コード例 #1
        public Dictionary <string, object> getWorkOrders(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string sorting, string search)
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            int LoginUserID = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["am_userid"].ToString());
            int CompanyID   = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["cid_SCL_account"].ToString());

                bool     isDate = IsDateTime(search);
                DateTime dt;
                if (isDate)
                    dt = Convert.ToDateTime(search);
                Pagenation <SCL_JobCards>   complaintList = new Pagenation <SCL_JobCards>();
                List <SCL_JobCards>         listCmp       = new List <SCL_JobCards>();
                Func <SCL_JobCards, object> orderBy       = complaintList.orderByType2(sorting);
                listCmp = ((from cd in gc.db.SCL_JobCards
                            where cd.USER_ID == LoginUserID &&
                            cd.COMPANY_ID == CompanyID &&
                            cd.COMP_STATUS != "Completed"
                            select new { cd })) //.OrderByDescending(s => s.cd.Id))
                          .Select(d => new SCL_JobCards
                    COMPLAINT_ID  = d.cd.COMPLAINT_ID,
                    JC_REFERENCE  = d.cd.JC_REFERENCE,
                    COMP_STATUS   = d.cd.COMP_STATUS,
                    CATEGORY      = d.cd.CATEGORY,
                    SUB_CATEGORY  = d.cd.SUB_CATEGORY,
                    DEPARTMENT    = d.cd.DEPARTMENT,
                    JC_DATE       = d.cd.JC_DATE,
                    ADDRESS       = d.cd.ADDRESS,
                    COMP_COMMENTS = d.cd.COMP_COMMENTS,

                if (search != "undefined")
                    // searching
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search))
                        if (isDate)
                            dt      = Convert.ToDateTime(search);
                            listCmp = listCmp.Where(x => DateTime.Compare(x.JC_DATE.Date, dt.Date) <= 0).ToList();
                            listCmp = listCmp.Where(x =>
                                                    (x.JC_REFERENCE.ToUpper() ?? "").Contains(search.ToUpper()) ||
                                                    (x.CATEGORY.ToUpper() ?? "").Contains(search.ToUpper()) ||
                                                    (x.SUB_CATEGORY.ToUpper() ?? "").Contains(search.ToUpper()) ||
                                                    (x.DEPARTMENT.ToUpper() ?? "").Contains(search.ToUpper()) ||
                                                    (x.COMP_STATUS.ToUpper() ?? "").Contains(search.ToUpper())
                complaintList.totalCount = listCmp.Count().ToString();
                listCmp = listCmp.OrderBy(orderBy).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).AsQueryable().ToList();
                complaintList.complaints = listCmp;

                if (listCmp.Count() > 0)
                    dic.Add("success", complaintList);
                    dic.Add("success", "No results found!");
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                Exception raise = dbEx;
                foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                    foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                        string message = string.Format("{0}:{1}",
                        // raise a new exception nesting
                        // the current instance as InnerException
                        raise = new InvalidOperationException(message, raise);
                dic.Add("error", raise.Message);
コード例 #2
        public Dictionary <string, object> getMapAssignedComplaints()
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            int LoginUserID = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["am_userid"].ToString());
            int CompanyID   = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["cid_SCL_account"].ToString());

                Pagenation <Map_Jobcards>   complaintList = new Pagenation <Map_Jobcards>();
                List <Map_Jobcards>         listCmp       = new List <Map_Jobcards>();
                Func <SCL_JobCards, object> orderBy       = complaintList.orderByType2("JC_DATE");
                listCmp = ((from cd in gc.db.SCL_JobCards
                            where cd.USER_ID == LoginUserID &&
                            cd.COMPANY_ID == CompanyID &&
                            cd.COMP_STATUS != "Completed"
                            select new { cd })) //.OrderByDescending(s => s.cd.Id))
                          .Select(d => new Map_Jobcards
                    COMPLAINT_ID  = d.cd.COMPLAINT_ID,
                    JC_REFERENCE  = d.cd.JC_REFERENCE,
                    COMP_STATUS   = d.cd.COMP_STATUS,
                    CATEGORY      = d.cd.CATEGORY,
                    SUB_CATEGORY  = d.cd.SUB_CATEGORY,
                    DEPARTMENT    = d.cd.DEPARTMENT,
                    JC_DATE       = d.cd.JC_DATE,
                    ADDRESS       = d.cd.ADDRESS,
                    COMP_COMMENTS = d.cd.COMP_COMMENTS,
                    LAT           = gc.db.SCL_Mobile_Complaints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == d.cd.COMPLAINT_ID).Lattitude,
                    LONG          = gc.db.SCL_Mobile_Complaints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == d.cd.COMPLAINT_ID).Longitude,

                complaintList.totalCount = listCmp.Count().ToString();
                complaintList.complaints = listCmp;

                if (listCmp.Count() > 0)
                    dic.Add("success", complaintList);
                    dic.Add("error", "No results found!");
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                Exception raise = dbEx;
                foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                    foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                        string message = string.Format("{0}:{1}",
                        // raise a new exception nesting
                        // the current instance as InnerException
                        raise = new InvalidOperationException(message, raise);
                dic.Add("error", raise.Message);