static private void ValidateCondition(RSConditionData inCondition, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { ioState.PushContext("Query"); ValidateResolvableValue(inCondition.Query, null, RSValidationFlags.None.ForConditionQuery(), ioState, inContext); ioState.PopContext(); RSTypeInfo expectedType = inCondition.Query.TypeInfo(inContext.Trigger, inContext.Library); if (inCondition.Query.Mode != ResolvableValueMode.Value && expectedType != null) { ioState.PushContext("Operator"); CompareOperator op = inCondition.Operator; if (!expectedType.IsOperatorAllowed(op)) { ioState.Error("Operator {0} is not allowed for type {1}", op, expectedType); } ioState.PopContext(); if (op.IsBinary()) { ioState.PushContext("Target"); ValidateResolvableValue(inCondition.Target, expectedType, RSValidationFlags.None.ForConditionTarget(), ioState, inContext); ioState.PopContext(); } } }
static internal void ValidateTable(RSRuleTableData inTable, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { if (inContext.Library == null) { ioState.Error("No library provided"); return; } else if (!inContext.Library.IsLoaded()) { ioState.Error("Library not fully loaded"); return; } if (inTable == null || inTable.Rules == null || inTable.Rules.Length == 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < inTable.Rules.Length; ++i) { ioState.PushContext("Rule {0}: {1}", i, inTable.Rules[i]?.Name); ValidateRule(inTable.Rules[i], ioState, inContext); ioState.PopContext(); } }
static private void ValidateRule(RSRuleData inRule, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { if (inRule == null) { ioState.Error("Null rule"); return; } ioState.PushContext("Trigger"); RSTriggerInfo triggerInfo = ValidateTriggerId(inRule.TriggerId, RSValidationFlags.None, ioState, inContext); inContext = inContext.WithTrigger(triggerInfo); ioState.PopContext(); if (inRule.Conditions != null && inRule.Conditions.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < inRule.Conditions.Length; ++i) { ioState.PushContext("Condition {0}", i); ValidateCondition(inRule.Conditions[i], ioState, inContext); ioState.PopContext(); } } if (inRule.Actions != null && inRule.Actions.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < inRule.Actions.Length; ++i) { ioState.PushContext("Action {0}", i); ValidateAction(inRule.Actions[i], ioState, inContext); ioState.PopContext(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to validate the given table. /// </summary> static public RSValidationState Validate(RSRuleTableData inRuleTable, RSValidationContext inContext) { RSValidationState state = new RSValidationState(inRuleTable?.Name ?? "Rule Table"); ValidationLogic.ValidateTable(inRuleTable, state, inContext); state.Finish(); return(state); }
static private void ValidateAction(RSActionData inAction, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { ioState.PushContext("Action Id"); RSActionInfo actionInfo = ValidateActionId(inAction.Action, RSValidationFlags.None, ioState, inContext); ioState.PopContext(); ioState.PushContext("Arguments"); if (actionInfo != null) { int argCount = actionInfo.Parameters.Length; if (argCount <= 0) { if (inAction.Arguments != null && inAction.Arguments.Length > 0) { ioState.Error("Arguments provided for action {0} but none required", actionInfo.Name); } } else { if (inAction.Arguments == null) { ioState.Error("No arguments provided for action {0} but {1} required", actionInfo.Name, argCount); } else if (inAction.Arguments.Length != argCount) { ioState.Error("Argument count mismatch for action {0} - {1} required but {2} provided", actionInfo.Name, argCount, inAction.Arguments.Length); } else { for (int i = 0; i < argCount; ++i) { ValidateParameter(actionInfo.Parameters[i], inAction.Arguments[i], ioState, inContext); } } } } ioState.PopContext(); }
