private void SendInitialStunBindingRequest(IceCandidate iceCandidate, ManualResetEvent iceGatheringCompleteMRE) { int attempt = 1; while (attempt < INITIAL_STUN_BINDING_ATTEMPTS_LIMIT && !IsClosed && !iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete) { logger.Debug("Sending STUN binding request " + attempt + " from " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " to " + iceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint + "."); STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest); stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray(); byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBuffer(null, false); iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, iceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint); Thread.Sleep(INITIAL_STUN_BINDING_PERIOD_MILLISECONDS); attempt++; } iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true; // Potentially save a few seconds if all the ICE candidates are now ready. if (LocalIceCandidates.All(x => x.IsGatheringComplete)) { iceGatheringCompleteMRE.Set(); } }
private void AllocateTurn(IceCandidate iceCandidate) { try { if (iceCandidate.TurnAllocateAttempts >= MAXIMUM_TURN_ALLOCATE_ATTEMPTS) { logger.Debug("TURN allocation for local socket " + iceCandidate.LocalAddress + " failed after " + iceCandidate.TurnAllocateAttempts + " attempts."); iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true; } else { iceCandidate.TurnAllocateAttempts++; //logger.Debug("Sending STUN connectivity check to client " + client.SocketAddress + "."); STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.Allocate); stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray(); stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Lifetime, 3600)); stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.RequestedTransport, STUNv2AttributeConstants.UdpTransportType)); // UDP byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBuffer(null, false); iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, iceCandidate.TurnServer.ServerEndPoint); } } catch (Exception excp) { logger.Error("Exception AllocateTurn. " + excp); } }
public void AppendRemoteIceCandidate(IceCandidate remoteIceCandidate) { IPAddress candidateIPAddress = null; //foreach (var iceCandidate in remoteIceCandidates) //{ // logger.Debug("Appending remote ICE candidate " + iceCandidate.NetworkAddress + ":" + iceCandidate.Port + "."); //} if (remoteIceCandidate.Transport.ToLower() != "udp") { logger.Debug("Omitting remote non-UDP ICE candidate. " + remoteIceCandidate.RawString + "."); } else if (!IPAddress.TryParse(remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress, out candidateIPAddress)) { logger.Debug("Omitting ICE candidate with unrecognised IP Address. " + remoteIceCandidate.RawString + "."); } else if (candidateIPAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { logger.Debug("Omitting IPv6 ICE candidate. " + remoteIceCandidate.RawString + "."); } else { // ToDo: Add srflx and relay endpoints as hosts as well. if (!_remoteIceCandidates.Any(x => x.NetworkAddress == remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress && x.Port == remoteIceCandidate.Port)) { logger.Debug("Adding remote ICE candidate: " + remoteIceCandidate.CandidateType + " " + remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress + ":" + remoteIceCandidate.Port + " (" + remoteIceCandidate.RawString + ")."); _remoteIceCandidates.Add(remoteIceCandidate); } } }
private void GetIceCandidates(ManualResetEvent iceGatheringCompleteMRE) { IceNegotiationStartedAt = DateTime.Now; LocalIceCandidates = new List <IceCandidate>(); var addresses = System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties().GetUnicastAddresses() .Where(x => x.