コード例 #1
        public GEItem getOfferByPlayerSlot(Player p, byte slot)
             * Gives the player their GrandExchange Items both Buying and Selling are here.
             * Returns a GEItem[] of all Item's array based on slot id, null array index = space
            long playerHash = p.getLoginDetails().getLongName();

                int itemId;
                int amount;
                int price;
                bool isSoldNull;
                bool isBoughtNull;
                int sold;
                int bought;
                int collectedItem;
                int collectedGold;
                int overpaid;
                bool aborted;
                GEItem geItem = null;

                SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(Constants.databaseName);
                SQLiteVdbe preparedStatement = new SQLiteVdbe(db, "SELECT itemId, amount, price, bought, NULL sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, aborted FROM grandExchangeBuying WHERE playerHash = ? AND slot = ? UNION SELECT itemId, amount, price, NULL bought, sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, aborted FROM grandExchangeSelling WHERE playerHash = ? AND slot = ?");
                preparedStatement.BindLong(1, playerHash);
                preparedStatement.BindInteger(2, slot);
                preparedStatement.BindLong(3, playerHash);
                preparedStatement.BindInteger(4, slot);

                while (preparedStatement.ExecuteStep() != Sqlite3.SQLITE_DONE) 
                    if(preparedStatement.GetLastError() != "") 
                         misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange SQL Error]: " + preparedStatement.GetLastError());
                        return null;

                    itemId = preparedStatement.Result_Int(0);
                    amount = preparedStatement.Result_Int(1);
                    price = preparedStatement.Result_Int(2);
                    isBoughtNull = string.IsNullOrEmpty(preparedStatement.Result_Text(3));
                    isSoldNull = string.IsNullOrEmpty(preparedStatement.Result_Text(4));
                    collectedItem =  preparedStatement.Result_Int(5);
                    collectedGold = preparedStatement.Result_Int(6);
                    overpaid = preparedStatement.Result_Int(7);
                    aborted = Convert.ToBoolean(preparedStatement.Result_Int(8));

                    if (isSoldNull && !isBoughtNull)
                        bought = Convert.ToInt32(preparedStatement.Result_Text(3));
                        geItem = new BuyOffer(itemId, amount, price, bought, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, aborted, playerHash);
                    else if (isBoughtNull && !isSoldNull)
                        sold = Convert.ToInt32(preparedStatement.Result_Text(4));
                        geItem = new SellOffer(itemId, amount, price, sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, aborted, playerHash);
                        misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange Error]: sold or bought both are NULL? how this happen?");

                return geItem;
            catch (Exception e)
                misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange Error]: " + e.Message);

            return null;
コード例 #2
        public GEItem getOfferByPlayerSlot(Player p, byte slot)
             * Gives the player their GrandExchange Items both Buying and Selling are here.
             * Returns a GEItem[] of all Item's array based on slot id, null array index = space
            long playerHash = p.getLoginDetails().getLongName();

                int    itemId;
                int    amount;
                int    price;
                bool   isSoldNull;
                bool   isBoughtNull;
                int    sold;
                int    bought;
                int    collectedItem;
                int    collectedGold;
                int    overpaid;
                bool   aborted;
                GEItem geItem = null;

                SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(Constants.databaseName);
                SQLiteVdbe     preparedStatement = new SQLiteVdbe(db, "SELECT itemId, amount, price, bought, NULL sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, aborted FROM grandExchangeBuying WHERE playerHash = ? AND slot = ? UNION SELECT itemId, amount, price, NULL bought, sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, aborted FROM grandExchangeSelling WHERE playerHash = ? AND slot = ?");
                preparedStatement.BindLong(1, playerHash);
                preparedStatement.BindInteger(2, slot);
                preparedStatement.BindLong(3, playerHash);
                preparedStatement.BindInteger(4, slot);

                while (preparedStatement.ExecuteStep() != Sqlite3.SQLITE_DONE)
                    if (preparedStatement.GetLastError() != "")
                        misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange SQL Error]: " + preparedStatement.GetLastError());

