///<summary> /// This method builds the SQL statment to delete the instance in database ///</summary> ///<param name = instance> ///This parameter represents the instance to be deleted in the database ///</param> public override void UpdateDeleted(ONInstance instance) { AeronaveInstance lInstance = instance as AeronaveInstance; ONSqlDelete lOnSql = new ONSqlDelete(); lOnSql.AddFrom(CtesBD.TBL_AERONAVE); lOnSql.AddWhere(CtesBD.FLD_AERONAVE_ID_AERONAVE, lInstance.Oid.Id_AeronaveAttr); Execute(lOnSql); }
///<summary> /// This method builds the SQL statment to delete the instance in database ///</summary> ///<param name = instance> ///This parameter represents the instance to be deleted in the database ///</param> public override void UpdateDeleted(ONInstance instance) { PasajeroInstance lInstance = instance as PasajeroInstance; ONSqlDelete lOnSql = new ONSqlDelete(); lOnSql.AddFrom(CtesBD.TBL_PASAJERO); lOnSql.AddWhere(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ID_PASAJERO, lInstance.Oid.Id_PasajeroAttr); Execute(lOnSql); }
///<summary> /// This method builds the SQL statment to delete the instance in database ///</summary> ///<param name = instance> ///This parameter represents the instance to be deleted in the database ///</param> public override void UpdateDeleted(ONInstance instance) { NaveNodrizaInstance lInstance = instance as NaveNodrizaInstance; ONSqlDelete lOnSql = new ONSqlDelete(); lOnSql.AddFrom(CtesBD.TBL_NAVENODRIZA); lOnSql.AddWhere(CtesBD.FLD_NAVENODRIZA_ID_NAVENODRIZA, lInstance.Oid.Id_NaveNodrizaAttr); Execute(lOnSql); }
///<summary> /// This method builds the SQL statment to delete the instance in database ///</summary> ///<param name = instance> ///This parameter represents the instance to be deleted in the database ///</param> public override void UpdateDeleted(ONInstance instance) { RevisionInstance lInstance = instance as RevisionInstance; ONSqlDelete lOnSql = new ONSqlDelete(); lOnSql.AddFrom(CtesBD.TBL_REVISION); lOnSql.AddWhere(CtesBD.FLD_REVISION_ID_REVISARAERONAVE, lInstance.Oid.Id_RevisarAeronaveAttr); Execute(lOnSql); }