コード例 #1
         * Index the region between <code>[ptr, end)</code> to find line starts.
         * <para />
         * The returned list is 1 indexed. Index 0 contains
         * {@link Integer#MIN_VALUE} to pad the list out.
         * <para />
         * Using a 1 indexed list means that line numbers can be directly accessed
         * from the list, so <code>list.get(1)</code> (aka get line 1) returns
         * <code>ptr</code>.
         * <para />
         * The last element (index <code>map.size()-1</code>) always contains
         * <code>end</code>.
         * @param buf
         *            buffer to scan.
         * @param ptr
         *            position within the buffer corresponding to the first byte of
         *            line 1.
         * @param end
         *            1 past the end of the content within <code>buf</code>.
         * @return a line map indexing the start position of each line.
        public static IntList lineMap(byte[] buf, int ptr, int end)
            // Experimentally derived from multiple source repositories
            // the average number of bytes/line is 36. Its a rough guess
            // to initially size our map close to the target.
            IntList map = new IntList((end - ptr) / 36);

            map.fillTo(1, int.MinValue);
            for (; ptr < end; ptr = nextLF(buf, ptr))
コード例 #2
ファイル: RawParseUtils.cs プロジェクト: peterschen/SMAStudio
  * Index the region between <code>[ptr, end)</code> to find line starts.
  * <para />
  * The returned list is 1 indexed. Index 0 contains
  * {@link Integer#MIN_VALUE} to pad the list out.
  * <para />
  * Using a 1 indexed list means that line numbers can be directly accessed
  * from the list, so <code>list.get(1)</code> (aka get line 1) returns
  * <code>ptr</code>.
  * <para />
  * The last element (index <code>map.size()-1</code>) always contains
  * <code>end</code>.
  * @param buf
  *            buffer to scan.
  * @param ptr
  *            position within the buffer corresponding to the first byte of
  *            line 1.
  * @param end
  *            1 past the end of the content within <code>buf</code>.
  * @return a line map indexing the start position of each line.
 public static IntList lineMap(byte[] buf, int ptr, int end)
     // Experimentally derived from multiple source repositories
     // the average number of bytes/line is 36. Its a rough guess
     // to initially size our map close to the target.
     IntList map = new IntList((end - ptr) / 36);
     map.fillTo(1, int.MinValue);
     for (; ptr < end; ptr = nextLF(buf, ptr))
     return map;