private void userEditBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserSecurity.User user = (UserSecurity.User)usersBinding.Current; if (user.Login == UserSecurity.CurrentUser.Login) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("You cannot edit yourself!"); return; } if (user.Roles.Contains(m_adminRole)) { if (!CanSuperAdmin("edit administrators")) { return; } } UserEditForm dlg = new UserEditForm(user); dlg.ShowDialog(this); }
private void userRoleList_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e) { if (e.NewValue != CheckState.Checked) { return; } if (SCOUT.Core.Security.UserSecurity.CurrentUser .CanPerform(SCOUT.Core.Security.UserSecurity.Action.AdministrateAdmins)) { return; } /* * Don't user's who aren't supposed to be allowed to edit admins * be able to add them! */ SCOUT.Core.Security.UserSecurity.Role adminRole = SCOUT.Core.Security.UserSecurity.Roles.Find("Id", SCOUT.Core.Security.UserSecurity.Role.AdminRoleId); if (e.Index == SCOUT.Core.Security.UserSecurity.Roles.IndexOf(adminRole)) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("You cannot add aministrators."); e.NewValue = CheckState.Unchecked; return; } }
private void roleDelBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CanSuperAdmin("delete roles")) { return; } UserSecurity.Role role = (UserSecurity.Role)rolesBinding.Current; InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); if (role.Id == UserSecurity.Role.AdminRoleId) { ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("You cannot delete the administrator role!"); return; } DialogResult ans; ib.Type = InfoBoxType.SuperConfirmBox; ib.Buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Warning; ans = ib.Show("You are about to delete the \"{0}\" role.\r" + "This operation cannot be undone.\r\r" + "Continue anyway?", role.Name); if (ans == DialogResult.Yes) { try { UserSecurity.Roles.Remove(role); UserSecurity.Roles.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("Save Error:\n{0}", ex.Message); } } }
private void loginBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Ensure that a site has been selected. Site selectedSite = siteSelList.SelectedItem as Site; if (selectedSite == null) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation; ib.Show("You must select a site to log into."); siteSelList.Focus(); return; } SCOUT.Core.Security.UserSecurity.User u; SetStatus(Color.Black, "Authenticating..."); if (userEdit.EditValue == null) { u = null; } else { u = SCOUT.Core.Security.UserSecurity.User.GetUser( userEdit.EditValue.ToString()); } if (u != null) { if (u.Password == passEdit.EditValue.ToString()) { SCOUT.Core.Data.Site.Current = selectedSite; SCOUT.Core.Security.UserSecurity.CurrentUser = u; CheckForForcedPassChange(u); Scout.Core.Modules.Client.RecordClientLogOn(u.Login, u.MachineName, m_verStr); SCOUT.Core.Data.Helpers.Config["LastSiteIdx"] = siteSelList.SelectedIndex.ToString(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; return; } } passEdit.EditValue = null; userEdit.Focus(); SetStatus(Color.Red, "Invalid username or password!"); }
private void VerifySaveClose() { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); DialogResult ans; ib.Buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; if (m_order.IsTemplate) { ans = ib.Show(TemplateSavedMessage()); } else { ans = ib.Show(OrderSavedMessage()); } if (ans == DialogResult.Yes) { Close(); } }
private void userDelBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserSecurity.User user = (UserSecurity.User)usersBinding.Current; InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); if (user.Login == UserSecurity.CurrentUser.Login) { ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("You cannot delete yourself!"); return; } DialogResult ans; ib.Type = InfoBoxType.SuperConfirmBox; ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Warning; ib.Buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; ans = ib.Show("You are about to delete the user \"{0}\".\r" + "This operation cannot be undone.\r\r" + "Continue anyway?", user.Login); if (ans == DialogResult.Yes) { try { UserSecurity.Users.Remove(user); UserSecurity.Users.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("Save Error:\r{0}", ex.Message); } } }
private void BindResults(DataTable table) { if (table.Rows.Count == 0) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Show("No results found."); return; } waybillGrid.DataSource = table; }
private bool CanSuperAdmin(string action) { if (!IsSuperAdmin) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("You cannot {0}.", action); return(false); } return(true); }
private bool Save() { Focus(); // Check if another order already exists with the same order identifiers Order existingOrder = OrderService .OrderWithIdentifiersExists( m_order.RMA, m_order.PO, m_order.Other, m_order.Id); if (existingOrder != null) { if (MessageBox.Show( "Another order exists with these identifiers. Would you like to cancel saving and view this order?", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { mainOrderForm form = new mainOrderForm(existingOrder); form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; form.MdiParent = MdiParent; form.Show(); form.Focus(); return(false); } } if (!EditorsAreValid() || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_order.Error)) { ShowContractErrors(); return(false); } try { Scout.Core.Data.Save(m_order.Session); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("Error saving order:\r{0}", ex.Message); return(false); } }
private void okBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { m_role.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("Save Error:\r{0}", ex.Message); return; } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private bool Save() { try { m_org.Save(); } catch (BrokenRuleException excp) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("Error saving organization:\r{0}", excp.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
private void ShowContractErrors() { InfoBox infoBox = new InfoBox(); infoBox.Buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK; infoBox.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendLine(m_order.Error); foreach (IValidationControl control in m_validationControls) { stringBuilder.Append(control.Error()); } infoBox.Show("{0}", stringBuilder.ToString()); }
private void delAddrBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (m_org.Addresses.Count > 0) { Address a = m_org.Addresses[addrList.SelectedIndex]; InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); DialogResult res; ib.Buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; res = ib.Show("You are about to delete the \"{0}\" address." + "This operation cannot be undone.\r\r" + "Are you sure you wish to do this?", a.Label); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { m_org.Addresses.Remove(a); } } }
private void delContBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (m_org.Contacts.Count > 0) { Contact c = m_org.Contacts[contactsList.SelectedIndex]; InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); DialogResult res; ib.Buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; res = ib.Show("You are about to delete the contact \"{0}\". " + "This operation cannot be undone.\r\r" + "Are you sure you wish to do this?", c.Name); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { m_org.Contacts.Remove(c); } } }
private void initLists() { // Make sure we have at least one site to chose from. if (m_sites.Count == 0) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation; ib.Show("There are no sites to log into!"); return; } // Load sites into site drop down. siteSelList.Properties.Items.AddRange(m_sites); int lastSel = 0; if (m_sites.Count > 1) { Int32.TryParse(SCOUT.Core.Data.Helpers.Config["LastSiteIdx"], out lastSel); } siteSelList.SelectedIndex = lastSel; }
private void okBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string npass = newPassTxt.Text.Trim(); string cpass = confPassTxt.Text.Trim(); if (npass != "") { if (npass != cpass) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("New and confirmation passwords do not match."); return; } m_user.Password = npass; } try { m_user.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("Error Saving:\n{0}", ex.Message); return; } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void okBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!m_forced) { /* * Check if forced because we fill in bogus info * on the forced version. */ if (m_user.Password != oldTxt.Text) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("Old password incorrect."); return; } } string npass = newTxt.Text.Trim(); string cpass = confirmTxt.Text.Trim(); if (npass == String.Empty) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show("A password is required."); newTxt.Focus(); return; } if (npass != cpass) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Show("New and confirm passwords do not match."); return; } if (npass == m_user.Password) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Show("New and old passwords must be different."); return; } m_user.Password = npass; m_user.ForcePassChange = false; try { m_user.Save(); MessageBox.Show("Password changed.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { InfoBox ib = new InfoBox(); ib.Icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; ib.Show(ex.Message); if (!m_forced) { return; } } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }