コード例 #1
        public static SalaryReport Get(int userID, int employeeID, int bussinessID, EmployeeFilter filter)
            var result    = new SalaryReport(filter);
            var employees = SalaryReport.FindEmployees(bussinessID, filter);

            foreach (var employee in employees)
                var     infos      = SalaryCalculator.Find(employee.ID, filter.From, filter.To);
                dynamic record     = new ExpandoObject();
                var     dictionary = (IDictionary <string, object>)record;
                dictionary.Add("Name", employee.Name);
                foreach (var info in infos)
                    var month = info.Month.Value;
                    if (!result.Months.Contains(month))
                    dictionary.Add(info.Month.Value.ToString("_MMyyyy"), filter.ViewBaseSalary ? info.BaseSalary > 0 ? info.BaseSalary : employee.BaseSalary : info.CalculatedTotal.Round());
            result.Months = result.Months.OrderByDescending(i => i).ToList();
コード例 #2
ファイル: SalaryController.cs プロジェクト: war-man/SKTIME
        public ActionResult FindEmployee(EmployeeFilter filter)
            var data = EmployeeInfo.Find(UserID, Employee.ID, Employee.BussinessID, "", filter);

                html = RenderPartialViewToString("EmployeeList", data)
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet));
コード例 #3
ファイル: SalaryController.cs プロジェクト: war-man/SKTIME
        public ActionResult FindSalary(EmployeeFilter filter)
            var data = SalaryCalculator.Find(Employee.BussinessID, filter);

                html = RenderPartialViewToString("SalaryList", data)
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet));
コード例 #4
 public SalaryReport(EmployeeFilter filter = null)
     Filter = filter;
     if (filter == null)
         Filter = new EmployeeFilter();
     Employees = new List <SalaryInfo>();
     Months    = new List <DateTime>();
     Records   = new List <dynamic>();
コード例 #5
ファイル: SalaryController.cs プロジェクト: war-man/SKTIME
        public ActionResult Calculate()
            var data = new EmployeeFilter();

            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    html = RenderPartialViewToString(Views.CalculatePartial, data)
                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(View(Views.Calculate, data));
コード例 #6
        public ActionResult Salary(EmployeeFilter filter)
            var model = SalaryReport.Get(UserID, Employee.ID, Employee.BussinessID, filter);

            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    html = RenderPartialViewToString(Views.SalaryPartial, model)
                }, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet));
            return(View(Views.Salary, model));
コード例 #7
ファイル: EmployeeController.cs プロジェクト: war-man/SKTIME
        public ActionResult List(EmployeeFilter filter)
            var data = EmployeeInfo.Find(UserID, Employee.ID, Employee.BussinessID, "", filter, true);

            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    result = true,
                    html = RenderPartialViewToString(Views.ListPartial, data)
                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(View(Views.List, data));
コード例 #8
        public SalaryCalculator(EmployeeFilter filter, SalaryInfo info, EmployeeInfo employeeInfo = null)
            EmployeeFilter = filter;
            EmployeeInfo   = employeeInfo;
            Info           = info;
            Paid           = info.Paid;
            Other          = info.Other;
            var time = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1);

            if (info.Month.HasValue)
                time = info.Month.Value;
            From = new DateTime(time.Year, time.Month, 1);
            To   = From.AddMonths(1);
            Note = info.Note;
コード例 #9
        public static List <EmployeeInfo> FindEmployees(int bussinessID, EmployeeFilter filter = null)
            var conditions = new List <string>();

            if (filter != null)
                if (filter.ID.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and e.ID = {0}", filter.ID.DbValue()));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Address))
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and e.Address like N'%{0}%'", filter.Address));
                if (filter.LoginID.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and l.ID = {0}", filter.LoginID.DbValue()));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Name))
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and e.Name like N'%{0}%'", filter.Name));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Phone))
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and e.Phone like N'%{0}%'", filter.Phone));
                if (filter.StoreID.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and e.StoreID = {0}", filter.StoreID.DbValue()));
            using (var con = Repo.DB.SKtimeManagement)
                return(con.Query <EmployeeInfo>(String.Format(@"select e.*, l.ID as [LoginID], l.Username, isnull(sum(o.Total - o.Discount), 0) as [CurrentSale]
                    from Employee e left join Login l on l.EmployeeID = e.ID 
	                    left join [Order] o on o.EmployeeID  = e.ID and o.Removed = 0 and o.Status <> N'{2}'
                    where e.Status = 'active' and e.BussinessID = {0} {1}
                    group by e.AdditionalSalary, e.Address,  e.BaseSalary, e.BussinessID, e.ID, e.Image, e.MonthlySale, e.Name,  e.OffDays, e.Phone, e.Position, e.DOB,
	                    e.StartDate, e.Status, e.StoreID, e.Summary,  e.WorkDays, e.WorkTime, e.EndDate, e.BankNumber, e.BankName, e.BankBranch, e.WorkStatus, l.ID, l.Username
                    order by e.Name",
                                                              bussinessID, String.Join(" ", conditions), OrderStatus.Refunded)).ToList());
コード例 #10
ファイル: EmployeeController.cs プロジェクト: war-man/SKTIME
        public ActionResult Download(EmployeeFilter filter)
            var result = false;

