public static NATKeepAliveMessage ParseNATKeepAliveMessage(byte[] buffer) { if (buffer != null && buffer.Length == 20) { byte[] sendToAddrBuffer = new byte[4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, sendToAddrBuffer, 0, 4); IPAddress sendToAddress = new IPAddress(sendToAddrBuffer); int sendToPort = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 4); int proxyProtocol = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 8); byte[] proxyFromAddrBuffer = new byte[4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 12, proxyFromAddrBuffer, 0, 4); int sendFromPort = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 16); SIPEndPoint proxySendFrom = new SIPEndPoint((SIPProtocolsEnum)proxyProtocol, new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(proxyFromAddrBuffer), sendFromPort)); //SIPProtocolsEnum protocol = SIPProtocolsType.GetProtocolTypeFromId(BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 16)); //SIPProtocolsEnum protocol = SIPProtocolsEnum.udp; NATKeepAliveMessage natKeepAliveMsg = new NATKeepAliveMessage(proxySendFrom, new IPEndPoint(sendToAddress, sendToPort)); return natKeepAliveMsg; } else { return null; } }
public static NATKeepAliveMessage ParseNATKeepAliveMessage(byte[] buffer) { if (buffer != null && buffer.Length == 20) { byte[] sendToAddrBuffer = new byte[4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, sendToAddrBuffer, 0, 4); IPAddress sendToAddress = new IPAddress(sendToAddrBuffer); int sendToPort = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 4); int proxyProtocol = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 8); byte[] proxyFromAddrBuffer = new byte[4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 12, proxyFromAddrBuffer, 0, 4); int sendFromPort = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 16); SIPEndPoint proxySendFrom = new SIPEndPoint((SIPProtocolsEnum)proxyProtocol, new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(proxyFromAddrBuffer), sendFromPort)); //SIPProtocolsEnum protocol = SIPProtocolsType.GetProtocolTypeFromId(BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 16)); //SIPProtocolsEnum protocol = SIPProtocolsEnum.udp; NATKeepAliveMessage natKeepAliveMsg = new NATKeepAliveMessage(proxySendFrom, new IPEndPoint(sendToAddress, sendToPort)); return(natKeepAliveMsg); } else { return(null); } }
private void NatKeepAliveChannelMessageReceived(SIPChannel sipChannel, SIPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, byte[] buffer) { try { NATKeepAliveMessage keepAliveMessage = NATKeepAliveMessage.ParseNATKeepAliveMessage(buffer); if (keepAliveMessage != null) { if (keepAliveMessage.LocalSIPEndPoint.Protocol == SIPProtocolsEnum.udp) { FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.NATKeepAlive, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.NATKeepAliveRelay, "Relaying NAT keep-alive from proxy socket " + keepAliveMessage.LocalSIPEndPoint + " to " + keepAliveMessage.RemoteEndPoint + ".", null)); m_sipTransport.SendRaw(keepAliveMessage.LocalSIPEndPoint, new SIPEndPoint(keepAliveMessage.RemoteEndPoint), m_sendBuffer); } else { // For connection oriented protocols check whether a connection exists. NAT keep alives shouldn't cause a connection to be initiated. SIPChannel sendFromChannel = m_sipTransport.FindSIPChannel(keepAliveMessage.LocalSIPEndPoint); if (sendFromChannel != null && sendFromChannel.IsConnectionEstablished(keepAliveMessage.RemoteEndPoint)) { FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.NATKeepAlive, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.NATKeepAliveRelay, "Relaying NAT keep-alive from proxy socket " + keepAliveMessage.LocalSIPEndPoint + " to " + keepAliveMessage.RemoteEndPoint + ".", null)); m_sipTransport.SendRaw(keepAliveMessage.LocalSIPEndPoint, new SIPEndPoint(keepAliveMessage.RemoteEndPoint), m_sendBuffer); } else { FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.NATKeepAlive, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.NATKeepAliveRelay, "No established connection was found to relay NAT keep-alive from proxy socket " + keepAliveMessage.LocalSIPEndPoint + " to " + keepAliveMessage.RemoteEndPoint + ".", null)); } } } } catch (Exception excp) { logger.Error("Exception NatKeepAliveChannelMessageReceived. " + excp.Message); } }
public void ReverseMessageTest() { Console.WriteLine(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); string sendToAddress = ""; int sendToPort = 3455; string sendFromAddress = ""; int sendFromPort = 3244; NATKeepAliveMessage keepAliveMsg = new NATKeepAliveMessage(SIPEndPoint.ParseSIPEndPoint(sendToAddress + ":" + sendToPort), new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(sendFromAddress), sendFromPort)); byte[] buffer = keepAliveMsg.ToBuffer(); Assert.IsTrue(buffer != null && buffer.Length == 20, "The byte buffer produced for the NATKeepAliveMessage is invalid."); NATKeepAliveMessage rtnMsg = NATKeepAliveMessage.ParseNATKeepAliveMessage(buffer); Assert.IsNotNull(rtnMsg, "The NATKeepAliveMessage could not be parsed from the buffer."); Assert.IsTrue(rtnMsg.RemoteEndPoint.ToString() == keepAliveMsg.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(), "The sent and returned sendto sockets were different."); Assert.IsTrue(rtnMsg.LocalSIPEndPoint.ToString() == keepAliveMsg.LocalSIPEndPoint.ToString(), "The sent and returned sendfrom sockets were different."); }
/// <summary> /// This event handler is fired when the SIP Registrar wants to send a NATKeepAlive message to a user contact to make an attempt to keep the connection /// open through the user's NAT server. In this case the NATKeepAlive messages are forwarded onto the NATKeepAlive relay which requests the SIPTransport /// layer to multiplex a 4 byte null payload onto one of its sockets and send to the specified agent. A typical scenario would have the SIP Registrar /// firing this event every 15s to send the null payloads to each of its registered contacts. /// </summary> private void SendNATKeepAlive(NATKeepAliveMessage keepAliveMessage) { try { byte[] buffer = keepAliveMessage.ToBuffer(); m_natKeepAliveSender.Send(buffer, buffer.Length, m_natKeepAliveRelaySocket); } catch (Exception natSendExcp) { logger.Warn("Exception SendNATKeepAlive " + keepAliveMessage.RemoteEndPoint + ". " + natSendExcp.Message); } }