コード例 #1
        public Exp_Node_New(List <string> input, int charInd)
            this.input = input;
            if (input.Count == 1)
                if (isConstant(input[0]))
                    exp_Type = Exp_Type.Constant;
                    exp_Data = input[0];
                    left     = null;
                    right    = null;
                else if (isVariable(input[0]))
                    exp_Type = Exp_Type.Variable;
                    exp_Data = input[0];
                    left     = null;
                    right    = null;
                else if (isEmptyOperation(input[0], out AST_Operator @operator))
                    exp_Type     = Exp_Type.Operator;
                    exp_Data     = input[0];
                    exp_Operator = @operator;
                    left         = null;
                    right        = null;
                    throw new AST_BadFormatException(input[0] + " can\'t be parsed", charInd);
            int i = 0;
            List <Exp_Piece> pieces = new List <Exp_Piece>();

            for (i = 0; i < input.Count; ++i)
                    new Exp_Piece
                    inStrg = input[i], indexStart = i, indexEnd = i, inNode = null, isString = true
            Exp_Node_New result = new Exp_Node_New(pieces, charInd);

            this.input        = result.input;
            this.exp_Type     = result.exp_Type;
            this.exp_Data     = result.exp_Data;
            this.exp_Operator = result.exp_Operator;
            this.left         = result.left;
            this.right        = result.right;
コード例 #2
 public Exp_Node_New(Exp_Node_New left, Exp_Node_New right,
                     List <string> input,
                     string exp_Data, Exp_Type exp_Type, AST_Operator exp_Operator)
     this.left         = left;
     this.right        = right;
     this.input        = input;
     this.exp_Data     = exp_Data;
     this.exp_Type     = exp_Type;
     this.exp_Operator = exp_Operator;
コード例 #3
        private Exp_Node_New(List <Exp_Piece> input, int charInd)
            //TODO - fix charInd references and broken List<string> input passes
            this.input = null;
            if (input.Count == 1)
                if (input[0].isString)
                    if (isConstant(input[0].inStrg))
                        exp_Type = Exp_Type.Constant;
                        exp_Data = input[0].inStrg;
                        left     = null;
                        right    = null;
                    else if (isVariable(input[0].inStrg))
                        exp_Type = Exp_Type.Variable;
                        exp_Data = input[0].inStrg;
                        left     = null;
                        right    = null;
                    else if (isEmptyOperation(input[0].inStrg, out AST_Operator @operator))
                        exp_Type     = Exp_Type.Operator;
                        exp_Data     = input[0].inStrg;
                        exp_Operator = @operator;
                        left         = null;
                        right        = null;
                        throw new AST_BadFormatException(input[0].inStrg + " can\'t be parsed", charInd);
                    exp_Type     = input[0].inNode.exp_Type;
                    exp_Data     = input[0].inNode.exp_Data;
                    exp_Operator = input[0].inNode.exp_Operator;
                    left         = input[0].inNode.left;
                    right        = input[0].inNode.right;
                    this.input   = input[0].inNode.input;
            int  i        = 0;
            bool found    = false;
            int  maxLayer = AST_Expression.operators_ast.Max(a => a.layer);

