private void findInBounds(Bounds bound) { byte b; byte b2; Regions.tryGetCoordinate(base.transform.TransformPoint(bound.min), out b, out b2); byte b3; byte b4; Regions.tryGetCoordinate(base.transform.TransformPoint(bound.max), out b3, out b4); for (byte b5 = b; b5 <= b3; b5 += 1) { for (byte b6 = b2; b6 <= b4; b6 += 1) { for (int i = 0; i < LevelObjects.objects[(int)b5, (int)b6].Count; i++) { LevelObject levelObject = LevelObjects.objects[(int)b5, (int)b6][i]; if (levelObject.asset != null && !(levelObject.transform == null) && levelObject.asset.type != EObjectType.LARGE) { if (!levelObject.isSpeciallyCulled) { Vector3 vector = base.transform.InverseTransformPoint(levelObject.transform.position); if (bound.Contains(vector)) { levelObject.isSpeciallyCulled = true; this.objects.Add(levelObject); } } } } } } }
public static void dropStructure(Structure structure, Vector3 point, float angle_x, float angle_y, float angle_z, ulong owner, ulong group) { ItemStructureAsset itemStructureAsset = (ItemStructureAsset)Assets.find(EAssetType.ITEM,; if (itemStructureAsset != null) { Vector3 eulerAngles = Quaternion.Euler(-90f, angle_y, 0f).eulerAngles; angle_x = (float)(Mathf.RoundToInt(eulerAngles.x / 2f) * 2); angle_y = (float)(Mathf.RoundToInt(eulerAngles.y / 2f) * 2); angle_z = (float)(Mathf.RoundToInt(eulerAngles.z / 2f) * 2); byte b; byte b2; StructureRegion structureRegion; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(point, out b, out b2) && StructureManager.tryGetRegion(b, b2, out structureRegion)) { StructureData structureData = new StructureData(structure, point, MeasurementTool.angleToByte(angle_x), MeasurementTool.angleToByte(angle_y), MeasurementTool.angleToByte(angle_z), owner, group, Provider.time); structureRegion.structures.Add(structureData);"tellStructure", ESteamCall.ALL, b, b2, StructureManager.STRUCTURE_REGIONS, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_RELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { b, b2,, structureData.point, structureData.angle_x, structureData.angle_y, structureData.angle_z, owner, group, StructureManager.instanceCount += 1u }); } } }
// Token: 0x0600283E RID: 10302 RVA: 0x000F36C0 File Offset: 0x000F1AC0 public static void takeItem(Transform item, byte to_x, byte to_y, byte to_rot, byte to_page) { byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(item.position, out b, out b2)) { ItemRegion itemRegion = ItemManager.regions[(int)b, (int)b2]; for (int i = 0; i < itemRegion.drops.Count; i++) { if (itemRegion.drops[i].model == item) {"askTakeItem", ESteamCall.SERVER, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_UNRELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { b, b2, itemRegion.drops[i].instanceID, to_x, to_y, to_rot, to_page }); return; } } } }
public static void registerRemoveObject(Transform select) { if (select == null) { return; } byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(select.position, out b, out b2)) { if (select.CompareTag("Barricade") || select.CompareTag("Structure")) { for (int i = 0; i < LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2].Count; i++) { if (LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2][i].transform == select) { LevelObjects.register(new ReunObjectRemove(LevelObjects.step, select, null, LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2][i].asset, select.position, select.rotation, select.localScale)); break; } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2].Count; j++) { if (LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2][j].transform == select) { LevelObjects.register(new ReunObjectRemove(LevelObjects.step, select, LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2][j].asset, null, select.position, select.rotation, select.localScale)); break; } } } } }
// Token: 0x060028FF RID: 10495 RVA: 0x000FA6F8 File Offset: 0x000F8AF8 public static void forage(Transform resource) { byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(resource.position, out b, out b2)) { List <ResourceSpawnpoint> list = LevelGround.trees[(int)b, (int)b2]; ushort num = 0; while ((int)num < list.Count) { if (resource == list[(int)num].model) {"askForage", ESteamCall.SERVER, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_UNRELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { b, b2, num }); break; } num += 1; } } }