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork && // Exclude IPv6 at this stage. IPAddress.IsLoopback(x.Address) == false && (x.Address != null && x.Address.ToString().StartsWith(AUTOMATIC_PRIVATE_ADRRESS_PREFIX) == false)); foreach (var address in addresses) { logger.Debug("Attempting to create RTP socket with IP address " + address.Address + "."); Socket rtpSocket = null; Socket controlSocket = null; NetServices.CreateRtpSocket(address.Address, WEBRTC_START_PORT, WEBRTC_END_PORT, false, out rtpSocket, out controlSocket); if (rtpSocket != null) { logger.Debug("RTP socket successfully created on " + rtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + "."); var iceCandidate = new IceCandidate() { LocalAddress = address.Address, Port = ((IPEndPoint)rtpSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port, LocalRtpSocket = rtpSocket, LocalControlSocket = controlSocket, TurnServer = (_turnServerEndPoint != null) ? new TurnServer() { ServerEndPoint = _turnServerEndPoint } : null }; LocalIceCandidates.Add(iceCandidate); var listenerTask = Task.Run(() => { StartWebRtcRtpListener(iceCandidate); }); iceCandidate.RtpListenerTask = listenerTask; if (_turnServerEndPoint != null) { var stunBindingTask = Task.Run(() => { SendInitialStunBindingRequest(iceCandidate, iceGatheringCompleteMRE); }); } else { iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true; // Potentially save a few seconds if all the ICE candidates are now ready. if (LocalIceCandidates.All(x => x.IsGatheringComplete)) { iceGatheringCompleteMRE.Set(); } } } } }
public static IceCandidate Parse(string candidateLine) { IceCandidate candidate = new IceCandidate(); candidate.RawString = candidateLine; string[] candidateFields = candidateLine.Trim().Split(' '); candidate.Transport = candidateFields[2]; candidate.NetworkAddress = candidateFields[4]; candidate.Port = Convert.ToInt32(candidateFields[5]); Enum.TryParse <IceCandidateTypesEnum>(candidateFields[7], out candidate.CandidateType); if (candidateFields.Length > 8 && candidateFields[8] == REMOTE_ADDRESS_KEY) { candidate.RemoteAddress = candidateFields[9]; } if (candidateFields.Length > 10 && candidateFields[10] == REMOTE_PORT_KEY) { candidate.RemotePort = Convert.ToInt32(candidateFields[11]); } return(candidate); }
public static SDP ParseSDPDescription(string sdpDescription) { try { if (sdpDescription != null && sdpDescription.Trim().Length > 0) { SDP sdp = new SDP(); SDPMediaAnnouncement activeAnnouncement = null; string[] sdpLines = Regex.Split(sdpDescription, CRLF); foreach (string sdpLine in sdpLines) { if (sdpLine.Trim().StartsWith("v=")) { if (!Decimal.TryParse(sdpLine.Substring(2), out sdp.Version)) { logger.Warn("The Version value in an SDP description could not be parsed as a decimal: " + sdpLine + "."); } } else if (sdpLine.Trim().StartsWith("o=")) { string[] ownerFields = sdpLine.Substring(2).Split(' '); sdp.Username = ownerFields[0]; sdp.SessionId = ownerFields[1]; Int32.TryParse(ownerFields[2], out sdp.AnnouncementVersion); sdp.NetworkType = ownerFields[3]; sdp.AddressType = ownerFields[4]; sdp.Address = ownerFields[5]; } else if (sdpLine.Trim().StartsWith("s=")) { sdp.SessionName = sdpLine.Substring(2); } else if (sdpLine.Trim().StartsWith("c=")) { if (activeAnnouncement != null) { activeAnnouncement.Connection = SDPConnectionInformation.ParseConnectionInformation(sdpLine); } else { sdp.Connection = SDPConnectionInformation.ParseConnectionInformation(sdpLine); } } else if (sdpLine.Trim().StartsWith("b=")) { if (activeAnnouncement != null) { activeAnnouncement.BandwidthAttributes.Add(sdpLine.Substring(2)); } else { sdp.BandwidthAttributes.Add(sdpLine.Substring(2)); } } else if (sdpLine.Trim().StartsWith("t=")) { sdp.Timing = sdpLine.Substring(2); } else if (sdpLine.Trim().StartsWith("m=")) { Match mediaMatch = Regex.Match(sdpLine.Substring(2).Trim(), @"(?<type>\w+)\s+(?<port>\d+)\s+(?<transport>\S+)\s+(?<formats>.*)$"); if (mediaMatch.Success) { SDPMediaAnnouncement announcement = new SDPMediaAnnouncement(); announcement.Media = SDPMediaTypes.GetSDPMediaType(mediaMatch.Result("${type}")); Int32.TryParse(mediaMatch.Result("${port}"), out announcement.Port); announcement.Transport = mediaMatch.Result("${transport}"); announcement.ParseMediaFormats(mediaMatch.Result("${formats}")); sdp.Media.Add(announcement); activeAnnouncement = announcement; } else { logger.Warn("A media line in SDP was invalid: " + sdpLine.Substring(2) + "."); } } else if (sdpLine.Trim().StartsWith("a=" + ICE_UFRAG_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX)) { sdp.IceUfrag = sdpLine.Substring(sdpLine.IndexOf(':') + 1); } else if (sdpLine.Trim().StartsWith("a=" + ICE_PWD_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX)) { sdp.IcePwd = sdpLine.Substring(sdpLine.IndexOf(':') + 1); } else if (sdpLine.Trim().StartsWith(SDPMediaAnnouncement.MEDIA_FORMAT_ATTRIBUE_PREFIX)) { if (activeAnnouncement != null) { Match formatAttributeMatch = Regex.Match(sdpLine.Trim(), SDPMediaAnnouncement.MEDIA_FORMAT_ATTRIBUE_PREFIX + @"(?<id>\d+)\s+(?<attribute>.*)$"); if (formatAttributeMatch.Success) { int formatID; if (Int32.TryParse(formatAttributeMatch.Result("${id}"), out formatID)) { activeAnnouncement.AddFormatAttribute(formatID, formatAttributeMatch.Result("${attribute}")); } else { logger.Warn("Invalid media format attribute in SDP: " + sdpLine); } } else { activeAnnouncement.AddExtra(sdpLine); } } else { logger.Warn("There was no active media announcement for a media format attribute, ignoring."); } } else if (sdpLine.Trim().StartsWith(SDPMediaAnnouncement.MEDIA_FORMAT_PARAMETERS_ATTRIBUE_PREFIX)) { if (activeAnnouncement != null) { Match formatAttributeMatch = Regex.Match(sdpLine.Trim(), SDPMediaAnnouncement.MEDIA_FORMAT_PARAMETERS_ATTRIBUE_PREFIX + @"(?<id>\d+)\s+(?<attribute>.*)$"); if (formatAttributeMatch.Success) { int formatID; if (Int32.TryParse(formatAttributeMatch.Result("${id}"), out formatID)) { activeAnnouncement.AddFormatParameterAttribute(formatID, formatAttributeMatch.Result("${attribute}")); } else { logger.Warn("Invalid media format parameter attribute in SDP: " + sdpLine); } } else { activeAnnouncement.AddExtra(sdpLine); } } else { logger.Warn("There was no active media announcement for a media format parameter attribute, ignoring."); } } else if (sdpLine.Trim().StartsWith("a=" + ICE_CANDIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX)) { if (sdp.IceCandidates == null) { sdp.IceCandidates = new List <IceCandidate>(); } sdp.IceCandidates.Add(IceCandidate.Parse(sdpLine.Substring(sdpLine.IndexOf(':') + 1))); } else { if (activeAnnouncement != null) { activeAnnouncement.AddExtra(sdpLine); } else { sdp.AddExtra(sdpLine); } } } return(sdp); } else { return(null); } } catch (Exception excp) { logger.Error("Exception ParseSDPDescription. " + excp.Message); throw excp; } }
private void ProcessStunMessage(IceCandidate iceCandidate, STUNv2Message stunMessage, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) { //logger.Debug("STUN message received from remote " + remoteEndPoint + " " + stunMessage.Header.MessageType + "."); if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest) { STUNv2Message stunResponse = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse); stunResponse.Header.TransactionId = stunMessage.Header.TransactionId; stunResponse.AddXORMappedAddressAttribute(remoteEndPoint.Address, remoteEndPoint.Port); // ToDo: Check authentication. byte[] stunRespBytes = stunResponse.ToByteBufferStringKey(LocalIcePassword, true); iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunRespBytes, remoteEndPoint); iceCandidate.LastStunRequestReceivedAt = DateTime.Now; iceCandidate.IsStunRemoteExchangeComplete = true; if (_remoteIceCandidates != null && !_remoteIceCandidates.Any(x => (x.NetworkAddress == remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString() || x.RemoteAddress == remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString()) && (x.Port == remoteEndPoint.Port || x.RemotePort == remoteEndPoint.Port))) { // This STUN request has come from a socket not in the remote ICE candidates list. Add it so we can send our STUN binding request to it. IceCandidate remoteIceCandidate = new IceCandidate() { Transport = "udp", NetworkAddress = remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString(), Port = remoteEndPoint.Port, CandidateType = }; logger.Debug("Adding missing remote ICE candidate for " + remoteEndPoint + "."); _remoteIceCandidates.Add(remoteIceCandidate); } } else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse) { if (_turnServerEndPoint != null && remoteEndPoint.ToString() == _turnServerEndPoint.ToString()) { if (iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete == false) { var reflexAddressAttribute = stunMessage.