            for (int layer = 0; layer <= maxLayer; ++layer)
                if (found)
                List <AST_Operator> ops = AST_Expression.operators_ast.Where(a => a.layer == layer).ToList();
                if (ops.Count == 0)
                int[] opIndexesLeft  = new int[ops.Count];
                int[] opIndexesRight = new int[ops.Count];
                int[] opIndexes      = new int[ops.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < ops.Count; ++j)
                    opIndexesLeft[j]  = -1;
                    opIndexesRight[j] = -1;
                    opIndexes[j]      = -1;
                int  op = 0, opLeft = 0, opRight = 0;
                bool opLeftFilled = false, opRightFilled = false;
                for (int opInd = 0; opInd < ops.Count; ++opInd)
                    string   operation = "";
                    string[] opPieces  = ops[opInd].oper.Split(
                        new char[] { ' ' },
                    operation = opPieces[0];
                    //TODO - DONE - find RightToLeft operators separately and compare their distance to the last element
                    opIndexesLeft[opInd]  = input.FindIndex(a => a.isString && a.inStrg == operation);
                    opIndexesRight[opInd] = input.FindLastIndex(a => a.isString && a.inStrg == operation);
                    if ((opIndexesLeft[opLeft] == -1 ||
                         opIndexesLeft[opInd] < opIndexesLeft[opLeft] || !opLeftFilled ||
                         (opIndexesLeft[opInd] == opIndexesLeft[opLeft] &&
                          ops[opInd].oper.Length > ops[opLeft].oper.Length)
                         ) &&
                        opIndexesLeft[opInd] != -1 && ops[opInd].isLeftToRight)
                        //Operator exists and is closer to the start of input
                        opLeft       = opInd;
                        opLeftFilled = true;
                    if ((opIndexesRight[opRight] == -1 ||
                         opIndexesRight[opInd] > opIndexesRight[opRight] || !opRightFilled ||
                         (opIndexesRight[opInd] == opIndexesRight[opRight] &&
                          ops[opInd].oper.Length > ops[opRight].oper.Length)
                         ) &&
                        opIndexesRight[opInd] != -1 && !ops[opInd].isLeftToRight)
                        opRight       = opInd;
                        opRightFilled = true;
                if (!opRightFilled && !opLeftFilled)
                if (input.Count - opIndexesRight[opRight] - 1 <
                    (opIndexesLeft[opLeft] == -1 ? input.Count : opIndexesLeft[opLeft]) &&
                    (opRightFilled || !opLeftFilled))
                    op            = opRight;
                    opIndexes[op] = opIndexesRight[op];
                    op            = opLeft;
                    opIndexes[op] = opIndexesLeft[op];
                if (opIndexes[op] == -1)

                //We found an operation. Now we need to check if it is valid
                if (ops[op].isPaired)
                    //This operation is a brackets operation
                    if (ops[op].operandCount != 1)
                        throw new AST_BadFormatException(
                                  "Compiler error - a paired operation with not one operand exists",
                                  charInd + opIndexes[op]);
                    //TODO - move this code somewhere so it is executed once
                    List <Tuple <string, string> > brackets =
                        .Where(a => a.isPaired && a.operandCount == 1)
                        .Select(a =>
                        string[] bracketParts =
                                new char[] { ' ' },
                        if (bracketParts.Length != 2)
                            throw new AST_BadFormatException(
                                "Compiler error - a paired operation" +
                                a.oper +
                                " with not two pieces exists",
                        return(new Tuple <string, string>(bracketParts[0], bracketParts[1]));
                    Stack <string> bracketStack = new Stack <string>();
                    i = opIndexes[op];
                    while (i < input.Count)
                        int bracketIndexStart = brackets.FindIndex(a => a.Item1 == input[i].inStrg);
                        int bracketIndexStop  = brackets.FindIndex(a => a.Item2 == input[i].inStrg);
                        if (bracketIndexStop != -1)
                            if (bracketStack.Peek() == brackets[bracketIndexStop].Item1)
                                throw new AST_BadFormatException(
                                          "Bracket sequence of the expression is incorrect", charInd + i);
                        else if (bracketIndexStart != -1)
                        if (bracketStack.Count == 0)
                    if (bracketStack.Count == 0)
                        //Closing bracket is at position i-1
                        found = true;
                        if (i - 2 == opIndexes[op])
                            //Brackets are empty
                            //TODO - call parameter-less functions with brackets
                            if (i - 3 >= 0 && input[i - 3].isString && isVariable(input[i - 3].inStrg))
                                //We have a parameter-less function
                                input.RemoveRange(opIndexes[op], 2);
                                Exp_Node_New functionNode = new Exp_Node_New(
                                    null, null, null,
                                    input[opIndexes[op] - 1].inStrg, Exp_Type.Function, new AST_Operator());
                                input.RemoveRange(opIndexes[op] - 1, 1);
                                Exp_Piece bracketsPiece = new Exp_Piece
                                    indexStart = opIndexes[op] - 1,
                                    indexEnd   = i - 1,
                                    inNode     = functionNode,
                                    inStrg     = null,
                                    isString   = false
                                input.Insert(opIndexes[op] - 1, bracketsPiece);
                                //TODO - initialize arrays with empty brackets
                                throw new AST_BadFormatException(
                                          "Empty brackets " + input[opIndexes[op]], charInd + i);
                            //Create the content array
                            List <Exp_Piece> content = new List <Exp_Piece>(i - 2 - opIndexes[op]);
                            for (int j = 0; j < content.Capacity; ++j)
                                content.Add(input[opIndexes[op] + 1 + j]);
                            input.RemoveRange(opIndexes[op], i - opIndexes[op]);
                            Exp_Node_New bracketsNode = new Exp_Node_New(content, opIndexes[op] + 1)
                                                        /*{ exp_Operator = ops[op] }*/;
                            Exp_Piece bracketsPiece;
                            if (opIndexes[op] - 1 >= 0 &&
                                input[opIndexes[op] - 1].isString &&
                                isVariable(input[opIndexes[op] - 1].inStrg))
                                //We have a function
                                Exp_Node_New functionNode = new Exp_Node_New(
                                    null, bracketsNode,
                                    input[opIndexes[op] - 1].inStrg, Exp_Type.Function, new AST_Operator());
                                input.RemoveRange(opIndexes[op] - 1, 1);
                                bracketsPiece = new Exp_Piece
                                    indexStart = opIndexes[op] - 1,
                                    indexEnd   = i - 1,
                                    inNode     = functionNode,
                                    inStrg     = null,
                                    isString   = false
                                input.Insert(opIndexes[op] - 1, bracketsPiece);
                                bracketsPiece = new Exp_Piece
                                    indexStart = opIndexes[op],
                                    indexEnd   = i - 1,
                                    inNode     = bracketsNode,
                                    inStrg     = null,
                                    isString   = false
                                input.Insert(opIndexes[op], bracketsPiece);

