Dummy class for the dialog, to expose items needed for testing.
Inheritance: SavedVersionsDialog
コード例 #1
        public void DeleteOnlyBook()
            using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
                TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

                // Delete the only book from the first archive;
                //  we expect the archive itself to also be deleted
                TreeNode archiveNode = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
                    if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 0") != -1)
                        archiveNode = tree.Nodes[i];
                Assert.AreEqual(1, archiveNode.Nodes.Count);
                //only one book exists in this archive
                TreeNode bookNode = archiveNode.Nodes[0];
                tree.SelectedNode = bookNode;

                // check the counts of archives and books in the archives
                Assert.AreEqual(2, tree.Nodes.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
                    if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 1") != -1)
                        Assert.AreEqual(2, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
                    else if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 2") != -1)
                        Assert.AreEqual(3, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
                        Assert.Fail("Seems we deleted the wrong archive");

                // check the count of archives in the DB
                Assert.AreEqual(2, m_scr.ArchivedDraftsOC.Count);

                // make sure the correct archive was deleted in the DB.
                foreach (IScrDraft archive in m_scr.ArchivedDraftsOC)
                    Assert.IsTrue(archive.Description != "My Archive 0", "\"My Archive 0\" should have been deleted.");
コード例 #2
        public void DeleteSavedVersion()
            using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
                TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

                // Delete the archive which has two books
                for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
                    if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 1") != -1)
                        tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[i];


                // check the node counts
                Assert.AreEqual(2, tree.Nodes.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
                    if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 0") != -1)
                        Assert.AreEqual(1, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
                    else if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 2") != -1)
                        Assert.AreEqual(3, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
                        Assert.Fail("Seems we deleted the wrong archive");

                // Check the count of archives in the DB
                Assert.AreEqual(2, m_scr.ArchivedDraftsOC.Count);

                // Make sure the correct archive was deleted in the DB.
                foreach (IScrDraft archive in m_scr.ArchivedDraftsOC)
                    Assert.IsTrue(archive.Description != "My Archive 1", "\"My Archive 1\" should have been deleted.");
コード例 #3
        public void FillTreeView()
            using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
                // verify the tree view contents
                TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

                // Check the node counts and the archive names and book names
                Assert.AreEqual(3, tree.Nodes.Count, "The count of root nodes in the tree is incorrect");
                for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
                    if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 0") != -1)
                        Assert.AreEqual(1, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
                        for (int bookIndex = 0; bookIndex < 1; bookIndex++)
                            string bookLabel = tree.Nodes[i].Nodes[bookIndex].Text;
                            Assert.AreEqual(m_bookScrRange[bookIndex], bookLabel, "The book label was incorrect in the tree");
                    else if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 1") != -1)
                        Assert.AreEqual(2, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
                        for (int bookIndex = 0; bookIndex < 2; bookIndex++)
                            string bookLabel = tree.Nodes[i].Nodes[bookIndex].Text;
                            Assert.AreEqual(m_bookScrRange[bookIndex], bookLabel, "The book label was incorrect in the tree");
                    else if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 2") != -1)
                        Assert.AreEqual(3, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
                        for (int bookIndex = 0; bookIndex < 3; bookIndex++)
                            string bookLabel = tree.Nodes[i].Nodes[bookIndex].Text;
                            Assert.AreEqual(m_bookScrRange[bookIndex], bookLabel, "The book label was incorrect in the tree");
                        Assert.Fail("Seems we have an extra archive");
コード例 #4
        public void DeleteAllItems()
            using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
                TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

                while (tree.Nodes.Count != 0)
                    tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[0];

                // Verify that the buttons are disabled
                Assert.IsFalse(dlg.ComparetoCurrentVersionBtn.Enabled, "The Compare to Current Version button should be disabled");
                Assert.IsFalse(dlg.DeleteBtn.Enabled, "The delete button should be disabled");
コード例 #5
        public void DeleteAllItems()
            DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(m_cache);
            TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

            while (tree.Nodes.Count != 0)
                tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[0];

            // Verify that the buttons are disabled
            Assert.IsFalse(dlg.ComparetoCurrentVersionBtn.Enabled, "The Compare to Current Version button should be disabled");
            Assert.IsFalse(dlg.DeleteBtn.Enabled, "The delete button should be disabled");

            // Also check to see if the dialog comes up with the buttons disabled when there
            // are no archives
            dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(m_cache);

