// hand an answered input request public Delta[] FinishInputRequest(Player player, InputRequest req) { if (!req.Made) // deal with unfinished req; this honestly should probably just error { return(new Delta[] {}); } Delta[] deltas = req.GetDeltas(); player.FinishInputRequest(req); return(deltas); }
public static InputRequest FromXml(XmlElement e) { // find in there is already an Input Request with the same ID string id = e.Attributes["id"].Value; InputRequest sharedId = idIssuer.GetByID(id); // ...if there is, just migrate data to that one if (sharedId != null && sharedId.MakeChoiceFrom(e)) { return(sharedId); } // if that rought failed to return... object[] args = new object[] { e }; return(SendableFactory <InputRequest> .FromXml(e, args)); }