                        Exp_Node_New result = new Exp_Node_New(input, charInd);
                        this.input        = result.input;
                        this.exp_Type     = result.exp_Type;
                        this.exp_Data     = result.exp_Data;
                        this.exp_Operator = result.exp_Operator;
                        this.left         = result.left;
                        this.right        = result.right;
                        found             = true;
                        throw new AST_BadFormatException(
                                  "No closing bracket found for " + bracketStack.Peek(), charInd + i);
                    if (ops[op].isPrefix == true)
                        if (opIndexes[op] == input.Count - 1)
                            //Prefix at the end - false match
                        if (opIndexes[op] >= 1 &&
                            !((input[opIndexes[op] - 1].isString && isOperation(input[opIndexes[op] - 1].inStrg)) /* ||
                                                                                                                   * (!input[opIndexes[op] - 1].isString && isOperation(input[opIndexes[op] - 1].inNode))*/))
                            //It is not actually prefix
                        //We have a prefix operation
                        if (ops[op].operandCount == 0)
                            throw new AST_BadFormatException(
                                      "Compiler error - Found a 0-operand operator in a non-0-operand input",
                                      charInd + opIndexes[op]);
                        if (ops[op].toEnd)
                            List <Exp_Piece> content = new List <Exp_Piece>(input.Count - opIndexes[op] - 1);
                            for (int j = 0; j < content.Capacity; ++j)
                                content.Add(input[opIndexes[op] + 1 + j]);
                            Exp_Node_New rightNode = new Exp_Node_New(content, opIndexes[op] + 1);
                            input.RemoveRange(opIndexes[op], input.Count - opIndexes[op]);

                            Exp_Node_New rightResult = new Exp_Node_New(
                                null, rightNode,
                                new List <string>(ToListString(content)),
                                ops[op].oper, Exp_Type.Operator, ops[op])
                                exp_Operator = ops[op]
                            Exp_Piece rightResultPiece = new Exp_Piece
                                indexStart = opIndexes[op],
                                indexEnd   = opIndexes[op],
                                inStrg     = null,
                                inNode     = rightResult,
                                isString   = false