                var data = EmployeeInfo.Find(UserID, Employee.ID, Employee.BussinessID, "", filter, true);
                if (data != null)
                    var fileName = String.Format("Employees_{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmmss"));
                    var file     = String.Format("{0}/Content/Download/{1}", SiteConfiguration.ApplicationPath, fileName);
                    Functions.CheckDirectory(String.Format("{0}/Content/Download/", SiteConfiguration.ApplicationPath));
                    SaveDownload(file, data.Data);
                    Session[SessionKey.Download] = fileName;
                    result = true;
            catch { }
                result = result
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet));
コード例 #11
        public static List <SalaryInfo> Find(int bussinessID, EmployeeFilter filter = null)
            var conditions = new List <string>();

            if (filter != null)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Name))
                    conditions.Add(String.Format(" and e.Name like N'%{0}%'", filter.Name));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Phone))
                    conditions.Add(String.Format(" and e.Phone like N'%{0}%'", filter.Phone));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Address))
                    conditions.Add(String.Format(" and e.Address like N'%{0}%'", filter.Address));
                if (filter.StoreID.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format(" and e.StoreID = {0}", filter.StoreID.Value));
                if (filter.SalaryMonth.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format(" and s.Month = '{0}-{1}-1'", filter.SalaryMonth.Value.Year, filter.SalaryMonth.Value.Month));
            var query = String.Format(
                @"select s.*, e.Name as [EmployeeName] from Salary s join Employee e on s.EmployeeID = e.ID where e.BussinessID = {0} {1} order by s.Month desc",
                bussinessID, String.Join("", conditions));

            using (var con = Repo.DB.SKtimeManagement)
                return(con.Query <SalaryInfo>(query).ToList());
コード例 #12
ファイル: Employee.cs プロジェクト: war-man/SKTIME
 public EmployeeList(string message = "", EmployeeFilter filter = null)
     Data    = new List <EmployeeInfo>();
     Filter  = filter != null ? filter : new EmployeeFilter();
     Message = message;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Employee.cs プロジェクト: war-man/SKTIME
        public static EmployeeList Find(int userID, int employeeID, int bussinessID, string message = "", EmployeeFilter filter = null, bool log = false)
            QueryOutput queryResult;
            var         conditions = new List <string>();

            if (filter != null)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Address))
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and e.Address like N'%{0}%'", filter.Address));
                if (filter.LoginID.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and l.ID = {0}", filter.LoginID.DbValue()));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Name))
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and e.Name like N'%{0}%'", filter.Name));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Phone))
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and e.Phone like N'%{0}%'", filter.Phone));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.WorkStatus))
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and e.WorkStatus = N'{0}'", filter.WorkStatus));
                if (filter.StoreID.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and e.StoreID = {0}", filter.StoreID.DbValue()));
                if (filter.DOB.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and e.DOB >= '{0}' and e.DOB <= '{1}'", filter.DOB.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-01"), filter.DOB.Value.AddMonths(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-01")));
                if (filter.Month.HasValue)
                    conditions.Add(String.Format("and month(e.DOB) = {0}", filter.Month.Value));
            var result = new EmployeeList(message, filter);

            result.Data = Query <EmployeeInfo>(new DbQuery(userID, employeeID, DbAction.Employee.View,
                                                           String.Format(@"select e.*, l.ID as [LoginID], l.Username, isnull(sum(o.Total - o.Discount), 0) as [CurrentSale], s.Name as [StoreName]
                    from Employee e left join Login l on l.EmployeeID = e.ID left join Store s on e.StoreID = s.ID
	                    left join [Order] o on o.EmployeeID  = e.ID and o.Removed = 0 and o.Status <> N'{2}'
                    where e.Status = 'active' and e.BussinessID = {0} {1}
                    group by e.AdditionalSalary, e.Address,  e.BaseSalary, e.BussinessID, e.ID, e.Image, e.MonthlySale, e.Name,  e.OffDays, e.Phone, e.Position, e.DOB, s.Name,
	                    e.StartDate, e.Status, e.StoreID, e.Summary,  e.WorkDays, e.WorkTime, e.EndDate, e.BankNumber, e.BankName, e.BankBranch, e.WorkStatus, l.ID, l.Username
                    order by e.Name",
                                                                         bussinessID, String.Join(" ", conditions), OrderStatus.Refunded), log), out queryResult);