private void RedrawMap() { map = new SCANmap(); map.setProjection(SCANmap.MapProjection.Rectangular); orbitingBody = vessel.mainBody; map.setBody(vessel.mainBody); map.setSize(screenWidth, screenHeight); map.mapscale *= (zoomLevel * zoomLevel + zoomModifier); mapCenterLong = vessel.longitude; mapCenterLat = vessel.latitude; // That's really just sweeping the problem under the carpet instead of fixing it, but meh. if (zoomLevel == 0) { mapCenterLat = 0; } map.centerAround(mapCenterLong, mapCenterLat); map.resetMap(mapMode, 1); // Compute and store the map scale factors in mapSizeScale. We // use these values for every segment when drawing trails, so it // makes sense to compute it only when it changes. mapSizeScale = new Vector2d(360.0 * map.mapscale / map.mapwidth, 180.0 * map.mapscale / map.mapheight); redrawDeviation = redrawEdge * 180 / (zoomLevel * zoomLevel + zoomModifier); try { localAnomalies = SCANUtil.getData(vessel.mainBody).getAnomalies(); } catch { Debug.Log("JSISCANsatRPM: Could not get a list of anomalies, what happened?"); } // MATH! double kmPerDegreeLon = (2 * Math.PI * (orbitingBody.Radius / 1000d)) / 360d; double pixelsPerDegree = Math.Abs(longitudeToPixels(mapCenterLong + (((mapCenterLong + 1) > 360) ? -1 : 1), mapCenterLat) - longitudeToPixels(mapCenterLong, mapCenterLat)); pixelsPerKm = pixelsPerDegree / kmPerDegreeLon; }
public void drawHeightScanline(SCANtype type) { Color[] cols_height_map_small = map_small.GetPixels(0, scanline, 360, 1); for (int ilon = 0; ilon < 360; ilon += 1) { int scheme = 0; float val = heightmap[ilon, scanline]; if (val == 0 && isCovered(ilon - 180, scanline - 90, SCANtype.Altimetry)) { if (body.pqsController == null) { heightmap[ilon, scanline] = 0; cols_height_map_small[ilon] = Color.Lerp(, Color.white, UnityEngine.Random.value); continue; } else { // convert to radial vector double rlon = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (ilon - 180); double rlat = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (scanline - 90); Vector3d rad = new Vector3d(Math.Cos(rlat) * Math.Cos(rlon), Math.Sin(rlat), Math.Cos(rlat) * Math.Sin(rlon)); // query terrain controller for elevation at this point val = (float)Math.Round(body.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(rad) - body.pqsController.radius, 1); if (val == 0) { val = -0.001f; // this is terrible } heightmap[ilon, scanline] = val; } } Color c =; if (val != 0) { if (isCovered(ilon - 180, scanline - 90, SCANtype.AltimetryHiRes)) { c = SCANmap.heightToColor(val, scheme); } else { c = SCANmap.heightToColor(val, 1); } } else { c = Color.grey; if (scanline % 30 == 0 && ilon % 3 == 0) { c = Color.white; } else if (ilon % 30 == 0 && scanline % 3 == 0) { c = Color.white; } } if (type != SCANtype.Nothing) { if (!isCoveredByAll(ilon - 180, scanline - 90, type)) { c = Color.Lerp(c,, 0.5f); } } cols_height_map_small[ilon] = c; } map_small.SetPixels(0, scanline, 360, 1, cols_height_map_small); scanline = scanline + 1; if (scanline >= 180) { scanstep += 1; scanline = 0; } }
private static void drawVesselLabel(Rect maprect, SCANmap map, int num, Vessel vessel) { double lon = (vessel.longitude + 360 + 180) % 360; double lat = (vessel.latitude + 180 + 90) % 180; if(map != null) { lat = (map.projectLatitude(vessel.longitude, vessel.latitude) + 90) % 180; lon = (map.projectLongitude(vessel.longitude, vessel.latitude) + 180) % 360; lat = map.scaleLatitude(lat); lon = map.scaleLongitude(lon); if(lat < 0 || lon < 0 || lat > 180 || lon > 360) return; } lon = lon * maprect.width / 360f; lat = maprect.height - lat * maprect.height / 180f; string txt = num.ToString(); if(num == 0) txt = vessel.vesselName; else if(num < 0) txt = ""; Rect r = new Rect(maprect.x + (float)lon, maprect.y + (float)lat, 250f, 25f); Color col = Color.white; if(SCANcontroller.controller.colours == 1 && vessel != FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel) col = cb_skyBlue; if(vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel && (int)(Time.realtimeSinceStartup % 2) == 0) { col = cb_yellow; } int sz = 16; if(vessel.vesselType == VesselType.Flag) sz = 24; drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, orbitIconForVesselType(vessel.vesselType), col, sz, true); if(maprect.width < 360) return; r.x += 12; drawLabel(r, col, txt, true, true); }
