public void HtmlWithReleaseNotesElementWithContentsIsChanged() { var testMarkdown = new CreateReleaseNotesHtml(); using ( var filesForTest = new TwoTempFilesForTest(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName() + ""), Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName() + ".Test.htm"))) { var ChangelogFile = filesForTest.FirstFile; var htmlFile = filesForTest.SecondFile; File.WriteAllLines(ChangelogFile, new[] { "## 2.3.9", "* with some random content", "* does some things", "## 2.3.7", "* more", "## 2.2.2", "* things" }); File.WriteAllLines(htmlFile, new[] { "<html>", "<body>", "<div class='releasenotes'>", "<span class='note'/>", "</div>", "</body>", "</html>" }); testMarkdown.ChangelogFile = ChangelogFile; testMarkdown.HtmlFile = htmlFile; Assert.That(testMarkdown.Execute(), Is.True); AssertThatXmlIn.File(htmlFile).HasNoMatchForXpath("//span[@class='note']"); AssertThatXmlIn.File(htmlFile).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//*[@class='releasenotes']", 1); } }
public void UpdateDebianChangelogWorks() { var testMarkdown = new CreateChangelogEntry(); using (var tempFiles = new TwoTempFilesForTest(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), ""), Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "changelog"))) { var mdFile = tempFiles.FirstFile; var changeLogFile = tempFiles.SecondFile; File.WriteAllLines(mdFile, new[] { "## 2.3.10: 4/Sep/2014", "* with some random content", "* does some things" }); File.WriteAllLines(changeLogFile, new[] { "myfavoriteapp (2.1.0~alpha1) unstable; urgency=low", "", " * Initial Release for Linux.", "", " -- Stephen McConnel <*****@*****.**> Fri, 12 Jul 2013 14:57:59 -0500", "" }); testMarkdown.ChangelogFile = mdFile; testMarkdown.VersionNumber = "2.3.11"; testMarkdown.ProductName = "myfavoriteapp"; testMarkdown.ChangelogAuthorInfo = "Steve McConnel <*****@*****.**>"; testMarkdown.DebianChangelog = changeLogFile; Assert.That(testMarkdown.Execute(), Is.True); var newContents = File.ReadAllLines(changeLogFile); Assert.AreEqual(newContents.Length, 13, "New changelog entry was not the expected length"); Assert.That(newContents[0], Does.StartWith("myfavoriteapp (2.3.11) unstable; urgency=low")); //Make sure that the author line matches debian standards for time offset and spacing around author name Assert.That(newContents[5], Does.Match(" -- " + testMarkdown.ChangelogAuthorInfo + " .*[+-]\\d\\d\\d\\d")); } }
public void UpdateDebianChangelogWorks() { // Setup var sut = new CreateChangelogEntry(); using (var tempFiles = new TwoTempFilesForTest(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), ""), Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "changelog"))) { var mdFile = tempFiles.FirstFile; var changeLogFile = tempFiles.SecondFile; File.WriteAllLines(mdFile, new[] { "## 2.3.10: 4/Sep/2014", "* with some random content", "* does some things" }); File.WriteAllLines(changeLogFile, new[] { "myfavoriteapp (2.1.0~alpha1) unstable; urgency=low", "", " * Initial Release for Linux.", "", " -- Stephen McConnel <*****@*****.**> Fri, 12 Jul 2013 14:57:59 -0500", "" }); sut.ChangelogFile = mdFile; sut.VersionNumber = "2.3.11"; sut.PackageName = "myfavoriteapp"; sut.MaintainerInfo = "Steve McConnel <*****@*****.**>"; sut.DebianChangelog = changeLogFile; sut.Distribution = "unstable"; string expectedDebianChangelog = @"myfavoriteapp (2.3.11) unstable; urgency=low * with some random content * does some things -- Steve McConnel <*****@*****.**> DATE_NOW myfavoriteapp (2.1.0~alpha1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release for Linux. -- Stephen McConnel <*****@*****.**> Fri, 12 Jul 2013 14:57:59 -0500 "; expectedDebianChangelog = expectedDebianChangelog.Replace("DATE_NOW", CreateChangelogEntry.DebianDate(sut.EntryDate)); // Execute Assert.That(sut.Execute(), Is.True); // Verify var newContents = File.ReadAllLines(changeLogFile); string newContentsText = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, newContents); Assert.That(newContentsText, Is.EqualTo(expectedDebianChangelog)); // Make sure that the author line matches debian standards for time offset and spacing around author name Assert.That(newContents[5], Does.Match(" -- " + sut.MaintainerInfo + " .*[+-]\\d\\d\\d\\d")); } }