                            input.Insert(opIndexes[op], rightResultPiece);
                            Exp_Node_New result = new Exp_Node_New(input, charInd);
                            this.input        = result.input;
                            this.exp_Type     = result.exp_Type;
                            this.exp_Data     = result.exp_Data;
                            this.exp_Operator = result.exp_Operator;
                            this.left         = result.left;
                            this.right        = result.right;
                            found             = true;
                            //TODO - leave only similar code
                            List <Exp_Piece> content = new List <Exp_Piece>(1);
                            content.Add(input[opIndexes[op] + 1]);
                            Exp_Node_New rightNode = new Exp_Node_New(content, opIndexes[op] + 1);
                            input.RemoveRange(opIndexes[op], 2);

                            Exp_Node_New rightResult = new Exp_Node_New(
                                null, rightNode,
                                new List <string>(ToListString(content)),
                                ops[op].oper, Exp_Type.Operator, ops[op])
                                exp_Operator = ops[op]
                            Exp_Piece rightResultPiece = new Exp_Piece
                                indexStart = opIndexes[op],
                                indexEnd   = opIndexes[op],
                                inStrg     = null,
                                inNode     = rightResult,
                                isString   = false

                            input.Insert(opIndexes[op], rightResultPiece);
                            Exp_Node_New result = new Exp_Node_New(input, charInd);
                            this.input        = result.input;
                            this.exp_Type     = result.exp_Type;
                            this.exp_Data     = result.exp_Data;
                            this.exp_Operator = result.exp_Operator;
                            this.left         = result.left;
                            this.right        = result.right;
                            found             = true;
                    else if (ops[op].isPrefix == false)
                        if (opIndexes[op] == 0)
                            //Suffix at the start - false match
                        if (opIndexes[op] < input.Count - 1 &&
                            !((input[opIndexes[op] + 1].isString && isOperation(input[opIndexes[op] + 1].inStrg)) /* ||
                                                                                                                   * (!input[opIndexes[op] + 1].isString && isOperation(input[opIndexes[op] + 1].inNode))*/))
                            //It is not actually prefix
                        //We have a suffix operation
                        if (ops[op].operandCount == 0)
                            throw new AST_BadFormatException(
                                      "Compiler error - Found a 0-operand operator in a non-0-operand input",
                                      charInd + opIndexes[op]);
                        if (ops[op].toEnd)
                            List <Exp_Piece> content = new List <Exp_Piece>(opIndexes[op]);
                            for (int j = 0; j < content.Capacity; ++j)
                            Exp_Node_New leftNode = new Exp_Node_New(content, charInd);
                            input.RemoveRange(0, opIndexes[op] + 1);

                            Exp_Node_New leftResult = new Exp_Node_New(
                                leftNode, null,
                                new List <string>(ToListString(content)),
                                ops[op].oper, Exp_Type.Operator, ops[op])
                                exp_Operator = ops[op]
                            Exp_Piece leftResultPiece = new Exp_Piece
                                indexStart = 0,
                                indexEnd   = 0,
                                inStrg     = null,
                                inNode     = leftResult,
                                isString   = false

                            input.Insert(0, leftResultPiece);
                            Exp_Node_New result = new Exp_Node_New(input, charInd);
                            this.input        = result.input;
                            this.exp_Type     = result.exp_Type;
                            this.exp_Data     = result.exp_Data;
                            this.exp_Operator = result.exp_Operator;
                            this.left         = result.left;
                            this.right        = result.right;
                            found             = true;
                            List <Exp_Piece> content = new List <Exp_Piece>(1);
                            content.Add(input[opIndexes[op] - 1]);
                            Exp_Node_New leftNode = new Exp_Node_New(content, charInd + opIndexes[op] - 1);
                            input.RemoveRange(opIndexes[op] - 1, 2);

                            Exp_Node_New leftResult = new Exp_Node_New(
                                leftNode, null,
                                new List <string>(ToListString(content)),
                                ops[op].oper, Exp_Type.Operator, ops[op])
                                exp_Operator = ops[op]
                            Exp_Piece leftResultPiece = new Exp_Piece
                                indexStart = opIndexes[op] - 1,
                                indexEnd   = opIndexes[op] - 1,
                                inStrg     = null,
                                inNode     = leftResult,
                                isString   = false