private static void drawOrbit(Rect maprect, SCANmap map, Vessel vessel) { if(vessel.LandedOrSplashed) return; bool lite = maprect.width < 400; Orbit o = vessel.orbit; startUT = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(); double UT = startUT; int steps = 100; // increase for neater lines, decrease for better speed indication bool ath = false; if(vessel.mainBody.atmosphere) { if(vessel.mainBody.maxAtmosphereAltitude >= vessel.altitude) { ath = true; } } Rect r = new Rect(0, 0, 50f, 50f); Color col; // project the last and the current orbital period onto the map for(int i=-steps; i<steps; ++i) { if(i < 0) UT = startUT - (steps + i) * (o.period / steps); else UT = startUT + i * o.period * 1f / steps; if(double.IsNaN(UT)) continue; if(UT < o.StartUT && o.StartUT != startUT) continue; if(UT > o.EndUT) continue; if(double.IsNaN(o.getObtAtUT(UT))) continue; Vector3d pos = o.getPositionAtUT(UT); double rotation = 0; if(vessel.mainBody.rotates) { rotation = (360 * ((UT - startUT) / vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod)) % 360; } double alt = (vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(pos)); if(alt < 0) { if(i < 0) { i = 0; continue; } break; } double lo = (vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(pos) - rotation); double la = (vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(pos)); double lon = (map.projectLongitude(lo, la) + 180) % 360; double lat = (map.projectLatitude(lo, la) + 90) % 180; lat = map.scaleLatitude(lat); lon = map.scaleLongitude(lon); if(lat < 0 || lon < 0 || lat > 180 || lon > 360) continue; lon = lon * maprect.width / 360f; lat = maprect.height - lat * maprect.height / 180f; r.x = maprect.x + (float)lon; r.y = maprect.y + (float)lat; col = cb_skyBlue; if(i < 0) { col = cb_orange; } else { if(vessel.mainBody.atmosphere) { if(vessel.mainBody.maxAtmosphereAltitude >= alt) { if(!ath) { ath = true; // do something when it flips? } col = cb_reddishPurple; } } } drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, OrbitIcon.Planet, col, 8, false); } // show apoapsis and periapsis if(o.ApA > 0 && mapPosAtT(maprect, map, ref r, vessel, o, o.timeToAp)) { drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, OrbitIcon.Ap, cb_skyBlue, 32, true); r.x += 24; r.y -= 12; if(!lite) drawLabel(r, cb_skyBlue, o.ApA.ToString("N1"), true, true); } if(o.PeA > 0 && mapPosAtT(maprect, map, ref r, vessel, o, o.timeToPe)) { drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, OrbitIcon.Pe, cb_skyBlue, 32, true); r.x += 24; r.y -= 12; if(!lite) drawLabel(r, cb_skyBlue, o.PeA.ToString("N1"), true, true); } if(lite) return; // show first maneuver node if(vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Count > 0) { ManeuverNode n = vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes[0]; if(n.patch == vessel.orbit && n.nextPatch != null && n.nextPatch.activePatch && n.UT > startUT - o.period && mapPosAtT(maprect, map, ref r, vessel, o, n.UT - startUT)) { col = cb_reddishPurple; if(SCANcontroller.controller.colours != 1) col = XKCDColors.PurplyPink; drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, OrbitIcon.ManeuverNode, col, 32, true); Orbit nuo = n.nextPatch; for(int i=0; i<steps; ++i) { double T = n.UT - startUT + i * nuo.period / steps; if(T + startUT > nuo.EndUT) break; if(mapPosAtT(maprect, map, ref r, vessel, nuo, T)) { drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, OrbitIcon.Planet, col, 8, false); } } if(nuo.patchEndTransition == Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ESCAPE) { drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, OrbitIcon.Exit, col, 32, true); } else if(nuo.patchEndTransition == Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ENCOUNTER) { drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, OrbitIcon.Encounter, col, 