            // Verify that the buttons are disabled
            Assert.IsFalse(dlg.ComparetoCurrentVersionBtn.Enabled, "The Compare to Current Version button should be disabled");
            Assert.IsFalse(dlg.DeleteBtn.Enabled, "The delete button should be disabled");
コード例 #6
		public void DeleteAllItems_NoArchive()
			using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
				// Verify that the buttons are disabled
				Assert.IsFalse(dlg.ComparetoCurrentVersionBtn.Enabled, "The Compare to Current Version button should be disabled");
				Assert.IsFalse(dlg.DeleteBtn.Enabled, "The delete button should be disabled");
コード例 #7
		public void DeleteAllItems()
			using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
				TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

				while (tree.Nodes.Count != 0)
					tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[0];

				// Verify that the buttons are disabled
				Assert.IsFalse(dlg.ComparetoCurrentVersionBtn.Enabled, "The Compare to Current Version button should be disabled");
				Assert.IsFalse(dlg.DeleteBtn.Enabled, "The delete button should be disabled");
コード例 #8
		public void DisableCompareBtn()
			// Add Revelation, archive it and then remove it.
			IStText title;
				"Revelation should not be in the database. Restore the clean version of TestLangProj.");
			IScrBook revelation = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IScrBookFactory>().Create(66, out title);
			ITsPropsFactory propFact = TsPropsFactoryClass.Create();
			ITsTextProps ttp = propFact.MakeProps(ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph, Cache.DefaultVernWs, 0);
			Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IScrSectionFactory>().CreateScrSection(revelation, 0, "Text for section", ttp, false);
			AddArchive("Revelation Archive", new List<IScrBook>(new IScrBook[] { revelation }));

			using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
				TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

				// Select the archive node that was just added.
				tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[0];

				// Check to make sure the Compare to Current Version button is disabled
				Assert.IsFalse(dlg.ComparetoCurrentVersionBtn.Enabled, "The Compare to Current Version button should be disabled");

				TreeNode revNode = null;
				TreeNode phmNode = null;
				foreach (TreeNode node in tree.Nodes)
					if (node.Nodes.Count > 0 && node.Nodes[0].Tag is IScrBook)
						if (((IScrBook)node.Nodes[0].Tag).CanonicalNum == 66)
							revNode = node.Nodes[0];
						if (((IScrBook)node.Nodes[0].Tag).CanonicalNum == 57)
							phmNode = node.Nodes[0];
				Assert.IsNotNull(revNode, "there should be an archive where the first book is Revelation");
				Assert.IsNotNull(phmNode, "there should be an archive where the first book is Philemon");
				// Select a book node for Revelation.
				tree.SelectedNode = revNode;

				// Check to make sure the Diff button is still disabled if we select Revelation
				// after it is removed from the DB.
				Assert.IsTrue(tree.SelectedNode.Tag is IScrBook);
				var bookId = ((IScrBook)tree.SelectedNode.Tag).CanonicalNum;
				Assert.AreEqual(66, bookId);
					"The Compare to Current Version button should still be disabled.");

				// However, the diff button should be enabled if we select Philemon in the second archive
				// since it is in our database.
				tree.SelectedNode = phmNode;
				// selecting Philemon
					"The Compare to Current Version button should be enabled when Philemon is selected.");
コード例 #9
		public void DeleteSavedVersion()
			using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
				TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

				// Delete the archive which has two books
				for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
					if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 1") != -1)
						tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[i];


				// check the node counts
				Assert.AreEqual(2, tree.Nodes.Count);
				for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
					if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 0") != -1)
						Assert.AreEqual(1, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
					else if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 2") != -1)
						Assert.AreEqual(3, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
						Assert.Fail("Seems we deleted the wrong archive");

				// Check the count of archives in the DB
				Assert.AreEqual(2, m_scr.ArchivedDraftsOC.Count);

				// Make sure the correct archive was deleted in the DB.
				foreach (IScrDraft archive in m_scr.ArchivedDraftsOC)
					Assert.IsTrue(archive.Description != "My Archive 1", "\"My Archive 1\" should have been deleted.");
コード例 #10
		public void DeleteOnlyBook()
			using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
				TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

				// Delete the only book from the first archive;
				//  we expect the archive itself to also be deleted
				TreeNode archiveNode = null;
				for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
					if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 0") != -1)
						archiveNode = tree.Nodes[i];
				Assert.AreEqual(1, archiveNode.Nodes.Count);
				//only one book exists in this archive
				TreeNode bookNode = archiveNode.Nodes[0];
				tree.SelectedNode = bookNode;

				// check the counts of archives and books in the archives
				Assert.AreEqual(2, tree.Nodes.Count);
				for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
					if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 1") != -1)
						Assert.AreEqual(2, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
					else if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 2") != -1)
						Assert.AreEqual(3, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
						Assert.Fail("Seems we deleted the wrong archive");

