public void SaveBytes_SaveSingleFile() { using (var tempDirPath = new TemporaryFolder(Path.GetRandomFileName())) { byte[] bytes = { 177, 209, 137, 61, 204, 127, 103, 88 }; string fakeFile = tempDirPath.Combine(tempDirPath.Path, "abu3.mp3"); WavConverter.SaveBytes(fakeFile, bytes); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(fakeFile), "SaveFile did not successfully save the bytes into a file."); } }
public void SaveBytes_WrongExtension() { using (var tempDirPath = new TemporaryFolder(Path.GetRandomFileName())) { byte[] bytes = { 177, 209, 137, 61, 204, 127, 103, 88 }; string fakeFile = tempDirPath.Combine(tempDirPath.Path, ""); WavConverter.SaveBytes(fakeFile, bytes); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(fakeFile, ".mp3")), "SaveBytes did not change the extension of the SaveFile to .mp3."); } }
public void AlreadyExists_NonIdenticalExists() { using (var tempDirPath = new TemporaryFolder(Path.GetRandomFileName())) { byte[] bytes = { 177, 209, 137, 61, 204, 127, 103, 88 }; string fakeFile = tempDirPath.Combine(tempDirPath.Path, "abu2.mp3"); WavConverter.SaveBytes(fakeFile, bytes); Assert.IsTrue(WavConverter.AlreadyExists(_goodWavFile, fakeFile) == SaveFile.NotIdenticalExists, "AlreadyExists did not recognize that the destination exists but is not the converted version of the source."); } }