32, true); } if(nuo.timeToAp > 0 && n.UT + nuo.timeToAp < nuo.EndUT && mapPosAtT(maprect, map, ref r, vessel, nuo, n.UT - startUT + nuo.timeToAp)) { drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, OrbitIcon.Ap, col, 32, true); } if(nuo.timeToPe > 0 && n.UT + nuo.timeToPe < nuo.EndUT && mapPosAtT(maprect, map, ref r, vessel, nuo, n.UT - startUT + nuo.timeToPe)) { drawOrbitIcon((int)r.x, (int)r.y, OrbitIcon.Pe, col, 32, true); } } } if(o.PeA < 0) return; if(overlay_static == null) return; if(map.projection == SCANmap.MapProjection.Polar) return; if(eq_frame <= 0) { // predict equatorial crossings for the next 100 loops double TAAN = 360f - o.argumentOfPeriapsis; // true anomaly at ascending node double TADN = (TAAN + 180) % 360; // true anomaly at descending node double MAAN = meanForTrue(TAAN, o.eccentricity); double MADN = meanForTrue(TADN, o.eccentricity); double tAN = (((MAAN - o.meanAnomaly * Mathf.Rad2Deg + 360) % 360) / 360f * o.period + startUT); double tDN = (((MADN - o.meanAnomaly * Mathf.Rad2Deg + 360) % 360) / 360f * o.period + startUT); int eqh = 16; if(eq_an_map == null || eq_dn_map == null || eq_an_map.Length != overlay_static.width) { eq_an_map = new int[overlay_static.width]; eq_dn_map = new int[overlay_static.width]; } if(eq_map == null || eq_map.width != eq_an_map.Length) { eq_map = new Texture2D(eq_an_map.Length, eqh, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); } for(int i=0; i<eq_an_map.Length; ++i) { eq_an_map[i] = 0; eq_dn_map[i] = 0; } for(int i=0; i<100; ++i) { double UTAN = tAN + o.period * i; double UTDN = tDN + o.period * i; if(double.IsNaN(UTAN) || double.IsNaN(UTDN)) continue; Vector3d pAN = o.getPositionAtUT(UTAN); Vector3d pDN = o.getPositionAtUT(UTDN); double rotAN = 0, rotDN = 0; if(vessel.mainBody.rotates) { rotAN = ((360 * ((UTAN - startUT) / vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod)) % 360); rotDN = ((360 * ((UTDN - startUT) / vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod)) % 360); } double loAN = vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(pAN) - rotAN; double loDN = vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(pDN) - rotDN; int lonAN = (int)(((map.projectLongitude(loAN, 0) + 180) % 360) * eq_an_map.Length / 360f); int lonDN = (int)(((map.projectLongitude(loDN, 0) + 180) % 360) * eq_dn_map.Length / 360f); if(lonAN >= 0 && lonAN < eq_an_map.Length) eq_an_map[lonAN] += 1; if(lonDN >= 0 && lonDN < eq_dn_map.Length) eq_dn_map[lonDN] += 1; } Color[] pix = eq_map.GetPixels(0, 0, eq_an_map.Length, eqh); Color cAN = cb_skyBlue, cDN = cb_orange; for(int y = 0; y < eqh; ++y) { Color lc = Color.clear; for(int x = 0; x < eq_an_map.Length; ++x) { Color c = Color.clear; float scale = 0; if(y < eqh / 2) { c = cDN; scale = eq_dn_map[x]; } else { c = cAN; scale = eq_an_map[x]; } if(scale >= 1) { if(y == 0 || y == eqh - 1) { c =; } else { if(lc == Color.clear) pix[y * eq_an_map.Length + x - 1] =; scale = Mathf.Clamp(scale - 1, 0, 10) / 10f; c = Color.Lerp(c, Color.white, scale); } } else { c = Color.clear; if(lc != Color.clear && lc != c =; } pix[y * eq_an_map.Length + x] = c; lc = c; } } eq_map.SetPixels(0, 0, eq_an_map.Length, eqh, pix); eq_map.Apply(); eq_frame = 4; } else { eq_frame -= 1; } if(eq_map != null) { r.x = maprect.x; r.y = maprect.y + maprect.height / 2 + - eq_map.height / 2; r.width = eq_map.width; r.height = eq_map.height; GUI.DrawTexture(r, eq_map); } }
private static void drawMapLabels(Rect maprect, Vessel vessel, SCANmap map, SCANdata data) { foreach(Vessel v in FlightGlobals.Vessels) { if(v.mainBody == vessel.mainBody) { if(v.vesselType == VesselType.Flag && SCANcontroller.controller.map_flags) { drawVesselLabel(maprect, map, 0, v); } } } if(SCANcontroller.controller.map_markers) { foreach(SCANdata.SCANanomaly anomaly in data.getAnomalies()) { drawAnomalyLabel(maprect, map, anomaly); } } drawVesselLabel(maprect, map, 0, vessel); }
