コード例 #1
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void Show(Control ctrl, HistogramBar bar)
            if (!Enabled)

            Debug.Assert(ctrl != null);
            Debug.Assert(bar != null);

            if (!ShouldShowPopup(ctrl))


            // The desired bottom of the popup is 60 pixels down from the top of the bar.
            // If that's below the bar's bottom, then set the bottom of the popup to 5
            // pixels above the bar's bottom edge.
            int popupTop = (bar.Height > 65 ? 60 : bar.Height - 5) - Height;

            // The desired left edge for the popup is on the right side of the bar,
            // overlapping 25% of its right side. If that causes the popup to extend
            // beyond the right edge of the screen, then move the popup so its shown
            // on the left side of the bar, overlapping 25% of it's left side.
            int popupLeft = bar.Width - (bar.Width / 4);

            Point ptPopup = bar.PointToScreen(new Point(popupLeft, popupTop));

            bool tooWide;
            bool tooTall;

            CheckDesiredPopupLocation(ptPopup, out tooWide, out tooTall);

            if (tooWide)
                ptPopup = bar.PointToScreen(new Point((bar.Width / 4) - Width, popupTop));

            _showRelativeToScreen = true;
            _ctrl          = ctrl;
            _popupLocation = ptPopup;
コード例 #2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public bool LoadPhones(IEnumerable <string> phoneList)
            pnlScroller.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0);
            pnlBars.Left = 0;

            // Dispose of the labels and clear the control arrays.

            int xLocationOffset = 0;

            _maxTotalCount = 0;
            _phoneHeight   = 0;
            var fnt = FontHelper.MakeRegularFontDerivative(App.PhoneticFont, _phoneFontSize);

            foreach (var phone in phoneList)
                // Create phone labels that appear under the bar.
                var lblPhone = new Label();
                lblPhone.Font              = fnt;
                lblPhone.Text              = phone;
                lblPhone.Location          = new Point(xLocationOffset, 2);
                lblPhone.AutoSize          = false;
                lblPhone.Paint            += lbl_Paint;
                lblPhone.MouseEnter       += HandleMouseEnter;
                lblPhone.MouseDoubleClick += HandleMouseDoubleClick;

                if (_phoneHeight == 0)
                    _phoneHeight = TextRenderer.MeasureText(phone, lblPhone.Font).Height +

                lblPhone.Size = new Size(_phoneLabelWidth, _phoneHeight);

                // Set the phone's magnified tooltip.
                // Uncomment if the magnified tooltip of a histogram's phone is desired.
                //m_phoneToolTip.SetToolTip(lblPhone, lblPhone.Text);

                // Create the bars.
                var histBar = new HistogramBar(phone);
                histBar.MouseEnter       += HandleMouseEnter;
                histBar.MouseDoubleClick += HandleMouseDoubleClick;

                // Link the phone's label with its bar and vice versa.
                lblPhone.Tag = histBar;
                histBar.Tag  = lblPhone;

                // Determine the tallest bar
                if (histBar.BarValue > _maxTotalCount)
                    _maxTotalCount = histBar.BarValue;

                xLocationOffset += _phoneLabelWidth;                 // pixels between the characters

            pnlPhones.Width = (pnlPhones.Controls.Count * _phoneLabelWidth);

            // Account for the fact that each phone's Y location is 2.
            _phoneHeight += 2;

            // Make sure the labels have enough vertical space. This will increase
            // room for the labels when the scroll bar appears underneath them and
            // decrease room when the scroll bar disappears. In other words, this
            // calculation will make sure there's only enough vertical space for
            // the phone labels as is necessary so they won't get clipped.
            if (_phoneHeight != pnlScroller.ClientSize.Height)
                pnlScroller.Height += (_phoneHeight - pnlScroller.ClientSize.Height);

            // Add 5 additional pixels of space between the right-most bar and border
            pnlBars.Width = (pnlPhones.Controls.Count * _phoneLabelWidth) + 5;

            // Force the bars to be resized.
            pnlFixedBorder_Resize(null, null);
