public void PropChanged(int hvo, int tag, int ivMin, int cvIns, int cvDel) { if (Entry == null) // only do it once, or we get a stack overflow { NonUndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.DoSomehow(Parent.m_actionHandler, () => { Entry = Parent.MakeEntry("another entry"); }); } }
public void DoSomehow_WorksWhenNoUowIsActive() { m_actionHandler.EndUndoTask(); NonUndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.DoSomehow(m_actionHandler, () => MakeEntry("an entry")); }
public void DoSomehow_WorksDuringOtherUow() { // Baseclass arranges that a UOW is active at the start of all test methods. NonUndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.DoSomehow(m_actionHandler, () => MakeEntry("an entry")); }