private static void drawGrid(Rect maprect, SCANmap map) { int x, y; for(double lat=-90; lat<90; lat += 2) { for(double lon=-180; lon<180; lon += 2) { if(lat % 30 == 0 || lon % 30 == 0) { x = (int)(map.mapscale * ((map.projectLongitude(lon, lat) + 180) % 360)); y = (int)(map.mapscale * ((map.projectLatitude(lon, lat) + 90) % 180)); drawDot(x, y, Color.white, overlay_static); } } } }
private static void drawAnomalyLabel(Rect maprect, SCANmap map, SCANdata.SCANanomaly anomaly) { if(!anomaly.known) return; double lon = (anomaly.longitude + 360 + 180) % 360; double lat = (anomaly.latitude + 180 + 90) % 180; if(map != null) { lat = (map.projectLatitude(anomaly.longitude, anomaly.latitude) + 90) % 180; lon = (map.projectLongitude(anomaly.longitude, anomaly.latitude) + 180) % 360; lat = map.scaleLatitude(lat); lon = map.scaleLongitude(lon); if(lat < 0 || lon < 0 || lat > 180 || lon > 360) return; } lon = lon * maprect.width / 360f; lat = maprect.height - lat * maprect.height / 180f; string txt = SCANcontroller.controller.anomalyMarker + " " +; if(!anomaly.detail) txt = SCANcontroller.controller.anomalyMarker + " Anomaly"; Rect r = new Rect(maprect.x + (float)lon, maprect.y + (float)lat, 250f, 25f); drawLabel(r, cb_yellow, txt, true, true); }
public static void gui_show() { bool repainting = Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint; Vessel vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; if(Time.frameCount - gui_frame_ping > 5) { gui_active = false; RenderingManager.RemoveFromPostDrawQueue(3, guicb); } if(Time.frameCount > gui_frame_draw) { fps_time_passed += Time.deltaTime; fps_frames += 1; fps_sum += Time.timeScale / Time.deltaTime; if(fps_time_passed >= 1) { fps = fps_sum / fps_frames; fps_time_passed = 0; fps_frames = 0; fps_sum = 0; } } gui_frame_draw = Time.frameCount; if(style_headline == null) { style_headline = new GUIStyle(); style_headline.normal.textColor = XKCDColors.YellowGreen; style_headline.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; style_headline.fontSize = 40; } if(style_readout == null) { style_readout = new GUIStyle(); } if(style_overlay == null) { style_overlay = new GUIStyle(); } if(dotty == null) { ScreenMessages sm = (ScreenMessages)GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(ScreenMessages)); dotty = sm.textStyles[1].font; style_headline.font = dotty; style_readout.font = dotty; style_overlay.font = dotty; } if(style_button == null) { style_button = new GUIStyle(; } if(style_toggle == null) { style_toggle = new GUIStyle(; } = null; // and by this, I mean "set it to the default" = false; = false; SCANdata.SCANtype sensors = SCANcontroller.controller.activeSensorsOnVessel(; SCANdata data = SCANcontroller.controller.getData(vessel.mainBody); data.updateImages(sensors); if(!repainting) { // Unity gets confused if the layout changes between layout and repaint events infotext = ""; string aoff = "<color=\"grey\">"; string aon = "<color=\"" + colorHex(c_good) + "\">"; string abad = "<color=\"" + colorHex(c_bad) + "\">"; string ano = "<color=\"" + colorHex(c_ugly) + "\">"; string ac = "</color> "; string stat_alo = aon, stat_ahi = aon, stat_biome = aon, stat_ano = aon, stat_btdt = aon; minicolor = c_good; if(sensors == 0) minicolor = Color.grey; SCANcontroller.SCANsensor s; s = SCANcontroller.controller.getSensorStatus(vessel, SCANdata.SCANtype.AltimetryLoRes); if(s == null) stat_alo = aoff; else if(!s.inRange) stat_alo = abad; else if(!s.bestRange && (Time.realtimeSinceStartup % 2 < 1)) stat_alo = abad; s = SCANcontroller.controller.getSensorStatus(vessel, SCANdata.SCANtype.AltimetryHiRes); if(s == null) stat_ahi = aoff; else if(!s.inRange) stat_ahi = abad; else if(!s.bestRange && (Time.realtimeSinceStartup % 2 < 1)) stat_ahi = abad; s = SCANcontroller.controller.getSensorStatus(vessel, SCANdata.SCANtype.Anomaly); if(s == null) stat_ano = aoff; else if(!s.inRange) stat_ano = abad; else if(!s.bestRange && (Time.realtimeSinceStartup % 2 < 1)) stat_ano = abad; s = SCANcontroller.controller.getSensorStatus(vessel, SCANdata.SCANtype.Biome); if(s == null) stat_biome = aoff; else if(!s.inRange) stat_biome = abad; else if(!s.bestRange && (Time.realtimeSinceStartup % 2 < 1)) stat_biome = abad; s = SCANcontroller.controller.getSensorStatus(vessel, SCANdata.SCANtype.AnomalyDetail); if(s == null) stat_btdt = aoff; else if(!s.inRange) stat_btdt = abad; else if(!s.bestRange && (Time.realtimeSinceStartup % 2 < 1)) stat_btdt = abad; infotext = stat_alo + "LO" + ac + stat_ahi + "HI" + ac + stat_biome + "BIO" + ac + stat_ano + "ANOM" + ac + stat_btdt + "BTDT" + ac; SCANdata.SCANtype active = SCANcontroller.controller.activeSensorsOnVessel(; if(active != SCANdata.SCANtype.Nothing) { double cov = data.getCoveragePercentage(active); infotext += " " + cov.ToString("N1") + "%"; if(notMappingToday) { infotext = abad + "NO POWER" + ac; } } else { if(maptraq_frame < Time.frameCount - 5) { notMappingToday = true; infotext = abad + "NO DATA" + ac; } } title = "S.C.A.N. Planetary Mapping"; if(minimode <= 0) title = " "; } Rect old_infobox = new Rect(pos_infobox); pos_infobox = GUILayout.Window(47110001, pos_infobox, gui_infobox_build, title, GUILayout.Width(32), GUILayout.Height(32)); if(minimode != lastmode && pos_infobox != old_infobox) { snapWindow(ref pos_infobox, old_infobox); lastmode = minimode; } if(bigmap_visible) { if(bigmap == null) { bigmap = new SCANmap(); bigmap.setProjection((SCANmap.MapProjection)SCANcontroller.controller.projection); bigmap.setWidth(SCANcontroller.controller.map_width); pos_bigmap.x = SCANcontroller.controller.map_x; pos_bigmap.y = SCANcontroller.controller.map_y; if(pos_bigmap.x < 0 || pos_bigmap.x >= Screen.width) pos_bigmap.x = 0; if(pos_bigmap.y < 0 || pos_bigmap.y >= Screen.height) pos_bigmap.y = 0; } else { SCANcontroller.controller.map_x = (int)pos_bigmap.x; SCANcontroller.controller.map_y = (int)pos_bigmap.y; } bigmap.setBody(vessel.mainBody); string rendering = ""; if(bigmap_dragging) rendering += " ["+bigmap_drag_w+"x"+(bigmap_drag_w/2)+"]"; if(!bigmap.isMapComplete()) rendering += " [rendering]"; pos_bigmap = GUILayout.Window(47110002, pos_bigmap, gui_bigmap_build, "Map of " + vessel.mainBody.theName + rendering, GUILayout.Width(360), GUILayout.Height(180)); } if(instruments_visible) { if(pos_instruments.x < 0) { pos_instruments.x = pos_infobox.x; pos_instruments.y = pos_infobox.y + pos_infobox.height + 8; } pos_instruments = GUILayout.Window(47110003, pos_instruments, gui_instruments_build, "S.C.A.N. Instruments", GUILayout.Width(200), GUILayout.Height(60)); } if(settings_visible) { pos_settings = GUILayout.Window(47110004, pos_settings, gui_settings_build, "S.C.A.N. Settings", GUILayout.Width(360), GUILayout.Height(180)); if(pos_settings.x < 0 && pos_settings.width > 0) { pos_settings.x = Screen.width/2 - pos_settings.width/2; pos_settings.y = Screen.height/3 - pos_settings.height/2; pos_settings = GUILayout.Window(47110004, pos_settings, gui_settings_build, "S.C.A.N. Settings", GUILayout.Width(360), GUILayout.Height(180)); } } }
private static bool mapPosAtT(Rect maprect, SCANmap map, ref Rect r, Vessel vessel, Orbit o, double dT) { double UT = startUT + dT; if(double.IsNaN(UT)) return false; try { if(double.IsNaN(o.getObtAtUT(UT))) return false; Vector3d pos = o.getPositionAtUT(UT); double rotation = 0; if(vessel.mainBody.rotates) { rotation = (360 * (dT / vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod)) % 360; } double lo = (vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(pos) - rotation); double la = (vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(pos)); double lon = (map.projectLongitude(lo, la) + 180) % 360; double lat = (map.projectLatitude(lo, la) + 90) % 180; lat = map.scaleLatitude(lat); lon = map.scaleLongitude(lon); if(lat < 0 || lon < 0 || lat > 180 || lon > 360) return false; lon = lon * maprect.width / 360f; lat = maprect.height - lat * maprect.height / 180f; r.x = maprect.x + (float)lon; r.y = maprect.y + (float)lat; return true; } catch(Exception) { return false; } }