                            input.Insert(opIndexes[op] - 1, leftResultPiece);
                            Exp_Node_New result = new Exp_Node_New(input, charInd);
                            this.input        = result.input;
                            this.exp_Type     = result.exp_Type;
                            this.exp_Data     = result.exp_Data;
                            this.exp_Operator = result.exp_Operator;
                            this.left         = result.left;
                            this.right        = result.right;
                            found             = true;
                        if (opIndexes[op] == 0 || opIndexes[op] == input.Count - 1)
                            //We have a false match
                        //We have a standard two-operand operator
                        if (ops[op].operandCount != 2)
                            throw new AST_BadFormatException(
                                      "Compiler error - Found a non-2-operand infix operator",
                                      charInd + opIndexes[op]);
                        if (ops[op].toEnd)
                            List <Exp_Piece> contentLeft = new List <Exp_Piece>(opIndexes[op]);
                            for (int j = 0; j < contentLeft.Capacity; ++j)
                            Exp_Node_New leftNode = new Exp_Node_New(contentLeft, charInd);
                            input.RemoveRange(0, opIndexes[op] + 1);

                            List <Exp_Piece> contentRight = new List <Exp_Piece>(input.Count);
                            for (int j = 0; j < contentRight.Capacity; ++j)
                            Exp_Node_New rightNode = new Exp_Node_New(contentRight, charInd + 1);
                            input.RemoveRange(0, input.Count);

                            Exp_Node_New infixResult = new Exp_Node_New(
                                leftNode, rightNode,
                                new List <string>(ToListString(contentLeft)).
                                Union(new List <string>(ToListString(contentRight))).ToList(),
                                ops[op].oper, Exp_Type.Operator, ops[op])
                                exp_Operator = ops[op]
                            Exp_Piece infixResultPiece = new Exp_Piece
                                indexStart = 0,
                                indexEnd   = 0,
                                inStrg     = null,
                                inNode     = infixResult,
                                isString   = false

                            input.Insert(0, infixResultPiece);

                            Exp_Node_New result = new Exp_Node_New(input, charInd);
                            this.input        = result.input;
                            this.exp_Type     = result.exp_Type;
                            this.exp_Data     = result.exp_Data;
                            this.exp_Operator = result.exp_Operator;
                            this.left         = result.left;
                            this.right        = result.right;
                            found             = true;
                            List <Exp_Piece> contentLeft = new List <Exp_Piece>(1);
                            contentLeft.Add(input[opIndexes[op] - 1]);
                            Exp_Node_New leftNode = new Exp_Node_New(contentLeft, charInd + opIndexes[op] - 1);
                            input.RemoveRange(opIndexes[op] - 1, 2);

                            List <Exp_Piece> contentRight = new List <Exp_Piece>(1);
                            contentRight.Add(input[opIndexes[op] - 1]);
                            Exp_Node_New rightNode = new Exp_Node_New(contentRight, charInd + opIndexes[op]);
                            input.RemoveRange(opIndexes[op] - 1, 1);

                            Exp_Node_New infixResult = new Exp_Node_New(
                                leftNode, rightNode,
                                new List <string>(ToListString(contentLeft)).
                                Union(new List <string>(ToListString(contentRight))).ToList(),
                                ops[op].oper, Exp_Type.Operator, ops[op])
                                exp_Operator = ops[op]
                            Exp_Piece infixResultPiece = new Exp_Piece
                                indexStart = opIndexes[op] - 1,
                                indexEnd   = opIndexes[op] - 1,
                                inStrg     = null,
                                inNode     = infixResult,
                                isString   = false

                            input.Insert(opIndexes[op] - 1, infixResultPiece);

                            Exp_Node_New result = new Exp_Node_New(input, charInd);
                            this.input        = result.input;
                            this.exp_Type     = result.exp_Type;
                            this.exp_Data     = result.exp_Data;
                            this.exp_Operator = result.exp_Operator;
                            this.left         = result.left;
                            this.right        = result.right;
                            found             = true;
            if (!found)
                throw new AST_BadFormatException(
                          "No operator or operand found in input", charInd + input.Count - 1);