async void Win() { animateWin(); foreach (PictureBox pic in panelBoxes.Controls.OfType <PictureBox>()) { pic.Visible = false; } List <Panel> panels = new List <Panel>() { panelTop, panelPicture, PanelContent }; foreach (Control control in panels) { control.Visible = false; } timerActive = false; for (Opacity = 0.1; Opacity < 1; Opacity += 0.1) { await Task.Delay(40); Animations(); await Task.Delay(40); } for (Opacity = 0.2; Opacity < 1; Opacity += 0.1) { await Task.Delay(60); Animations(); await Task.Delay(60); } for (Opacity = 0.3; Opacity < 1; Opacity += 0.1) { await Task.Delay(80); Animations(); await Task.Delay(80); } for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++, await Task.Delay(120)) { label4.Visible = label4.Visible == false ? true : false; await Task.Delay(120); label5.Visible = label5.Visible == false ? true : false; await Task.Delay(120); label6.Visible = label6.Visible == false ? true : false; } animateWin(); label4.Visible = true; label5.Visible = true; label6.Visible = true; MaterialMessageBox.Res("Congratulations you won", "Congratulations!!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { client.DownloadFileAsync( new Uri(""), folder + "\\diplom.png"); //File.Move(folder+"\\diplom.png", Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop+"\\diplom.png"); } DialogResult result = MaterialMessageBox.Res("Do you want to play again?", "Again?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { Again(); foreach (PictureBox pic in panelBoxes.Controls.OfType <PictureBox>()) { pic.Visible = true; } foreach (Control control in panels) { control.Visible = true; } } else { Close(); } /* int cc = 0; * string path = folder + "\\" + "records.txt"; * var list = new List<char>(); * var liststr = new List<string>(); * using (StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(path, true, Encoding.UTF8)) * { * stream.Write("\n" + "----------------------" + "\n" + $"Игрок {cc}" + "\n" + + "Ходы:" + lblMoves.Text + "\n" + + "Минуты:" + lblMinute.Text + "\n" + + "Секунды:" + lblSecond.Text + "\n" + + "Миллисекунды:" + lblMili.Text + "\n" + "----------------------" + "\n"); + } + liststr.Add(File.ReadAllText(path)); + cc= liststr.Where(x => x.Contains("1")).Count(); + list.AddRange(File.ReadAllText(path)); + File.ReadAllLines(path); + cc = list.Count; + MessageBox.Show(cc.ToString() + path + "\n" + File.ReadAllText(path));*/ // file.AddRange(reader.ReadToEnd().Where(x =>x.ToString().StartsWith("Игрок"))); // int s = list.Contains("Игрок").ToString().Count(); // MessageBox.Show(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, reader.ReadToEnd().Where(x => x.ToString().StartsWith("Игрок")))); }
public async void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.LoadAnimation(); lblMain.Visible = false; await Task.Delay(1100); lblMain.AnimateText(); lblMain.Visible = true; foreach (PictureBox pictureBox in panelBoxes.Controls.OfType <PictureBox>()) { pictureBox.DragEnter += (s, a) => { if (started) { for (points = 10; points > 2; points--) { penGreen.DashPattern = new float[] { 2, points }; penRed.DashPattern = new float[] { 2, points }; var lastimage = picdragleaveenter.Last(); lastimage.CreateGraphics().DrawRectangle(penRed, 1, 1, lastimage.Width - 2, lastimage.Height - 2); pictureBox.CreateGraphics().DrawRectangle(penGreen, 1, 1, pictureBox.Width - 2, pictureBox.Height - 2); } dragreturn.Add(pictureBox.Image); a.Effect = a.AllowedEffect; } else { MBox(); } }; pictureBox.DragLeave += (s, a) => { if (started) { pictureBox.Image = dragreturn.Last(); dragreturn.Clear(); } }; pictureBox.MouseDown += (s, a) => { if (started) { imageget.Add(pictureBox.Image); picdraglist.Add(pictureBox); picdragleaveenter.Add(pictureBox); moveBackBox1.Add(pictureBox); pictureBox.DoDragDrop(imageget.Last(), DragDropEffects.Move); } else { MBox(); } }; pictureBox.DragDrop += async(s, a) => { if (started) { imageswap.Add(pictureBox.Image); moveBackImg2.Add(pictureBox.Image); picdragdrop.Add(pictureBox); picdraglist.Last().Image = imageswap.Last(); foreach (PictureBox boxS in picdragdrop) { if (s == boxS) { boxS.Image = imageget.Last(); if (boxS.Image != imageswap.Last()) { movesPlus(); checkMoveBack(); checkMoveForward(); moveBackBox2.Add(boxS); moveBackImg1.Add(boxS.Image); List <PictureBox> list = new List <PictureBox>(); for (int i = 0; i <= 35; i++) { list.AddRange(listBoxright.Where(x => listBoxright[i].Image == listright[i] && x.Image == boxS.Image && x == boxS)); } ProgBar.Value = list.Count; if (list.Count == 36) { await Task.Delay(100); Win(); } list.Clear(); } } else { pictureBox.Image = dragreturn.Last(); dragreturn.Clear(); } } imageget.Clear(); imageswap.Clear(); picdragdrop.Clear(); } }; } checkMoveBack(); btnLeft.Click += (s, a) => { moveBackBox1.Last().Image = moveBackImg1.Last(); moveBackBox2.Last().Image = moveBackImg2.Last(); moveForwardBox1.Add(moveBackBox1.Last()); moveForwardBox2.Add(moveBackBox2.Last()); moveForwardImg1.Add(moveBackImg1.Last()); moveForwardImg2.Add(moveBackImg2.Last()); moveBackImg1.Remove(moveBackImg1.Last()); moveBackImg2.Remove(moveBackImg2.Last()); moveBackBox1.Remove(moveBackBox1.Last()); moveBackBox2.Remove(moveBackBox2.Last()); movesMinus(); backMove++; checkMoveForward(); checkMoveBack(); }; btnRight.Click += (s, a) => { if (backMove > 0) { moveForwardBox1.Last().Image = moveForwardImg1.Last(); moveForwardBox2.Last().Image = moveForwardImg2.Last(); moveForwardImg1.Remove(moveForwardImg1.Last()); moveForwardImg2.Remove(moveForwardImg2.Last()); moveForwardBox1.Remove(moveForwardBox1.Last()); moveForwardBox2.Remove(moveForwardBox2.Last()); movesPlus(); } backMove--; checkMoveForward(); }; btnStart.Click += (s, a) => { timerActive = true; btnPause.Enabled = true; btnAgain.Enabled = true; started = true; btnStart.Enabled = false; }; btnPause.Click += (s, a) => { timerActive = timerActive == false ? true : false; if (btnPause.Text == "Pause") { started = false; btnPause.Size = new Size(140, 43); btnPause.Location = new Point(885, 14); btnPause.Text = "Unpause"; } else { started = true; btnPause.Size = new Size(122, 43); btnPause.Location = new Point(902, 14); btnPause.Text = "Pause"; } }; btnAgain.Click += (s, a) => { timerActive = false; Opacity = 0.85; DialogResult dialogResult = MaterialMessageBox.Res("Are you really want to try again?", "Again", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { Again(); } else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No && !btnStart.Enabled && btnPause.Text == "Pause") { timerActive = true; } Opacity = 1; }; btnExit.Click += (s, a) => { Opacity = 0.85; timerActive = false; DialogResult dialogResult = MaterialMessageBox.Res("Are you really want to exit?", "Exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Close(); } else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No && !btnStart.Enabled && btnPause.Text == "Pause") { timerActive = true; Opacity = 1; } else { Opacity = 1; } }; timer1.Tick += (s, a) => { if (timerActive) { timeCS += 1.5; if (timeCS >= 100) { timeSec++; timeCS = 0; if (timeSec >= 60) { timeMin++; timeSec = 0; } } lblMinute.Text = String.Format("{0:00}", timeMin); lblSecond.Text = String.Format("{0:00}", timeSec); lblMili.Text = String.Format("{0:00}", timeCS); } }; }
void MBox() { MaterialMessageBox.Res("Please start or unpause the game", "Start", MessageBoxButtons.OK); }