                    itemId        = preparedStatement.Result_Int(0);
                    amount        = preparedStatement.Result_Int(1);
                    price         = preparedStatement.Result_Int(2);
                    isBoughtNull  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(preparedStatement.Result_Text(3));
                    isSoldNull    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(preparedStatement.Result_Text(4));
                    collectedItem = preparedStatement.Result_Int(5);
                    collectedGold = preparedStatement.Result_Int(6);
                    overpaid      = preparedStatement.Result_Int(7);
                    aborted       = Convert.ToBoolean(preparedStatement.Result_Int(8));

                    if (isSoldNull && !isBoughtNull)
                        bought = Convert.ToInt32(preparedStatement.Result_Text(3));
                        geItem = new BuyOffer(itemId, amount, price, bought, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, aborted, playerHash);
                    else if (isBoughtNull && !isSoldNull)
                        sold   = Convert.ToInt32(preparedStatement.Result_Text(4));
                        geItem = new SellOffer(itemId, amount, price, sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, aborted, playerHash);
                        misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange Error]: sold or bought both are NULL? how this happen?");

            catch (Exception e)
                misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange Error]: " + e.Message);

コード例 #3
        protected void processSales()
            OrderedDictionary soldBoughtItems = new OrderedDictionary();

             * First of all the old system was not possible to do with SQL
             * Would of required to do a SQL Query for each itemId sold and bought by all players
             * That would of ment over 10,000 items x 2 (buyers+sellers) so 20,000 queries to process.
             * The new system I created to fix this.
             * Works like this it everytime this runs matches up 1 GE Buying/Selling auction.
             * Then loops it 100 times or until no more matches are possible.
             * TODO: Match Buyer's of larger item quantity with Sellers with larger quanity instead of Sellers with
             * any item quantity. (this requires editing the query below to a better suited query).

            BuyOffer buyer = null;
            SellOffer seller = null;
            int itemId;
            int itemAmount;
            int price;
            int sold;
            int bought;
            int collectedItem;
            int collectedGold;
            int overpaid;
            byte slot;
            long playerHash;

            SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(Constants.databaseName);
            for (int processNumSales = 0; processNumSales < 100; processNumSales++)

                //Can't do more then 1 sale at a time, LIMIT 100 wont work since it will pick duplicate sellers.
                DataTable dt = db.ExecuteQuery("SELECT S.itemId AS sell_itemId, S.amount AS sell_amount, S.price AS sell_price, S.sold AS sell_sold, S.collectedItem AS sell_collectedItem, S.collectedGold AS sell_collectedGold, S.overpaid AS sell_overpaid, S.slot AS sell_slot, S.playerHash AS sell_playerHash, B.itemId AS buy_itemId, B.amount AS buy_amount, B.price AS buy_price, B.bought AS buy_bought, B.collectedItem AS buy_collectedItem, B.collectedGold AS buy_collectedGold, B.overpaid AS buy_overpaid, B.slot AS buy_slot, B.playerHash AS buy_playerHash FROM grandExchangeBuying AS B, grandExchangeSelling AS S ON B.itemId = S.itemId AND B.aborted = 0 AND S.aborted = 0 AND B.price >= S.price AND S.sold < S.amount AND B.bought < B.amount ORDER BY B.price DESC LIMIT 1");

                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    itemId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_itemId"]);
                    itemAmount = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_amount"]);
                    price = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_price"]);
                    sold = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_sold"]);
                    collectedItem = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_collectedItem"]);
                    collectedGold = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_collectedGold"]);
                    overpaid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_overpaid"]);
                    slot = Convert.ToByte(dt.Rows[0]["sell_slot"]);
                    playerHash = (long)dt.Rows[0]["sell_playerHash"];

                    seller = new SellOffer(itemId, itemAmount, price, sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, playerHash);

                    itemId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_itemId"]);
                    itemAmount = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_amount"]);
                    price = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_price"]);
                    bought = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_bought"]);
                    collectedItem = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_collectedItem"]);
                    collectedGold = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_collectedGold"]);
                    overpaid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_overpaid"]);
                    slot = Convert.ToByte(dt.Rows[0]["buy_slot"]);
                    playerHash = (long)dt.Rows[0]["buy_playerHash"];

                    buyer = new BuyOffer(itemId, itemAmount, price, bought, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, playerHash);

                if (seller == null || buyer == null) continue;

                int amountToBuy = buyer.getTotalAmount() - buyer.getAmountTraded();
                int amountToSell = seller.getTotalAmount() - seller.getAmountTraded();