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(y => y.AttributeType == STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.XORMappedAddress) as STUNv2XORAddressAttribute; if (reflexAddressAttribute != null) { iceCandidate.StunRflxIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(reflexAddressAttribute.Address, reflexAddressAttribute.Port); iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true; logger.Debug("ICE gathering complete for local socket " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + ", rflx address " + iceCandidate.StunRflxIPEndPoint + "."); } else { iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true; logger.Debug("The STUN binding response received on " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " from " + remoteEndPoint + " did not have an XORMappedAddress attribute, rlfx address can not be determined."); } } } else { iceCandidate.LastStunResponseReceivedAt = DateTime.Now; if (iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete == false) { iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete = true; logger.Debug("WebRTC client STUN exchange complete for call " + CallID + ", candidate local socket " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + ", remote socket " + remoteEndPoint + "."); SetIceConnectionState(IceConnectionStatesEnum.Connected); } } } else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingErrorResponse) { logger.Warn("A STUN binding error response was received on " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " from " + remoteEndPoint + "."); } else { logger.Warn("An unrecognised STUN request was received on " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " from " + remoteEndPoint + "."); } }
private void StartWebRtcRtpListener(IceCandidate iceCandidate) { string localEndPoint = "?"; try { localEndPoint = iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint.ToString(); logger.Debug("Starting WebRTC RTP listener for call " + CallID + " on socket " + localEndPoint + "."); IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); UdpClient localSocket = new UdpClient(); localSocket.Client = iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket; while (!IsClosed) { try { //logger.Debug("ListenToReceiverWebRTCClient Receive."); byte[] buffer = localSocket.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint); iceCandidate.LastCommunicationAt = DateTime.Now; //logger.Debug(buffer.Length + " bytes read on Receiver Client media socket from " + remoteEndPoint.ToString() + "."); //if (buffer.Length > 3 && buffer[0] == 0x16 && buffer[1] == 0xfe) if (buffer[0] >= 20 && buffer[0] <= 64) { //OnMediaPacket(iceCandidate, buffer, remoteEndPoint); if (OnDtlsPacket != null) { OnDtlsPacket(iceCandidate, buffer, remoteEndPoint); } } //else if ((buffer[0] & 0x80) == 0) else if (buffer[0] == 0 || buffer[0] == 1) { STUNv2Message stunMessage = STUNv2Message.ParseSTUNMessage(buffer, buffer.Length); ProcessStunMessage(iceCandidate, stunMessage, remoteEndPoint); } else { if (OnMediaPacket != null) { OnMediaPacket(iceCandidate, buffer, remoteEndPoint); } } } catch (Exception sockExcp) { _communicationFailureCount++; logger.Warn("Exception ListenToReceiverWebRTCClient Receive (" + localEndPoint + " and " + remoteEndPoint + ", failure count " + _communicationFailureCount + "). " + sockExcp.Message); // Need to be careful about deciding when the connection has failed. Sometimes the STUN requests we send will arrive before the remote peer is ready and cause a socket exception. // Only shutdown the peer if we are sure all ICE intialisation is complete and the socket exception occurred after the RTP had stated flowing. if (iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete && iceCandidate.IsStunRemoteExchangeComplete && iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint != null && remoteEndPoint != null && iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint.ToString() == remoteEndPoint.ToString() && DateTime.Now.Subtract(IceNegotiationStartedAt).TotalSeconds > 10) { logger.Warn("WebRtc peer communication failure on call " + CallID + " for local RTP socket " + localEndPoint + " and remote RTP socket " + remoteEndPoint + " ."); iceCandidate.DisconnectionMessage = sockExcp.Message; break; } else if (_communicationFailureCount > COMMUNICATION_FAILURE_COUNT_FOR_CLOSE) { logger.Warn("WebRtc peer communication failures on call " + CallID + " exceeded limit of " + COMMUNICATION_FAILURE_COUNT_FOR_CLOSE + " closing peer."); break; } //else if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(peer.IceNegotiationStartedAt).TotalSeconds > ICE_CONNECTION_LIMIT_SECONDS) //{ // logger.Warn("WebRTC peer ICE connection establishment timed out on call " + peer.CallID + " for " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + "."); // break; //} } } Close(); } catch (Exception excp) { logger.Error("Exception ListenForWebRTCClient (" + localEndPoint + "). " + excp); } }