public ICollection <SADIService> getAllServices(int offset, int limit) { ICollection <SADIService> services = new List <SADIService>(); string query = "PREFIX sadi: <> \r\n" + "PREFIX mygrid: <> \r\n" + "SELECT * \r\n" + "WHERE {\r\n" + " ?serviceURI a sadi:Service . \r\n" + " ?serviceURI mygrid:hasServiceNameText ?name . \r\n"+ " ?serviceURI mygrid:hasServiceDescriptionText ?description . \r\n"+ " ?serviceURI mygrid:hasOperation ?op . \r\n"+ " ?op mygrid:inputParameter ?input . \r\n"+ " ?input a mygrid:parameter . \r\n"+ " ?input mygrid:objectType ?inputClassURI . \r\n"+ // instanceQuery is not optional here because we only want services // whose input instances can be dynamically discovered... " ?inputClassURI sadi:instanceQuery ?query . \r\n" + "}"; foreach (JsonData binding in executeQuery(query)) { SADIService service = new SADIService( getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "serviceURI"), getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "name"), getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "description"), getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "inputClassURI")); service.inputInstanceQuery = getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "query"); services.Add(service); } return(services); }
internal static String getDescription(SADIService service) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.Append(" ("); buf.Append(service.uri); buf.Append(")\r\n "); if (service.description != null) { buf.Append(service.description); } else { buf.Append("No description."); } if ( > 0) { buf.Append("\r\n properties attached: "); foreach (PropertyRestriction r in { buf.Append("\r\n "); buf.Append(r.ToString()); } } return(buf.ToString()); }
public SADIService getService(string serviceURI) { string query = "PREFIX sadi: <> \r\n" + "PREFIX mygrid: <> \r\n" + "SELECT * \r\n" + "WHERE {\r\n" + " ?serviceURI a sadi:Service . \r\n" + " ?serviceURI mygrid:hasServiceNameText ?name . \r\n"+ " ?serviceURI mygrid:hasServiceDescriptionText ?description . \r\n"+ " ?serviceURI mygrid:hasOperation ?op . \r\n"+ " ?op mygrid:inputParameter ?input . \r\n"+ " ?input a mygrid:parameter . \r\n"+ " ?input mygrid:objectType ?inputClassURI . \r\n"+ // instanceQueryPattern is optional here because we're matching by // direct type and there's no need for dynamic discovery... " OPTIONAL { ?inputClassURI sadi:instanceQuery ?query } . \r\n" + "}"; query = query.Replace("?serviceURI", "<" + serviceURI + ">"); foreach (JsonData binding in executeQuery(query)) { SADIService service = new SADIService( getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "serviceURI"), getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "name"), getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "description"), getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "inputClassURI")); service.inputInstanceQuery = getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "query"); return(service); } throw new ArgumentException(serviceURI + " is not a registered service"); }
public void addPropertyRestrictions(SADIService service) { if ( > 0) { SADIHelper.debug("SADIRegistry", "addPropertyRestrictions called twice on same service", service); return; } String query = "PREFIX rdf: <> \r\n" + "PREFIX rdfs: <> \r\n" + "PREFIX owl: <> \r\n" + "PREFIX sadi: <> \r\n" + "PREFIX mygrid: <> \r\n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?onPropertyURI ?onPropertyLabel ?valuesFromURI ?valuesFromLabel \r\n" + "WHERE {\r\n" + " <"+ service.uri + "> sadi:decoratesWith ?decoration . \r\n" + " ?decoration owl:onProperty ?onPropertyURI . \r\n"+ " OPTIONAL { ?onPropertyURI rdfs:label ?onPropertyLabel } . \r\n"+ " OPTIONAL { \r\n"+ " ?decoration owl:someValuesFrom ?valuesFromURI . \r\n"+ " OPTIONAL { ?valuesFromURI rdfs:label ?valuesFromLabel } \r\n"+ " } . \r\n"+ "}"; foreach (JsonData binding in executeQuery(query)) { service.addProperty( getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "onPropertyURI"), getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "onPropertyLabel"), getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "valuesFromURI"), getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "valuesFromLabel")); } }
internal void setService(SADIService service) { this.service = service; string name = getName(service); = getName(service); this.description.Text = getDescription(service); }
internal static String getName(SADIService service) { if ( != null) { return(; } else { return("No name"); } }
private MemoryStore assembleInput(IEnumerable <IResource> selectedNodes, SADIService service) { MemoryStore input = new MemoryStore(); foreach (IResource node in selectedNodes) { if (node is IEntity) { service.assembleInput(input, node as IEntity, KE); } } return(input); }
public ICollection <SADIService> findServicesByInputClass(ICollection <String> types) { ICollection <SADIService> services = new List <SADIService>(); if (types.Count == 0) { return(services); } string query = "PREFIX sadi: <> \r\n" + "PREFIX mygrid: <> \r\n" + "SELECT * \r\n" + "WHERE {\r\n" + " ?serviceURI a sadi:Service . \r\n" + " ?serviceURI mygrid:hasServiceNameText ?name . \r\n"+ " ?serviceURI mygrid:hasServiceDescriptionText ?description . \r\n"+ " ?serviceURI mygrid:hasOperation ?op . \r\n"+ " ?op mygrid:inputParameter ?input . \r\n"+ " ?input a mygrid:parameter . \r\n"+ " ?input mygrid:objectType ?inputClassURI . \r\n"+ // instanceQueryPattern is optional here because we're matching by // direct type and there's no need for dynamic discovery... " OPTIONAL { ?inputClassURI sadi:instanceQuery ?query } . \r\n"; int n = 0; foreach (string type in types) { if (++n > 1) { query += " UNION \r\n"; } query += " { ?input mygrid:objectType <"+ type + "> } \r\n"; } query += "}"; foreach (JsonData binding in executeQuery(query)) { SADIService service = new SADIService( getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "serviceURI"), getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "name"), getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "description"), getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "inputClassURI")); service.inputInstanceQuery = getSPARQLBindingAsString(binding, "query"); services.Add(service); } return(services); }
private bool checkForInputInstances(SADIService service, IEnumerable <IResource> selectedNodes) { if (service.inputInstanceQuery != null) { string query = SADIHelper.convertConstructQuery(service.inputInstanceQuery); if (query != null) { foreach (ISPARQLResult result in KE.Graph.Query(query).Results) { foreach (IResource node in selectedNodes) { if (node.Equals(result["input"])) { return(true); } } } } } return(false); }
private void InvokeServicesWorker_DoWork(object threadContext) { ServiceCallStatus call = threadContext as ServiceCallStatus; SADIService service = call.Data as SADIService; try { call.Status = "Assembling input"; MasterWorker.ReportProgress(1, call); MemoryStore input = assembleInput(SelectedNodes, service); call.Status = "Calling service"; call.Data = "Assembled input:\r\n" + SemWebHelper.storeToString(input); MasterWorker.ReportProgress(33, call); Store output = service.invokeService(input); call.Status = "Storing output"; call.Data = "Received output:\r\n" + SemWebHelper.storeToString(output); MasterWorker.ReportProgress(66, call); ICollection <IStatement> statements = KE.Import(output); showNewStatements(statements); call.Status = "Done"; call.Data = service; MasterWorker.ReportProgress(100, call); } catch (Exception err) { SADIHelper.error("ServiceCall", "error calling service", service, err); call.Status = "Error"; call.Data = "Error:\r\n" + err.Message; MasterWorker.ReportProgress(100, call); } finally { Interlocked.Decrement(ref NumWorkers); } }