public void SimpleMdResultsInSimpleHtml() { var testMarkdown = new CreateReleaseNotesHtml(); using ( var filesForTest = new TwoTempFilesForTest(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName() + ""), Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName() + ".Test.htm"))) { File.WriteAllLines(filesForTest.FirstFile, new[] { "## 2.3.9", "* with some random content", "* does some things", "## 2.3.7", "* more", "## 2.2.2", "* things" }); testMarkdown.ChangelogFile = filesForTest.FirstFile; testMarkdown.HtmlFile = filesForTest.SecondFile; Assert.That(testMarkdown.Execute(), Is.True); } }
public void StampMarkdownWorksWithDefault() { var testMarkdown = new StampChangelogFileWithVersion(); using (var tempFiles = new TwoTempFilesForTest(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), ""), null)) { File.WriteAllLines(tempFiles.FirstFile, new[] { "## DEV_VERSION_NUMBER: DEV_RELEASE_DATE", "*with some random content", "*does some things" }); testMarkdown.ChangelogFile = tempFiles.FirstFile; testMarkdown.VersionNumber = "2.3.10"; Assert.That(testMarkdown.Execute(), Is.True); var newContents = File.ReadAllLines(tempFiles.FirstFile); Assert.That(newContents.Length == 3); Assert.That(newContents[0], Is.EqualTo($"## 2.3.10 {DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd}")); } }
public void UpdateDebianChangelogAllMdListItemsWork() { // Setup var sut = new CreateChangelogEntry(); using (var tempFiles = new TwoTempFilesForTest(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), ""), Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "changelog"))) { var ChangelogFile = tempFiles.FirstFile; File.WriteAllLines(ChangelogFile, new[] { "## 3.0.97 Beta", "- Update French UI Translation", "+ When importing, Bloom no longer", " 1. makes images transparent when importing.", " 4. compresses images transparent when importing.", " 9. saves copyright/license back to the original files", " * extra indented list", "* Fix insertion of unwanted space before bolded, underlined, and italicized portions of words", }); var debianChangelog = tempFiles.SecondFile; File.WriteAllLines(debianChangelog, new[] { "Bloom (3.0.82 Beta) unstable; urgency=low", "", " * Older release", "", " -- Stephen McConnel <*****@*****.**> Fri, 12 Jul 2014 14:57:59 -0500", "" }); sut.ChangelogFile = ChangelogFile; sut.VersionNumber = "3.0.97 Beta"; sut.PackageName = "myfavoriteapp"; sut.MaintainerInfo = "John Hatton <*****@*****.**>"; sut.DebianChangelog = debianChangelog; // Execute Assert.That(sut.Execute(), Is.True); // Verify var newContents = File.ReadAllLines(debianChangelog); Assert.That(newContents[0], Does.Contain("3.0.97 Beta")); Assert.That(newContents[2], Does.StartWith(" *")); Assert.That(newContents[3], Does.StartWith(" *")); Assert.That(newContents[4], Does.StartWith(" *")); Assert.That(newContents[5], Does.StartWith(" *")); Assert.That(newContents[6], Does.StartWith(" *")); Assert.That(newContents[7], Does.StartWith(" *")); // The 3rd (and further) level indentation isn't currently supported Assert.That(newContents[8], Does.StartWith(" *")); } }
