public DescriptorSetUpdater(VulkanGraphicsDevice gd, PipelineBase pipeline) { _gd = gd; _pipeline = pipeline; _uniformBuffers = Array.Empty <DescriptorBufferInfo>(); _storageBuffers = Array.Empty <DescriptorBufferInfo>(); _textures = new DescriptorImageInfo[32 * 5]; _textureRefs = new Auto <DisposableImageView> [32 * 5]; _samplerRefs = new Auto <DisposableSampler> [32 * 5]; _images = Array.Empty <DescriptorImageInfo>(); _bufferTextures = Array.Empty <BufferView>(); _bufferImages = Array.Empty <BufferView>(); _dummyTexture = (TextureView)gd.CreateTexture(new GAL.TextureCreateInfo( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, GAL.Format.R8G8B8A8Unorm, DepthStencilMode.Depth, Target.Texture2D, SwizzleComponent.Red, SwizzleComponent.Green, SwizzleComponent.Blue, SwizzleComponent.Alpha), 1f); _dummySampler = (SamplerHolder)gd.CreateSampler(new GAL.SamplerCreateInfo( MinFilter.Nearest, MagFilter.Nearest, false, AddressMode.Repeat, AddressMode.Repeat, AddressMode.Repeat, CompareMode.None, GAL.CompareOp.Always, new ColorF(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 1f)); }
public DescriptorSetUpdater(VulkanRenderer gd, PipelineBase pipeline) { _gd = gd; _pipeline = pipeline; // Some of the bindings counts needs to be multiplied by 2 because we have buffer and // regular textures/images interleaved on the same descriptor set. _uniformBufferRefs = new Auto <DisposableBuffer> [Constants.MaxUniformBufferBindings]; _storageBufferRefs = new Auto <DisposableBuffer> [Constants.MaxStorageBufferBindings]; _textureRefs = new Auto <DisposableImageView> [Constants.MaxTextureBindings * 2]; _samplerRefs = new Auto <DisposableSampler> [Constants.MaxTextureBindings * 2]; _imageRefs = new Auto <DisposableImageView> [Constants.MaxImageBindings * 2]; _bufferTextureRefs = new TextureBuffer[Constants.MaxTextureBindings * 2]; _bufferImageRefs = new TextureBuffer[Constants.MaxImageBindings * 2]; _bufferImageFormats = new GAL.Format[Constants.MaxImageBindings * 2]; _uniformBuffers = new DescriptorBufferInfo[Constants.MaxUniformBufferBindings]; _storageBuffers = new DescriptorBufferInfo[Constants.MaxStorageBufferBindings]; _textures = new DescriptorImageInfo[Constants.MaxTexturesPerStage]; _images = new DescriptorImageInfo[Constants.MaxImagesPerStage]; _bufferTextures = new BufferView[Constants.MaxTexturesPerStage]; _bufferImages = new BufferView[Constants.MaxImagesPerStage]; var initialImageInfo = new DescriptorImageInfo() { ImageLayout = ImageLayout.General }; _textures.AsSpan().Fill(initialImageInfo); _images.AsSpan().Fill(initialImageInfo); _uniformSet = new bool[Constants.MaxUniformBufferBindings]; _storageSet = new bool[Constants.MaxStorageBufferBindings]; if (gd.Capabilities.SupportsNullDescriptors) { // If null descriptors are supported, we can pass null as the handle. _dummyBuffer = null; } else { // If null descriptors are not supported, we need to pass the handle of a dummy buffer on unused bindings. _dummyBuffer = gd.BufferManager.Create(gd, 0x10000, forConditionalRendering: false, deviceLocal: true); } _dummyTexture = gd.CreateTextureView(new GAL.TextureCreateInfo( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, GAL.Format.R8G8B8A8Unorm, DepthStencilMode.Depth, Target.Texture2D, SwizzleComponent.Red, SwizzleComponent.Green, SwizzleComponent.Blue, SwizzleComponent.Alpha), 1f); _dummySampler = (SamplerHolder)gd.CreateSampler(new GAL.SamplerCreateInfo( MinFilter.Nearest, MagFilter.Nearest, false, AddressMode.Repeat, AddressMode.Repeat, AddressMode.Repeat, CompareMode.None, GAL.CompareOp.Always, new ColorF(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 1f)); }