private void OnAskUserWhatToDoWithDataInWritingSystemToBeDeleted(object sender, WhatToDoWithDataInWritingSystemToBeDeletedEventArgs args) { //If no one is listening for the help button we won't offer it to the user bool showHelpButton = UserWantsHelpWithDeletingWritingSystems != null; using (var deleteDialog = new DeleteInputSystemDialog(args.WritingSystemIdToDelete, _model.WritingSystemDefinitions, showHelpButton)) { deleteDialog.HelpWithDeletingWritingSystemsButtonClickedEvent += OnHelpWithDeletingWritingSystemsButtonClicked; var dialogResult = deleteDialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { args.WhatToDo = WhatToDos.Nothing; } else { switch (deleteDialog.Choice) { case DeleteInputSystemDialog.Choices.Cancel: args.WhatToDo = WhatToDos.Nothing; break; case DeleteInputSystemDialog.Choices.Merge: args.WhatToDo = WhatToDos.Conflate; args.WritingSystemIdToConflateWith = deleteDialog.WritingSystemToConflateWith; break; case DeleteInputSystemDialog.Choices.Delete: args.WhatToDo = WhatToDos.Delete; break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the currently selected writing system. /// </summary> public void DeleteCurrent() { if (!_usingRepository) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to delete current selection when there is no writing system store."); } if (!HasCurrentSelection) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to delete current selection when there is no current selection."); } var whatToDo = new WhatToDoWithDataInWritingSystemToBeDeletedEventArgs(CurrentDefinition); if(AskUserWhatToDoWithDataInWritingSystemToBeDeleted != null) { AskUserWhatToDoWithDataInWritingSystemToBeDeleted(this, whatToDo); } switch(whatToDo.WhatToDo) { case WhatToDos.Nothing: return; case WhatToDos.Conflate: var wsToConflateWith = whatToDo.WritingSystemIdToConflateWith; var okToConflateEventArgs = new AskIfOkToConflateEventArgs(CurrentDefinition.LanguageTag, wsToConflateWith.LanguageTag); if (AskIfOkToConflateWritingSystems != null) { AskIfOkToConflateWritingSystems(this, okToConflateEventArgs); } if (!okToConflateEventArgs.CanConflate) { string message = okToConflateEventArgs.ErrorMessage ?? String.Empty; ErrorReport.NotifyUserOfProblem( String.Format("Can not conflate the input system {0} to {1}. {2}", CurrentDefinition.LanguageTag, wsToConflateWith, message)); return; } if (CurrentDefinition != null && _writingSystemRepository.Contains(CurrentDefinition.LanguageTag)) { if (wsToConflateWith != null) { _writingSystemRepository.Conflate(CurrentDefinition.LanguageTag, wsToConflateWith.LanguageTag); } } break; case WhatToDos.Delete: var okToDeleteEventArgs = new AskIfOkToDeleteEventArgs(CurrentDefinition.LanguageTag); if (AskIfOkToDeleteWritingSystems != null) { AskIfOkToDeleteWritingSystems(this, okToDeleteEventArgs); } if (!okToDeleteEventArgs.CanDelete) { string message = okToDeleteEventArgs.ErrorMessage ?? String.Empty; ErrorReport.NotifyUserOfProblem( String.Format("Can not delete the input system {0}. {1}", CurrentDefinition.LanguageTag, message)); return; } // If you play around with renaming/revising writing systems, the Id assigned to // the writing system keeps up with the changes, but the StoreID which is the // real key for IWritingSystemRepository methods stays the same. I find this // a questionable design decision myself, but there may be good reasons for it. // However, not calling _writingSystemRepository.Remove() can cause problems // with data getting out of sync. (See for // an example of such problems.) if (CurrentDefinition != null && _writingSystemRepository.Contains(CurrentDefinition.Id)) { _writingSystemRepository.Remove(CurrentDefinition.Id); } break; } // new index will be next writing system or previous if this was the last in the list int newIndex = (CurrentIndex == WritingSystemCount - 1) ? CurrentIndex - 1 : CurrentIndex; CurrentDefinition.MarkedForDeletion = true; _deletedWritingSystemDefinitions.Add(CurrentDefinition); WritingSystemDefinitions.RemoveAt(CurrentIndex); CurrentIndex = newIndex; OnAddOrDelete(); }