                // This check will never happen. SQL Query will not allow it.. Just old code I left in.
                if (amountToBuy <= 0 || amountToSell <= 0)

                int amount = (amountToBuy > amountToSell) ? amountToSell : amountToBuy;
                // Buys from Seller a random amount of a item.
                amount = misc.random(1, amount);

                // Buyer will pay minimum what the seller wants.
                int amountBuyerOverpaid = (buyer.getPriceEach() - seller.getPriceEach()) * amount; // buyer is paying more than the seller wants, therefore MAY recieve this amount as a refund.
                bool buyerKeepsRefund = misc.random(1) == 0; // if 0, the buyer gets a refund, if its 1...the seller gets more.
                buyer.setAmountTraded(buyer.getAmountTraded() + amount);
                seller.setAmountTraded(seller.getAmountTraded() + amount);

                    * How much refunded gold Buyer gets in addition to his previous refunded gold.
                    * or
                    * How much of the Buyer's overpaid gold that they couldn't keep goes as extra profit to the Seller.
                if (buyerKeepsRefund && amountBuyerOverpaid > 0)
                    buyer.setAmountOverpaid(buyer.getAmountOverpaid() + amountBuyerOverpaid);
                else if (!buyerKeepsRefund && amountBuyerOverpaid > 0)
                    seller.setAmountOverpaid(seller.getAmountOverpaid() + amountBuyerOverpaid);

                // Shows amount of Item Buyer bought in Slot 1 minus how much he already took out.
                if (buyer.getAmountItemsLeftToCollect() > 0)
                    buyer.setSlot1(new Item(buyer.getItem(), buyer.getAmountItemsLeftToCollect()));

                //Shows amount of Gold Buyer has in Slot 2 from previous refunded money plus how much he maybe will be refunded this sale.
                if ((buyer.getAmountCollectedGold() < buyer.getAmountOverpaid()) && (buyer.getAmountOverpaid() - buyer.getAmountCollectedGold()) > 0)
                    buyer.setSlot2(new Item(995, (buyer.getAmountOverpaid() - buyer.getAmountCollectedGold())));

                //Shows amount of Gold Seller in Slot 2 has minus how much he already took out.
                if (seller.getAmountGoldLeftToCollect() > 0)
                    seller.setSlot2(new Item(995, seller.getAmountGoldLeftToCollect()));

                Player buyerP = Server.getPlayerForName(buyer.getPlayerName());
                Player sellerP = Server.getPlayerForName(seller.getPlayerName());

                //Update both Buyer and Seller's Slots in the database 
                    db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE grandExchangeBuying SET bought = " + buyer.getAmountTraded() + ", overpaid = " + buyer.getAmountOverpaid() + " WHERE slot = " + buyer.getSlot() + " AND playerHash = " + buyer.getPlayerHash());
                    db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE grandExchangeSelling SET sold = " + seller.getAmountTraded() + ", overpaid = " + seller.getAmountOverpaid() + " WHERE slot = " + seller.getSlot() + " AND playerHash = " + seller.getPlayerHash());
                catch (Exception e)
                    //Instantly skip this sale if any database errors occurred.
                    //If one of those queries works and other fails then you will have a dupe -_-.
                    //TODO: A fix would be to keep retrying both queries until both successful.
                    misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange SQL Error]: " + e.Message);

                    * TODO: Fix When player is offline and logs in after item is bought. He won't see messages below..
                    * Add something to Packets.cs (sendLogin() method) to process this.
                    * Maybe a (boolean in playerSaves for GE update?)
                if (buyerP != null)
                    buyerP.getPackets().sendMessage("One or more of your Grand Exchange offers has been updated.");
                    if (buyerP.getGESession() != null)
                        Item[] items = { buyer.getSlot1(), buyer.getSlot2() };
                        buyerP.getPackets().sendItems(-1, -1757, 523 + buyer.getSlot(), items);