				// check the count of archives in the DB
				Assert.AreEqual(2, m_scr.ArchivedDraftsOC.Count);

				// make sure the correct archive was deleted in the DB.
				foreach (IScrDraft archive in m_scr.ArchivedDraftsOC)
					Assert.IsTrue(archive.Description != "My Archive 0", "\"My Archive 0\" should have been deleted.");
コード例 #11
		public void DeleteBook()
			using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
				TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

				// Delete the first book from the last archive (Philemon)
				TreeNode archiveNode = null;
				for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
					if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 2") != -1)
						archiveNode = tree.Nodes[i];
				tree.SelectedNode = archiveNode.Nodes[0];

				// check the node counts
				Assert.AreEqual(3, tree.Nodes.Count);
				for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
					if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 0") != -1)
						Assert.AreEqual(1, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
					else if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 1") != -1)
						Assert.AreEqual(2, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
					else if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 2") != -1)
						Assert.AreEqual(2, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
						Assert.Fail("Seems we have an extra archive");

				// Check the remaining book names for the archive that was deleted from.
				for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
					string bookLabel = archiveNode.Nodes[i].Text;
					Assert.AreEqual(m_bookScrRange[i + 1], bookLabel);

				// Check the books in the database to make sure the database is correct.
				Assert.AreEqual(3, m_scr.ArchivedDraftsOC.Count);
				IScrDraft archive = (IScrDraft)archiveNode.Tag;
				Assert.AreEqual(2, archive.BooksOS.Count);
				List<int> cannonicalBookNums = new List<int>(new int[] { 59, 65 });
				for (int iArchivedBook = 0; iArchivedBook < archive.BooksOS.Count; iArchivedBook++)
					IScrBook book = archive.BooksOS[iArchivedBook];
					Assert.AreEqual(cannonicalBookNums[iArchivedBook], book.CanonicalNum);
					Assert.AreEqual(m_bookNames[iArchivedBook + 1], book.BestUIName);
コード例 #12
		public void FillTreeView()
			using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
				// verify the tree view contents
				TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

			// Check the node counts and the archive names and book names
				Assert.AreEqual(3, tree.Nodes.Count, "The count of root nodes in the tree is incorrect");
				for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
					if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 0") != -1)
						Assert.AreEqual(1, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
						for (int bookIndex = 0; bookIndex < 1; bookIndex++)
							string bookLabel = tree.Nodes[i].Nodes[bookIndex].Text;
							Assert.AreEqual(m_bookScrRange[bookIndex], bookLabel, "The book label was incorrect in the tree");
					else if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 1") != -1)
						Assert.AreEqual(2, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
						for (int bookIndex = 0; bookIndex < 2; bookIndex++)
							string bookLabel = tree.Nodes[i].Nodes[bookIndex].Text;
							Assert.AreEqual(m_bookScrRange[bookIndex], bookLabel, "The book label was incorrect in the tree");
					else if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 2") != -1)
						Assert.AreEqual(3, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
						for (int bookIndex = 0; bookIndex < 3; bookIndex++)
							string bookLabel = tree.Nodes[i].Nodes[bookIndex].Text;
							Assert.AreEqual(m_bookScrRange[bookIndex], bookLabel, "The book label was incorrect in the tree");
						Assert.Fail("Seems we have an extra archive");
コード例 #13
        public void DisableCompareBtn()
            // Add Revelation, archive it and then remove it.
            IStText title;

                          "Revelation should not be in the database. Restore the clean version of TestLangProj.");
            IScrBook        revelation = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IScrBookFactory>().Create(66, out title);
            ITsPropsFactory propFact   = TsPropsFactoryClass.Create();
            ITsTextProps    ttp        = propFact.MakeProps(ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph, Cache.DefaultVernWs, 0);

            Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IScrSectionFactory>().CreateScrSection(revelation, 0, "Text for section", ttp, false);
            AddArchive("Revelation Archive", new List <IScrBook>(new IScrBook[] { revelation }));

            using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
                TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

                // Select the archive node that was just added.
                tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[0];

                // Check to make sure the Compare to Current Version button is disabled
                Assert.IsFalse(dlg.ComparetoCurrentVersionBtn.Enabled, "The Compare to Current Version button should be disabled");

                TreeNode revNode = null;
                TreeNode phmNode = null;
                foreach (TreeNode node in tree.Nodes)
                    if (node.Nodes.Count > 0 && node.Nodes[0].Tag is IScrBook)
                        if (((IScrBook)node.Nodes[0].Tag).CanonicalNum == 66)
                            revNode = node.Nodes[0];
                        if (((IScrBook)node.Nodes[0].Tag).CanonicalNum == 57)
                            phmNode = node.Nodes[0];
                Assert.IsNotNull(revNode, "there should be an archive where the first book is Revelation");
                Assert.IsNotNull(phmNode, "there should be an archive where the first book is Philemon");
                // Select a book node for Revelation.
                tree.SelectedNode = revNode;