private void OnEnable() { if (!Provider.isServer) { return; } if ( != null) { return; } byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(base.transform.position, out b, out b2)) { for (int i = 0; i < LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2].Count; i++) { LevelObject levelObject = LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2][i]; if (levelObject.interactable != null && == { = (levelObject.interactable as InteractableObjectBinaryState); break; } } } if ( == null) { return; } if (!this.isListening) { ChatManager.onChatted = (Chatted)Delegate.Combine(ChatManager.onChatted, new Chatted(this.onChatted)); this.isListening = true; } }
private void Update() { byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(base.transform.position, out b, out b2) && (b != this.region_x || b2 != this.region_y)) { byte region_x = this.region_x; byte region_y = this.region_y; this._region_x = b; this._region_y = b2; if (this.onRegionUpdated != null) { this.onRegionUpdated(region_x, region_y, b, b2); } } byte b3; LevelNavigation.tryGetBounds(base.transform.position, out b3); if (b3 != this.bound) { byte bound = this.bound; this._bound = b3; if (this.onBoundUpdated != null) { this.onBoundUpdated(bound, b3); } } this.effectNode = null; for (int i = 0; i < LevelNodes.nodes.Count; i++) { Node node = LevelNodes.nodes[i]; if (node.type == ENodeType.EFFECT) { EffectNode effectNode = (EffectNode)node; if (effectNode.shape == ENodeShape.SPHERE) { if ((base.transform.position - effectNode.point).sqrMagnitude < effectNode.editorRadius) { this.effectNode = effectNode; break; } } else if (effectNode.shape == ENodeShape.BOX && Mathf.Abs(base.transform.position.x - effectNode.point.x) < effectNode.bounds.x && Mathf.Abs(base.transform.position.y - effectNode.point.y) < effectNode.bounds.y && Mathf.Abs(base.transform.position.z - effectNode.point.z) < effectNode.bounds.z) { this.effectNode = effectNode; break; } } } AmbianceVolume effectNode2; if (this.effectNode == null && AmbianceUtility.isPointInsideVolume(base.transform.position, out effectNode2)) { this.effectNode = effectNode2; } LevelLighting.updateLocal(MainCamera.instance.transform.position, 0f, this.effectNode); }
// Token: 0x0600283F RID: 10303 RVA: 0x000F3794 File Offset: 0x000F1B94 public static void dropItem(Item item, Vector3 point, bool playEffect, bool isDropped, bool wideSpread) { if (ItemManager.regions == null || ItemManager.manager == null) { return; } if (wideSpread) { point.x += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-0.75f, 0.75f); point.z += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-0.75f, 0.75f); } else { point.x += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-0.125f, 0.125f); point.z += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-0.125f, 0.125f); } byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(point, out b, out b2)) { ItemAsset itemAsset = (ItemAsset)Assets.find(EAssetType.ITEM,; if (itemAsset != null && !itemAsset.isPro) { if (playEffect) { EffectManager.sendEffect(6, EffectManager.SMALL, point); } if (point.y > 0f) { RaycastHit raycastHit; Physics.Raycast(point + Vector3.up, Vector3.down, out raycastHit, Mathf.Min(point.y + 1f, Level.HEIGHT), RayMasks.BLOCK_ITEM); if (raycastHit.collider != null) { point.y = raycastHit.point.y; } } ItemData itemData = new ItemData(item, ItemManager.instanceCount += 1u, point, isDropped); ItemManager.regions[(int)b, (int)b2].items.Add(itemData);"tellItem", ESteamCall.CLIENTS, b, b2, ItemManager.ITEM_REGIONS, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_RELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { b, b2,, item.amount, item.quality, item.state, point, itemData.instanceID }); } } }