                    * TODO: Fix When player is offline and logs in after item is bought. He won't see messages below..
                    * Add something to Packets.cs (sendLogin() method) to process this.
                    * Maybe a (boolean in playerSaves for GE update?)
                if (sellerP != null)
                    sellerP.getPackets().sendMessage("One or more of your Grand Exchange offers has been updated.");
                    if (sellerP.getGESession() != null)
                        Item[] items = { seller.getSlot1(), seller.getSlot2() };
                        sellerP.getPackets().sendItems(-1, -1757, 523 + seller.getSlot(), items);
コード例 #4
        protected void processSales()
            OrderedDictionary soldBoughtItems = new OrderedDictionary();

             * First of all the old system was not possible to do with SQL
             * Would of required to do a SQL Query for each itemId sold and bought by all players
             * That would of ment over 10,000 items x 2 (buyers+sellers) so 20,000 queries to process.
             * The new system I created to fix this.
             * Works like this it everytime this runs matches up 1 GE Buying/Selling auction.
             * Then loops it 100 times or until no more matches are possible.
             * TODO: Match Buyer's of larger item quantity with Sellers with larger quanity instead of Sellers with
             * any item quantity. (this requires editing the query below to a better suited query).

            BuyOffer  buyer  = null;
            SellOffer seller = null;
            int       itemId;
            int       itemAmount;
            int       price;
            int       sold;
            int       bought;
            int       collectedItem;
            int       collectedGold;
            int       overpaid;
            byte      slot;
            long      playerHash;

            SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(Constants.databaseName);

            for (int processNumSales = 0; processNumSales < 100; processNumSales++)

                //Can't do more then 1 sale at a time, LIMIT 100 wont work since it will pick duplicate sellers.
                DataTable dt = db.ExecuteQuery("SELECT S.itemId AS sell_itemId, S.amount AS sell_amount, S.price AS sell_price, S.sold AS sell_sold, S.collectedItem AS sell_collectedItem, S.collectedGold AS sell_collectedGold, S.overpaid AS sell_overpaid, S.slot AS sell_slot, S.playerHash AS sell_playerHash, B.itemId AS buy_itemId, B.amount AS buy_amount, B.price AS buy_price, B.bought AS buy_bought, B.collectedItem AS buy_collectedItem, B.collectedGold AS buy_collectedGold, B.overpaid AS buy_overpaid, B.slot AS buy_slot, B.playerHash AS buy_playerHash FROM grandExchangeBuying AS B, grandExchangeSelling AS S ON B.itemId = S.itemId AND B.aborted = 0 AND S.aborted = 0 AND B.price >= S.price AND S.sold < S.amount AND B.bought < B.amount ORDER BY B.price DESC LIMIT 1");

                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    itemId        = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_itemId"]);
                    itemAmount    = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_amount"]);
                    price         = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_price"]);
                    sold          = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_sold"]);
                    collectedItem = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_collectedItem"]);
                    collectedGold = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_collectedGold"]);
                    overpaid      = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["sell_overpaid"]);
                    slot          = Convert.ToByte(dt.Rows[0]["sell_slot"]);
                    playerHash    = (long)dt.Rows[0]["sell_playerHash"];

                    seller = new SellOffer(itemId, itemAmount, price, sold, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, playerHash);

                    itemId        = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_itemId"]);
                    itemAmount    = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_amount"]);
                    price         = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_price"]);
                    bought        = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_bought"]);
                    collectedItem = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_collectedItem"]);
                    collectedGold = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_collectedGold"]);
                    overpaid      = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["buy_overpaid"]);
                    slot          = Convert.ToByte(dt.Rows[0]["buy_slot"]);
                    playerHash    = (long)dt.Rows[0]["buy_playerHash"];

                    buyer = new BuyOffer(itemId, itemAmount, price, bought, collectedItem, collectedGold, overpaid, slot, playerHash);

                if (seller == null || buyer == null)

                int amountToBuy  = buyer.getTotalAmount() - buyer.getAmountTraded();
                int amountToSell = seller.getTotalAmount() - seller.getAmountTraded();

                // This check will never happen. SQL Query will not allow it.. Just old code I left in.
                if (amountToBuy <= 0 || amountToSell <= 0)

                int amount = (amountToBuy > amountToSell) ? amountToSell : amountToBuy;
                // Buys from Seller a random amount of a item.
                amount = misc.random(1, amount);