static private RSActionInfo ValidateActionId(EntityScopedIdentifier inIdentifier, RSValidationFlags inFlags, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { ValidateEntityScope(inIdentifier.Scope, inFlags.ForMethodScope(), ioState, inContext); if (inIdentifier.Id == 0) { ioState.Error("Null action not allowed"); return(null); } else { RSActionInfo actionInfo = inContext.Library.GetAction(inIdentifier.Id); if (actionInfo == null) { ioState.Error("Action {0} does not exist", inIdentifier.Id); } else { switch (inIdentifier.Scope.Type) { case EntityScopeType.Global: { if (actionInfo.OwnerType != null) { ioState.Error("Action {0} is bound to type {1} but was specified as a global action", actionInfo.Name, actionInfo.OwnerType.Name); } break; } case EntityScopeType.Null: case EntityScopeType.Invalid: break; default: { if (actionInfo.OwnerType == null) { ioState.Error("Action {0} is bound to global scope but was specified as a local action", actionInfo.Name); } break; } } } return(actionInfo); } }
static private RSQueryInfo ValidateQueryId(EntityScopedIdentifier inIdentifier, RSTypeInfo inExpectedType, RSValidationFlags inFlags, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { bool bNoParams = inFlags.Has(RSValidationFlags.DisallowParameters); ValidateEntityScope(inIdentifier.Scope, inFlags.ForMethodScope(), ioState, inContext); if (inIdentifier.Id == 0) { ioState.Error("Null query not allowed"); return(null); } else { RSQueryInfo queryInfo = inContext.Library.GetQuery(inIdentifier.Id); if (queryInfo == null) { ioState.Error("Query {0} does not exist", inIdentifier.Id); } else { if (inExpectedType != null && !queryInfo.ReturnType.CanConvert(inExpectedType)) { ioState.Error("Query {0} returns incompatible type {1}, which cannot convert to desired type {2}", queryInfo.Name, queryInfo.ReturnType, inExpectedType); } if (bNoParams && queryInfo.Parameters != null && queryInfo.Parameters.Length > 0) { ioState.Error("Query {0} has parameters, which is not allowed in this context", queryInfo.Name); } switch (inIdentifier.Scope.Type) { case EntityScopeType.Global: { if (queryInfo.OwnerType != null) { ioState.Error("Query {0} is bound to type {1} but was specified as a global query", queryInfo.Name, queryInfo.OwnerType.Name); } break; } case EntityScopeType.Null: case EntityScopeType.Invalid: break; default: { if (queryInfo.OwnerType == null) { ioState.Error("Query {0} is bound to global scope but was specified as a local query", queryInfo.Name); } break; } } } return(queryInfo); } }
static private void ValidateTriggerArgument(RSTypeInfo inExpectedType, RSValidationFlags inFlags, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { if (inContext.Trigger == null) { ioState.Error("Cannot use trigger parameter - no trigger"); } else if (inContext.Trigger.ParameterType == null) { ioState.Error("Cannot use trigger parameter - trigger {0} has no parameter", inContext.Trigger.Name); } else if (inExpectedType != null && !inContext.Trigger.ParameterType.Type.CanConvert(inExpectedType)) { ioState.Error("Cannot use trigger parameter - trigger {0} has incompatible parameter type {1}, which cannot convert to {2}", inContext.Trigger.Name, inContext.Trigger.ParameterType.Type, inExpectedType); } }
static private void ValidateEntityId(RSEntityId inEntityId, RSValidationFlags inFlags, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { if (inEntityId == RSEntityId.Null && !inFlags.Has(RSValidationFlags.AllowNullEntity)) { ioState.Error("Null entity not allowed in this context"); } else if (inEntityId != RSEntityId.Null) { if (inContext.Manager != null) { var entity = inContext.Manager.Lookup.EntityWithId(inEntityId); if (entity == null) { ioState.Error("No entity with id {0} found in entity manager", inEntityId); } } else { ioState.Warn("No entity manager found - unable to verify that entity with id {0} exists", inEntityId); } } }
