コード例 #1
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:DiffViewWrapper"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent object.</param>
        /// <param name="cache">The cache.</param>
        /// <param name="styleSheet">The style sheet.</param>
        /// <param name="currentDraft">The current draft.</param>
        /// <param name="revisionDraft">The revision draft.</param>
        /// <param name="currentFootnote">The current footnote.</param>
        /// <param name="revisionFootnote">The revision footnote.</param>
        /// <param name="otherControls">A TableLayoutPanel that contains the controls to show
        /// as labels and buttons above and below the current and revision views.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public DiffViewWrapper(string name, Control parent, FdoCache cache,
                               IVwStylesheet styleSheet, DiffViewScrProxy currentDraft, DiffViewScrProxy revisionDraft,
                               DiffViewFootnoteProxy currentFootnote, DiffViewFootnoteProxy revisionFootnote,
                               TableLayoutPanel otherControls) : base(cache, styleSheet, 4, 2)
            Dock    = DockStyle.Fill;
            Name    = name;
            Parent  = parent;
            Padding = otherControls.Padding;

            // Add the labels at the top
            AddControl(null, kLabelRow, kRevisionColumn, new FixedControlProxy(
                           otherControls.GetControlFromPosition(kRevisionColumn, kLabelRow)));
            AddControl(null, kLabelRow, kCurrentColumn, new FixedControlProxy(
                           otherControls.GetControlFromPosition(kCurrentColumn, kLabelRow)));

            // Add the views
            AddControl(null, kDraftRow, kRevisionColumn, revisionDraft, false, true);
            AddControl(null, kDraftRow, kCurrentColumn, currentDraft, true, true);
            AddControl(null, kFootnoteRow, kRevisionColumn, revisionFootnote, false, true);
            AddControl(null, kFootnoteRow, kCurrentColumn, currentFootnote, false, true);

            // Add the buttons below the views
            AddControl(null, kButtonRow, kRevisionColumn, new FixedControlProxy(
                           otherControls.GetControlFromPosition(kRevisionColumn, kButtonRow)));
            AddControl(null, kButtonRow, kCurrentColumn, new FixedControlProxy(
                           otherControls.GetControlFromPosition(kCurrentColumn, kButtonRow)));

            // Set properties on the rows

            // We have to set the desired height first because this resets the visible
            // state - strange.
            GetRow(kLabelRow).MinimumHeight =
                otherControls.GetControlFromPosition(kRevisionColumn, kLabelRow).Height;
            GetRow(kButtonRow).MinimumHeight =
                otherControls.GetControlFromPosition(kRevisionColumn, kButtonRow).Height;

            DataGridViewControlRow row = GetRow(kLabelRow);

            row.Visible    = true;
            row.Resizable  = DataGridViewTriState.False;
            row.IsAutoFill = false;
            DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle noBorder = new DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle();

            noBorder.All            = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;
            row.AdvancedBorderStyle = noBorder;

            row         = GetRow(kDraftRow);
            row.Visible = true;

            row            = GetRow(kFootnoteRow);
            row.FillWeight = 18;                // 30%
            row.Visible    = false;

            row                     = GetRow(kButtonRow);
            row.Visible             = true;
            row.Resizable           = DataGridViewTriState.False;
            row.IsAutoFill          = false;
            row.AdvancedBorderStyle = noBorder;

            // Set properties on the two columns
            DataGridViewControlColumn column = GetColumn(kRevisionColumn);

            column.MinimumWidth = 220;
            column.Visible      = true;
            column.FillWeight   = 100;
            column.Name         = "RevisionColumn";

            column = GetColumn(kCurrentColumn);
            column.MinimumWidth = 315;
            column.Visible      = true;
            column.FillWeight   = 100;
            column.Name         = "CurrentColumn";
コード例 #2
		public DiffViewWrapper(string name, Control parent, FdoCache cache,
			IVwStylesheet styleSheet, DiffViewScrProxy currentDraft, DiffViewScrProxy revisionDraft,
			DiffViewFootnoteProxy currentFootnote, DiffViewFootnoteProxy revisionFootnote,
			TableLayoutPanel otherControls) : base(cache, styleSheet, 4, 2)
			Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
			Name = name;
			Parent = parent;
			Padding = otherControls.Padding;

