姓名,sex 性别,register_date 报道日期,leave_date 离职日期,cfrom 输送渠道,b.cname 输送类型,dept1 一级部门,dept2 二级部门,dept3 三级部门,dept 部门,'''' + id_number 身份证号,phone_no 手机号码,shift 班次,status 状态 from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE e left join cost_base_data b on e.from_type = b.sub_id and module_id = 1 where isnull(status,'在职')= case when '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' = '全部' then isnull(status,'在职') else '" + comboBoxStatus.Text + "' end"; } } DataSet ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(strsql); bool isok = Common.DataSetToExcel(ds, true); if (isok) { simpleButtonExport.Enabled = true; MessageBox.Show("导出完成!"); } }