public void StampMarkdownDoesNothingWhenTold() { var testMarkdown = new StampChangelogFileWithVersion(); using (var tempFiles = new TwoTempFilesForTest(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), ""), null)) { var devVersionLine = "## DEV_VERSION_NUMBER: DEV_RELEASE_DATE"; File.WriteAllLines(tempFiles.FirstFile, new[] { devVersionLine, "*with some random content", "*does some things" }); testMarkdown.ChangelogFile = tempFiles.FirstFile; testMarkdown.VersionNumber = "2.3.10"; testMarkdown.StampChangelogFile = false; Assert.That(testMarkdown.Execute(), Is.True); var newContents = File.ReadAllLines(tempFiles.FirstFile); Assert.That(newContents.Length == 3); Assert.That(newContents[0], Is.EqualTo(devVersionLine)); } }
public void HtmlWithNoReleaseNotesElementIsCompletelyReplaced() { var testMarkdown = new CreateReleaseNotesHtml(); using ( var filesForTest = new TwoTempFilesForTest(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName() + ""), Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName() + ".Test.htm"))) { var ChangelogFile = filesForTest.FirstFile; var htmlFile = filesForTest.SecondFile; File.WriteAllLines(ChangelogFile, new[] { "## 2.3.9", "* with some random content", "* does some things", "## 2.3.7", "* more", "## 2.2.2", "* things" }); File.WriteAllLines(htmlFile, new[] { "<html>", "<body>", "<div class='notmarkdown'/>", "</body>", "</html>" }); testMarkdown.ChangelogFile = ChangelogFile; testMarkdown.HtmlFile = htmlFile; Assert.That(testMarkdown.Execute(), Is.True); AssertThatXmlIn.File(htmlFile).HasNoMatchForXpath("//div[@notmarkdown]"); } }
public void RemovesKACHead() { var testMarkdown = new CreateReleaseNotesHtml(); using ( var filesForTest = new TwoTempFilesForTest(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName() + ""), Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName() + ".Test.htm"))) { string changelogContent = @"# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( <!-- Available types of changes: ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Security --> ## [Unreleased] ## [2.3.4] - 2020-12-09 ### Changed - This to that. ## [1.2.3] - 2020-12-08 ### Added - New features. ### Fixed - All bugs."; string expectedHtml = @"<html><head></head><body><div class='releasenotes'> <h2>[2.3.4] - 2020-12-09</h2> <h3>Changed</h3> <ul> <li>This to that.</li> </ul> <h2>[1.2.3] - 2020-12-08</h2> <h3>Added</h3> <ul> <li>New features.</li> </ul> <h3>Fixed</h3> <ul> <li>All bugs.</li> </ul> </div></body></html>"; File.WriteAllText(filesForTest.FirstFile, changelogContent); testMarkdown.ChangelogFile = filesForTest.FirstFile; testMarkdown.HtmlFile = filesForTest.SecondFile; // SUT Assert.That(testMarkdown.Execute(), Is.True); string actualHtml = File.ReadAllText(filesForTest.SecondFile); Assert.That(actualHtml, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml)); } }
public void ProcessesKeepAChangelogFormat() { var testMarkdown = new StampChangelogFileWithVersion(); using (var tempFiles = new TwoTempFilesForTest(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), ""), null)) { string changelogContent = @"# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( <!-- Available types of changes: ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Security --> ## [Unreleased] ### Changed - This to that. ## [1.2.3] - 2020-12-08 ### Added - New features. ### Fixed - All bugs. "; string expectedNewChangelogContent = @"# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( <!-- Available types of changes: ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Security --> ## [Unreleased] ## [2.3.10] - DATE_HERE ### Changed - This to that. ## [1.2.3] - 2020-12-08 ### Added - New features. ### Fixed - All bugs. "; expectedNewChangelogContent = expectedNewChangelogContent.Replace("DATE_HERE", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); File.WriteAllText(tempFiles.FirstFile, changelogContent); testMarkdown.ChangelogFile = tempFiles.FirstFile; testMarkdown.VersionNumber = "2.3.10"; // SUT Assert.That(testMarkdown.Execute(), Is.True); var newContents = File.ReadAllText(tempFiles.FirstFile); Assert.That(newContents, Is.EqualTo(expectedNewChangelogContent)); } }