static private RSTriggerInfo ValidateTriggerId(RSTriggerId inTriggerId, RSValidationFlags inFlags, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { RSTypeInfo restrictTriggerType = inContext.Parameter?.TriggerParameterType; if (inTriggerId == RSTriggerId.Null) { if (restrictTriggerType != null) { ioState.Error("Null trigger id provided - require trigger with parameter type {0}", restrictTriggerType); } else { ioState.Warn("Null trigger provided"); } return(null); } else { RSTriggerInfo triggerInfo = inContext.Library.GetTrigger(inTriggerId); if (triggerInfo == null) { ioState.Error("Trigger {0} does not exist", inTriggerId); } else { if (restrictTriggerType != null) { if (restrictTriggerType == RSBuiltInTypes.Void) { if (triggerInfo.ParameterType != null) { ioState.Error("Trigger with no parameter required, but trigger {0} with parameter {1} provided", triggerInfo.Name, triggerInfo.ParameterType.Type); } } else { if (triggerInfo.ParameterType == null) { ioState.Error("Trigger with parameter {0} required, but trigger {1} with no parameter provided", restrictTriggerType, triggerInfo.Name); } else if (!restrictTriggerType.CanConvert(triggerInfo.ParameterType.Type)) { ioState.Error("Trigger with parameter {0} required, but trigger {1} with incompatible parameter {2} provided", restrictTriggerType, triggerInfo.Name, triggerInfo.ParameterType.Type); } } } } return(triggerInfo); } }
static private RSGroupInfo ValidateGroupId(RSGroupId inGroupId, RSValidationFlags inFlags, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { if (inGroupId != RSGroupId.Null) { RSGroupInfo groupInfo = inContext.Library.GetGroup(inGroupId); if (groupInfo == null) { ioState.Error("Group {0} does not exist", inGroupId); } return(groupInfo); } else { return(null); } }
static private void ValidateValue(RSValue inValue, RSTypeInfo inExpectedType, RSValidationFlags inFlags, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { Type systemType = inExpectedType.SystemType; if (systemType.IsEnum) { try { Enum currentValue = inValue.AsEnum(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); ioState.Error("Enum {0} cannot be represented as type {1}", inValue, inExpectedType); } return; } if (inExpectedType == RSBuiltInTypes.Entity) { EntityScopeData scope = inValue.AsEntity; ValidateEntityScope(scope, inFlags.ForEntityValue(), ioState, inContext); } else if (inExpectedType == RSBuiltInTypes.GroupId) { RSGroupId group = inValue.AsGroupId; ValidateGroupId(group, inFlags, ioState, inContext); } else if (inExpectedType == RSBuiltInTypes.TriggerId) { RSTriggerId triggerId = inValue.AsTriggerId; ValidateTriggerId(triggerId, inFlags, ioState, inContext); } }
static private void ValidateEntityScope(EntityScopeData inScope, RSValidationFlags inFlags, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { bool bForceFirst = inFlags.Has(RSValidationFlags.RequireSingleEntity); switch (inScope.Type) { case EntityScopeType.ObjectById: { RSEntityId entityId = inScope.IdArg; ValidateEntityId(entityId, inFlags, ioState, inContext); break; } case EntityScopeType.ObjectsWithGroup: { if (bForceFirst && !inScope.UseFirst) { ioState.Error("Potentially multiple return values in context where only one value is accepted"); } ValidateGroupId(inScope.GroupArg, inFlags, ioState, inContext); break; } case EntityScopeType.ObjectsWithName: case EntityScopeType.ObjectsWithPrefab: { if (bForceFirst && !inScope.UseFirst) { ioState.Error("Potentially multiple return values in context where only one value is accepted"); } string name = inScope.SearchArg; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { ioState.Warn("Empty search string"); } break; } case EntityScopeType.Null: { if (!inFlags.Has(RSValidationFlags.AllowNullEntity)) { ioState.Error("Null entity not allowed in this context"); } break; } case EntityScopeType.Invalid: { ioState.Error("Missing entity"); break; } case EntityScopeType.Global: { if (!inFlags.Has(RSValidationFlags.AllowGlobalEntity)) { ioState.Error("Global entity not allowed in this context"); } break; } case EntityScopeType.Argument: { ValidateTriggerArgument(RSBuiltInTypes.Entity, inFlags, ioState, inContext); break; } } }