public static void addSpawn(Vector3 point) { byte b; byte b2; if (!Regions.tryGetCoordinate(point, out b, out b2)) { return; } if ((int)EditorSpawns.selectedZombie >= LevelZombies.tables.Count) { return; } LevelZombies.spawns[(int)b, (int)b2].Add(new ZombieSpawnpoint(EditorSpawns.selectedZombie, point)); }
public static Transform addBuildable(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, ushort id) { byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(position, out b, out b2)) { LevelBuildableObject levelBuildableObject = new LevelBuildableObject(position, rotation, id); levelBuildableObject.enable(); LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2].Add(levelBuildableObject); LevelObjects._total++; return(levelBuildableObject.transform); } return(null); }
public static bool tryGetRegion(Transform structure, out byte x, out byte y, out StructureRegion region) { x = 0; y = 0; region = null; if (structure == null) { return(false); } if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(structure.position, out x, out y)) { region = StructureManager.regions[(int)x, (int)y]; return(true); } return(false); }
public static Transform addObject(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale, ushort id, string name, Guid GUID, ELevelObjectPlacementOrigin placementOrigin) { byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(position, out b, out b2)) { LevelObject levelObject = new LevelObject(position, rotation, scale, id, name, GUID, placementOrigin, LevelObjects.generateUniqueInstanceID()); levelObject.enableCollision(); levelObject.enableVisual(); levelObject.disableSkybox(); LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2].Add(levelObject); LevelObjects._total++; return(levelObject.transform); } return(null); }
// Token: 0x060030C6 RID: 12486 RVA: 0x0013F6EC File Offset: 0x0013DAEC public static void getRegionsInRadius(Vector3 center, float radius, List <RegionCoordinate> result) { byte b; byte b2; if (!Regions.tryGetCoordinate(center, out b, out b2)) { return; } result.Add(new RegionCoordinate(b, b2)); Vector3 vector; Regions.tryGetPoint((int)b, (int)b2, out vector); byte b3 = b; byte b4 = b2; if (center.x - radius <= vector.x) { b3 -= 1; } else if (center.x + radius >= vector.x + (float)Regions.REGION_SIZE) { b3 += 1; } if (center.z - radius <= vector.z) { b4 -= 1; } else if (center.z + radius >= vector.z + (float)Regions.REGION_SIZE) { b4 += 1; } if (b3 != b && Regions.checkSafe((int)b3, (int)b2)) { result.Add(new RegionCoordinate(b3, b2)); } if (b4 != b2 && Regions.checkSafe((int)b, (int)b4)) { result.Add(new RegionCoordinate(b, b4)); } if (b3 != b && b4 != b2 && Regions.checkSafe((int)b3, (int)b4)) { result.Add(new RegionCoordinate(b3, b4)); } }
// Token: 0x060028E3 RID: 10467 RVA: 0x000F8FF0 File Offset: 0x000F73F0 public static bool tryGetRegion(Transform transform, out byte x, out byte y, out ushort index) { x = 0; y = 0; index = 0; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(transform.position, out x, out y)) { List <LevelObject> list = LevelObjects.objects[(int)x, (int)y]; index = 0; while ((int)index < list.Count) { if (transform == list[(int)index].transform) { return(true); } index += 1; } } return(false); }
// Token: 0x06002907 RID: 10503 RVA: 0x000FABD0 File Offset: 0x000F8FD0 public static bool tryGetRegion(Transform resource, out byte x, out byte y, out ushort index) { x = 0; y = 0; index = 0; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(resource.position, out x, out y)) { List <ResourceSpawnpoint> list = LevelGround.trees[(int)x, (int)y]; index = 0; while ((int)index < list.Count) { if (resource == list[(int)index].model || resource == list[(int)index].stump) { return(true); } index += 1; } } return(false); }
public static void removeBuildable(Transform select) { if (select == null) { return; } byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(select.position, out b, out b2)) { for (int i = 0; i < LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2].Count; i++) { if (LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2][i].transform == select) { LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2][i].destroy(); LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2].RemoveAt(i); LevelObjects._total--; break; } } } }