                // Check to make sure the Diff button is still disabled if we select Revelation
                // after it is removed from the DB.
                Assert.IsTrue(tree.SelectedNode.Tag is IScrBook);
                var bookId = ((IScrBook)tree.SelectedNode.Tag).CanonicalNum;
                Assert.AreEqual(66, bookId);
                               "The Compare to Current Version button should still be disabled.");

                // However, the diff button should be enabled if we select Philemon in the second archive
                // since it is in our database.
                tree.SelectedNode = phmNode;
                // selecting Philemon
                              "The Compare to Current Version button should be enabled when Philemon is selected.");
コード例 #14
        public void DeleteBook()
            using (DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(Cache))
                TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

                // Delete the first book from the last archive (Philemon)
                TreeNode archiveNode = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
                    if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 2") != -1)
                        archiveNode = tree.Nodes[i];
                tree.SelectedNode = archiveNode.Nodes[0];

                // check the node counts
                Assert.AreEqual(3, tree.Nodes.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < tree.Nodes.Count; i++)
                    if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 0") != -1)
                        Assert.AreEqual(1, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
                    else if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 1") != -1)
                        Assert.AreEqual(2, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
                    else if (tree.Nodes[i].Text.IndexOf("My Archive 2") != -1)
                        Assert.AreEqual(2, tree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count);
                        Assert.Fail("Seems we have an extra archive");

                // Check the remaining book names for the archive that was deleted from.
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    string bookLabel = archiveNode.Nodes[i].Text;
                    Assert.AreEqual(m_bookScrRange[i + 1], bookLabel);

                // Check the books in the database to make sure the database is correct.
                Assert.AreEqual(3, m_scr.ArchivedDraftsOC.Count);
                IScrDraft archive = (IScrDraft)archiveNode.Tag;
                Assert.AreEqual(2, archive.BooksOS.Count);
                List <int> cannonicalBookNums = new List <int>(new int[] { 59, 65 });
                for (int iArchivedBook = 0; iArchivedBook < archive.BooksOS.Count; iArchivedBook++)
                    IScrBook book = archive.BooksOS[iArchivedBook];
                    Assert.AreEqual(cannonicalBookNums[iArchivedBook], book.CanonicalNum);
                    Assert.AreEqual(m_bookNames[iArchivedBook + 1], book.BestUIName);
コード例 #15
		public void DeleteAllItems()
			DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(m_cache);
			TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

			while (tree.Nodes.Count != 0)
				tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[0];

			// Verify that the buttons are disabled
			Assert.IsFalse(dlg.ComparetoCurrentVersionBtn.Enabled, "The Compare to Current Version button should be disabled");
			Assert.IsFalse(dlg.DeleteBtn.Enabled, "The delete button should be disabled");

			// Also check to see if the dialog comes up with the buttons disabled when there
			// are no archives
			dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(m_cache);

			// Verify that the buttons are disabled
			Assert.IsFalse(dlg.ComparetoCurrentVersionBtn.Enabled, "The Compare to Current Version button should be disabled");
			Assert.IsFalse(dlg.DeleteBtn.Enabled, "The delete button should be disabled");
コード例 #16
		public void DisableCompareBtn()
			// Add Revelation, archive it and then remove it.
			int hvoTitle;
			Assert.IsNull(ScrBook.FindBookByID(m_cache, 66),
				"Revelation should not be in the database. Restore the clean version of TestLangProj.");
			IScrBook revelation = ScrBook.CreateNewScrBook(66, m_scr, out hvoTitle);
			ITsPropsFactory propFact = TsPropsFactoryClass.Create();
			ITsTextProps ttp = propFact.MakeProps(ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph, m_cache.DefaultVernWs, 0);
			ScrSection.CreateScrSection(revelation, 0, "Text for section", ttp, false);
			AddArchive("Revelation Archive", new List<int>(new int[] { revelation.Hvo }));

			DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(m_cache);
			TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

			// Select the archive node that was just added.
			tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[0];

			// Check to make sure the Compare to Current Version button is disabled
			Assert.IsFalse(dlg.ComparetoCurrentVersionBtn.Enabled, "The Compare to Current Version button should be disabled");

			// Select a book node.
			tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[0].Nodes[0];

			// Check to make sure the Diff button is still disabled if we select Philemon
			// after it is removed from the DB.
				"The Compare to Current Version button should still");