public ScreenshotManager() { this.scr = new ScreenshotTaker(); // .NET methods return Windows 8 info on Windows 10, so we need to use WMI this.isW10 = (from x in new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem").Get().OfType <ManagementObject>() select x.GetPropertyValue("Caption")).First().ToString().Contains("Windows 10"); }
public ScreenshotManager() { this.scr = new ScreenshotTaker(); // .NET methods return Windows 8 info on Windows 10, so we need to use WMI this.isW10 = (from x in new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem").Get().OfType<ManagementObject>() select x.GetPropertyValue("Caption")).First().ToString().Contains("Windows 10"); }
public RegionSelectionWindow() { InitializeComponent(); this.scr = new ScreenshotTaker(); }