public static void registerDevkitObject(LevelObject levelObject, out byte x, out byte y) { if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(levelObject.transform.position, out x, out y)) { LevelObjects.objects[(int)x, (int)y].Add(levelObject); if (LevelObjects.regions[(int)x, (int)y]) { levelObject.enableCollision(); if (!levelObject.isSpeciallyCulled) { levelObject.enableVisual(); } levelObject.disableSkybox(); } else { levelObject.disableCollision(); if (!levelObject.isSpeciallyCulled) { levelObject.disableVisual(); } if (levelObject.isLandmarkQualityMet) { levelObject.enableSkybox(); } } } else { levelObject.enableCollision(); if (!levelObject.isSpeciallyCulled) { levelObject.enableVisual(); } levelObject.disableSkybox(); } }
public static void getAssetEditor(Transform select, out ObjectAsset objectAsset, out ItemAsset itemAsset) { objectAsset = null; itemAsset = null; if (select == null) { return; } byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(select.position, out b, out b2)) { if (select.CompareTag("Barricade") || select.CompareTag("Structure")) { for (int i = 0; i < LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2].Count; i++) { if (LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2][i].transform == select) { itemAsset = LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2][i].asset; return; } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2].Count; j++) { if (LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2][j].transform == select) { objectAsset = LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2][j].asset; return; } } } } }
public static ObjectAsset getAsset(Transform select) { if (select != null) { DevkitHierarchyWorldObject component = select.GetComponent <DevkitHierarchyWorldObject>(); if (component != null && component.levelObject != null) { return(component.levelObject.asset); } byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(select.position, out b, out b2)) { for (int i = 0; i < LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2].Count; i++) { if (LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2][i].transform == select) { return(LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2][i].asset); } } } } return(null); }
public static void transformObject(Transform select, Vector3 toPosition, Quaternion toRotation, Vector3 toScale, Vector3 fromPosition, Quaternion fromRotation, Vector3 fromScale) { byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(fromPosition, out b, out b2)) { byte b3; byte b4; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(toPosition, out b3, out b4)) { LevelObject levelObject = null; int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2].Count; i++) { if (LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2][i].transform == select) { levelObject = LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2][i]; index = i; break; } } if (levelObject != null) { if (b != b3 || b2 != b4) { LevelObjects.objects[(int)b, (int)b2].RemoveAt(index); LevelObjects.objects[(int)b3, (int)b4].Add(levelObject); } if (levelObject.transform != null) { levelObject.transform.position = toPosition; levelObject.transform.rotation = toRotation; levelObject.transform.localScale = toScale; } if (levelObject.skybox != null) { levelObject.skybox.position = toPosition; levelObject.skybox.rotation = toRotation; levelObject.skybox.localScale = toScale; } } else { LevelBuildableObject levelBuildableObject = null; int index2 = -1; for (int j = 0; j < LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2].Count; j++) { if (LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2][j].transform == select) { levelBuildableObject = LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2][j]; index2 = j; break; } } if (levelBuildableObject != null) { if (b != b3 || b2 != b4) { LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b, (int)b2].RemoveAt(index2); LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b3, (int)b4].Add(levelBuildableObject); } if (levelBuildableObject.transform != null) { levelBuildableObject.transform.position = toPosition; levelBuildableObject.transform.rotation = toRotation; } } else { select.position = fromPosition; select.rotation = fromRotation; select.localScale = fromScale; } } } else { select.position = fromPosition; select.rotation = fromRotation; select.localScale = fromScale; } } else { select.position = fromPosition; select.rotation = fromRotation; select.localScale = fromScale; } }