private static void gui_bigmap_build(int wid) { bool repainting = Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint; = null; // Handle dragging independently of mouse events: MouseDrag doesn't work // so well if the resizer widget can't follow the mouse because the map // aspect ratio is constrained. if(bigmap_dragging && !repainting) { if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { bigmap_dragging = false; if(bigmap_drag_w < 400) bigmap_drag_w = 400; bigmap.setWidth((int)bigmap_drag_w); overlay_static = null; SCANcontroller.controller.map_width = bigmap.mapwidth; } else { float xx = Input.mousePosition.x; bigmap_drag_w += xx - bigmap_drag_x; bigmap_drag_x = xx; } if(Event.current.isMouse) Event.current.Use(); } Vessel vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; GUILayout.BeginVertical(); SCANdata data = SCANcontroller.controller.getData(vessel.mainBody); Texture2D map = bigmap.getPartialMap(); float dw = bigmap_drag_w; if(dw < 400) dw = 400; float dh = dw / 2f; if(bigmap_dragging) { GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(dw), GUILayout.Height(dh)); } else { GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(map.width), GUILayout.Height(map.height)); } Rect maprect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); maprect.width = bigmap.mapwidth; maprect.height = bigmap.mapheight; if(overlay_static == null) { overlay_static = new Texture2D((int)bigmap.mapwidth, (int)bigmap.mapheight, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); overlay_static_dirty = true; } if(overlay_static_dirty) { clearTexture(overlay_static); if(SCANcontroller.controller.map_grid) { drawGrid(maprect, bigmap); } overlay_static.Apply(); overlay_static_dirty = false; } if(bigmap_dragging) { maprect.width = dw; maprect.height = dh; GUI.DrawTexture(maprect, map, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); } else { GUI.DrawTexture(maprect, map); } if(overlay_static != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(maprect, overlay_static, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); } if(bigmap.projection == SCANmap.MapProjection.Polar) { rc.x = maprect.x + maprect.width / 2 - maprect.width / 8; rc.y = maprect.y + maprect.height / 8; drawLabel(rc, Color.white, "S", true, true); rc.x = maprect.x + maprect.width / 2 + maprect.width / 8; drawLabel(rc, Color.white, "N", true, true); } if(SCANcontroller.controller.map_orbit && !notMappingToday) { drawOrbit(maprect, bigmap, vessel); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(300)); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); if(GUILayout.Button("Close")) { bigmap_visible = false; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); style_button.normal.textColor = Color.grey; if(bigmap.isMapComplete()) style_button.normal.textColor = Color.white; if(GUILayout.Button("Export PNG", style_button)) { if(bigmap.isMapComplete()) { bigmap.exportPNG(); } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); style_button.normal.textColor = SCANcontroller.controller.colours == 1 ? c_good : Color.white; if(GUILayout.Button("Grey", style_button)) { SCANcontroller.controller.colours = 1; data.resetImages(); bigmap.resetMap(); } style_button.normal.textColor = SCANcontroller.controller.colours == 0 ? c_good : Color.white; if(GUILayout.Button("Colour", style_button)) { SCANcontroller.controller.colours = 0; data.resetImages(); bigmap.resetMap(); } style_button.normal.textColor = SCANcontroller.controller.legend ? c_good : Color.white; if(GUILayout.Button("Legend", style_button)) { SCANcontroller.controller.legend = !SCANcontroller.controller.legend; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); style_button.normal.textColor = bigmap.mapmode == 0 ? c_good : Color.white; if(GUILayout.Button("Altimetry", style_button)) { bigmap.resetMap(0); } style_button.normal.textColor = bigmap.mapmode == 1 ? c_good : Color.white; if(GUILayout.Button("Slope", style_button)) { bigmap.resetMap(1); } style_button.normal.textColor = bigmap.mapmode == 2 ? c_good : Color.white; if(GUILayout.Button("Biome", style_button)) { bigmap.resetMap(2); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); style_button.normal.textColor = SCANcontroller.controller.map_markers ? c_good : Color.white; if(GUILayout.Button("Markers", style_button)) { SCANcontroller.controller.map_markers = !SCANcontroller.controller.map_markers; } style_button.normal.textColor = SCANcontroller.controller.map_flags ? c_good : Color.white; if(GUILayout.Button("Flags", style_button)) { SCANcontroller.controller.map_flags = !SCANcontroller.controller.map_flags; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); style_button.normal.textColor = SCANcontroller.controller.map_orbit ? c_good : Color.white; if(GUILayout.Button("Orbit", style_button)) { SCANcontroller.controller.map_orbit = !SCANcontroller.controller.map_orbit; } style_button.normal.textColor = SCANcontroller.controller.map_grid ? c_good : Color.white; if(GUILayout.Button("Grid", style_button)) { SCANcontroller.controller.map_grid = !SCANcontroller.controller.map_grid; overlay_static_dirty = true; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); for(int i=0; i<SCANmap.projectionNames.Length; ++i) { style_button.normal.textColor = (int)bigmap.projection == i ? c_good : Color.white; if(GUILayout.Button(SCANmap.projectionNames[i], style_button)) { bigmap.setProjection((SCANmap.MapProjection)i); SCANcontroller.controller.projection = i; overlay_static_dirty = true; } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); string info = ""; float mx = Event.current.mousePosition.x - maprect.x; float my = Event.current.mousePosition.y - maprect.y; bool in_map = false, in_spotmap = false; double mlon = 0, mlat = 0; if(mx >= 0 && my >= 0 && mx < map.width && my < map.height && !bigmap_dragging) { double mlo = (mx * 360f / map.width) - 180; double mla = 90 - (my * 180f / map.height); mlon = bigmap.unprojectLongitude(mlo, mla); mlat = bigmap.unprojectLatitude(mlo, mla); if(spotmap != null) { if(mx >= pos_spotmap.x - maprect.x && my >= pos_spotmap.y - maprect.y && mx <= pos_spotmap.x + pos_spotmap.width - maprect.x && my <= pos_spotmap.y + pos_spotmap.height - maprect.y) { in_spotmap = true; mlon = spotmap.lon_offset + ((mx - pos_spotmap.x + maprect.x) / spotmap.mapscale) - 180; mlat = spotmap.lat_offset + ((pos_spotmap.height - (my - pos_spotmap.y + maprect.y)) / spotmap.mapscale) - 90; if(mlat > 90) { mlon = (mlon + 360) % 360 - 180; mlat = 180 - mlat; } else if(mlat < -90) { mlon = (mlon + 360) % 360 - 180; mlat = -180 - mlat; } } } if(mlon >= -180 && mlon <= 180 && mlat >= -90 && mlat <= 90) { in_map = true; if(data.isCovered(mlon, mlat, SCANdata.SCANtype.AltimetryLoRes)) { if(vessel.mainBody.pqsController == null) info += colored(c_ugly, "LO "); else info += colored(c_good, "LO "); } else info += "<color=\"grey\">LO</color> "; if(data.isCovered(mlon, mlat, SCANdata.SCANtype.AltimetryHiRes)) { if(vessel.mainBody.pqsController == null) info += colored(c_ugly, "HI "); else info += colored(c_good, "HI "); } else info += "<color=\"grey\">HI</color> "; if(data.isCovered(mlon, mlat, SCANdata.SCANtype.Biome)) { if(vessel.mainBody.BiomeMap == null || vessel.mainBody.BiomeMap.Map == null) info += colored(c_ugly, "BIO "); else info += colored(c_good, "BIO "); } else info += "<color=\"grey\">BIO</color> "; if(data.isCovered(mlon, mlat, SCANdata.SCANtype.Anomaly)) info += colored(c_good, "ANOM "); else info += "<color=\"grey\">ANOM</color> "; if(data.isCovered(mlon, mlat, SCANdata.SCANtype.AnomalyDetail)) info += colored(c_good, "BTDT "); else info += "<color=\"grey\">BTDT</color> "; if(data.isCovered(mlon, mlat, SCANdata.SCANtype.AltimetryHiRes)) { info += "<b>" + data.getElevation(mlon, mlat).ToString("N2") + "m</b> "; } else if(data.isCovered(mlon, mlat, SCANdata.SCANtype.AltimetryLoRes)) { info += "<b>~" + (((int)data.getElevation(mlon, mlat) / 500) * 500).ToString() + "m</b> "; } if(data.isCovered(mlon, mlat, SCANdata.SCANtype.Biome)) { info += data.getBiomeName(mlon, mlat) + " "; } info += "\n" + toDMS(mlat, mlon) + " (lat: " + mlat.ToString("F2") + " lon: " + mlon.ToString("F2") + ") "; if(in_spotmap) info += " " + spotmap.mapscale.ToString("F1") + "x"; } else { info += " " + mlat.ToString("F") + " " + mlon.ToString("F"); // uncomment