			// Add the labels at the top
			AddControl(null, kLabelRow, kRevisionColumn, new FixedControlProxy(
				otherControls.GetControlFromPosition(kRevisionColumn, kLabelRow)));
			AddControl(null, kLabelRow, kCurrentColumn, new FixedControlProxy(
				otherControls.GetControlFromPosition(kCurrentColumn, kLabelRow)));

			// Add the views
			AddControl(null, kDraftRow, kRevisionColumn, revisionDraft, false, true);
			AddControl(null, kDraftRow, kCurrentColumn, currentDraft, true, true);
			AddControl(null, kFootnoteRow, kRevisionColumn, revisionFootnote, false, true);
			AddControl(null, kFootnoteRow, kCurrentColumn, currentFootnote, false, true);

			// Add the buttons below the views
			AddControl(null, kButtonRow, kRevisionColumn, new FixedControlProxy(
				otherControls.GetControlFromPosition(kRevisionColumn, kButtonRow)));
			AddControl(null, kButtonRow, kCurrentColumn, new FixedControlProxy(
				otherControls.GetControlFromPosition(kCurrentColumn, kButtonRow)));

			// Set properties on the rows

			// We have to set the desired height first because this resets the visible
			// state - strange.
			GetRow(kLabelRow).MinimumHeight =
				otherControls.GetControlFromPosition(kRevisionColumn, kLabelRow).Height;
			GetRow(kButtonRow).MinimumHeight =
				otherControls.GetControlFromPosition(kRevisionColumn, kButtonRow).Height;

			DataGridViewControlRow row = GetRow(kLabelRow);
			row.Visible = true;
			row.Resizable = DataGridViewTriState.False;
			row.IsAutoFill = false;
			DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle noBorder = new DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle();
			noBorder.All = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;
			row.AdvancedBorderStyle = noBorder;

			row = GetRow(kDraftRow);
			row.Visible = true;

			row = GetRow(kFootnoteRow);
			row.FillWeight = 18;	// 30%
			row.Visible = false;

			row = GetRow(kButtonRow);
			row.Visible = true;
			row.Resizable = DataGridViewTriState.False;
			row.IsAutoFill = false;
			row.AdvancedBorderStyle = noBorder;

			// Set properties on the two columns
			DataGridViewControlColumn column = GetColumn(kRevisionColumn);
			column.MinimumWidth = 220;
			column.Visible = true;
			column.FillWeight = 100;
			column.Name = "RevisionColumn";

			column = GetColumn(kCurrentColumn);
			column.MinimumWidth = 315;
			column.Visible = true;
			column.FillWeight = 100;
			column.Name = "CurrentColumn";
コード例 #3
ファイル: DiffDialog.cs プロジェクト: bbriggs/FieldWorks
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// When the dialog is created, add the diff views to it.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)

			// Make two Diff views, for Current and Revision
			m_differences.MoveFirst(); // make sure first item is active in list.
			IScrBook bookRev = m_bookMerger.BookRev;
			IScrBook bookCurr = m_bookMerger.BookCurr;

			DiffViewScrProxy currentInfo = new DiffViewScrProxy(this, "Current", bookCurr, false);
			DiffViewScrProxy revisionInfo = new DiffViewScrProxy(this, "Revision", bookRev, true);
			DiffViewFootnoteProxy currFnInfo = new DiffViewFootnoteProxy(this,
				"Current Footnote", bookCurr, false);
			DiffViewFootnoteProxy revisionFnInfo = new DiffViewFootnoteProxy(this,
				"Revision Footnote", bookRev, true);

			// Add ourself to the components to advertise our services

			// NOTE: we use a tableLayoutPanel so that we can add all the other controls
			// like buttons and textboxes in Design mode. The tableLayoutPanel should have
			// exactly the same number of rows and columns as the real SplitGrid should
			// have later on (i.e. 4 rows and 2 columns). The DiffViewWrapper then uses
			// the controls in the first and lost row of the tableLayoutPanel and sticks them
			// in the SplitGrid. The other two middle rows it fills with the DiffView
			// and Footnote view.

			// Make the top draft wrapper to contain the two diff views
			m_diffViewWrapper = new DiffViewWrapper("Diff View Wrapper", this, m_cache,
				m_stylesheet, currentInfo, revisionInfo, currFnInfo, revisionFnInfo, tableLayoutPanel);
			m_diffViewWrapper.Site = Site;
			Controls.SetChildIndex(m_diffViewWrapper, 0);
			m_diffViewWrapper.Visible = true;

			if (!MiscUtils.RunningTests && !DesignMode)

#if __MonoCS__