// Token: 0x060028FE RID: 10494 RVA: 0x000FA378 File Offset: 0x000F8778 public static void damage(Transform resource, Vector3 direction, float damage, float times, float drop, out EPlayerKill kill, out uint xp) { xp = 0u; kill = EPlayerKill.NONE; byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(resource.position, out b, out b2)) { List <ResourceSpawnpoint> list = LevelGround.trees[(int)b, (int)b2]; ushort num = 0; while ((int)num < list.Count) { if (resource == list[(int)num].model) { if (!list[(int)num].isDead) { ushort num2 = (ushort)(damage * times); list[(int)num].askDamage(num2); if (list[(int)num].isDead) { kill = EPlayerKill.RESOURCE; ResourceAsset asset = list[(int)num].asset; if (list[(int)num].asset != null) { if (asset.explosion != 0) { if (asset.hasDebris) { EffectManager.sendEffect(asset.explosion, b, b2, ResourceManager.RESOURCE_REGIONS, resource.position + Vector3.up * 8f); } else { EffectManager.sendEffect(asset.explosion, b, b2, ResourceManager.RESOURCE_REGIONS, resource.position); } } if (asset.rewardID != 0) { direction.y = 0f; direction.Normalize(); int num3 = (int)((float)UnityEngine.Random.Range((int)asset.rewardMin, (int)(asset.rewardMax + 1)) * drop); for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++) { ushort num4 = SpawnTableTool.resolve(asset.rewardID); if (num4 != 0) { if (asset.hasDebris) { ItemManager.dropItem(new Item(num4, EItemOrigin.NATURE), resource.position + direction * (float)(2 + i) + new Vector3(0f, 2f, 0f), false, Dedicator.isDedicated, true); } else { ItemManager.dropItem(new Item(num4, EItemOrigin.NATURE), resource.position + new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-2f, 2f), 2f, UnityEngine.Random.Range(-2f, 2f)), false, Dedicator.isDedicated, true); } } } } else { if (asset.log != 0) { int num5 = (int)((float)UnityEngine.Random.Range(3, 7) * drop); for (int j = 0; j < num5; j++) { ItemManager.dropItem(new Item(asset.log, EItemOrigin.NATURE), resource.position + direction * (float)(2 + j * 2) + Vector3.up, false, Dedicator.isDedicated, true); } } if (asset.stick != 0) { int num6 = (int)((float)UnityEngine.Random.Range(2, 5) * drop); for (int k = 0; k < num6; k++) { float f = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 6.28318548f); ItemManager.dropItem(new Item(asset.stick, EItemOrigin.NATURE), resource.position + new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(f) * 3f, 1f, Mathf.Cos(f) * 3f), false, Dedicator.isDedicated, true); } } } xp = asset.rewardXP; }"tellResourceDead", ESteamCall.ALL, b, b2, ResourceManager.RESOURCE_REGIONS, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_RELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { b, b2, num, direction * (float)num2 }); } } break; } num += 1; } } }
public RegionCoord(Vector3 position) { Regions.tryGetCoordinate(position, out this.x, out this.y); }
public static void load() { LevelObjects._models = new GameObject().transform; = "Objects"; LevelObjects.models.parent = Level.level; LevelObjects.models.tag = "Logic"; LevelObjects.models.gameObject.layer = LayerMasks.LOGIC; LevelObjects._objects = new List <LevelObject> [(int)Regions.WORLD_SIZE, (int)Regions.WORLD_SIZE]; LevelObjects._buildables = new List <LevelBuildableObject> [(int)Regions.WORLD_SIZE, (int)Regions.WORLD_SIZE]; LevelObjects._total = 0; LevelObjects._regions = new bool[(int)Regions.WORLD_SIZE, (int)Regions.WORLD_SIZE]; LevelObjects._loads = new int[(int)Regions.WORLD_SIZE, (int)Regions.WORLD_SIZE]; LevelObjects.shouldInstantlyLoad = true; LevelObjects.isHierarchyReady = false; for (byte b = 0; b < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; b += 1) { for (byte b2 = 0; b2 < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; b2 += 1) { LevelObjects.loads[(int)b, (int)b2] = -1; } } for (byte b3 = 0; b3 < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; b3 += 1) { for (byte b4 = 0; b4 < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; b4 += 1) { LevelObjects.objects[(int)b3, (int)b4] = new List <LevelObject>(); LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b3, (int)b4] = new List <LevelBuildableObject>(); } } if ( { if (ReadWrite.fileExists( + "/Level/Objects.dat", false, false)) { River river = new River( + "/Level/Objects.dat", false); byte b5 = river.readByte(); bool flag = true; if (b5 > 0) { if (b5 > 1 && b5 < 3) { river.readSteamID(); } if (b5 > 8) { LevelObjects.availableInstanceID = river.readUInt32(); } else { LevelObjects.availableInstanceID = 1u; } for (byte b6 = 0; b6 < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; b6 += 1) { for (byte b7 = 0; b7 < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; b7 += 1) { ushort num = river.readUInt16(); for (ushort num2 = 0; num2 < num; num2 += 1) { Vector3 vector = river.readSingleVector3(); Quaternion newRotation = river.readSingleQuaternion(); Vector3 newScale; if (b5 > 3) { newScale = river.readSingleVector3(); } else { newScale =; } ushort num3 = river.readUInt16(); string newName = string.Empty; if (b5 > 5) { newName = river.readString(); } Guid newGUID = Guid.Empty; if (b5 > 7) { newGUID = river.readGUID(); } ELevelObjectPlacementOrigin newPlacementOrigin = ELevelObjectPlacementOrigin.MANUAL; if (b5 > 6) { newPlacementOrigin = (ELevelObjectPlacementOrigin)river.readByte(); } uint newInstanceID; if (b5 > 8) { newInstanceID = river.readUInt32(); } else { newInstanceID = LevelObjects.generateUniqueInstanceID(); } if (num3 != 0) { LevelObject levelObject = new LevelObject(vector, newRotation, newScale, num3, newName, newGUID, newPlacementOrigin, newInstanceID); if (levelObject.asset == null) { flag = false; } if (Level.isEditor) { byte b8; byte b9; Regions.tryGetCoordinate(vector, out b8, out b9); if (b8 != b6 || b9 != b7) { Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { num3, " should be in ", b8, ", ", b9, " but was in ", b6, ", ", b7, "!" })); } LevelObjects.objects[(int)b8, (int)b9].Add(levelObject); } else { LevelObjects.objects[(int)b6, (int)b7].Add(levelObject); } LevelObjects._total++; } } } } } if (flag) { LevelObjects._hash = river.getHash(); } else { LevelObjects._hash = new byte[20]; } river.closeRiver(); } else { for (byte b10 = 0; b10 < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; b10 += 1) { for (byte b11 = 0; b11 < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; b11 += 1) { if (ReadWrite.fileExists(string.Concat(new object[] {, "/Objects/Objects_", b10, "_", b11, ".dat" }), false, false)) { River river2 = new River(string.Concat(new object[] {, "/Objects/Objects_", b10, "_", b11, ".dat" }), false); byte b12 = river2.readByte(); if (b12 > 0) { ushort num4 = river2.readUInt16(); for (ushort num5 = 0; num5 < num4; num5 += 1) { Vector3 position = river2.readSingleVector3(); Quaternion rotation = river2.readSingleQuaternion(); ushort num6 = river2.readUInt16(); string empty = string.Empty; Guid empty2 = Guid.Empty; ELevelObjectPlacementOrigin placementOrigin = ELevelObjectPlacementOrigin.MANUAL; if (num6 != 0) { LevelObjects.addObject(position, rotation,, num6, empty, empty2, placementOrigin); } } } river2.closeRiver(); } } } LevelObjects._hash = new byte[20]; } } else { LevelObjects._hash = new byte[20]; } if ((Provider.isServer || Level.isEditor) && ReadWrite.fileExists( + "/Level/Buildables.dat", false, false)) { River river3 = new River( + "/Level/Buildables.dat", false); river3.readByte(); for (byte b13 = 0; b13 < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; b13 += 1) { for (byte b14 = 0; b14 < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; b14 += 1) { ushort num7 = river3.readUInt16(); for (ushort num8 = 0; num8 < num7; num8 += 1) { Vector3 vector2 = river3.readSingleVector3(); Quaternion newRotation2 = river3.readSingleQuaternion(); ushort num9 = river3.readUInt16(); if (num9 != 0) { LevelBuildableObject item = new LevelBuildableObject(vector2, newRotation2, num9); if (Level.isEditor) { byte b15; byte b16; Regions.tryGetCoordinate(vector2, out b15, out b16); if (b15 != b13 || b16 != b14) { Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { num9, " should be in ", b15, ", ", b16, " but was in ", b13, ", ", b14, "!" })); } LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b15, (int)b16].Add(item); } else { LevelObjects.buildables[(int)b13, (int)b14].Add(item); } LevelObjects._total++; } } } } river3.closeRiver(); } if ( && !Dedicator.isDedicated && !Level.isEditor) { for (byte b17 = 0; b17 < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; b17 += 1) { for (byte b18 = 0; b18 < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; b18 += 1) { for (int i = 0; i < LevelObjects.objects[(int)b17, (int)b18].Count; i++) { LevelObject levelObject2 = LevelObjects.objects[(int)b17, (int)b18][i]; if (levelObject2.asset != null && !(levelObject2.transform == null)) { if (levelObject2.asset.lod != EObjectLOD.NONE) { ObjectsLOD objectsLOD = levelObject2.transform.gameObject.AddComponent <ObjectsLOD>(); objectsLOD.lod = levelObject2.asset.lod; objectsLOD.bias = levelObject2.asset.lodBias; = levelObject2.asset.lodCenter; objectsLOD.size = levelObject2.asset.lodSize; objectsLOD.calculateBounds(); } } } } } } if (Level.isEditor) { LevelObjects.reun = new IReun[256]; LevelObjects.step = 0; LevelObjects.frame = 0; } }
// Token: 0x06002560 RID: 9568 RVA: 0x000D90CC File Offset: 0x000D74CC public static void load() { LevelNodes._models = new GameObject().transform; = "Nodes"; LevelNodes.models.parent = Level.level; LevelNodes.models.tag = "Logic"; LevelNodes.models.gameObject.layer = LayerMasks.LOGIC; LevelNodes._nodes = new List <Node>(); if (ReadWrite.fileExists( + "/Environment/Nodes.dat", false, false)) { River river = new River( + "/Environment/Nodes.dat", false); byte b = river.readByte(); if (b > 0) { ushort num = (ushort)river.readByte(); for (ushort num2 = 0; num2 < num; num2 += 1) { Vector3 vector = river.readSingleVector3(); ENodeType enodeType = (ENodeType)river.readByte(); if (enodeType == ENodeType.LOCATION) { string newName = river.readString(); LevelNodes.nodes.Add(new LocationNode(vector, newName)); } else if (enodeType == ENodeType.SAFEZONE) { float newRadius = river.readSingle(); bool newHeight = false; if (b > 1) { newHeight = river.readBoolean(); } bool newNoWeapons = true; if (b > 4) { newNoWeapons = river.readBoolean(); } bool newNoBuildables = true; if (b > 4) { newNoBuildables = river.readBoolean(); } LevelNodes.nodes.Add(new SafezoneNode(vector, newRadius, newHeight, newNoWeapons, newNoBuildables)); } else if (enodeType == ENodeType.PURCHASE) { float newRadius2 = river.readSingle(); ushort newID = river.readUInt16(); uint newCost = river.readUInt32(); LevelNodes.nodes.Add(new PurchaseNode(vector, newRadius2, newID, newCost)); } else if (enodeType == ENodeType.ARENA) { float newRadius3 = river.readSingle(); LevelNodes.nodes.Add(new ArenaNode(vector, newRadius3)); } else if (enodeType == ENodeType.DEADZONE) { float newRadius4 = river.readSingle(); LevelNodes.nodes.Add(new DeadzoneNode(vector, newRadius4)); } else if (enodeType == ENodeType.AIRDROP) { ushort num3 = river.readUInt16(); byte b2; byte b3; if (SpawnTableTool.resolve(num3) == 0 && Regions.tryGetCoordinate(vector, out b2, out b3)) { Assets.errors.Add(string.Concat(new object[] {, " airdrop references invalid spawn table ", num3, " at (", b2, ", ", b3, ")!" })); } LevelNodes.nodes.Add(new AirdropNode(vector, num3)); } else if (enodeType == ENodeType.EFFECT) { byte newShape = 0; if (b > 2) { newShape = river.readByte(); } float newRadius5 = river.readSingle(); Vector3 newBounds =; if (b > 2) { newBounds = river.readSingleVector3(); } ushort newID2 = river.readUInt16(); bool newNoWater = river.readBoolean(); bool newNoLighting = false; if (b > 3) { newNoLighting = river.readBoolean(); } LevelNodes.nodes.Add(new EffectNode(vector, (ENodeShape)newShape, newRadius5, newBounds, newID2, newNoWater, newNoLighting)); } } } river.closeRiver(); } }
