public SingleBooking(DateTime dateTime, int roomID, DailySchedule.TimeSlot timeSlot, Booking booking) { dateTime_ = dateTime; roomID_ = roomID; timeSlot_ = timeSlot; booking_ = booking; }
public Booking(Booking mBooking) { booked_ = mBooking.booked_; type_ = mBooking.type_; bookedBy_ = mBooking.bookedBy_; title_ = mBooking.title_; description_ = mBooking.description_; }
//=============================================================================== // Constructors and Destructors //=============================================================================== public DailySchedule() { timeBooking_ = new Booking[MaxBookings]; for(int i = 0; i < MaxBookings; ++i) { timeBooking_[i] = new Booking(); } }
public WeeklyBooking(Calendar.Semester semester, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek, int roomID, DailySchedule.TimeSlot timeSlot, Booking booking) { semester_ = semester; roomID_ = roomID; dayOfWeek_ = dayOfWeek; timeSlot_ = timeSlot; booking_ = booking; }
//=============================================================================== // Public Methods //=============================================================================== public bool AddBooking(Booking newBooking, TimeSlot timeSlot) { if (CheckBooking(timeSlot)) { return false; } else { timeBooking_[(int)timeSlot] = newBooking; return true; } }
public InfoBox(Booking booking) { InitializeComponent(); textbox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 10); textbox.AutoWordSelection = true; textbox.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.ForcedVertical; textbox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(this.ClientSize.Width - 20, this.ClientSize.Height - 20); textbox.Text = "Name: " + booking.Title + "\nDescription: " + booking.Description + "\nOwner of Booking: " + booking.BookedBy; this.Controls.Add(this.textbox); }