for debugging projections } } if(maprect.width < 720) { GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); readableLabel(info, Color.white); drawLegend(); } else { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); readableLabel(info, Color.white); drawLegend(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if(!notMappingToday) drawMapLabels(maprect, vessel, bigmap, data); if(spotmap != null) { spotmap.setBody(vessel.mainBody); GUI.Box(pos_spotmap, spotmap.getPartialMap()); if(!notMappingToday) { drawOrbit(pos_spotmap, spotmap, vessel); drawMapLabels(pos_spotmap, vessel, spotmap, data); } pos_spotmap_x.x = pos_spotmap.x + pos_spotmap.width + 4; pos_spotmap_x.y = pos_spotmap.y; style_button.normal.textColor = cb_vermillion; if(GUI.Button(pos_spotmap_x, SCANcontroller.controller.closeBox, style_button)) { spotmap = null; } } Rect fpswidget = new Rect(maprect.x + maprect.width - 32, maprect.y + maprect.height + 32, 32, 24); GUI.Label(fpswidget, fps.ToString("N1")); Rect resizer = new Rect(maprect.x + maprect.width - 24, maprect.y + maprect.height + 8, 24, 24); GUI.Box(resizer, "//"); if(Event.current.isMouse) { if(Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp) { if(bigmap_dragging) { } else if(Event.current.button == 1) { if(in_map || in_spotmap) { if(spotmap == null) { spotmap = new SCANmap(); spotmap.setSize(180, 180); } if(in_spotmap) { spotmap.mapscale = spotmap.mapscale * 1.25f; } else { spotmap.mapscale = 10; } spotmap.centerAround(mlon, mlat); spotmap.resetMap(bigmap.mapmode); pos_spotmap.width = 180; pos_spotmap.height = 180; if(!in_spotmap) { pos_spotmap.x = Event.current.mousePosition.x - pos_spotmap.width / 2; pos_spotmap.y = Event.current.mousePosition.y - pos_spotmap.height / 2; if(mx > maprect.width / 2) pos_spotmap.x -= pos_spotmap.width; else pos_spotmap.x += pos_spotmap.height; pos_spotmap.x = Math.Max(maprect.x, Math.Min(maprect.x + maprect.width - pos_spotmap.width, pos_spotmap.x)); pos_spotmap.y = Math.Max(maprect.y, Math.Min(maprect.y + maprect.height - pos_spotmap.height, pos_spotmap.y)); } } } else if(Event.current.button == 0) { if(spotmap != null && in_spotmap) { spotmap.mapscale = spotmap.mapscale / 1.25f; if(spotmap.mapscale < 10) spotmap.mapscale = 10; spotmap.resetMap(spotmap.mapmode); Event.current.Use(); } } Event.current.Use(); } else if(Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { if(Event.current.button == 0) { if(resizer.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { bigmap_dragging = true; bigmap_drag_x = Input.mousePosition.x; bigmap_drag_w = bigmap.mapwidth; Event.current.Use(); } } } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.DragWindow(); }
private void RedrawMap() { map = new SCANmap(); map.setProjection(SCANmap.MapProjection.Rectangular); orbitingBody = vessel.mainBody; map.setBody(vessel.mainBody); map.setSize(screenWidth, screenHeight); map.mapscale *= (zoomLevel * zoomLevel + zoomModifier); mapCenterLong = vessel.longitude; mapCenterLat = vessel.latitude; // That's really just sweeping the problem under the carpet instead of fixing it, but meh. if (zoomLevel == 0) mapCenterLat = 0; map.centerAround(mapCenterLong, mapCenterLat); map.resetMap(mapMode,1); // Compute and store the map scale factors in mapSizeScale. We // use these values for every segment when drawing trails, so it // makes sense to compute it only when it changes. mapSizeScale = new Vector2d(360.0 * map.mapscale / map.mapwidth, 180.0 * map.mapscale / map.mapheight); redrawDeviation = redrawEdge * 180 / (zoomLevel * zoomLevel + zoomModifier); try { localAnomalies = SCANcontroller.controller.getData(vessel.mainBody).getAnomalies(); } catch { Debug.Log("JSISCANsatRPM: Could not get a list of anomalies, what happened?"); } // MATH! double kmPerDegreeLon = (2 * Math.PI * (orbitingBody.Radius / 1000d)) / 360d; double pixelsPerDegree = Math.Abs(longitudeToPixels(mapCenterLong + (((mapCenterLong + 1) > 360) ? -1 : 1), mapCenterLat) - longitudeToPixels(mapCenterLong, mapCenterLat)); pixelsPerKm = pixelsPerDegree / kmPerDegreeLon; }