                // Buyer will pay minimum what the seller wants.
                int  amountBuyerOverpaid = (buyer.getPriceEach() - seller.getPriceEach()) * amount; // buyer is paying more than the seller wants, therefore MAY recieve this amount as a refund.
                bool buyerKeepsRefund    = misc.random(1) == 0;                                     // if 0, the buyer gets a refund, if its 1...the seller gets more.
                buyer.setAmountTraded(buyer.getAmountTraded() + amount);
                seller.setAmountTraded(seller.getAmountTraded() + amount);

                 * How much refunded gold Buyer gets in addition to his previous refunded gold.
                 * or
                 * How much of the Buyer's overpaid gold that they couldn't keep goes as extra profit to the Seller.
                if (buyerKeepsRefund && amountBuyerOverpaid > 0)
                    buyer.setAmountOverpaid(buyer.getAmountOverpaid() + amountBuyerOverpaid);
                else if (!buyerKeepsRefund && amountBuyerOverpaid > 0)
                    seller.setAmountOverpaid(seller.getAmountOverpaid() + amountBuyerOverpaid);

                // Shows amount of Item Buyer bought in Slot 1 minus how much he already took out.
                if (buyer.getAmountItemsLeftToCollect() > 0)
                    buyer.setSlot1(new Item(buyer.getItem(), buyer.getAmountItemsLeftToCollect()));

                //Shows amount of Gold Buyer has in Slot 2 from previous refunded money plus how much he maybe will be refunded this sale.
                if ((buyer.getAmountCollectedGold() < buyer.getAmountOverpaid()) && (buyer.getAmountOverpaid() - buyer.getAmountCollectedGold()) > 0)
                    buyer.setSlot2(new Item(995, (buyer.getAmountOverpaid() - buyer.getAmountCollectedGold())));

                //Shows amount of Gold Seller in Slot 2 has minus how much he already took out.
                if (seller.getAmountGoldLeftToCollect() > 0)
                    seller.setSlot2(new Item(995, seller.getAmountGoldLeftToCollect()));

                Player buyerP  = Server.getPlayerForName(buyer.getPlayerName());
                Player sellerP = Server.getPlayerForName(seller.getPlayerName());

                //Update both Buyer and Seller's Slots in the database
                    db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE grandExchangeBuying SET bought = " + buyer.getAmountTraded() + ", overpaid = " + buyer.getAmountOverpaid() + " WHERE slot = " + buyer.getSlot() + " AND playerHash = " + buyer.getPlayerHash());
                    db.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE grandExchangeSelling SET sold = " + seller.getAmountTraded() + ", overpaid = " + seller.getAmountOverpaid() + " WHERE slot = " + seller.getSlot() + " AND playerHash = " + seller.getPlayerHash());
                catch (Exception e)
                    //Instantly skip this sale if any database errors occurred.
                    //If one of those queries works and other fails then you will have a dupe -_-.
                    //TODO: A fix would be to keep retrying both queries until both successful.
                    misc.WriteError("[GrandExchange SQL Error]: " + e.Message);

                 * TODO: Fix When player is offline and logs in after item is bought. He won't see messages below..
                 * Add something to Packets.cs (sendLogin() method) to process this.
                 * Maybe a (boolean in playerSaves for GE update?)
                if (buyerP != null)
                    buyerP.getPackets().sendMessage("One or more of your Grand Exchange offers has been updated.");
                    if (buyerP.getGESession() != null)
                        Item[] items = { buyer.getSlot1(), buyer.getSlot2() };
                        buyerP.getPackets().sendItems(-1, -1757, 523 + buyer.getSlot(), items);

                 * TODO: Fix When player is offline and logs in after item is bought. He won't see messages below..
                 * Add something to Packets.cs (sendLogin() method) to process this.
                 * Maybe a (boolean in playerSaves for GE update?)
                if (sellerP != null)
                    sellerP.getPackets().sendMessage("One or more of your Grand Exchange offers has been updated.");
                    if (sellerP.getGESession() != null)
                        Item[] items = { seller.getSlot1(), seller.getSlot2() };
                        sellerP.getPackets().sendItems(-1, -1757, 523 + seller.getSlot(), items);