static private void ValidateNestedValue(NestedValue inValue, RSTypeInfo inExpectedType, RSValidationFlags inFlags, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { bool bDisallowDirectValue = (inExpectedType == null || inExpectedType == RSBuiltInTypes.Any || inFlags.Has(RSValidationFlags.DisallowDirectValue)); switch (inValue.Mode) { case ResolvableValueMode.Argument: { ValidateTriggerArgument(inExpectedType, inFlags, ioState, inContext); break; } case ResolvableValueMode.Register: { if (inFlags.Has(RSValidationFlags.DisallowRegisters)) { ioState.Error("Cannot use a register in this context"); } break; } case ResolvableValueMode.Value: { if (bDisallowDirectValue) { ioState.Error("Cannot specify a direct value in this context"); } else { ValidateValue(inValue.Value, inExpectedType, inFlags, ioState, inContext); } break; } case ResolvableValueMode.Query: { ValidateQueryId(inValue.Query, inExpectedType, inFlags.ForMethod(false), ioState, inContext); break; } } }
static private void ValidateResolvableValue(RSResolvableValueData inValue, RSTypeInfo inExpectedType, RSValidationFlags inFlags, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { bool bDisallowDirectValue = (inExpectedType == null || inExpectedType == RSBuiltInTypes.Any || inFlags.Has(RSValidationFlags.DisallowDirectValue)); switch (inValue.Mode) { case ResolvableValueMode.Argument: { ValidateTriggerArgument(inExpectedType, inFlags, ioState, inContext); break; } case ResolvableValueMode.Value: { if (bDisallowDirectValue) { ioState.Error("Cannot specify a direct value in this context"); } else { ValidateValue(inValue.Value, inExpectedType, inFlags, ioState, inContext); } break; } case ResolvableValueMode.Register: { if (inFlags.Has(RSValidationFlags.DisallowRegisters)) { ioState.Error("Cannot use a register in this context"); } break; } case ResolvableValueMode.Query: { ioState.PushContext("Query Id"); RSQueryInfo queryInfo = ValidateQueryId(inValue.Query, inExpectedType, inFlags.ForMethod(true), ioState, inContext); ioState.PopContext(); ioState.PushContext("Arguments"); if (queryInfo != null) { int argCount = queryInfo.Parameters.Length; if (argCount <= 0) { if (inValue.QueryArguments != null && inValue.QueryArguments.Length > 0) { ioState.Error("Arguments provided for action {0} but none required", queryInfo.Name); } } else { if (inValue.QueryArguments == null) { ioState.Error("No arguments provided for action {0} but {1} required", queryInfo.Name, argCount); } else if (inValue.QueryArguments.Length != argCount) { ioState.Error("Argument count mismatch for action {0} - {1} required but {2} provided", queryInfo.Name, argCount, inValue.QueryArguments.Length); } else { for (int i = 0; i < argCount; ++i) { ValidateNestedParameter(queryInfo.Parameters[i], inValue.QueryArguments[i], ioState, inContext); } } } } ioState.PopContext(); break; } } }
static private void ValidateNestedParameter(RSParameterInfo inParameterInfo, NestedValue inValue, RSValidationState ioState, RSValidationContext inContext) { ioState.PushContext("Parameter: {0}", inParameterInfo.Name); ValidateNestedValue(inValue, inParameterInfo.Type, RSValidationFlags.None.ForParameter(inParameterInfo), ioState, inContext.WithParameter(inParameterInfo)); ioState.PopContext(); }