public void tellTransformStructure(CSteamID steamID, byte x, byte y, uint instanceID, Vector3 point, byte angle_x, byte angle_y, byte angle_z) { StructureRegion structureRegion; if ( && StructureManager.tryGetRegion(x, y, out structureRegion)) { if (!Provider.isServer && !structureRegion.isNetworked) { return; } StructureData structureData = null; StructureDrop structureDrop = null; ushort num = 0; while ((int)num < structureRegion.drops.Count) { if (structureRegion.drops[(int)num].instanceID == instanceID) { if (Provider.isServer) { structureData = structureRegion.structures[(int)num]; } structureDrop = structureRegion.drops[(int)num]; break; } num += 1; } if (structureDrop == null) { return; } structureDrop.model.position = point; structureDrop.model.rotation = Quaternion.Euler((float)(angle_x * 2), (float)(angle_y * 2), (float)(angle_z * 2)); byte b; byte b2; if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(point, out b, out b2) && (x != b || y != b2)) { StructureRegion structureRegion2 = StructureManager.regions[(int)b, (int)b2]; structureRegion.drops.RemoveAt((int)num); if (structureRegion2.isNetworked || Provider.isServer) { structureRegion2.drops.Add(structureDrop); } else if (!Provider.isServer) { Object.Destroy(structureDrop.model.gameObject); } if (Provider.isServer) { structureRegion.structures.RemoveAt((int)num); structureRegion2.structures.Add(structureData); } } if (Provider.isServer) { structureData.point = point; structureData.angle_x = angle_x; structureData.angle_y = angle_y; structureData.angle_z = angle_z; } } }
public void calculateBounds() { this.cullMagnitude = 64f * this.bias; this.sqrCullMagnitude = this.cullMagnitude * this.cullMagnitude; if (this.lod == EObjectLOD.MESH) { ObjectsLOD.meshes.Clear(); base.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshFilter>(true, ObjectsLOD.meshes); if (ObjectsLOD.meshes.Count == 0) { base.enabled = false; return; } Bounds item = default(Bounds); for (int i = 0; i < ObjectsLOD.meshes.Count; i++) { Mesh sharedMesh = ObjectsLOD.meshes[i].sharedMesh; if (!(sharedMesh == null)) { Bounds bounds = sharedMesh.bounds; item.Encapsulate(bounds.min); item.Encapsulate(bounds.max); } } item.Expand(-1f); +=; item.size += this.size; if (item.size.x < 1f || item.size.y < 1f || item.size.z < 1f) { base.enabled = false; return; } this.bounds = new List <Bounds>(); this.bounds.Add(item); } else if (this.lod == EObjectLOD.AREA) { ObjectsLOD.areas.Clear(); base.GetComponentsInChildren <OcclusionArea>(true, ObjectsLOD.areas); if (ObjectsLOD.areas.Count == 0) { base.enabled = false; return; } this.bounds = new List <Bounds>(); for (int j = 0; j < ObjectsLOD.areas.Count; j++) { OcclusionArea occlusionArea = ObjectsLOD.areas[j]; Bounds item2; item2..ctor(occlusionArea.transform.localPosition +, new Vector3(occlusionArea.size.x, occlusionArea.size.z, occlusionArea.size.y)); this.bounds.Add(item2); } } this.objects = new List <LevelObject>(); for (int k = 0; k < this.bounds.Count; k++) { Bounds bounds2 = this.bounds[k]; this.cullCenter +=; } this.cullCenter /= (float)this.bounds.Count; this.cullCenter = base.transform.TransformPoint(this.cullCenter); byte b; byte b2; Regions.tryGetCoordinate(this.cullCenter, out b, out b2); for (int l = (int)(b - 1); l <= (int)(b + 1); l++) { for (int m = (int)(b2 - 1); m <= (int)(b2 + 1); m++) { for (int n = 0; n < LevelObjects.objects[l, m].Count; n++) { LevelObject levelObject = LevelObjects.objects[l, m][n]; if (levelObject.asset != null && !(levelObject.transform == null) && levelObject.asset.type != EObjectType.LARGE) { if (!levelObject.isSpeciallyCulled) { Vector3 vector = base.transform.InverseTransformPoint(levelObject.transform.position); bool flag = false; for (int num = 0; num < this.bounds.Count; num++) { if (this.bounds[num].Contains(vector)) { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) { levelObject.isSpeciallyCulled = true; this.objects.Add(levelObject); } } } } } } if (this.objects.Count == 0) { base.enabled = false; return; } }