コード例 #1
        public Boolean ClearUAV(H1GpuBuffer target)
            H1GpuBuffer             targetDX12 = target as H1GpuBuffer;
            H1DynamicDescriptorHeap dynamicDescriptorHeapDX12 = DynamicDescriptorHeap;
            GpuDescriptorHandle     gpuVisibleHandle          = new GpuDescriptorHandle();

            //if (dynamicDescriptorHeapDX12.UploadDirect(targetDX12.UAV, ref gpuVisibleHandle) == false)
            //    return false;

コード例 #2
 void InitializePlatformDependent(ref Boolean bSuccess)
     // platform-specific assignment
     DynamicDescriptorHeap = new H1DynamicDescriptorHeap();
     bSuccess = CommandListManager.CreateCommandList(CommandListType, this);
コード例 #3
        public Boolean CopyAndBindStaleTables(H1DescriptorHandle destHandleStart, GraphicsCommandList cmdList, Boolean bGraphicsRootDescriptorTable = true)
            Int64 staleParamCount = 0;

            Int64[] tableSize   = new Int64[MaxNumDescriptorsTables];
            Int64[] rootIndices = new Int64[MaxNumDescriptorsTables];
            Int64   neededSpace = 0;
            Int32   rootIndex;

            // sum the maximum assigned offsets of stale descriptor tables to determine total needed space
            BitArray staleParams = m_StaleRootParamsBitMap;

            for (rootIndex = 0; rootIndex < staleParams.Count; ++rootIndex)
                // forward bit scanning
                if (staleParams[rootIndex] == true)
                    // cache stale parameter index to the root indices
                    rootIndices[staleParamCount] = rootIndex;
                    // XOR to staleParams
                    staleParams[rootIndex] = false;

                    BitArray AssignedHandlesForRootDescriptorTable = m_RootDescriptorTable[rootIndex].AssignedHandlesBitMap;
                    for (Int32 maxSetHandle = AssignedHandlesForRootDescriptorTable.Count - 1; maxSetHandle >= 0; --maxSetHandle)
                        // bit reverse traversing
                        if (AssignedHandlesForRootDescriptorTable[maxSetHandle] == true)
                            neededSpace += maxSetHandle + 1;
                            tableSize[staleParamCount] = maxSetHandle + 1;
                            break; // only take an account of maximum handle index

                    // increase stale param count

            if (staleParamCount > MaxNumDescriptorsTables)
                return(false); // only equipped to handle so many descriptor tables
            // clear stale root param bit map
            for (int i = 0; i < m_StaleRootParamsBitMap.Count; ++i)
                m_StaleRootParamsBitMap[i] = false;

            const Int32 MaxDescriptorPerCopy    = 16;
            Int32       numDestDescriptorRanges = 0;

            CpuDescriptorHandle[] destDescriptorRangeStart = new CpuDescriptorHandle[MaxDescriptorPerCopy];
            Int32[] destDescriptorRangeSizes = new Int32[MaxDescriptorPerCopy];

            Int32 numSrcDescriptorRanges = 0;

            CpuDescriptorHandle[] srcDescriptorRangeStart = new CpuDescriptorHandle[MaxDescriptorPerCopy];
            Int32[] srcDescriptorRangeSizes = new Int32[MaxDescriptorPerCopy];

            Int32 descriptorSize = H1DynamicDescriptorHeap.GetDescriptorSize();

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < staleParamCount; ++i)
                // get the root index and set root descriptor table
                rootIndex = Convert.ToInt32(rootIndices[i]);
                if (bGraphicsRootDescriptorTable)
                    cmdList.SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(rootIndex, destHandleStart.GpuHandle);
                    cmdList.SetComputeRootDescriptorTable(rootIndex, destHandleStart.GpuHandle);

                H1DescriptorTableCache rootDescriptorTable = m_RootDescriptorTable[rootIndex];

                // cached local variables
                Int32               srcHandles = rootDescriptorTable.TableStart;
                BitArray            setHandles = rootDescriptorTable.AssignedHandlesBitMap;
                CpuDescriptorHandle currDest   = destHandleStart.CpuHandle;

                // move dest handle start ptr by table size scaled by descriptor size
                destHandleStart = destHandleStart + (tableSize[i] * descriptorSize);

                for (Int32 skipCount = 0; skipCount < setHandles.Count; ++skipCount)
                    // forward bit scanning
                    if (setHandles[skipCount] == true)
                        // skip over unset descriptor handles
                        srcHandles   += skipCount;
                        currDest.Ptr += skipCount * descriptorSize;

                        Int32 descriptorCount;
                        for (descriptorCount = skipCount; descriptorCount < setHandles.Count; ++descriptorCount)
                            // find unset descriptor handles (skipping consecutive set descriptor handles)
                            if (setHandles[descriptorCount] == false)
                                // update descriptorCount as consecutive set descriptor handles
                                descriptorCount -= skipCount;
                                // update skipCount
                                skipCount += descriptorCount;

                        // if we run out of temp room, copy that we've got so far
                        if (numDestDescriptorRanges + descriptorCount > MaxDescriptorPerCopy)
                            H1Global <H1ManagedRenderer> .Instance.Device.CopyDescriptors(
                                numDestDescriptorRanges, destDescriptorRangeStart, destDescriptorRangeSizes,
                                numSrcDescriptorRanges, srcDescriptorRangeStart, srcDescriptorRangeSizes,

                            // reset the number of [src|dest] descriptor range numbers
                            numSrcDescriptorRanges  = 0;
                            numDestDescriptorRanges = 0;

                        // set up destination range
                        destDescriptorRangeStart[numDestDescriptorRanges] = currDest;
                        destDescriptorRangeSizes[numDestDescriptorRanges] = descriptorCount;

                        // set up source ranges (one descriptor each because we don't assume they are contiguous)
                        for (Int32 j = 0; j < descriptorCount; ++j)
                            srcDescriptorRangeStart[numSrcDescriptorRanges] = m_HandleCaches[srcHandles + j];
                            srcDescriptorRangeSizes[numSrcDescriptorRanges] = 1;

                        // move the destination pointer forward by the number of descriptors we will copy
                        srcHandles   += descriptorCount;
                        currDest.Ptr += descriptorCount * descriptorCount;

            H1Global <H1ManagedRenderer> .Instance.Device.CopyDescriptors(
                numDestDescriptorRanges, destDescriptorRangeStart, destDescriptorRangeSizes,
                numSrcDescriptorRanges, srcDescriptorRangeStart, srcDescriptorRangeSizes,
